851: Ryan Montgomery | The Hacker Who Hunts Child Predators Part One

851: Ryan Montgomery | The Hacker Who Hunts Child Predators Part One

By Jordan Harbinger

Ryan Montgomery (@0dayCTF) is a professional cyber security specialist, the founder of Pentester (JORDAN15), and an ethical hacker known for exposing online predators. [This is part one of a two-part episode. Watch this space for the second part later this week!]

What We Discuss with Ryan Montgomery: What kind of background creates an ethical hacker? For that matter, what is an ethical hacker? What is the difference between white hat, gray hat, and black hat hackers? Do ethical hackers make more money than hackers who are less than ethical? What is a Flipper tool, and what can it be used to hack? And much more...

Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/851

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