963: Charles Duhigg | Unlocking the Secret Language of Connection

963: Charles Duhigg | Unlocking the Secret Language of Connection

By Jordan Harbinger

How can we build rapport and optimize our connection with others? Supercommunicators author Charles Duhigg brings us the practical steps here!

What We Discuss with Charles Duhigg: The three categories of conversation: practical, emotional, and social. The biological underpinnings of communication — such as neural entrainment — that make humans unique. How to become a better active listener through looping — ask a question, repeat back what you just heard the person say in your own words, and ask if you got it right. The difference between matching and mimicry in communication — and which one will serve you better. Understanding and overcoming stereotype threat. And much more...

Full show notes and resources can be found here: jordanharbinger.com/963

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