Darkness Radio

Darkness Radio

By Darkness Radio

The Best in Paranormal Talk Radio Tim Dennis & hosts take listeners on an entertaining journey into all aspects of the supernatural, from ghosts and aliens, to monsters, mysteries, myths & legends with guest experts, experiencers and eye witnesses. With over 16 years experience they continue to be your guides to the encounters that seem to lie just outside the limits of normal life and just past the boundaries of the darkness on the edge of every town.


S20 Ep21: Chained Birds: Justice, Survival, & The Fight For Redemption Behind Bars w/Carla Conti!

True Crime Tuesday presents: Chained Birds: Justice, Survival, & The Fight For Redemption Behind Bars w/ Author, Carla Conti! After three years in Europe, former journalist Carla Conti* wanted to settle her family in the suburbs of Philadelphia. But her high school friend Scott Powell, a lawyer handling a brutal prison stabbing case, needed a favor. Before she knew it, Carla became part of the defense team and was mired in the terrifying world of federal prison gangs, penal abuse, and corruption. Then, when she agreed to write a tell-all book on the violent machinations behind the court case — with Scott’s client as an inside source — the stakes turned deadly. Two different prison gangs issued “hit orders” against the prisoner she and Scott consider a friend, and the former journalist and defense attorney were imperiled by association. CHAINED BIRDS is a true crime memoir of Carla’s 10-year journey to advocate for federal inmate Kevin Sanders and help him re-enter society after prison. But the mission came at a cost as Carla struggled to balance her safety, along with Scott’s and Kevin’s, while writing the exposé on the horrific conditions that led to the shutdown of an experimental prison program in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. On today's TCT, Carla tells us all about the struggles Kevin went through inside the federal prison system, why he had trouble coping on the outside, The parallels between Kevin's deterioration and the deterioration of her life and the lives of the people around her, and much more! Get your copy of "Chained Birds...;" here: https://wildbluepress.com/chained-birds-carla-conti-true-crime/ PLUS: DUMB  CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Check out the video of the Peruvian policeman making drug busts in a capybara costume during Valentine's Day:  https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/cjr8wexly4xo?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #carlaconti #chainedbirds  #wildbluepress #scottpowell #jackgbear #steventremblay #kevinsanders #montanistas #aryanbrotherhood #lewisburgpenitentiary #pennsylvania #prisongangs#prisonreform #shank #kite #murder #rape #stabbing #truecrimebooks #thehole #behindbars #california #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
18/02/252h 11m

S20 Ep20: The Disclosure Paradox: Aliens, The Government, and The Military Industrial Complex w/Paul Vecchiet

Darkness Radio Presents: The Disclosure Paradox: Aliens, The Government, and The Military Industrial Complex with Researcher/ Author, Paul Vecchiet!   It is rare that a member of the military takes his experiences with aliens and creates a work of fiction and makes an ACCURATE and REALLY GOOD book out of the project, but Paul Vecchiet has managed to do both with his freshman effort, The Disclosure Paradox, Book 1! Paul Vecchiet is a former design manager for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, who drew from real-life experiences for his novel, “The Disclosure Paradox" and for his main character, Louis!  Inspired by transformative meditation experiences in 2009, the novel incorporates elements of Paul’s personal journey, including the discovery of an underground space beneath a military warehouse during his early military career. Through his writing, Paul encourages readers to explore hidden truths and imagine new realities.  ON today's Show, Paul talks about the real life spiritual awakening he has gone through, how that has related to different alien races in the universes.  How the Military Industrial Complex sold out the American public, what Chemtrails originally were meant for, and why Aliens will NEVER land on our planet and extend their help to us(at least without some conditions first)!  Get your copy of "The Disclosure Paradox": https://bit.ly/3Qhrktm Learn more about Paul Vecchiet here: https://thedisclosureparadox.com/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Want to be an "Executive Producer" of Darkness Radio? email Tim@darknessradio.com for details!  #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #paulvecchiet #thedisclosureparadoxbookone  #writeawaybooks #meditation #dimensionalshift #militaryindustrialcomplex  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials  #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #greys #reptilians #arcurians #area51 #dulce #edwardsairforcebase #wrightpatterson #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
13/02/251h 12m

S20 Ep19: Supernatural News/Parashare: Things That Can Kill You Seen & Unseen Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Things That Can Kill You Seen & Unseen Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, A 200 foot asteroid has a 2 in 83 chance in hitting the Earth! We tell you all about it!  A Man kills his wife after a paranormal meter tells him his wife may eat him!  The Alaska Triangle claims ten more victims after a missing plane is found!  And, A   Medieval toilet leads to discovery of Anglo-Saxon king's long-lost palace! Get your tickets for Missouri Paracon 2025 here:  https://www.missouriparacon.com/ Read more about A place in China where people are getting electrocuted by lightning because they are out hunting a fungus! https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/384364/collectors-of-highly-prized-fungus-dodge-lightning-on-a-daily-basis Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
12/02/251h 8m

S20 Ep18: Dumb Crimes/Stupid Criminals 0211 w/Jessica Freeburg

True Crime Tuesday presents Dumb Crimes/Stupid Criminals 0211 w/Jessica Freeburg! This week, A Hollywood Producer is looking at 148 years to life after trying to turn a screen plot into a real life crime, A Yorkshire burglar is jailed after police trace his footsteps in the snow to someone's backyard!  A Grinch destroys a Santa statue that spreads year-round Christmas joy to Winnipeg ! And, an intoxicated man mistakes a bible study for a "human trafficking operation"! See the video of a Canadian Grinch destroying a year round Santa statue in Winnipeg: https://www.ctvnews.ca/winnipeg/article/grinch-destroys-santa-statue-spreading-cheer-year-round-in-winnipeg/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Watch the video of the Nantucket man drunkenly slam into a 150 year old Civil War monument HERE:   https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2025/02/07/police-drunken-driver-150-year-old-civil-war-monument-nantucket-crash/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #NantucketcivilwarmemorialDUI #NormandyDdayDUI #biblestudyintruder #wisconsinmotheroftheyear #mandandiamondheist #hollywoodproducermurder #newzealandheliummurder #milehighairballoonclub #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
11/02/251h 13m

S20 Ep17: Nothing In This Podcast Is True, But It Is Exactly How Things Are w/Bob Frissell

Darkness Radio Presents: Nothing In This Podcast Is True, But It Is Exactly How Things Are with Researcher/Author, Bob Frissell ! In the 30th anniversary edition of the underground classic, "Nothing In This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are", Bob Frissell shares an updated account of Earth’s ancient past as seen through the eyes of the Ascended Masters, in particular Thoth, as well as exploring our impending planetary ascent into higher consciousness—and what you can do to support it. The author describes the forgotten history of the lost civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria and how the Ascended Masters seeded the great civilizations of ancient Egypt, Incan Peru, and the Himalayas. Detailing the transformation we must make if we are to stay with the Earth as she moves into higher dimensions, he guides you through the Naacal Mystery School in Lemuria and Atlantis, two Egyptian Schools, and culminates with a final initiation in the Great Pyramid. Providing exercises, tools, and techniques to rediscover the unlimited potential of the Higher Self, he presents clear instructions on Merkaba (Light Body) activation, Breath Alchemy, the Unity Breath, and Christ-Consciousness spherical breathing, detailing how to internally assemble your own Merkaba through which you can travel beyond the limitations of time and space to access the unified living energy of all creation. ON today's Show, Bob Frisell walks us through the technique of Breath Alchemy, tells us what exactly Merkaba is, what the role of Aliens is in this "dimensional shift", and why the dimensional shift may be mistaken for the biblical "End of Days"! Get your copy of "Nothing In This Book Is True, But It's Exactly How Things Are": https://bit.ly/4jNUptD Learn more about Bob Frissell here: https://bobfrissell.com/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Want to be an "Executive Producer" of Darkness Radio? email Tim@darknessradio.com for details!  #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #bobfrissell #nothinginthisbookistruebutitsexactlyhowthingsare  #thesecrethistoryoftheearthmerkabaactivationandbreathalchemy #merkaba #dimensionalshift #breathalchemy #transcendentalmeditation #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #paranormalinvestigation #Psychics  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials  #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience #endofdays #endoftheworld

S20 Ep16: Supernatural News/Parashare: Flossin' With The Devil Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Flossin' With The Devil Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, While more UFO's are being spotted all over the globe, one man's cremains wants to join them in space! (we don't mind as long as they don blow back in our picnic basket)  Scientists are proposing making AI suffer yo see if it is sentient(I am sure when the War of the Machines happens, they won't hold this against us, will they?), A mysterious burning river in Peru is so hot, that it is  boiling animals alive! And, AN EXORCISM GONE WRONG, as a Priest gets possessed and is accused of flossing with a teenage girl's hair and growling at her!  An alien abductee pants are at the center of a dispute with Scottish Museum officials!  See what's wrong with these pants here!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/384213/alien-abductees-pants-at-center-of-spat-with-scottish-museum-officials Get the full story of asteroid Bennu and if it seeded life on Earth here :  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/384134/asteroid-bennu-reveals-clues-to-how-life-on-earth-may-have-been-seeded Check out this bu... errr.. portal in the sky!!  is it manmade, or is it natural?:  https://www.thescottishsun.co.uk/news/14206963/stargazer-shocked-strange-portal-cloud-sky-scotland/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Want to be an "Executive Producer" of Darkness Radio? email Tim@darknessradio.com for details!  #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
05/02/251h 55m

S20 Ep15: A Hate Crime in Brooklyn w/David G. Secular

True Crime Tuesday presents: A Hate Crime in Brooklyn with Defense Attorney/Author, David G. Secular!  When Sofia Hushemi, a sheltered Albanian immigrant, carelessly collides with Sylvester Stanley on her way home from Prospect Park, both escape injury. Upon discovering the loss of her precious ring, gifted to her by Victor, the feared kingpin of the Albanian-American Mafia, she frantically presumes Sylvester, a Black man, was not a jogger, but a culprit. Hours later, Sylvester is attacked in broad daylight leaving Sofia facing life behind bars for allegedly ordering the attack. The trial is a rollercoaster of surprises, penned by an author intimately familiar with the courtroom. Can Sofia escape conviction for the racially motivated crime which has polarized New York? On today's TCT, we talk to the Author of "A Hate Crime in Brooklyn", David G. Secular, about his inspiration for this unique story, about practicing law in the Big Apple, the difference between social injustice and some perceived social injustice, and why it was important for him to provide a HAPPY ENDING to this story, and not tell the stereotypical race relations tale! Get your copy of "A Hate Crime In Brooklyn" here: https://bit.ly/41aWeKd Get to know David better at his website:  https://www.davidgsecular.com/ PLUS: AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS W/JESSICA FREEBURG! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #davidgsecular #ahatecrimeinbrooklyn #sofiahushemi #centralparksouthpublishing #womenscrimefiction #victorhushemi #sylvesterstanley #albania #brooklyn #davidsherman #prospectpark #professormarvel #clifflessons #novak #mikhail #alantroutman #danford #shooting #assault #drugdealing #crimefictionbooks #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
04/02/252h 37m

S20 Ep14: Traveling The Paranormal World Fantastic w/ Grant & Reanna Wilson

Darkness Radio presents: Traveling The Paranormal World Fantastic with Paranormal Investigators/Researchers/Producers/Authors/Musicians/Hosts, Grant & Reanna Wilson! Grant Wilson has been haunted by the supernatural since the age of 15! He has been involved in all sorts of Paranormal investigations and paved the way for much of the modern field through his work with The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS), a group he co-founded years ago.  But even with everything Grant had accomplished in the field and on television, (Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters Academy, Ghost Hunters (the reboot)) it wasn't until Gran and his wife and soul mate Reanna teamed up in their research, that the literal paranormal universe started to unfold in front of them! On Today's Darkness Radio, Grant and Reanna talk about their research, what they have learned over these years of paranormal research, and the groundbreaking discovery they have made on how different paranormal entities interact with one another, and how you can deal with malevolent spirits in an easier manner.  Plus: We tell you how you can travel and investigate with Grant and Reanna in Prague and Japan THIS YEAR! Wanna travel to Prague and Japan with Grant and Reanna, have life changing experiences, with amazing people, and out of this world food and investigations! CLICK THIS LINK!!   https://mysteriousadventurestours.com/ Find out more about what is going on with Grant and Reanna here:  https://www.grantswilson.com/ Check out Grant's What The Fetch You Tube channel HERE:  https://www.youtube.com/@TheGrantwilson There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Want to be an "Executive Producer" of Darkness Radio? email Tim@darknessradio.com for details!  #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #grantwilson #reannawilson #mysteriousadventurestours #ghosthunters #taps  #ghosthuntersinternational #ghosthuntersreboot  #ghosts  #spirits  #hauntings #hauntedhouses #greece #romania #prague #japan  #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #elementals #Psychics #shadowpeople #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
30/01/251h 13m

S20 Ep13: Supernatural News/Parashare: Rise Of The Ghost in The Machines Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Rise Of The Ghost in The Machines Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, The UFO documentary to end all UFO documentaries that has been two years in the making is finished, but will it ever be seen?  China manages to wreak havoc in the US Stock market and strike fear with US manufacturers with it's new Deepseek app! A man tries to get spousal support all while blaming it on his Bigfoot expeditions, and We wonder how exactly a cat could cross 4000 miles across the pond without injury or getting wet! An unprecedented UFO documentary that was filmed in secret for over two years is about to see the light of day!  See the trailer here!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/384006/unprecedented-ufo-documentary-was-filmed-in-secret-over-two-years See the video of a satanic figure in someone's Ring camera with an eerie message :  https://www.iheart.com/content/2025-01-23-video-shows-satanic-figure-pop-up-on-darkened-doorstep/ Bigfoot was once listed in an official US Army ATLAS, see what the entry looked like here:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383964/bigfoot-was-once-included-in-an-official-us-army-atlas-of-washington-state Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Want to be an "Executive Producer" of Darkness Radio? email Tim@darknessradio.com for details!  #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
29/01/251h 50m

S20 Ep12: A Murder On Campus: North Carolina's Most Notorious Cold Case w/ Brian & Cameron Santana

True Crime Tuesday presents: A Murder On Campus: North Carolina's Most Notorious Cold Case w/ Brian & Cameron Santana! On April 15, 1973, two high school students discovered the body of 19-year-old drama major Virginia Marie Olson on a trail near the campus of the University of North Carolina-Asheville. The scene was horrific. Olson had been bound, raped, and brutally stabbed to death. The murder shocked the Asheville community and set off an investigation that would span three generations of detectives. A MURDER ON CAMPUS: The Professor, The Cop, And North Carolina’s Most Notorious Cold Case by Brian and Cameron Santana is the first book to present the story of law enforcement’s dramatic efforts to find Virginia Olson’s killer and bring him to justice. For more than 50 years, whispers about the killer’s identity have circulated throughout Buncombe County—from an escaped mental health patient from nearby Highland Hospital, to one of North Carolina’s most notorious serial killers, to a mysterious prime suspect whose wealthy and influential family kept his identity secret from the public … until now. On today's TCT, Brian and Cameron Santana join us to break down this cold case, cover the different suspects and motives, explain why the solution to this case was described as easy by police, yet so difficult to solve, and if this case will ever have a resolution! Get your copy of "A Murder On Campus... " here: https://wildbluepress.com/murder-on-campus-true-crime-santana/ PLUS: DUMB  CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #briansantana #cameronsantana #amurderoncampus #wildbluepress #theprofessorthecopandnorthcarolinasmostnotoriouscoldcase #virginiaolson #virginiamarieolsonmurder #asheville #northcarolina #UNCA #highlandhospital #terryhyatt #jamesgoure #johnreavisjr #judyneedles #forensicevidence #murder #rape #stabbing #truecrimebooks #serialkiller #coldcase #1970s #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
28/01/252h 35m

S20 Ep11: The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock: More Paranormal Tales From John Russell

Darkness Radio presents:  The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock: More Paranormal Tales From Psychic/Medium/Author, John Russell! Do you believe that trees can communicate their feelings by...crying?  Is it possible that rocks can communicate with us by writing messages to us on their surfaces?  Can our beloved deceased pets return from the dead—in the flesh—to visit with us and assure us that their souls live on? John Russell's fourth book, The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock, is a collection of mind-blowing true tales of the supernatural.  "What sets John Russell apart is his ability to blend his personal experiences with broader paranormal theories, offering his readers a firsthand look at psychic phenomena. His accounts are not just stories; they are experiences lived and shared, from eerie ghost encounters to life-saving messages delivered by guardian angels." Return with John to his youth, and ride along in the darkness while he runs his paper route on his bicycle and encounters a hair-raising and frightening otherworldly event.  Was it Dogman?  A Werewolf?  Bigfoot?  An angry ghost? On today's show, John tells some of these stories from his past and the book, shares his opinions on becoming closer with Nature, UFO/UAP's, Abundance Ministries, and the phenomenon of Artificial Intelligence! Get your copy of The Crying Tree and the Magic Rock here:   https://bit.ly/42qtD4C There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Make sure you update your Darkness Radio Apple Apps! and subscribe to the Darkness Radio You Tube page:  https://www.youtube.com/@DRTimDennis #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #johnrussell #thecryingtreeandthemagicrock  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses  #demons  #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #Psychometry #dreams #scrying #candlemagic #healing #signs #seances #UFO #UAP #AI #artificialintelligence #tarot  #ouija #shadowpeople  #neardeatheexperience 
23/01/251h 16m

S20 Ep10: Supernatural News/Parashare: Old Scares & New Adventures Edition w/Jessica Freeburg & Jesse Leimkuehler

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Old Scares & New Adventures Edition with Jessica Freeburg & Jesse Leimkuehler! This Week, A US Air Force Veteran claims he was involved in retrieving Alien tech, does a new video clip confirm it?  Science and AI are figuring out a new way to cryofreeze us so we can truly be brought back... with cyber enhancements!  A major new reincarnation study is under way to study children's  past-life memories, and Jesse Leimkuehler stops by to tell us about the next big thing in Paranormal conventions, coming in February! The Missouri Paracon 2025! Get your tickets for Missouri Paracon 2025 here:  https://www.missouriparacon.com/ Does this video clip corroborate a whistleblower's UFO retrieval claims? You decide! https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383861/does-this-video-clip-corroborate-whistleblowers-ufo-retrieval-claims Check out the new Rendlesham Forest Documentary trailer that is narrated by a former X-Files actor:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383882/x-files-legend-narrates-new-rendlesham-forest-ufo-documentary Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
22/01/251h 55m

S20 Ep9: Blood and the Badge: The Mafia, Two Killer Cops, & The Scandal That Shocked The Nation w/ Michael Cannell

True Crime Tuesday presents: Blood and the Badge: The Mafia, Two Killer Cops, & The Scandal That Shocked The Nation with Journalist/Author, Michael Cannell! No episode in NYPD history surpasses the depravities of Louis Eppolito and Stephen Caracappa, two decorated detectives who covertly acted as mafia informants and paid assassins in the Scorsese world of 1980s Brooklyn. For more than ten years, Eppolito and Caracappa moonlighted as the mob’s early warning alert system, leaking names of mobsters secretly cooperating with the government and crippling investigations by sharing details of surveillance, phone taps and impending arrests. The Lucchese boss called the two detectives his crystal ball: Whatever detectives knew, the mafia soon learned. Most grievously, Eppolito and Caracappa earned bonuses by staging eight mob hits, pulling the trigger themselves at least once. Incredibly, when evidence of their wrongdoing arose in 1994, FBI officials failed to muster an indictment. The allegations lay dormant for a decade and were only revisited due to relentless follow up by Tommy Dades, a cop determined to break the cold case before his retirement. Eppolito and Caracappa were finally tried and then sentenced to life in prison in 2009, nearly thirty years after their crimes took place. On today's TCT, Michael Cannell, author of the book, "Blood and the Badge: The Mafia, Two Killer Cops, and The Scandal That Shocked The Nation" talks about the rise and fall of Eppolito and Caracappa, the players around them that drew out their dishonest and evil traits, how things even went wrong in the first place, and how one partner wanted to stay quiet, while one had Hollywood aspirations!  Get your copy of "Blood and the Badge" here: https://read.macmillan.com/lp/blood-and-the-badge-9781250817785/ PLUS: DUMB  CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Watch the video of the Hooters waitress flirting with the Florida cop here:  https://bit.ly/3DQk3gS Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #michaelcannell #bloodandthebadge #stmartinspublishing #themafiatwokillercopsandthescandalthatrockedthenation #louieeppolito #stephencaracappa #nypd #mafia #lucchesefamily #gambinofamily #fatthegangster #jimmytheclam #gangster #gaspipecasso #johngotti #burtkaplan #lasvegas #hollywood #FBI #federalgovernment #mafia #RICO #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
21/01/252h 27m

S20 Ep8: Pawtographs for Pooches Too: Murray's Sequel w/Tim and Lauren Maile

Darkness Radio presents Pawtographs for Pooches Too: Murray's Sequel with Paranormal Investigators/Authors/Podcasters/Philanthropists, Tim and Lauren Maile! On today's show, when last we left Tim Maile, he had regaled us with his tale of Murray, the pup who had saved his life from depression and a suicide attempt, all while passing away himself!  Murray's spirit not only guided Tim to start Pawtographs for Pooches, but the Pawtographs Parafests and pushed him towards a fiancee, Lauren!  Well, Tim is back with his now WIFE, to give us an update on what happened after thy visited us here in Minnesota, and what is to come for Pawtographs in 2025!!  Find out more about Pawtographs For Pooches:  http://pawtographsforpooches.com/ Need Help with a paranormal issue in the Midwest?  http://www.foxcitiesparanormalteam.com/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Want to be an "Executive Producer" of Darkness Radio? email Tim@darknessradio.com for details!  Have an Apple device? remember to update your Darkness Radio app!  Don't have the Darkness Radio app? Visit the App Store and search "Darkness Radio App" ! #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #timmaile #laurenmaile #foxcitiesparanormalteam #pawtographsforpooches  #murray #murrayslegacy #fundraisingforanimalshelters  #animalshelters #paranormalevents #paranormalconventions #palmerhousehotel #saukcentreminnesota #paranormalinvestigating  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms  #Psychics #mediums #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials  #Alienspaceships  #shadowpeople  #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch  #neardeatheexperience
16/01/251h 14m

S20 Ep7: Supernatural News/Parashare: Urban Legends/Real Supernatural Threats Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Urban Legends/Real Supernatural Threats Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, A renowned supernatural scientist has spilled all as to what the threat coming from the drone saga really is! we have the details!  The Court offers an update on the release on Wisconsin's Slender Man killer!  Is the legend of the man in the yellow raincoat a scary fairytale, or a dangerous reality?! we have the story!  and The US Government is starting to come around to the idea that foreign actors may be responsible for Havana Syndrome, we'll let you know who is behind it! A new viral video shows an alleged UFO crash site..., or does it?! YOU DECIDE ! https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383711/whats-the-story-behind-this-viral-video-of-an-alleged-ufo-crash-site A flight crew films a strange glowing object 45K miles above The Bahamas ! See the footage here:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383797/flight-crew-films-strange-glowing-object-45000ft-over-the-bahamas There is a new mystery surrounding a clip of mask wearing man in a yellow raincoat! See the video in question here:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383757/mystery-surrounds-clip-of-creepy-mask-wearing-man-in-yellow-raincoat Wanna dig deeper into what kind of experiments the CIA and MKULTRA were doing during the 60's and 70's?! read the documents here:  https://nsarchive.gwu.edu/briefing-book/dnsa-intelligence/2024-12-23/cia-behavior-control-experiments-focus-new-scholarly Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Want to be an "Executive Producer" of Darkness Radio? email Tim@darknessradio.com for details!  #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
15/01/251h 46m

S20 Ep6: Obsessed: Finding Justice For The Lost Boys Of New England w/ David McGrath

True Crime Tuesday presents Obsessed: Finding Justice For The Lost Boys Of New England with Investigator/Author, David McGrath! In the tranquil towns of New England during the 1970s, a sinister mystery unfolded when several boys vanished without a trace and the community’s peace was shattered. With law enforcement stymied in its search for answers, whispers of a possible serial killer surfaced, especially after one boy’s body was found years after his disappearance. But what happened to the others remained a heart-wrenching puzzle. In 2013, author David McGrath, a former host on the Law Enforcement Today Network and an investigator with a relentless drive for justice, watched a documentary about the cold case investigation regarding the missing boys. Himself a survivor of childhood sexual abuse and active in his local community with a sex abuse therapy group, McGrath was struck by the number of unanswered questions in the documentary. What followed, beginning in January 2014, was a five-year quest to find the answers to this child abduction and murder mystery. Traveling all over the United States, he uncovered a labyrinth of dark secrets just beneath the surface and unknown to most residents of the bucolic communities from which the boys disappeared. Haunted by his own past, he had to navigate these dark waters if he wanted to bring truth and justice to the victims and their families. OBSESSED: A Survivor's Quest To Find The Lost Boys of New England is McGrath's riveting true crime memoir. A poignant, horrifying, incredible story of suspense, courage, and the unyielding quest for truth.* David joins today's TCT to talk about the pedophiles he pursued in this case, some of the unfortunate victims, and the history of the area. As well as what we can do to be more vigilant and protect our children from sexual predators! Get your copy of "Obsessed..." here:  https://wildbluepress.com/obsessed-david-mcgrath-true-crime/ Check out Dave's Substack here:  https://davemcgrath.substack.com/archive PLUS: DUMB  CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! AND, THE RETURN OF ELMO! Watch the video of the Hooters waitress flirting with the Florida cop here:  https://bit.ly/3DQk3gS Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #davidmcgrath #obsessed #asurvivorsquesttofindthelostboysofnewengland #waynemcgrath #andypuglisi #bridgewater #massachusetts #boston #nambla #nathanielbarjonah #charlespierce #richardpeluso #providence #serialkiller #pedophile #sexoffender #murder #kidnapping #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #ghoststoriesink  #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #defilingticklemeelmo #sexcrimes #textingthecopsinsteadofyourdealer
14/01/252h 44m

S20 Ep5: Accessing The Akashic Records, Your DNA, and Learning Light Language w/ Amy Robeson

Darkness Radio Presents Accessing The Akashic Records, Your DNA, and Learning Light Language with Akashic Records Master, Amy Robeson! On Today's show, Akashic Records Master, Amy Robeson, joins us to talk about how she acquired her abilities, how we can unlock our DNA and access our Akashic records, so that we can figure out the meaning of our own lives. How crystalline energy and crystals can be used to achieve our goals, and learning the shared language of the universe, also called Light Language. that allows you to communicate with ascended masters and higher beings! Amy offers Masterclasses and free events on her website on today's topics, check them out here:   https://theamyrobeson.com/courses/ Amy offers free events as well!  Check them out here: https://theamyrobeson.com/free/ Amy also has her own podcast!  Check out Awakening with Amy here:  https://theamyrobeson.com/podcasts/ Want to contribute to the podcast and be part of the team?  Find out how you can become an Executive Producer of Darkness Radio!  Email: Tim@darknessradio.com There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #amyrobeson #akashicrecords #akashicrecordsmaster #afterlife #ascendedmasters #crystals #crystallineenergy #fairies #lightlanguage #channeling #mediums #DNA #unlockingyourdna #manifestation #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings  #demons  #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #shadowpeople #neardeatheexperience 
09/01/251h 29m

S20 Ep4: Supernatural News/Parashare: 30 Days To Certain Disaster Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: 30 Days To Certain Disaster Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, The drone crisis is just the beginning as an expert has stepped forward saying a big announcement in coming in 30 days ! Just 1 hours is all it takes for AI to copy 85 percent of most people's personality, we have the details on how!  A Mystery Fog is sparking conspiracy theories as it sweeps across the US, and could a combination lock prove that it is possible to talk to the dead?! A new viral video shows a couple of figures standing out on top of clouds, or does it?! YOU DECIDE !  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383555/viral-video-shows-figures-standing-on-top-of-clouds-or-does-it A major new dinosaur footprint fossil site has been discovered in England ! Get the details here:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383553/major-new-dinosaur-footprint-fossil-site-discovered-in-england Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
08/01/252h 12m

S20 Ep3: Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0107 w/Jessica Freeburg

True Crime Tuesday presents Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0107 with Jessica Freeburg! This week, We dive into some of the stories behind the story of the New Year's Eve bombings in New Orleans and Las Vegas! A Manhunt is underway after two young girls and a woman are found dead inside a Wisconsin home!  A Man pleads guilty to killing and dismembering two of his girlfriends and leaving their bodies in storage units! And, a famous sportscaster is sued for sexual harassment after offering his former hair stylist 1.6 million dollars for sex!   PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS!! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ and check out Jess on Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@jessicafreeburgwrites There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #rippedfromtheheadlines #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #ghoststoriesink #paranormalauthor #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #wisconsinwarrantkiller #sexcrimes #aquariumpleadeal #floydcountyasssmuggling #thingsweshoveinorafices #dna
07/01/252h 12m

S20 Ep2: Darkness Radio's 19th Anniversary Show / 2024 Year In Review

Darkness Radio presents Darkness Radio's 19th Anniversary Show / 2024 Year In Review! What's that one guy who's in jail next to Luigi say? "I thought I told you that we won't stop!"  In 2024, Darkness Radio released 158 shows alone... both True Crime and Paranormal! So, we took a smattering of some of our best, put them on our shiniest serving tray, and are handing them out to you, our distinguished guests!  After all, this is a party, and you all are invited! Hear one prediction that will make your blood run cold... Her from guests like Tim Maile, Richard Estep, Joshua P. Warren, Steve Vai, The Booth Brothers, Karen Conti, Nathanuel J. Gillis, Seth Breedlove, Mitch Horowitz, Charlie Mewshaw and Brittany Barbieri and more... and a special feature at the end oF the show that you may wanna have your kleenexes handy for! Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Manifestation Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. this weekend now, they will give you 40 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/  Make sure you use the code DARKNESS40 at checkout! There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #malliefox  #jessicafreeburg  #beercitybruiser  #timmaile #richardestep #joshuapwarren #stevevai #boothbrothers #karenconti #nathanieljgillis #sethbreedlove #mitchhorowitz #charliemewshaw #brittanybarbieri  #jerrypaulley #jimwillis #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntedhouses #demons #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #lochnessmonster #AI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
02/01/252h 13m

S20 Ep1: Supernatural News/Parashare: New Year's 2025 Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Christmas Hangover 2024 Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, Could President Trump be having second thoughts about releasing the UFO Files? A popular podcaster claims he doesn't think they'll seethe light of day! There is a haunted hotel looking for a new owner, we'll tell you about it,  We give you our predictions for 2025, and scientists claim that we gotta start learning to do it in space! We'll tell you how they think this is going to be achieved on today's episode! Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Manifestation Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. this weekend now, they will give you 40 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/  Make sure you use the code DARKNESS40 at checkout! There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
01/01/251h 56m

S19 Ep157: The John Wayne Gacy Murders: Life and Death in Chicago w/ John Borowski

True Crime Tuesday presents: The John Wayne Gacy Murders: Life and Death in Chicago w/ John Borowski! On Today's TCT, Filmmaker John Borowski Talks about his new project, "The John Wayne Gacy Murders: Life and Death in Chicago! An eight part miniseries, The John Wayne Gacy Murders: Life and Death in Chicago (2024) is the first ever historical, comprehensive and chronological miniseries to study the life and crimes of the infamous serial killer. From his birth to the ongoing investigation of identifying unknown victims, the definitive, groundbreaking miniseries has an approximate run time of nearly eight hours. Filmmaker John Borowski has dedicatedly worked on this project for five years and he has uncovered new facts and also dispels some myths about the case. John covers some of the more odd facts about Gacy, some unusual unknown facts about him, and we speculate about different aspects of Gacy's personality based on real people's interactions with Gacy. Get your copy of "The John Wayne Gacy Murders" here:  https://store.johnborowski.com/ Or stream it here:  https://bit.ly/41V0nCr Learn more about John here:  https://johnborowski.com/ PLUS AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Manifestation Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN this weekend., they will give you 30 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #johnborowski #thejohnwaynegacymurders #lifeanddeathinchicago #johnwaynegacy #johnborowski #menardpenitentiary #iowa #chicago #illinois #deathrow #deathpenalty #serialkiller #crawlspace #pogotheclown #murder #kidnapping #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #ghoststoriesink  #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexyprisonguard #sexcrimes #wpluspudpuller
31/12/242h 38m

S19 Ep156: Supernatural News/Parashare: Christmas Hangover 2024 Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Christmas Hangover 2024 Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, An Alien-like figurine that dates back 7,000 years is unearthed in Kuwait! Humans get a HUGE new ally in the war against AI! Mr.Beast causes controversy as he claims he is getting 100 hours of ghost hunting under the roofs of the pyramids   of Giza!  A Flat Earther gets to eat some humble pie after a fact finding trip to Antarctica!  And, a tiny Christmas miracle, as a Christmas decoration "comes to life" in a festive paranormal clip!   How did the largest galaxies come to life? Scientist have a very detailed answer! Check out the article here:   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383108/astrophysicists-discover-how-the-largest-galaxies-came-to-form A Christmas decoration came to "paranormal life" recently and was caught on video! Check out the footage here: https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383155/christmas-decoration-comes-to-life-in-festive-paranormal-clip Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Manifestation Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. now, they will give you 30 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
26/12/241h 48m

S19 Ep155: An Old Fashioned Creepy Victorian Christmas 2024 featuring Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio Presents An Old Fashioned Creepy Victorian Christmas 2024 featuring Jessica Freeburg! In Victorian times, it was custom to tell ghost stories at Christmas.  It is custom during Christmas in the radio business to put out a new Christmas program for the people out in the audience who may not have a place to go on Christmas, to let them know that their family on the radio is with them on that special day! Well, Darkness Radio has put together this special Christmas broadcast of true paranormal stories and Classic Christmas Ghost Stories and gathered he family to entertain you this Christmas season! Tim and Jess (AKA Mr. and Mrs. Claus) spend the first half of today's program talking about some interesting and funny Christmas stories happening right now in our society, then on the second half of the program, you get some Classic Christmas Ghost Stories from the crew! Grandma ACTUALLY got ran over by a reindeer, running in a marathon! check out the footage HERE:  https://www.vice.com/en/article/grandma-got-run-over-by-reindeer/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark YES LADIES, there is a hot Jesus boom!  Check out the pics to see what the potental is for you family Christmas photos:   https://nypost.com/2024/12/18/lifestyle/inside-the-jesus-model-boom-where-christ-lookalikes-make-200-an-hour-posing-for-holiday-cards/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark What's topping your Xmas tree this year? How about a biblically accurate angel?! It IS NOT what you think!!!  Check out what one looks like here:  https://apnews.com/article/christmas-tree-toppers-biblically-accurate-angels-48d36bc871cfbfe5802afa5179ad349e?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark# Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Manifestation Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. now, they will give you 30 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #jessicafreeburg #ghoststoriesink  #supernaturalnews #victorianghoststories   #thebonesofstnick #johnberwickharwood #horroratruetale #Thedollsghost #FrancisMarionCrawford #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #monsters #ghoststories #christmasghoststories #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #neardeathexperience 
25/12/242h 31m

S19 Ep154: Murder By Mail: A Global History of the Letter Bomb w/Prof. Mitchel P. Roth

True Crime Tuesday presents Murder By Mail: A Global History of the Letter Bomb with Prof. Mitchel P. Roth! A late package from Amazon or USPS would be the least of your troubles on Christmas Eve! Imagine a deadly Yuletide greeting from a not so Christian fellow! The book, "Muder By Mail", unfolds the gripping history of weaponized mail, offering the first ever comprehensive exploration of this sinister phenomenon. Spanning two centuries, the book unveils the history of postal bombs, describing the evolution of both explosives and the postal services that facilitated their deadly use. From an eighteenth-century incident involving Jonathan Swift to modern acts of terror by groups like the IRA and the suffragettes and lone wolves such as the Unabomber, it uncovers the surprising ubiquity of mail bombs. This chronological account meticulously covers each decade, from early anarchists and world wars through the Cold War to the rise of the serial bomber. Astounding in scope, this book sheds light on the psychopathy, motivations and political implications behind murder by mail. On Today's TCT, Prof. Roth highlights some of the grizzly moments in human history where people have made that fateful decision to not only open these deadly "infernal machines", but also construct and send them!  He also talks about some of the most famous bomb builders in history and the psychology behind what makes one person want to blow another apart from far away and through the mail system, where innocents have a greater chance of getting hurt, than the actual target! Get your copy of "Murder By Mail..." here:   https://bit.ly/3DvijJW Check out Mitchel on X:  https://x.com/roth_mitchel PLUS: ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS W/JESSICA FREEBURG! Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Manifestation Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. now, they will give you 30 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #mitchelproth #murderbymail #aglobalhistoryoftheletterbomb #reaktionbooks #letterbombs #infernaldevices #serialkillers #mailbomnbs #unabomber #tedkaczynski #roymoody #smileyfacebomber #cesarsayoc #alfrednobel  #IRA #suffragette #dynamite #c4 #semtex #murder #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #ghoststoriesink #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes
24/12/242h 5m

S19 Ep153: Maya Mire: Aliens, Jesus, Ascended Masters, The Aetherius Society & A New World w/ Paul Nugent

Darkness Radio Presents:  Maya Mire: Aliens, Jesus, Ascended Masters, The Aetherius Society & A New World w/ Paul Nugent! Paul Nugent is a decendent of William Shakespeare and spent his upbring in the Church of England, a t the same time he was introduced to the cosmic teachings of The Aetherius Society that had been founded in London in 1955 by Western Master of Yoga, Dr. George King. He became a member of The Aetherius Society in 1986, and in 1990 moved permanently to the Society's American Headquarters in Los Angeles. In 1992, Paul became a personal assistant to Dr. King, remaining at his side until his passing in July 1997. Since 2001, he's been a director of The Aetherius Society, helping to spread the cosmic teachings that were given by Masters from beyond this Earth through Dr. King while he adopted a positive yogic samadhic trance. It was in this extremely elevated state of consciousness that Dr. King was over-shadowed by the Master Jesus in 1958 as he delivered the mystic text known as The Twelve Blessings. This immaculate philosophy adds a profoundly beautiful extension to his Sermon on the Mount of 2000 years ago, awakening humanity to a palpable awareness of our place within a living Cosmos and the absolute Oneness of all life, including the Mother Earth, the Mighty Sun, the Galaxy and beyond! In September 2024 Paul's book, "Maya Mire – A Spiritual Journey into Cosmic Truth and the Dawning of a New World" was published worldwide by Collective Ink Books. It accounts for his spiritual journey and the Cosmic Teachings as given through Dr. George King by intelligences existing upon the higher realms of the other planets within our solar system. On Today's Show, Paul talks about his ascension through the ranks of the Aetherius Society, How Dr. King affected his life in particular, what Ascended Masters are, how we may have misunderstood some of the passages in the Bible about Jesus, and he explains the true origins of Jesus! Get to know more about Paul at his website:  https://www.sedimentofmysoul.com/ Learn more about the Aetherius Society here:  https://www.aetherius.org/ Get the book "Maya Mire..."here:  https://www.amazon.com/Maya-Mire-Spiritual-Journey-Dawning/dp/1803415525 There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Manifestation Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. now, they will give you 30 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #paulnugent #drgeorgeking #ufology #samadhicyoga #ascendedmasters #occult #aetheriussociety #jesuschrist #venus #newworld #lemuria #atlantis #maldek #nuclearweapons #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #angels  #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships 
19/12/241h 12m

S19 Ep152: Supernatural News/Parashare: Dastardly Drones, Rude Robots, & No-Show Nessie Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Dastardly Drones, Rude Robots, & No-Show Nessie Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Drone speculation is officially out of control and we sit down and straighten some stuff out on today's edition of Supernatural News!  A company has decided to fight fire with fire in the customer service department by building a rude robot agent trainer! We have details!  The Loch Ness Monster took a bit of a break this year from being seen, we'll tell you the specifics.  And, a British pop star/paranormal investigator says she has solved the secret of Santa Claus... and it is a RANDY secret at that!! A Whistleblower Allegedly leaked images from a secretive UFO program! But are the Images real? You decide!   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/383066/whistleblower-allegedly-leaks-images-from-secretive-ufo-program a UFO dropped off some little orbs across the Arizona Sky, but what exactly were they? you decide!   https://www.the-express.com/news/us-news/157306/UFO-little-orbs-arizona-video Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
18/12/241h 44m

S19 Ep151: True Crime Tuesday presents: Trial By Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth About Barbara Graham w/Marcia Clark

True Crime Tuesday presents: Trial By Ambush: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth About Barbara Graham with Attorney/Prosecutor/Media Personality/Best Selling Author, Marcia Clark! Marcia Clark may be most famous for her work as a Los Angeles prosecutor handling high-profile murder cases, but she’s also been a defense attorney and an appellate lawyer for many years—and therefore has spent most of her life immersed in true crime. A compelling and talented storyteller who has written about both her own life and fictional lawyers she created, Clark is also the author of a #1 New York Times bestselling memoir and nine legal thrillers.  Now, Clark takes on a historical true crime from 1950s Los Angeles in her nonfiction narrative, TRIAL BY AMBUSH: Murder, Injustice, and the Truth about the Case of Barbara Graham, which is available now from Thomas & Mercer . The case became the 50’s version of “the Trial of the Century” and resulted in Graham’s conviction and execution. And while the story became an Oscar-winning 1958 film, I Want to Live! starring Susan Hayward, the true and complete story about the trial, the prosecution and the cruel spotlight trained on Barbara Graham throughout has never been told. TRIAL BY AMBUSH shines a bright, modern light on the crime, the investigation, the trial, and the judgment. Drawing on her vast expertise and perspective as a criminal lawyer, Clark exposes the fallacies in the demonizing picture they painted, the blatant misogyny both inside the courtroom and out, the critical evidence that was never revealed, and the prosecutorial win-at-all-costs mentality that violated ethical boundaries, exploited sexist biases and subverted justice. Marcia joins TCT today to discuss the crazy circumstances surrounding Barbara's case, why she chose to write about Barbara's case, and tells us how this case changed the landscape of American law as we know it!  Get your copy of "Trial By Ambush..." here:  https://bit.ly/4fkWslK Check out Marcia Clark on Instagram here:  https://www.instagram.com/thatmarciaclark/ Marcia Clark on X:  https://x.com/thatmarciaclark PLUS AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Manifestation Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. now, they will give you 30 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #marciaclark #trialbyambush #murderinjusticeandthetruthaboutthecaseofbarbaragraham #barbaragraham #mabelmonahan #malibu #tutorscherer #mickeycohen #emmettperkins #jacksantos #johntrue #baxtershorter #deathpenalty #gaschamber #deathbyasphyxiation #murder #jmillerleavy #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #royalchristmaspartyfight #sexcrimes #texasdrugstoredildos
17/12/242h 5m

S19 Ep150: Apparitions at the Moment of Death w/ Daniel Bourke

Darkness Radio presents Apparitions at the Moment of Death with Songwriter/Poet/Author, Daniel Bourke! Since ancient times, people from nearly every culture and corner of the world have experienced visions of loved ones that coincided with their faraway deaths. These otherworldly synchronicities, known as crisis apparitions, are not rare; in fact, they have always been a part of our collective experience, blurring the lines between our knowledge of life and our beliefs about the afterlife. In "Apparitions at the Moment of Death ,The Living Ghost in Legend, Lyric, and Lore", academic researcher Daniel Bourke explores the moment of death from a deeply illuminating perspective, giving readers unprecedented access to mystifying corners of paranormal study. From the temples of ancient Egypt to the hospital rooms of the twenty-first century, from the works of Homer to the monks of the Middle Ages, from the saint to the shaman, Bourke examines the crisis apparition and the phenomena of the “living ghost” in legend, lyric, and lore, demonstrating their universal nature for the first time. He shares profound accounts from a wide range of sources—including history, literature, folklore, theology, and contemporary culture—to reveal how widespread these ghostly encounters are throughout the ages. Daniel joins Darkness Radio today to talk about "crisis apparitions", a loved one coming to you or others at the exact time of their death.  He also discusses tokens, symbols, near death experiences, and historical examples as to why we probably shouldn't be so skeptical as we learn more through science. Get your copy of "Apparitions at the Moment of Death" here:  https://www.innertraditions.com/apparitions-at-the-moment-of-death There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Manifestation Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. now, they will give you 30 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #danielbourke #apparitionsatthemomentofdeath #thelivingghostinlegendlyricandlore  #death #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings   #demons #apparitions #tokens #visions #messengers #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #empaths #grief #loss #deathandmourning #soulcontracts #dreams #scrying  #healing #signs #intuition  #neardeatheexperience 
12/12/241h 18m

S19 Ep149: Supernatural News/Parashare: Sentient Robots & Animal Spirits Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Sentient Robots & Animal Spirits Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, An exact date has been given that President-Elect Donald Trump will release the  secret files on UFO and potential ETs! It turn out that AI may be more sentient than we think with real feelings, and even intuitive enough to help you pick out gifts this holidays season, we have stories on both!  A hunter claims to have captured the spirit of  wolf on his trail camera, and we tell you why Grandma might not make the best date for the movies... A veteran police officer filmed a mystery object over Connecticut! Is this a UFO?!   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/382808/veteran-police-officer-films-mystery-object-over-connecticut Another UFO sighting, this time in San Antonio! But people there are questioning if all is as it seems!  Do you think THIS is a UFO?   https://www.mysanantonio.com/lifestyle/article/ufo-san-antonio-19953695.php A Hunter claims to have captured the spirit of a wolf on a trail cam, what do you think?  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/382925/hunter-claims-to-have-filmed-the-spirit-of-a-wolf-on-his-trail-camera Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Jerry Paulley of Hillbilly Horror Stories passed away Thanksgiving morning. Both Jerry and his wife, Tracy have been family to our Darkness Radio family for quite a few years now.  Jerry collapsed with no heartbeat recently and had come out of a medically induced coma, but warned Tracy that the end was tragically near.  Now, Tracy has hospital bills and interment costs to cover and she needs our help!  If you have it in your heart to contribute, please click on this link to this GoFundMe page and contribute:  https://bit.ly/4fMe5vI There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
11/12/241h 46m

S19 Ep148: The Man In The White Van w/Warren Skeels

True Crime Tuesday presents:  The Man In The White Van with Screenwriter/Director/Filmmaker, Warren Skeels! The Man In The White Van is a movie based on true events and Inspired by the true story of Billy Mansfield, the film follows the harrowing experience of young Annie Williams – a spirited girl in smalltown Florida whose carefree existence is turned upside down when she becomes stalked by an ominous man in a white van. The tranquillity of Annie's world begins to crumble when the menacing white van inches closer and closer. As her parents' skepticism grows, Annie finds herself increasingly isolated until her worst fears materialize into a full-blown nightmare as she gets abducted on a harrowing Halloween night. "The Man In The White Van" is in theaters in Friday, December 13th, 2024!  On Today's TCT, Screenwriter/Director Warren Skeels joins TCT to talk about how he captured the feel of the 1970's and the attitudes of the times.  How parenting in the 70's may have assisted the criminal element, the rich characters in this film, the wonderful acting jobs of Ali Larter , Sean Astin, and more!  Watch The trailer for  "The Man In The White Van" here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztQZYF0E0AY Get your tickets for "The Man In The White Van" here:  https://www.fandango.com/the-man-in-the-white-van-2024-238824/movie-overview PLUS:  AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! We review Nosferatu on today's show!  Which opens on Christmas Day!  Check out the trailer here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nulvWqYUM8k There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Paranormal Creative Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. now, they will give you 30 percent off!   Be sure to use the code DARKNESS30 !The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #warrenskeels #themaninthewhitevan #florida #brooksville #annie #murder #serialkiller #billymansfield #1975 #alilarter #seanastin #fbi #madisonwolfe #brecbassinger #legiom  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #ghoststoriesink #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes
10/12/242h 24m

S19 Ep147: Lost Loot: Cursed Treasures and Blood Money w/Kevin Hile

Darkness Radio presents Lost Loot: Cursed Treasures and Blood Money with Visible Ink Press Editor, Kevin Hile! Legendary treasures. Mythical robberies. Lost riches. Buried plunder and fabulous wealth. Hidden dangers. Ancient curses and deathbed jinxes. Captivating tales of lost fortunes, hidden caches, the eternal allure of wealth, and the heartbreak of mysterious curses! Read about the pursuit of riches turning to grief in this mesmerizing story collection! A thrilling exploration of the world's most intriguing and dangerous treasure hunts, Lost Loot: Cursed Treasures and Blood Money collects dozens of fascinating stories of reward, riches, greed, and ruin, including … Curses, deaths, and centuries old treasure on Oak Island Searchers hunted down and killed before finding a gangster’s stolen riches The eternal quest for D. B. Cooper and his hijack ransom Elaborate booby traps protecting ill-gotten gains Cursed Aztec wealth lost as it journeyed to Spain Mysterious caves holding secrets in the Grand Canyon Montezuma’s revenge The train-robbing Robin Hood myth of the Sam Bass Gang Jean Lafitte and the Galveston Hoard The lost Dutchman mine Civil War coins hurriedly stashed after a brutal reign of terror The missing Fabergé eggs John Dillinger’s suitcase King Kamehameha’s burial chamber Captain Kidd's buried treasure And more stories of doomed pursuits of plundered riches Today on Darkness Radio, we sit down with Visible Ink Press Editor, Kevin Hile and talk about Jim Willis, the late Author of Lost Loot.  Kevin also contributed to and arranged this book before it went to press.  We discuss his personal relationship with Jim, and some of the topics included in the book! Get your copy of "Lost Loot" here:  https://bit.ly/4ghCPvE Check out Jim Willis' other works here:  https://visibleinkpress.com/search.php?query=Jim+Willis Jerry Paulley of Hillbilly Horror Stories passed away Thanksgiving morning. Both Jerry and his wife, Tracy have been family to our Darkness Radio family for quite a few years now.  Jerry collapsed with no heartbeat recently and had come out of a medically induced coma, but warned Tracy that the end was tragically near.  Now, Tracy has hospital bills and interment costs to cover and she needs our help!  If you have it in your heart to contribute, please click on this link to this GoFundMe page and contribute:  https://bit.ly/4fMe5vI There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #kevinhile #jimwillis #lostlootcursedtreasuresandbloodmoney #visibleinkpress #captainkidd #blackbeard #pirates #piratetreasure #ancientegypt #pyramids #arkofthecovenant #mayans #Quetzlcoatl #montezuma #jessejames #confederacy #civilwar #knightsofthegoldencircle #holygrail #knightstemplar #jaquesdemolay #1307 #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings  #spiritguides  #conspiracytheory #alternatehistory
05/12/241h 7m

S19 Ep146: Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Invasions? & Rick-Rolling Ghosts Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Invasions? & Rick-Rolling Ghosts Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, A UFO expert says aliens WEREN'T involved in the Rendlesham Forest incident! Three people die when their AI sends them over the end of an unfinished bridge!  A Michigan Substitute Teacher is fired for using a Ouija board in class! and how exactly is pop singer Rick Astley planning to come back as a ghost? (if Mallie has her way, it'll be QUITE SPICY...) A ghostly figure is caught on camera in Mexico!  Is it La Llorona?! You decide!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/382792/is-this-la-llorona-ghostly-figure-caught-on-camera-in-mexico Rick Astley recently made news by saying how he wants to come back as a ghost, but he looks like he will be one sooner than later! Although Mallie thinks he still looks FINE! Help settle the discussion... Aging gracefully? or Marching towards the grave at a rapid pace?  take a look and decide!  https://www.dailystar.co.uk/showbiz/rick-astley-revealed-that-dies-34193603 Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Jerry Paulley of Hillbilly Horror Stories passed away Thanksgiving morning. Both Jerry and his wife, Tracy have been family to our Darkness Radio family for quite a few years now.  Jerry collapsed with no heartbeat recently and had come out of a medically induced coma, but warned Tracy that the end was tragically near.  Now, Tracy has hospital bills and interment costs to cover and she needs our help!  If you have it in your heart to contribute, please click on this link to this GoFundMe page and contribute:  https://bit.ly/4fMe5vI There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
04/12/241h 45m

S19 Ep145: The Close-Up w/ Pip Drysdale

True Crime Tuesday presents:  The Close-Up with Actor/Musician/Author, Pip Drysdale! Pip Drysdale has written books that have been praised as "electric", "Unexpected", "tension-soaked", and "serious addictive". But this new book, "The Close-Up", ups the ante!  A struggling author discovers the dark side of fame when a stalker begins reenacting violent events from her thriller in this electrifying and twisty new novel. When Zoe Ann Weiss moves to Los Angeles to pursue her dream of becoming a writer, her whole future is wide open. But then Zach, the bartender and aspiring actor she’s falling for, ghosts her. Her debut novel, a thriller, fails. And she has writer’s block worse than ever before. Now, three years later, Zach is famous, and Zoe is...not. She’s facing her thirtieth birthday, a dead-end job at a flower shop, and a demanding agent, terrified she’ll never get her life back on track. But when she runs into Zach while on a job, it’s like no time has passed at all. They start dating in secret, her writer’s block disappears, and Zoe begins to wonder: Zach inspired her first novel, so why can’t he inspire her second? Inevitably, photos of the couple are leaked to the press, causing her first novel to go viral. But the problem with everyone knowing your name is that everyone knows your name—including the mysterious stalker obsessed with Zach. A stalker who begins reenacting violent events from Zoe’s book, step by step, against her. On Today's TCT, Pip Drysdale joins us to talk about her beginnings, the inspiration for "The Close-Up", The psychology of human beings and the duality of personalities that go into this novel.  and, the scenarios that lead to the shocking ending of "The Close-Up!" Get your copy of "The Close-Up" here:  https://bit.ly/49lfYwV Learn more about Pip and her other works here:  https://pipdrysdale.com/ PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS W/JESSICA FREEBURG! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ Jerry Paulley of Hillbilly Horror Stories passed away Thanksgiving morning. Both Jerry and his wife, Tracy have been family to our Darkness Radio family for quite a few years now.  Jerry collapsed with no heartbeat recently and had come out of a medically induced coma, but warned Tracy that the end was tragically near.  Now, Tracy has hospital bills and interment costs to cover and she needs our help!  If you have it in your heart to contribute, please click on this link to this GoFundMe page and contribute:  https://bit.ly/4fMe5vI There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #pipdrysdale #thecloseup #zoeannweiss #crimefiction #thriller #zachhamilton #losangeles #hollywood #vee #greta #surpriseendings #hollywoodfixers #kidnapping #assault #murder #stalking  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #airplanecrimes #sexcrimes #elephantinstallationsex
03/12/242h 7m

S19 Ep144: Portals to the Stars: Inside Stargates, Atlantis, and Secrets of Ancient Egypt w/ Mike Ricksecker

Darkness Radio presents:  Portals to the Stars: Inside Stargates, Atlantis, and Secrets of Ancient Egypt w/ Mike Ricksecker!! Mike Ricksecker's new book, Portals to the Stars, is an exploration into the mysteries of stargates, ancient sites of power, and lost civilizations. Ancient cultures around the globe held secrets of harnessing the power of the Earth, traversing the cosmos, and intreacting with beings from other worlds – or, perhaps, other dimensions. What was this esoteric knowledge lost to time we're just rediscovering today? Open the portal and unlock, not only ancient wisdom hidden in plain sight, but also the launching pad for transformation on an interdimensional quest through the cosmos and consciousness.! On today's show, we talk to Mike about his travels to Egypt and Southwest America to gather evidence on his theories behind portals and stargates.  We also address the topics of wormholes and how they work... and if there are truly alien beings, or time travelers using them. And, we address the topic of "Star People".  Get your copy of "Portals to the Stars..." here:   https://bit.ly/497PS0r Check out Mike's podcast here:  https://www.mikericksecker.com/podcasts/ Go on tour with Mike to Egypt and beyond!  https://www.mikericksecker.com/events-tours/ Jerry Paulley of Hillbilly Horror Stories recently had a devastating medical tragedy. Both Jerry and his wife, Tracy have been family to our Darkness Radio family for quite a few years now.  Jerry collapsed with no heartbeat recently and has since come out of a medically induced coma, but he has an uphill battle.  If you have it in your heart to contribute, please click on this link to this GoFundMe page and contribute:  https://bit.ly/4fMe5vI #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #mikericksecker #portalstothestars #wormholes  #portals #stargates #ancientegypt #pyramids #arkofthecovenant #mayans #elepantineisland #chacocanyon #starpeople #hieroglyphs #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings  #spiritguides #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials  #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #conspiracytheory 
28/11/241h 23m

S19 Ep143: Supernatural News/Parashare: Ancient Aliens & AI Jesus Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Ancient Aliens & AI Jesus Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Declassified CIA documents reveal a dying elder race that was seen on Mara a million years ago, The US Government confirms 21 unexplained sightings in a new bombshell UFO report! A Swiss Church has installed an AI-powered Jesus to mixed results...  and a photograph shows a weird hand in an area known for Bigfoot sightings!  A "Blue Orb" is inadvertently filmed by a news chopper over New York City! Is it a Drone, Glint of light, UFO? You decide!   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/382645/blue-orb-inadvertently-filmed-by-news-chopper-over-new-york-city Commercial pilots have filmed a UFO dancing around outside a passenger plane in Egypt! Is it truly a UFO?  take a look and decide!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/382609/commercial-pilots-film-ufo-dancing-around-outside-passenger-plane A ghostly figure is filmed watching a group of friends from outside of a house! But is the video real or fake? Check it out!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/382541/ghostly-figure-filmed-watching-group-of-friends-from-outside-house Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
27/11/241h 23m

S19 Ep142: Face of Hate: How To Reform A Neo-Nazi Domestic Terrorist in Ten Years w/ Steffen Hou & Adam Moyer

True Crime Tuesday presents:  Face of Hate: How To Reform A Neo-Nazi Domestic Terrorist in Ten Years w/ Filmmaker/Journalist, Steffen Hou & Filmmaker/Producer, Adam Moyer! Face of Hate is an intimate portrait of an American domestic terrorist contemplating mayhem in a close-up and unflinching look at right-wing hatred and intolerance in the United States. But the story of Jasen Barker comes with two powerful twists: Filmed over nearly a decade; viewers discover that Barker's broken humanity, loathing, and hostility come from his inability as a child to cope with witnessing his mother's violent death in a car crash. And the other surprise: After his arrest by the FBI and spending years behind bars, Barker truly changes, transforming into a man who understands his aversions are wrong as he lays his hatred down. And that's when a film about hate and evil turns into a beautiful story about love, hope, and forgiveness with a shocking confession in the end. Danish journalist and author Steffen Hou followed in the footsteps of this dangerous extremist for a decade. Hou brings an outsider's perspective to the story, getting closer to Barker than any American reporter could imagine. Over the years, Hou gains Barker's trust, guiding him to chip away at his twisted worldview and showing him a path toward redemption. On Today's TCT, Steffen and Adam join the show to talk about Jasen and Red's journeys, their motivations for wanting to be in the Klan and to be Neo-Nazis, what made them decide to change their ways, and if they are truly responsible for helping others change their ways as well, and just how close they were to committing a huge destructive act on our soil! Watch "Face of Hate" here:  https://bit.ly/4eIu4tq PLUS:  AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Paranormal Creative Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. now, they will give you 20 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #steffenhou #adammoyer #faceofhate #neonazis #domesticterrorism #murder #kukluxklan #jasenbarker #michigan #copenhagen #red #fbi #weaponscharges #redemptionstory #leavingthelife  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #ghoststoriesink #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes
26/11/242h 10m

S19 Ep141: Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons: Wisdom from Spirit on Living, Dying, and the In-Between w/Susan Grau

Darkness Radio Presents: Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons: Wisdom from Spirit on Living, Dying, and the In-Between with Soul Healer/Psychic/Medium/Author, Susan Grau! Susan's extraordinary career has been shaped by a profound near-death experience as a three-year-old trapped in a freezer (while guides from the spirit world communicated with her mother to locate her as she was dying) and is the driving force behind her compassionate approach to spiritual healing. Susan's goal is to help others who seek to understand the afterlife and to assist with the deep soul pain of grief. Known for bringing her genuine, benevolent, and down-to-earth style to her clients and sessions, she works with the spirit world using her “Clair Senses” as a means to communicate with the individuals who have passed. Susan joins Darkness Radio today to talk about her spiritual journey, what we can expect to see on the other side, how we deal with grief and loss, and how to eventually move through that grief. Get your copy of "Infinite Life, Infinite Lessons" here:  https://bit.ly/3ASjNgf There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Jessica Freeburg and Ghost Stories Ink have a special holiday gift for you! If you sign up for their Paranormal Creative Retreat at the Palmer House in Sauk Centre, MN. now, they will give you 20 percent off!  The event is family friendly and the tickets make a great holiday gift!  Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #susangrau #infinitelifeinfinitelessons #wisdomfromspiritonlivingdyingandtheinbetween  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses  #demons  #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #empaths #grief #loss #deathandmourning #soulcontracts #dreams #scrying  #healing #signs #intuition #seances #attractingtheperfectmate #tarot  #ouija #shadowpeople  #neardeatheexperience 
21/11/241h 14m

S19 Ep140: Supernatural News/Parashare: Government Alien Hearings and Flamethrowing Robot Dogs Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Government Alien Hearings and Flamethrowing Robot Dogs Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, As another hearing on UAP's takes place on Capitol Hill, some interesting information is beginning to leak out, including the fact that the summer's hottest book might have been edited by the government?!  An Ohio company has the perfect holiday gift, a flame throwing robot dog called the Thermonator!  A weird viral trend is seeing people write a cursed number on their arm before they sleep, and we report on a couple of strange, and mysterious UFO sightings this week! Wondering what to get your loved ones for the holidays? how about a flame throwing dog?! ! Check out the article here:   https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2024/apr/26/robot-flamethrower-dog-thermonator There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
20/11/241h 15m

S19 Ep139: Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 1119 w/Mallie Fox

True Crime Tuesday presents Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 1119 with Mallie Fox! This week, The turkey isn't the only thing in danger this week before Thanksgiving!   A Las Vegas woman is found dead in her freezer weeks after calling 911 concerned about her accused killer!  A LA. woman is sentenced for killing her boyfriend in 1984 and taking over his business, A pair of Washington parents allegedly choked their teen daughter in an attempted honor killing because she refused marriage. and a TV star shares her side of the story after her family reports her missing!          PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS!! Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #rippedfromtheheadlines #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutality #sexcrimes #bloodytamponknifeassault #substituteprostitutescandal #NYDApervrobbery #dna
19/11/241h 40m

S19 Ep138: Baphomet Revealed: Mysteries and Magic of the Sacred Icon w/ Dr. Heather Lynn

Darkness Radio presents:  Baphomet Revealed: Mysteries and Magic of the Sacred Icon with Archaeologist/Professor/TV Presenter/Podcaster/Author, Dr. Heather Lynn! Baphomet, often misunderstood and cloaked in misinterpretations, has left an indelible mark on our collective consciousness—standing at the crossroads of the occult, religion, and the quest for arcane knowledge. Baphomet’s origins are as elusive as their symbolic form, yet we begin our inquiry with the Templars, where the name was perhaps first uttered. We trace Baphomet’s course through history, their intersections with Gnostic thought, Freemasonry, the teachings of Aleister Crowley and Eliphas Lévi, and the myriad occult groups that have drawn upon Baphomet’s potent symbolism.  Baphomet Revealed takes readers on a journey that weaves together the threads of history, symbolism, and esoteric philosophy, unraveling the tapestry of Baphomet’s enduring mystique. This provocative entity exists simultaneously as myth, magick, and symbol. Over the years, Baphomet has been called a demon, deity, and the devil himself, but Baphomet is none of these—the figure is, in reality, a symbol—a complex cipher holding within their form the keys to profound philosophical and esoteric truths. On today's show, Dr. Lynn talks with us about the origins of Baphomet, how the icon has been used to fit different groups' agendas. Who actually trademarked the icon?! and , what the original, ultimate hidden meaning behind the icon actually is! Get your copy of "Baphomet Revealed" here:  https://bit.ly/40Hj8Jd Find out more about Dr. Lynn at her website:   https://www.drheatherlynn.com/ Check out Dr. Lynn's podcast:  https://www.drheatherlynn.com/the-midnight-academy Get Dr. Lynn's Book , "Evil Archaeology...":  https://bit.ly/4arYsGa Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #drheatherlynn  #historian #archaeologist #ancientaliens #coasttocoastam #demons #pazuzu #baphomet #eliphaslevi #knightstemplar #sufi #1307 #popevincent #exorcisms #jesus #marymagdalene #gnostic #kabbalah #freemasons #rosicruscians #churchofsatan #satanictemple #arkofthecovenant #timothyhogan #alternatehistory
14/11/241h 19m

S19 Ep137: Supernatural News/Parashare: Deadly Dreams & Monkey Apocalypse Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Deadly Dreams & Monkey Apocalypse Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, A top scientist says that undeniable proof of alien life will be appearing soon as a terrified man says six foot aliens with four fingers kidnapped him!  When you die in your dreams, do you die in reality? A new study has answered that question! and, 43 monkeys escaped from a research facility in South Carolina, but did they all get away scot free? We have the details! A mystery silver cube is among the strange objects filmed in the skies over Missouri! Check out the footage here:   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/382226/mystery-silver-cube-ufo-among-strange-objects-filmed-over-missouri A ghost is caught on a Ring doorbell camera in chiliing detail in Britain! check out the video here:  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-14019591/Ghost-orb-Ring-doorbell-video.html A 25 foot humped creature glided smoothly over loch ness!  Is this creature really Nessie? check out the evidence and decide for yourself!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/382365/25-foot-humped-creature-filmed-moving-across-surface-of-loch-ness There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Order the three new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Event here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
13/11/242h 6m

S19 Ep136: NYPD: Presumption & Dysfunction w/Vic Ferrari

True Crime Tuesday presents: NYPD: Presumption & Dysfunction with Retired New York City Police Detective/Author, Vic Ferrari! Unlike the 1973 classic by Emerson, Lake, & Palmer, the New York City Police Department doesn’t want you to have a look inside. They’d prefer you stay away and not ask questions. From fudging crime statistics to clueless cronies landing in coveted positions, everything is par for the course in America’s largest police department. You only call 911 when you have a problem. From a double-parked car to the dead guy in the apartment, cops are expected to have all the answers. Unfortunately, there is no crystal ball to consult, just an outdated, eight-inch-thick NYPD patrol guide. When that fails, it’s time to get creative. Hopefully, the remedy you choose won’t come back to haunt you. The moment you take the oath to protect and serve, you realize the job is not on the level. What happens behind the scenes at the New York City Police Department is unbelievable.  Retired NYPD detective Vic Ferrari takes you behind the blue wall of silence, exposing the hijinks and hypocrisy of the New York City Police Department. Whether it’s a cokehead cop in a bathroom stall or a catfight over a spouse’s paycheck, there’s never a dull moment in NYPD: Presumption & Dysfunction. On Today's TCT, Vic Ferrari takes us behind the NYPD to tell us not only some hair-raising stories of chasing down car thieves, but also some tales of police shenanigans as well! Get your copy of "NYPD: Presumption & Dysfunction" here:  https://amzn.to/3YIlmWa Check out Vic's You Tube page/ Podcast, " NYPD: Through The Looking Glass" :  https://www.youtube.com/@vicferrari4046 PLUS: AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Check out the pictures of the car that flipped INSIDE a covered bridge, yet did NO DAMAGE! https://local21news.com/news/local/gallery-car-flips-inside-covered-bridge-in-lancaster-county?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Order the brand new book from Jessica (out this week) here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #vicferrari #nypdpresumptionanddysfunction #newyorkpolicedepartment #NYPD #autocrimesdivision #autotheft #counterfeitvinnumbers #bronx #4-2 #5-0 #catalyticconvertertheft #airbagtheft #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #ghoststoriesink #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes
12/11/242h 23m

S19 Ep135: Shapeshifters, Trickster Spirits, & Walk-Ins w/ Dr. Kimberly McGeorge

Darkness Radio presents: Shapeshifters, Trickster Spirits, & Walk-Ins with Naturopathic Doctor/Energy Healer/Remote Viewer/Energy Healer. Dr. Kimberly McGeorge! Dr. Kimberly McGeorge is an internationally renowned naturopathic doctor, energy healer, remote viewer, paranormal expert and consciousness teacher. Her extensive client list includes some of the world’s most talented healers and, for the past 25 years, she has worked on thousands of people around the world. Dr.Kimberly was born with the ability to remote view, see people's auras and was highly intuitive. While still in college, she helped police on many occasions. Finding she had a natural affinity with herbs, she worked as a herbalist and went on to create and distribute her own line of herbal organic products internationally. During this time, her personal practice expanded to multiple clinics throughout Columbus. Driven by her inner knowing that her healing work could be made much quicker, more affordable and amplified exponentially using technology, Dr. Kimberly consulted with an esteemed neurosurgeon and realized that the healing frequencies in naturopathy could be applied to all areas of her client’s lives. Her latest ground-breaking program Frequency Master™ teaches how to master frequencies in your own life and trains other healers to use her own unique and successful methods. On Today's Show, Dr. McGeorge talks about the phenomenon of Shapeshifters, what they are and how we come about them.  Trickster Spirits, and how they potentially could keep you from your deserved afterlife, and walk-ins, and how they could change the structure of YOUR life!  Check out Dr. McGeorge at her website:  https://www.secrettoeverything.com/ Sign up for the Ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events a nd save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #drkimberlymcgeorge #naturopathicdoctor #energyhealer #remoteviewing  #shapeshifters #tricksterspirits #walkins #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #demons  #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti #meninblack #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
07/11/241h 36m

S19 Ep134: Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Agendas, Ghosts, & Vampires Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Agendas, Ghosts, & Vampires Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Luis Elizondo presents evidence of a "UFO Mothership" while Sean Kirkpatrick talks UFO retrieval and who's responsible, publicly.  A researcher claims that ghosts may die after 100 years, Scientists bring a vampire back from the dead... and AI joins the ministry!  Have you ever seen what a ghost forest looks like?! Well, here it is!   https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-14029641/ghost-forests-North-Carolina-visible-space-disturbing-reason.html Would you buy art from the world's first humanoid robot? take a look and decide!  https://www.foxnews.com/tech/would-you-buy-art-from-worlds-first-humanoid-robot-artist A homeowner captures chilling Ring doorbell footage after moving to the middle of nowhere,! Check it out!  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/i-captured-chilling-ring-doorbell-34025347#google_vignette A British investigator saw a real-life Black-Eyed Kid!?  Click this link and check out the pics!  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/i-saw-black-eyed-child-33993985#google_vignette Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
06/11/241h 47m

S19 Ep133: Murderous Minds Of Germany: Serial Killers of Deutschland w/Alan R. Warren

True Crime Tuesday presents Murderous Minds Of Germany: Serial Killers of Deutschland with Author, Alan R. Warren! Volume 1 of the International Serial Killers Encyclopedia series focuses on the most notorious serial killers from Germany. It contains many cases where the twisted minds and deeds of those who stalked the streets of Germany left a trail of fear and destruction in their wake. From the infamous Fritz Haarmann, a.k.a. the “Butcher of Hanover,” who preyed upon young boys with chilling brutality, to Peter Kürten, a.k.a. the “Vampire of Dusseldorf,” whose thirst for blood knew no bounds. Each chapter reveals the brutal tales of individuals consumed by their darkest desires and a compelling blend of true crime and psychological intrigue. Murderous Minds Germany offers a chilling glimpse into the darkest recesses of the human psyche, reminding us that evil can lurk just beneath the surface, even in the most civilized society. On Today's TCT, we talk to Alan Warren about the Vampire of Dusseldorf, The Werewolf of Bedburg, Karl Denke, Joachim Kroll, and other famous German serial killers, and we also ask Alan the question "did the world of Modern psychology come from the beginnings of German serial killers?"    Get your copy of "Murderous Minds Of Germany" here:   https://bit.ly/3ArJhAZ Check out Alan on the House of Mystery Radio show:  https://www.alanrwarren.com/house-of-mystery-radioshows PLUS: ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS W/JESSICA FREEBURG! Order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #alanrwarren #murderousmindsgermany #internationalserialkillersencyclopediabook1 #houseofmysterypublishing #murderinvestigation #forensics #serialkillers #germany #vampireofdusseldorf #werewolfofbedburg #butcherofhanover #karldenke #joachimkroll #murder #cannibalism  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #ghoststoriesink #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes
05/11/242h 31m

S19 Ep132: The Darkness Radio Halloween Special 2024 w/ Special Guest, Christopher Jordan

Darkness Radio presents  The Darkness Radio Halloween Special 2024 with Researcher/Investigator/Musician/Author, Christopher Jordan! On Today's Halloween edition of Darkness Radio, we welcome in Christopher Jordan! Christopher is an Investigator ,Podcast Host , Composer, Audio Engineer, and a renaissance man who has an extensive education in other culture's customs and religions along with education in seminary! We talk about the cultural beginnings of where Halloween emanated from, along with the holidays of Samhain, Day of the Dead, All Souls/Saints' Day, Guy Fawkes Day, Devils; Night, and more! ! Get Chris' new book, "Field Observation & Encounter Log":  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D7J37LFH?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520 Check  out Chris on the Web: https://curiousresearch.org/ https://curiousrealm.com/ Cure what ails you!  Check out the binaural beats created by Chris:  https://christopherjordanmusic.bandcamp.com/track/puer-ad-somnum There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica and Ghost Stories Ink are giving away two tickets to their Palmer House Event, Nov. 14-17th, 2024 (you will have to pay for your hotel).   To enter, simply send an email with your name, address, phone #, and the phrase, "I wanna ghost hunt with Jess and Tim!" to Jessica@jessicafreeburg.com!  One entry per household please!  Deadline for this contest is Sunday 11/2/24 at midnight!  Good Luck!  #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #christopherjordan #halloween #samhain #allsoulsday #allsaintsday #devilsnight #curiousresearch #curiousrealm  #fieldobservationandencounterlog  #binauralbeats #guyfawksday #carvingturnips #dayofthedead #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra 
31/10/241h 10m

S19 Ep131: Supernatural News/Parashare: Heaven, Hell, & Halloween 2024 Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Heaven, Hell, & Halloween 2024 Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, just when you thought you could call the Peruvian mummies fake... they pull you back in!  Researchers say they are close to creating synthetic life forms as another group bring pig brains back 50 minutes back after they die!  We look into the Haintin Holler Cryptid and we ask the question, "why do ghosts wear clothes?" A cluster of UFO's is filmed near an Air Force base in Indiana, and there is video! But, is it really a UFO? You decide!   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/382010/cluster-of-ufos-filmed-near-us-air-force-base-in-indiana A zoo has asked for help identifying a mystery creature, but is this a new creature or a trick of photography? you decide!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/381899/zoo-asks-for-help-identifying-mystery-creature-with-wings-and-horns Halloween Decorations are "Brruined" by three bears,! Check out the damage here!  https://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2024/10/24/Halloween-pumpkins-Amazon-packages-bears-Asheville/4071729787100/ Wanna see the scariest house on the block this Halloween, and vote for it?  Click this link and check out the pics!  https://www.darknessradioshow.com/blog/this-could-be-the-coolest-and-scariest-house-you-seevisit-on-halloween-nightmare-fuel/ Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
30/10/241h 59m

S19 Ep130: The Baby Doll Serial Killer: John Eric Armstrong w/B.R. Bates and Gerald Cliff

True Crime Tuesday presents: The Baby Doll Serial Killer: John Eric Armstrong w/B.R. Bates and Gerald Cliff! He was unassuming, sweet, and friendly. “Saved” in church as a teen, he never caused trouble. In the Navy, they called him Opie. Though he was a big guy, he had a soft, boyish demeanor. “The boy next door,” said those who worked with and knew him. But John Eric Armstrong had a dark secret—hidden even from those closest to him. Prowling Detroit's well-known pocket of prostitution on historic Michigan Ave, this young husband and father picked up unsuspecting women who thought they were simply meeting a john. He seemed innocent, even driving a Jeep with a front plate reading "Baby Doll." But they soon discovered, he could turn on a dime -- fly into a rage. Sometimes he would leave his victims alive, but sometimes he didn’t. In THE 'BABY DOLL’ SERIAL KILLER: The John Eric Armstrong Homicides, journalist B.R. Bates lays out the gripping story of this chameleon of a serial killer through his crimes – with a compassionate look at the life of each one of his victims – and the heroic efforts of law enforcement to catch him. On today's TCT, B.R. Bates and former officer in the case, Gerald Cliff, PhD. join the show to talk about the specifics of the case, What motivated John Eric Armstrong to attack sex workers, and with the changes in technology since this case, why we are still in danger from potential serial killers! Get your copy of "The Baby Doll Serial Killer: The John Eric Armstrong Homicides" here:  https://bit.ly/4f42jfO Check out B.R. Bates on Instagram here:  https://www.instagram.com/brbates.author/ PLUS AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Jessica and Ghost Stories Ink are giving away two tickets to their Palmer House Event, Nov. 14-17th, 2024 (you will have to pay for your hotel).   To enter, simply send an email with your name, address, phone #, and the phrase, "I wanna ghost hunt with Jess and Tim!" to Jessica@jessicafreeburg.com!  One entry per household please!  Deadline for this contest is Sunday 11/2/24 at midnight!  Good Luck!  Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #brbates #geraldcliffphd #thebabydollserialkiller #thejohnericarmstronghomicides #murdersintheinnercity #detroit #dearbornmichigan #sexworkers #prostitution #ussnimitz #johnericarmstrong #lifeimprisonment #serialkiller #deathbystrangulation #ragesyndrome #murder #kidnapping #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #cheesethief #sexcrimes #spaghettibattery
29/10/242h 40m

S19 Ep129: Unveiling The Alien Agenda w/ Lesley Mitchell-Clarke

Darkness Radio Presents: Unveiling The Alien Agenda with Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist/Past Life Regressionist, Lesley Mitchell-Clarke! Thousands of people have reported being abducted by Aliens over the decades, but the memories of what happens to them while they are in the company of said aliens is somewhat... sketchy. Lesley Mitchell-Clarke is a Toronto based Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist who specializes in in a number of modalities, including working with individuals who feel that they have had experiences with extra-terrestrial beings. Most of this fascinating work, as well as Metaphysical Therapies such as Past Life and Inter life Regression takes place at Lesley’s Toronto hypnosis clinic, Lightwork Hypnosis. On Today's show, we talk with Lesley about what exactly the Alien agenda started out as, how it got out of control, and what it is now.  The incredibly bizarre things some of her patients have been through, and why not every experiences with Aliens is not traumatic but... a collaboration? If you have had an Alien experience or need a past life regression, you can contact Lesley through her website:  https://lightworkhypnosis.com/ Check out Lesley's Contact TV You Tube page:  https://www.youtube.com/contacttv There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #lesleymitchellclarke #hypnotherapy  #hypnosis #lightworkhypnosis #pastliferegression  #pastlife  #spirits   #hauntings #contacttv #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #drrogerlear #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #neardeatheexperience #aliengovernmentagreement #cia #fbi 
24/10/241h 17m

S19 Ep128: Supernatural News/Parashare: Paranormal Oddities & Funerals Gone Wrong Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Paranormal Oddities & Funerals Gone Wrong Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, A weird cloud, like the one in the movie, Nope, shows up in ew Zealand!  Mysterious doors in Antarctica and England have people talking about the mysteries behind them!  Mystery drones swarmed a US Air Force base for 17 consecutive nights, but where did they come from?!  AND, stop us if you heard this one... have you hear the one about the the guy in Poland who was tried to cross the road to get to his own funeral? ummmm... it doesn't end well. Would you take a balloon into the stratosphere with Richard Branson?! Maybe if it looked like this!   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/381843/richard-branson-to-join-first-commercial-stratospheric-balloon-flight George Knapp has a cool new program about aliens heading to Netflix!  Check out the trailer here:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/381782/new-netflix-show-investigation-alien-revealed-in-new-trailer Is this a door in the middle of the snow and ice in Antarctica? Or is it literally just a giant piece of ice You decide!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/381737/revisiting-the-antarctic-door--what-could-this-be-and-who-made-it There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits  #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
23/10/241h 50m

S19 Ep127: Killer Moms: True Stories w/ Amanda R. Woomer

True Crime Tuesday presents Killer Moms: True Stories with Researcher/Author. Amanda R. Woomer! A mother is supposed to be loving, protective, caring, and kind. She’s supposed to nurture and guide her children from infancy into childhood and adolescence. The very thought of murdering a child—much less their own child—is not only bizarre but perhaps the most disturbing thought a parent could have! Exploring the ultimate betrayal of a mother’s duty, Killer Moms: True Stories recounts 31 harrowing tales of motherhood gone wrong, including … Rachel David, who believed she was married to God. Andrea Yates, who systemically executed each of her five children by drowning them. Magda Goebbels, one of the most powerful women in Nazi Germany, the propaganda minister’s wife and a Hitler favorite. The ambiguous Casey Anthony case, whose acquittal shocked the public. Melissa Drexler, aka “The Prom Mom,” who hid her pregnancy from everyone. Rosemary West, one of England’s most notorious serial killers. Lindsey Nicole Blansett, whose solution to ensuring her children wouldn’t suffer in the future was to make sure they did not have a future. Nannie Doss, the “Giggling Granny,” who managed to murder four generations of her family in a killing spree that lasted 30 years. Angela Camacho, who helped her husband murder her three young children because he believed they were possessed by witches. On today's Show, Amanda R. Woomer, Author of Killer Moms: True Stories joins us to talk about why women have not only more parental and societal pressures put upon them, but why those pressures then force them to turn on their own children. We talk about specific cases as well as motives for murdering their children!  Get your copy of " Killer Moms: True Stories" here:  https://visibleinkpress.com/t243/Killer-Moms-True-Stories Find out more about Amanda here:  https://spookeats.com/ PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Check out the video of the machete fight in England here:  https://metro.co.uk/2024/10/17/machete-fight-breaks-front-children-packed-london-high-street-21818187/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the Ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #killermomstruestories #amandarwoomer #caseyanthony #melissadrexler #prommom #magdagoebbels #leonardacianciulli #thesoapmakerofcorreggio #infanticide #filicide #murder  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #britishmachetefight #sexcrimes #ltdanfloridaman
22/10/242h 31m

S19 Ep126: Revealing The Lost Monster Files w/ Charlie Mewshaw & Brittany Barbieri

Darkness Radio presents:  Revealing The Lost Monster Files with Field Science & Tech Specialist,  Charlie Mewshaw & Cryptozoologist, Brittany Barbieri! For the first time in over 50 years, the recently uncovered case files of renowned cryptozoologist Ivan Sanderson – including the evidence and artifacts from his most compelling hunts for cryptids, or legendary and unknown species – are being reexamined during the all-new series LOST MONSTER FILES  on Discovery Channel, ,Wednesdays at 10PM ET/PT.   The series features a team of experts who gained exclusive access to Sanderson’s detailed research and will use it to reinvestigate his most prominent unfinished cases. The team will focus on present day sightings such as the Abominable Snowman and Chupacabra to determine if modern science and technology can bring them closer to answers for these mysterious creatures. Biologist Ivan Sanderson, a founder of Cryptozoology , amassed the most extensive collection of unexplained creature research on earth. Following his death in 1973, the archive was kept hidden. Now, the team will apply long-hidden insights and clues from Sanderson’s physical specimens, journals and audio recordings to new field investigations, using tools and evidence not available in Sanderson’s day. On Today's show, we chat with Field Science & Tech Specialist, Charlie Mewshaw and Cryptozoologist Brittany Barbieri about the background of the show, the actual evidence found, Sanderson's treasure trove of files, naming a new genome of species, and how much is too much danger when dealing with some of these creatures and trying to capture it on film! Catch up on Lost Monster Files NOW:  https://go.discovery.com/show/lost-monster-files-discovery-atve-us Check out Discovery on Instagram:  https://bit.ly/3UfSV0m X: https://x.com/Discovery Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Discovery/ Tik Tok:  https://bit.ly/3YspPNN #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #lostmonsterfiles #discoverychannel #charliemewshaw #brittanybarbieri  #troylilly  #justinigualata  #biteforce   #wolverine #ivansansanderson #sandersonindex #chupacabra #abominablesnowman  #paranormalinvestigation #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti #wildmanofminnesota #kodiakseamonster #thunderbirdofpennsylvania #ozarkgowrow #lochnessmonster #beastofbrayroad #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory
17/10/241h 11m

S19 Ep125: Supernatural News/Parashare: Bigfoot & Nessie Strike Again Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Bigfoot & Nessie Strike Again Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Rumors of a secretive Pentagon UFO data retrieval program emerge!  A report of an unusual "paranormal abuse" case in Spain involving a psychic medium, we have the details...  A man in Kentucky claims he has caught the elusive whoops and hollers of Bigfoot and understands their language!  And the Loch Ness Monster has been caught for the second time in a week on an electronic device, this time on Sonar!  NASA caught a weird skull-like face on Mars! is it something? Or is it paredolia? you decide!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/381632/weird-skull-like-face-photographed-by-rover-on-the-surface-of-mars Another "underwater anomaly" has been spotted in Loch Ness!  Did they find Nessie by Sonar? you decide!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/381560/another-underwater-anomaly-has-been-detected-in-loch-ness A Bigfoot Investigator from Kentucky claims he has video of Bigfoot speaking to each other... and knows what they are saying! what do you think he has?  https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13938877/Chilling-video-captures-Bigfoot-noises-Kentucky-woods-amid-spate-unexplained-sightings.html Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
16/10/241h 42m

S19 Ep124: A Heritage Of Nonsense: Jim Garrison's Tales of Mystery & Imagination w/ Fred Litwin

True Crime Tuesday presents: A Heritage Of Nonsense: Jim Garrison's Tales of Mystery and Imagination with Researcher/Author/Fred Litwin! A Heritage of Nonsense contains nine stories that illustrate Jim Garrison’s malfeasance, his paranoia, and his conspiratorial mindset. There is a commonality that runs through this book: the insidious nature of conspiracy theorists, gullibility that stretches the imagination, and a smattering of mental illness. For the first time ever, you’ll read about the East German Stasi files of Richard Case Nagell, a man who desperately needed psychiatric help; the truth about Rose Cherami who supposedly had foreknowledge of the JFK assassination; a gay rights activist who channeled Lee Harvey Oswald at a séance; a Las Vegas entertainer who became a suspect in Garrison’s investigation because of one phone call; and the search for a lost map of Dealey Plaza. Fred even solves a longstanding JFK assassination mystery. And a whole lot more. Fred joins TCT today to talk about how Jim Garrison became such a hero in Oliver Stone's JFK film when it seems that a lot of his investigations went nowhere.  We talk about some of the colorful characters in the book, including Richard Nagell, Rose Cherami, the Rev. Raymond Broshears, and how the French Intelligence nearly changed the entire narrative of the JFK assassination!    Get Fred's book, " A Heritage of Nonsense,,, " here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0994863071/ref=sr_1_1 Find out more about Fred, see clips related to his books and more here:  https://www.onthetrailofdelusion.com/ Check out Fred's You Tube channel (withe plenty of interesting facts and tibits surrounding the JFK Assassination) here:  https://www.youtube.com/@onthetrailofdelusion/videos PLUS: AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG!!  #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #fredlitwin #jimgarrison #oliverstone #aheritageofnonsense #jimgarrisonstalesofmysteryandimagination #johnfkennedyjr #robertfkennedy #warrencommission #leeharveyoswald #jackruby #kennedyassasination #conspiracytheory #jackruby #dallas #CIA #larrycrafard #raymondbroshears #rosecherami #richardcasenagell #frenchintelligence #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
15/10/242h 37m

S19 Ep123: Meeting With Remarkable Magicians: Life in the Occult Underground w/Carl Abrahamsson

Darkness Radio presents Meeting With Remarkable Magicians: Life in the Occult Underground with Researcher/Author, Carl Abrahamsson! What does it mean to live a life as an occultist? There may be no single answer, but for Carl Abrahamsson, it has involved work in music, art, and film as well as deep involvement with renowned occult figures and organizations for more than 40 years. Illustrating the possibilities of a life infused with magic, Abrahamsson reflects on his decades spent in the company of some of the most unconventional thinkers of the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Revealing how his immersion in both the underground and above-ground world of art and the occult only grew through his adolescence and into adulthood, the author details his involvement with psychedelic culture, the punk subculture, and numerous occult figures and organizations, including Genesis P-Orridge and Thee Temple Ov Psychick Youth, Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan, the Ordo Templi Orientis, and a branch of the American Golden Dawn. On today's show, we talk with Carl Abrahamsson about his new book, "Meeting With Remarkable Magicians: Life in the Occult Underground".  We talk about what made HIM so special that people of such stature wanted to take him under their wing, How music infuses with magick, and how the future of technology wil affect magick and "occulture" in the future! Get Carl's new book, "Meeting With Remarkable Magicians..." here:   https://bit.ly/3YhanDT Check out Carl's music and everything about him here:  https://www.carlabrahamsson.com/ Check out Carl on Social media: x: https://x.com/CaAbrahamsson Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/authorcarlabrahamsson Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/carl.abrahamsson/ Tik Tok:  https://www.tiktok.com/@carlabrahamsson #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #carlabrahamsson #meetingswithremarkablemagicians #lifeintheoccultunderground #shamanism #magic #occulture  #antonlavey #churchofsatan #thefenriswolf #topy #genesisporridge #goldendawn #ordotempliorietis #oto #ghosts  #spirits  #hauntings #demons  #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot  #ouija   #Artificiallife #artificialintelligence #AI  #Satanists #thechurchofsatan #TheSatanicTemple #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
10/10/241h 40m

S19 Ep122: Supernatural News/Parashare: Resurrections & Conspiracies Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Resurrections & Conspiracies Edition with Mallie Fox!  This Week, according to her daughter, Lisa Marie Presley kept her son's dead body in her home for almost two months! We have the details!  Judy Spera talks about what she feels the Conjuring franchise has one to her parents' legacy!  Cryptid or Not? A controversial new video has hit You Tube showing Bigfoot lounging against a tree, but is it really the legendary creature? and did radar actually catch a clear image of the Loch Ness Monster this past week?  Is this Bigfoot leaning up against a tree in this video? Or is it a hoax? you decide!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/381409/dubious-video-clip-shows-alleged-bigfoot-sitting-against-a-tree Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
09/10/241h 53m

S19 Ep121: The Book of Murder: A Prosecutor's Journey Through Love and Death w/Matt Murphy

True Crime Tuesday Presents: The Book of Murder: A Prosecutor's Journey Through Love and Death w/ Senior Deputy District Attorney/ABC Legal Analyst/Author Matt Murphy! For seventeen years, if a murder was committed in the sunny Southern California cities of Laguna Beach, Newport Beach, Costa Mesa, or Irvine, Matt Murphy was there, behind the yellow tape with detectives and his team. Over his career with the Orange County District Attorney’s Office as a Homicide prosecutor, he tried fifty-two cases without a single loss. In THE BOOK OF MURDER, Murphy walks readers through some of his most memorable, heart-wrenching, gruesome, and fascinating encounters with the very worst crime.  Yet, a prosecutor’s job is about more than paying attention to the tiniest details and figuring out how they piece together. As Murphy makes clear, being an outstanding prosecutor takes a commitment to finding the truth at all costs—even when the search requires taking a deep dive into the twisted mind of a serial killer or facing the anguish of a mother grieving her murdered child or sacrificing relationships and a personal life. On today's TCT, Matt Murphy talks about a few of his most famous cases, the mindset of some of his most notorious killers, and talks about what it is like to actually get inside the mind of a serial rapist and a serial killer! Get your copy of "The Book of Murder..." here:  https://www.thebookofmurder.com/ Check out Matt on his social media:  https://www.instagram.com/mattmurphylaw/ PLUS, AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Watch You Tuber Jack total his 200K MacLaren sportscar on Livestream!! https://nypost.com/2024/10/06/us-news/youtuber-jack-doherty-totals-200000-mclaren-supercar/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the Ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events a nd save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #thebookofmurder #aprosecutorsjourneythroughloveanddeath #skylardeleon #rodneyalcala #dirtyjohnmeehan #elizabethvargas #abcnews #2020 #hulu #newsnation  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #rageeatingdeadhusbandsashes #sexcrimes #jackdohertymaclarencrash
08/10/242h 28m

S19 Ep120: The Condition Your Intuition Is In w/Jodi Livon

Darkness Radio presents: The Condition Your Intuition Is In with Presenter/Author/Teacher/Psychic/Author, Jodi Livon! The saying goes, "when the going gets tough, the tough get going"! And, they don't make them any tougher than our friend, Jodi Livon!  While Jodi was in the fight of her life with breast cancer and other maladies, she dedicated herself to see herself through four things to keep her here with us on this earthly plane... one of those things was a groundbreaking internet series about developing your intuition. which eventually became The Language Of The Soul: Intuition Explained Series! On today's show, Jodi will talk about her beginnings, her unusual health struggles, what got her through those struggles and how she developed this amazing series.  As well as what intuition REALLY is, how we SHOULD use it, and how you can benefit from it! You can experience the Language of the Soul here: https://theintuitivecoach.com/courses-the-intuitive-coach/ Pick up the Happy Medium series of Jodi's books here:  https://theintuitivecoach.com/books-the-happy-medium/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jodilivon #paranormalworkshops #paranormalseries #paranormalbooks #thehappymedium #thelanguageofthesoul #intuitionexplainedseries #intuition  #psychicability  #twincitieslive #kstptv #ghosts  #spirits #hauntings  #angels #demons #theology #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot  #ouija #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunting #chakras #dreamvisitations
03/10/241h 9m

S19 Ep119: Supernatural News/Parashare: Supernatural Nothingburgers Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Supernatural Nothingburgers Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, we have all the ingredients of a hot newscast:  Alien Material Lab results...  Potential Loch Ness Monster sighting... Potential Alien invasion.... Nuclear Blasts that MIGHT take out killer asteroids... you get the idea!!  But did any of these stories pay off with a killer ending?! Well, that's why we make these things... tune in and find out! oh, and we brought dessert! Check out the deep sea creature in the Tonga Trench that looks like an alien !  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/381299/incredible-alien-like-deep-sea-creature-filmed-in-the-tonga-trench Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
02/10/241h 56m

S19 Ep118: Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 1001 w/Jessica Freeburg

True Crime Tuesday presents Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 1001 with Jessica Freeburg! This week, We cover the scandals and the brutality!  We talk about the charges that the mayor of New York is facing, we also tackle the latest updates on the Diddy trafficking scandal! We also tell you about two Delta Airlines agents who smuggled three million dollars worth of Ketamine through JFK, & about a couple who decided they could give up parenthood for a six pack of beer and 1000 bucks!   PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS!! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #rippedfromtheheadlines #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #deltaairlinesketamine #sexcrimes #chinesepoocano #coloradofootfetishbandit #beerandmoneyadoptionscandal #dna
01/10/242h 12m

S19 Ep117: Ghosts and Monsters of the Northeast w/ Jessica Freeburg & Natalie Fowler

Darkness Radio presents Ghosts and Monsters of the Northeast with Researchers/Authors, Jessica Freeburg & Natalie Fowler! On Today's Darkness Radio, we take a look at TWO books released simultaneously by two of our favorite authors!  Darkness Radio's own, Jessica Freeburg, and Ghost Stories Ink's Natalie Fowler!  During the first segment, we talk about some of the subjects in "Ghostly Tales of Pennsylvania..."  A place Tim has investigated quite a bit! In the second segment of the program, we get even spookier as we explore "Monsters of the Northeast..."!  Both books are wonderful, have amazing supernatural stories, and are available right now! Get your copy of "Ghostly Tales Of Pennsylvania..." here:   https://bit.ly/47ErR00 Get your copy of  "Monsters of the Northeast.." here:  https://bit.ly/3XJ9IcW Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #nataliefowler #ghoststoriesink  #adventurepublications #paranormalauthor  #paranormalbook  #ghostlytalesofpennsylvania  #monstersofthenortheast  #ghosts  #spirits  #hauntings #hauntedhouses #hauntedasylums #demons #incubus #succubus #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters #easternstatepenitentiery #pennhurst #gettysburg #devilsden #lonstricker #lorencoleman #sykesvillemonster #jerseydevil #champ #vampires #bigredeye #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
26/09/241h 42m

S19 Ep116: Supernatural News/Parashare: Craft Hijinks & Cryptid Encounters Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Craft Hijinks & Cryptid Encounters Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Just when the US is being clever with it's spy satellites, an amateur astronomer takes pics of them, Two parties have encounters with the Loch Ness Monster this week!  There is a new monster on the loose in Minnesota!  And, we see and hear the final fate of the Titan Submersible... Check out the super clear metallic shaped disc over China and what it looks like here!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/380929/super-clear-metallic-disc-shaped-ufo-photographed-over-china This flying saucer is the REAL DEAL, but probably not what you think...!  Check it out HERE :  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/381030/this-flying-saucer-is-the-real-deal-but-its-probably-not-what-you-think Wanna see the Minnesota Mystery Beast?! Check it out here:  https://www.tmz.com/2024/09/21/mystery-beast-minnesota-woods-wolf-dog/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
25/09/241h 50m

S19 Ep115: The Puzzle Box w/ Danielle Trussoni

True Crime Tuesday presents:  The Puzzle Box with Researcher/ Award Winning Author, Danielle Trussoni! It is the Year of the Wood Dragon, and the ingenious Mike Brink has been invited to Tokyo, Japan, to open the legendary Dragon Box. The box was constructed during one of Japan’s most tumultuous periods, when the samurai class was disbanded and the shogun lost power. In this moment of crisis, Emperor Meiji locked a priceless Imperial secret in the Dragon Box. Only two people knew how to open the box—Meiji and the box’s sadistic constructor—and both died without telling a soul what was inside or how to open it. Every twelve years since then, in the Year of the Dragon, the Imperial family holds a clandestine contest to open the box. It is devilishly difficult, filled with tricks, booby traps, poisons, and mind-bending twists. Every puzzle master who has attempted to open it has died in the process. But Brink is not just any puzzle master. He may be the only person alive who can crack it. His determination is matched only by that of two sisters, descendants of an illustrious samurai clan, who will stop at nothing to claim the treasure. Brink’s quest launches him on a breakneck adventure across Japan, from the Imperial Palace in Tokyo to the pristine forests of Hakone to an ancient cave in Kyushu. In the process, he discovers the power of Meiji’s hidden treasure, and—more crucially—the true nature of his extraordinary talent. On Today's TCT, Danielle Trussoni joins the program to talk about her time in Japan, what inspired her to write about this wonderful country and culture, and about the character of Mike Brink and the disorder of his brain that fuels his passion for solving equations and puzzles! Get your copy of "The Puzzle Box" here:  https://bit.ly/4dk6H8S Learn more about Danielle and her other works here:  https://danielletrussoni.com/ PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS W/JESSICA FREEBURG! She couldn't deal with it, flashed her chest, and then kicked a deputy in the face, and now you can watch the video!   https://atlantablackstar.com/2024/09/21/i-cant-deal-with-this-woman-kicks-deputy-in-the-face-after-calling-cops-to-report-that-her-son-was-kidnapped/?v=i3g4thzxgcnkj7dbpdognxwicui2h4deunl84pgocucaaagsftux7a&utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #danielletrussoni #thepuzzlebox #mikebrink #crimefiction #thriller #sakura #conundrum #rachel #ume #japan #synesthesia #akashicrecords #artificialintelligence #emperorofjapan  #murder #amaterasu  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #airplanecrimes #sexcrimes #syringesickosquirtingspree
24/09/242h 25m

S19 Ep114: Hillbilly Horror Story Swap & Tridactyl Alien Invasion w/ Jerry & Tracy Paulley & Ed Casas

Darkness Radio Presents:  Hillbilly Horror Story Swap & Tridactyl Alien Invasion w/ Jerry & Tracy Paulley & Ed Casas! What's the old saying? When life hands you lemons, make lemonade?  Well, our scheduled guest had an emergency!  So, we jumped on the horn with our good friends from Hillbilly Horror Stories, Jerry and Tracy Paulley. and swapped scary stories!!  Then, in the second pat of the program, a good friend of Tim's recommended a guest for him to talk to who had an unusual theory about the Nazca mummies, aliens, and who exactly they were!!!  What you are about to hear from Ed Casas is a WILD RIDE INDEED! Check out Jerry and Tracy on Hillybilly Horror Stories:  https://www.hillbillyhorrorstories.com/ To find out more about Tridactyls, check out Ed's website:  https://tridactyls.com/ Order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There is always something new and paranormally exciting on our website! Check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jerrypaulley #traceypaulley #edcasas  #hillbillyhorrorstories #tridactyls  #ghosts  #spirits #hauntings #hauntedhouses #scarystories #ghoststories #demons #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #moundstheater #stpaul #minnesota #australianghoststories  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #constantcompaniontheory #nazcamummies #mexicangovernment 
19/09/241h 52m

S19 Ep113: Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Confessions & Zombie Body Parts Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Confessions & Zombie Body Parts Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, The man who headed up the UAP Task Force is pilling secrets in a new book, but just how far is he going?! Avi Loeb says if we wanna know where Aliens have been, FOLLOW THEIR TRASH! Scientists have discovered organisms that exists between life and death! We'll tell you about them! And, just when you though haunted dolls brought nothing but curses, gloom, and doom... one man across the pond says, "not so fast!" We've got giant bubbles coming out of a giant black hole, read the super sciency answer as to why here!  https://www.iflscience.com/giant-bubbles-appear-to-be-coming-from-our-galaxys-supermassive-black-hole-75832 Scientists are saying that wormholes are secretly altering our reality!  Second Super Sciency article HERE :  https://www.yahoo.com/news/scientists-wormholes-secretly-altering-reality-180900497.html?guccounter=1 A researcher gets a selfie with a UFO, and looks like he may not live to upload it! Check it out here:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/380801/researcher-captures-ufo-selfie-during-brazil-encounter Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
18/09/241h 47m

S19 Ep112: Lethal Doses: The Story Behind The Godfather of Fentanyl w/ John Madinger

True Crime Tuesday presents: Lethal Doses: The Story Behind The Godfather of Fentanyl with former Narcotics Agent/Criminal Investigator/Supervisor/Author, John Madinger! On a cold afternoon in February 1991, a frightening new drug hit the streets of New York City, a synthetic narcotic marketed in packets labeled “Tango & Cash.” As police scrambled to warn heroin users of the danger, the overdose victims began piling up in hospital emergency rooms and county morgues across three states.  The clandestine chemist was George Erik Marquardt. Starting at just twelve years old, Marquardt used his extraordinary talents to make every illegal drug in the book, from bootleg booze to heroin. He brewed LSD for Timothy Leary and the Grateful Dead, methamphetamine for outlaw motorcycle gangs, nerve gas for Idaho Nazis, and even life-saving AZT for AIDS patients. But when that ice-cold son of a bitch turned to fentanyl, thousands of Americans would die. On today's TCT, John Madinger, Author of "Lethal Doses: The Story Behind The Godfather Of Fentanyl" joins us to talk about the journey of the man nicknamed, "Squeak", discuss his motivations, his lack of moral center, and the thrill he got when it came to manufacturing synthetic drugs, and what Marquardt might have done in another lifetime under better circumstances. Get your copy of "Lethal Doses..." here:  https://wildbluepress.com/lethal-doses-john-madinger-true-crime/ Learn more about John Madinger here:  https://johnmadinger.com/ PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS W/JESSICA FREEBURG! Check out the video of the man accused of stealing a tow truck that had his own pickup truck attached to it!  https://nypost.com/2024/09/13/us-news/furious-nyc-driver-who-stole-tow-truck-with-his-own-vehicle-attached-in-viral-video-arrested/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #johnmadinger #lethaldoses #thestorybehindthegodfatheroffentanyl #drugdealing #wisconsin #oklahoma #erikmarquardt #squeak #clandestinechemist  #drugenforcementadministration #murder #drugwarinamerica #fentanyl #tangoandcash #thebronx #boston #heroin #methamphetamine  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes 
17/09/242h 40m

S19 Ep111: In Search Of Demons: Historic Cases & Firsthand Experiences w/Richard Estep

Darkness Radio Presents: In Search Of Demons: Historic Cases & Firsthand Experiences with Paranormal Researcher/Author, Richard Estep! Possessed by curiosity, paranormal investigator Richard Estep hunted down firsthand experiences and historic accounts of the most legendary demonic activity. He consulted with experts ranging from a medical doctor to an ordained Catholic exorcist on cases like the Salem Witch Trials and the inspiration for The Exorcist. He also visited several sites of alleged demonic infestations, such as the Monroe House. He combined everything into what may be the best paranormal read of 2024, "In Search Of Demons:  Historic Cases & Firsthand Experiences from Experts & Skeptics Alike"!  On Today's show we discuss Richard's experience with the Villisca Axe House, The Sallie House, and other paranormal hotspots. We also talk about some of the historical cases in the book including the demonic possession cases in Earling, Iowa, and St. Louis. And, the different Paranormal experts that come from a unique perspective throughout the book! Get your copy of "In Search Of Demons..." here:    https://amzn.to/3B1tXem Find out more about Richard here:  https://www.richardestep.net/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #richardestep #insearchofdemons #llewellynbooks #paranormalauthor  #paranormalbook  #ghosts  #spirits  #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #incubus #succubus #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters #jasonhawes #theexorcist #stlouis #ronaldhunkeler #earlingiowa #villiscaaxehouse #salliehouse #karendahlman #aidensinclair #bishopbryanouellette #jeffbelanger #michellebelanger #ciaranokeefe #Psychics  #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
12/09/241h 26m

S19 Ep110: Supernatural News/Parashare: Space Sounds, Spaceships, & Spooks Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Space Sounds, Spaceships, & Spooks Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, While one ship in space is making funny noises, NASA is giving us the sound of space, and we'll play it for you on today's show!!  A Ghost Hunter is horrified after a haunted church wooden door opens by itself! And, According to the NSA, Russia had weapons related to Havana Syndrome! Plus, another special Parashare entry this week! Wanna hear the strange noises of Space for yourself? Check out this story!   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/380609/nasa-sonification-video-is-like-hearing-the-music-of-the-universe A Philosopher argues that belief in Alien visitation is dangerous, read the full article here:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/380548/belief-in-alien-visitation-can-be-dangerous-philosopher-argues   Is this woman a doppleganger of her fourth great grandmother, or is she a time traveler? check out the picture and decide for yourself!  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/i-found-doppelgnger-nearly-200-33614047 If they handed out this kickass "I Voted" sticker at your polling place, would you vote?  Check out the picture here:  https://www.huffpost.com/entry/michigan-i-voted-sticker-contest_n_66da0b39e4b00f05eae50426 There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
11/09/241h 21m

S19 Ep109: Echo Road w/ Kendra Elliot & Melinda Leigh

True Crime Tuesday Presents Echo Road with Authors Kendra Elliot and Melinda Leigh! On Today's TCT, we welcome in award winning authors, Kendra Elliot (Mercy Kilpatrick series) and Melinda Leigh (Bree Taggert Series) to talk about their latest amazing thriller that combines both characters into one story based on a real life case, Echo Road!  Echo Road features a senator from Oregon who's daughter has gone missing.... feared that she has been kidnapped by one of his political enemies, the Senator calls for help from the FBI, and Mercy Kilpatrick answers the call!  Meanwhile, all the way across the US, two women with dark hair and pink nail polish have been found dead, stuffed in suitcases and left on the side of a rural road.... Sheriff Bree Taggert is called in to investigate! We talk to Kendra and Melinda today about the link that brings Mercy and Bree together on this case, as well as what made the two of them decide to undertake such a huge project together, the obstacles all four women face, the rewards of overcoming those obstacles, and much more on today's program! Get your copy of "Echo Road" here:  https://bit.ly/3MG5AW6 Check out Kendra Elliot at her website:  https://www.kendraelliot.com/home/ Learn more about Melinda Leigh at her website:  https://melindaleigh.com/ Follow both Authors on social media: Instagram: @kendraelliot and @melindaleigh1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorKendraElliot/ & https://www.facebook.com/melindaleighauthorpage PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS W/JESSICA FREEBURG! Can you identify the serial pooper in Louisville? Check out the video and tell us!  https://www.wdrb.com/news/crime-reports/police-looking-for-person-whos-allegedly-been-pooping-on-a-porch-in-old-louisville/article_de501130-6700-11ef-bc06-6b6c3be665a8.html?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ There are new and different (and really cool) items all the time in the Darkness Radio Online store at our website! . check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #kendraelliot #melindaleigh #echoroad #crimefiction #thriller #mercykilpatrick #breetaggert #paige #kenwells #fetishcrimes #oregon #spider #serialkiller #forensics  #murder #kidnapping  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #timhortondrivethruarrest #sexcrimes #hotelpantysniffer
10/09/241h 52m

S19 Ep108: The Devil In Dreamland: Catholic Faith, UFO's, Occultism, &The End of the Supernatural w/Ursula Bielski

Darkness Radio presents:  The Devil In Dreamland: Catholic Faith, UFO's, Occultism, &The End of the Supernatural with Paranormal Investigator/ Researcher/Podcaster/ Author, Ursula Bielski! In 2018, reeling from a real spiritual battle after tangling with the occult, thirty-five year veteran paranormal researcheer Ursula Bielski thought she’d look at the spiritually “harmless” field of UFO research. What she found was a culture and history more steeped in the occult than any tarot card-reading, crystal-carrying psychic witch she’d encountered in her long career. The study of UFOs uncovered, in fact, a world and a heritage full of channeling, seances, black magick and every other subcategory of the New Age. As she devoured the literature on encounters with what “experiencers” believed to be UFOs and extraterrestrials, Bielski was also finding that, in case after case, the “evidence” that was being left behind by these beings—burns, scratches, bruises, unexplained pregnancies, poltergeist activity, radio and phone communications, and (most maliciously) dark turns in personalities and relationships—was often identical to the evidence left after encounters with the demonic.  On today's show. Ursula talks about these findings, her journey, and if she believes whether there can truly be other God created races in the universe for us to discover! Get your copy of "The Devil in Dreamland" here:  https://www.worldofthesupernatural.com/catholic-ufo-book Check out Ursula's podcast, World of the Supernatural:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzxoMJdFBrqbucZ6kt7MI0w So... yeah, Tim has had a bit of a rough month... if you wanna help him out, and get something for your effort. check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #ursulabielski #thedevilindreamland #catholicfaithufosoccultismtheendofthesupernatural #chicagohauntings  #worldofthesupernatural  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #collinselite #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #nickredfern  #Psychics  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #meninblack #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
05/09/241h 24m

S19 Ep107: Supernatural News/Parashare: Old Standards and New Beginnings Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Old Standards and New Beginnings Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, The Pentagon's UFO Office announces it has a new leader!   A Woman from Missouri claims to have regular visits with Aliens!  A "miracle" is discovered as a nun's body is exhumed, only to find no sign of decomposition!  And, DARPA is working on a way to put humans into suspended animation!! So... yeah, Tim has had a bit of a rough month... if you wanna help him out, and get something for your effort. check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
04/09/241h 14m

S19 Ep106: Fatal Intrusion w/ Jeffrey Deaver and Isabella Maldonado

True Crime Tuesday Presents: Fatal Intrusion with Researchers/ Journalist/ Former Officer/ Authors, Jeffrey Deaver and Isabella Maldonado! On Today's TCT we welcome in award winning authors, Jeffrey Deaver (CBS' Tracker) and Isabella Maldonado (The Cipher - Netflix) in to talk about their latest amazing thriller, Fatal Intrusion!  Fatal Intrusion features Carmen Sanchez, a tough, by the book federal agent with Homeland Security Investigations, and Professor Jake Heron, a brilliant & quirky private security expert who operates in the gray areas.  As a wave of murders grips the Southern California, and all signs point to a serial killer, the unlikely pair join forces (against Carmen's better judgement, given their history) to outsmart and outmaneuver the ruthless perpetrator.  But, in just 72 hours time, the pair will find out that they may have bitten off a little bit more than they can chew as the case defies their wealth of collective knowledge! Jeffrey and Isabella cover characters, where they drew inspiration from for certain parts of the book, how to still get thrills and jumps from an audience that has seen everything, and much more on today's program! Get your copy of "Fatal Intrusion" here:  https://bit.ly/3z3yDQ8 Check out Jeffrey Deaver at his website:  http://www.jefferydeaver.com/ Learn more about Isabella Maldonado at her website:  http://www.isabellamaldonado.com/ Follow both Authors on social media: Instagram: @officialjeffreydeaver and https://www.instagram.com/authorisabella/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JefferyDeaver/ & https://www.facebook.com/authorisabella Threads:  @officialjefferydeaver & @authorisabella X:  https://twitter.com/JefferyDeaver &  https://twitter.com/isabellambooks PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS! Can you identify the serial pooper in Louisville? Check out the video and tell us!  https://www.wdrb.com/news/crime-reports/police-looking-for-person-whos-allegedly-been-pooping-on-a-porch-in-old-louisville/article_de501130-6700-11ef-bc06-6b6c3be665a8.html?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and pre-order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #jeffreydeaver #isabellemaldonado #fatalintrusion #carmensanchez #jakeheron #dennisonfallow #spider #intrusion #noapparentmotive #southerncalifornia #pentesting #serialkiller #knives #fear15 #murder #kidnapping #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #louivilleporchpooper #sexcrimes #grandmalockedbabyinanairplanebathroom
03/09/242h 29m

S19 Ep105: Surviving Alien Abduction and Past lives Through Hypnotherapy w/Susie Ammerman

Darkness Radio Presents: Surviving Alien Abduction and Past lives Through Hypnotherapy with Reiki Master/Regression Therapist/Certified Hypnotherapist, Susie Ammerman! Thousands of people have reported being abducted by Aliens over the decades, but the memories of what happens to them while they are in the company of said aliens is somewhat... sketchy. One of the tools used to help abductees recall their experiences is hypnotherapy. Today's guest, Susie Ammerman, is a Certified Hypnotherapist with a twist! Susie is also a Reiki Master and infuses that Hypnosis with Reiki to help those subjects heal quicker as they relive their experiences! We also discuss Past Life Regressions and Near Death Experiences and much more! If you have had a negative Alien experience or need a past life regression, you can contact Susie through her website:  https://www.paranormalhypnosis.net/ Find out more about the OPUS Network, or inquire about getting help:  https://www.opusnetwork.org/ Coming out with Tim for Birthday dinner this weekend? or just looking for the best darned smoked prime rib in the Twin Cities, mouth watering Brisket, good live entertainment,  or are in search of the Wing King?  Look no further than Jellybean and Julia's in Coon Rapids, MN.!  https://jellybeanandjulias.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #susieammerman #hypnotherapy  #pastliferegression  #reiki  #pastlife  #spirits   #hauntings #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #neardeatheexperience #opus #lesvelez
29/08/241h 27m

S19 Ep104: *ENCORE PRESENTATION*: Does Creativity Spawn From Humanity or The Divine? w/Steve Vai!

Darkness Radio Presents: *ENCORE PRESENTATION*: Does Creativity Spawn From Humanity or The Divine? with Musician/Composer/ Guitar Virtuoso/ Recording Artist, Steve Vai! PLUS MIParacon Highlights! On Today's Darkness Radio, we sit down one on one with one of the greatest rock guitarists and composers on the planet and start out with a basic question that you would ask a genius, "does your inspiration come truly from within yourself. or from the Divine (God, a collective consciousness, etc.), then we pull the ripcord, and let the Maestro go!  We also talk with Steve about some of his greatest hits and highlights of his career and see how they line up with his own spiritual beliefs. and before the end of the  end of the program, Steve drops a bomb on everyone that you don't wanna miss! Plus: Tim talks about a few more of the details of this very last weekend of Michigan Paracon, including the Panel he hosted with Shane Pittman, Heather Taddy, and Mike Ricksecker! Tired of having your paranormal TV taken away from you? Find the NEW network that only picks the hits YOU WANT TO SEE! BEACON TV IS HERE! Find out how you can get yours by clicking the link:   https://streambeacontv.com/ Check out BEAT this fall!!  Vai/Belew/Levin/Carey get together to play the music of 80's King Crimson in your city!  For tickets, click here:  https://www.vai.com/tourdates/ Get the amazing music of Steve Vai here: https://stevevai.myshopify.com/collections/music Think Tim missed a question while interviewing Steve? Chances are, they were answered here:  https://www.vai.com/category/answers/ Find out where we are going to be in your area, check out our store, and subscribe to the podcast here:  https://www.darknessradioshow.com/ Coming out with Tim for Birthday dinner this weekend? or just looking for the best darned smoked prime rib in the Twin Cities, mouth watering Brisket, good live entertainment,  or are in search of the Wing King?  Look no further than Jellybean and Julia's in Coon Rapids, MN.!  https://jellybeanandjulias.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #miparacon #stevevai #inviolate #passionandwarfare #flexable #alienlovesecrets #theultrazone #davidleeroth #whitesnake #beat #musicandspirituality #creativityandthedivine #collectiveconsciousness #neardeathexperience #themusicofheaven #lovesecrets #fortheloveofgod #frankzappa #edwardvanhalen #hardrock #heavymetal #electricguitars  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #heaven #hell #realms #demons #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides 
28/08/242h 17m

S19 Ep103: Dumb Crimes/Stupid Criminals 0827 w/Travis Thorpe

True Crime Tuesday presents Dumb Crimes/Stupid Criminals 0827 w/Travis Thorpe! This week, Mounties get called out n a Break and Enter, and end up with the largest drug bust in Prince George history (without lifting a finger), A ravioli battery rap filed in a sibling beef! A Florida Man is booked into jail for the 75th time , and a high school football coach calls the wrong play as he is arrested after allegedly reporting a prostitute for theft!   Check out Travis' show, "The American Council for Truth in Journalism":   https://x.com/theactj https://www.facebook.com/TheAmericanCTJ/ https://rumble.com/user/theactj Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #rippedfromtheheadlines #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #travisthorpe #theamericancouncilfortruthinjournalism #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #texasfootballcoachprostitue #sexcrimes #raviolifloridaassault #oldfloridacouplenudefrolic #sophiarosingracialtrial #dna
27/08/242h 9m

S19 Ep102: On An Expedition Bigfoot w/Bryce Johnson

Darkness Radio presents On An Expedition Bigfoot with Researcher/Presenter Bryce Johnson! Actor, Producer, and Podcaster Bryce Johnson is always looking for his next adventure, whether acting in film and television, voicing characters, podcasting or hunting the worlds most elusive creatures, Bryce Johnson is forging new paths in the entertainment industry. Most known for his roles in Willow Creek, Death Valley & Pretty Little Liars as well as voicing the title role in Marvel’s full length animated film, Dr. Strange. Bryce is also the co-creator of the hit podcast Bigfoot Collectors Club, a weekly podcast in which amazing guests discuss their personal paranormal histories, followed by a story of High Strangeness. Bryce’s most ambitious project to date has him starring and producing in Discovery channel's hit NEW show Expedition Bigfoot, in which he put together a team of scientists, researchers and experts in the quest for definitive proof of Bigfoot. His most recent credits include Christopher Nolan’s Best Picture Oppenheimer, as well as starring in Damien Leone’s highly anticipated Terrifier 3 Franchise, set to hit theaters on October 11th.  Bryce joins Darkness Radio today to talk about the new season of Expedition Bigfoot, his transition from "tech support" to in the field with the team, and why Ronny departed the team this season! Check out all things Expedition Bigfoot here:  https://www.travelchannel.com/profiles/talent/expedition-bigfoot Expedition Bigfoot airs on Discovery on Wednesday night  at 10 PM ET/ 9 PM CT! Get all the archives of Expedition Bigfoot on Max! click here to get MAX! https://www.max.com/ Check out Bryce on Social Media:  https://x.com/BryceOJohnson?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor https://www.instagram.com/mrbrycejohnson/?hl=en https://www.facebook.com/p/Bryce-Johnson-100044167672713/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #brycejohnson #expeditionbigfoot #expeditionbigfootseasonfive #mireyamayor #russellacord  #discovery #max #discoveryplus  #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot  #sasquatch #Yeti #bigfootstructures  #alaskanorcaltrail #aliens #ufo #uap #extraterrestrials #orangeorbs #alienspaceships #alienhumanhybrid #alienimplant #alienabduction #cropcircles

S19 Ep101: Supernatural News/Parashare: Spooky Ghastly Encounters Edition w/Travis Thorpe!

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Spooky Ghastly Encounters Edition with Travis Thorpe! This Week, NASA scientists are insisting that life can exist on Jupiter's moons, we'll tell you why!  We'll tell you about the strange manifestation of a ghost on a bus in India, this one is pretty spectacular! The house used in the 1982 movie "Poltergeist" is up for sale!  And, we tell you about a Nigerian man who kills his Ghanian friend in a bizarre money for soap ritual!    Here is the extended story on the Holy Grail that Tim was reading on the show. Check it out for yourself!  https://www.cnn.com/holy-grail-leon-spain-valencia-genoa/index.html Check out the bizarre footage of this ghost on the bus in Dehli, India! do you think it is the real deal?!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/379986/video-footage-shows-alleged-ghost-sitting-on-a-bus-in-delhi-india Wanna see what happens when a porcupine gets revenge on a hungry python?! IT AIN'T PRETTY!! (WARNING: GRAPHIC PICS AHEAD):  https://www.tori.ng/news/3297/hungry-python-swallows-porcupine-for-dinner-and-gu.html Check out Travis' show, "The American Council for Truth in Journalism":   https://x.com/theactj https://www.facebook.com/TheAmericanCTJ/ https://rumble.com/user/theactj So... yeah, Tim has had a bit of a rough week... if you wanna help him out, and get something for your effort. check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area (Like Michigan Paracon next week!): https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #travisthorpe #theamericancouncilfortruthinjournalism  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
21/08/241h 46m

S19 Ep100: Ripped From The Headines-Dumb Crimes/Stupid Criminals 0820 w/Travis Thorpe

True Crime Tuesday presents Ripped From The Headines-Dumb Crimes/Stupid Criminals 0820 w/Travis Thorpe! This week, The remains of a mother and child who vanished 50 years ago are found in a Florida canal.  A wife and her cousin are accused of killing an Army/National Guard Soldier, who was shot and zip tied  in 2019.  A Man allegedly fatally shoots his neighbor after the victim's daughter touched the mulch in his yard, and a NC man is accused of fatally hitting pedestrians with his truck after being kicked out of a strip club!      PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS W/ TRAVIS THORPE!! Check out Travis' show, "The American Council for Truth in Journalism":   https://x.com/theactj https://www.facebook.com/TheAmericanCTJ/ https://rumble.com/user/theactj Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #rippedfromtheheadlines #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #travisthorpe #theamericancouncilfortruthinjournalism #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #stripclubtruckassault #sexcrimes #nakedfloridaassault #americanairlineslesbianscandal #iowastinkyfeetshooting #dna
20/08/241h 55m

S19 Ep99: A Purpose Driven God: The Crossroads Between Science and Secularism w/ Dr. Bo Kirkwood

Darkness Radio Presents: A Purpose Driven God: The Crossroads Between Science and Secularism with Author, Dr. Bo Kirkwood! The universe is exquisitely fine-tuned, and it seems fine-tuned especially for the existence of mankind. Purpose is found in physics, the biologic world, the human body, and even in mathematics and all the physical constants that make up the fabric of the universe. There seems, indeed, to be some purpose for which we have been placed on this earth. So, which is it? Is there purpose in life, or are we just a part of a very lucky sequence of events? Dr. Bo Kirkwood seeks to answer these important questions by looking at the evidence to determine the inference to the best explanation in his book, "A Purpose Driven God". The answers to these questions are more than just academic; they are vitally important in forming our worldview. Dr. Kirkwood joins Darkness Radio today to answer not just the scientific but the theological questions behind why HE believes the universe has struck the delicate balance it has achieved! Get your copy of "A Purpose Driven God" here:  https://amzn.to/3AqtOAM So... yeah, Tim has had a bit of a rough week... if you wanna help him out, and get something for your effort. check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area (Like Michigan Paracon next week!): https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #apurposedrivengod #drbokirkwood  #intelligentdesign  #bigbang  #universe #god #theology #religion #science #willaimwilberforce #evolution #darwin #naturalselection #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings  #demons  #exorcisms #good #evil #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
15/08/241h 5m

S19 Ep98: Supernatural News/Parashare: Quantum Alien Messages and Ghostly Pickpockets Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Quantum Alien Messages and Ghostly Pickpockets Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, Scientists are saying we may have it all wrong, that aliens may be communicating through interstellar quantum communications!  We tell you why you might wanna hold on to your wallet while going into the Drum and Monkey! A ma dies on a beach after performing a black magic ritual... and a modern miracle as a boy falls from a 16th floor window and survives... UNSCATHED! We have the details! Check out the footprint that one supposed "dead man" in Thailand left. Do you think it is real?!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/379655/mystery-footprints-attributed-to-ghost-of-a-dead-local-man-in-thailand So... yeah, Tim has had a bit of a rough week... if you wanna help him out, and get something for your effort. check out the Darkness Radio Store!   https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area (Like Michigan Paracon next week!): https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
14/08/241h 22m

S19 Ep97: I Will Ruin You: The Twisted Truth Behind The Kit Martin Murder Trial w/Emilio Corsetti

True Crime Tuesday Presents: I Will Ruin You: The Twisted Truth Behind The Kit Martin Murder Trial with Researcher/Author, Emilio Corsetti! Moments before boarding a passenger flight on 5/11/2019 as the first officer, pilot Christian "Kit" Martin, a former army ranger, was arrested by a swarm of heavily armed officers for the murders of three of his neighbors. The arrest captured global attention as Martin's mugshot, clad in a pilot's uniform, spread across the internet, sparking a media firestorm with headlines such as "Monster in the Cockpit." A combat helicopter pilot, Kit Martin had seen his life unravel after seeking a divorce. His wife's threatening words, "If you leave me, I will ruin your life …," overheard by his daughter, seemed to have become a grim reality, escalating to a court-martial and culminating in a high-stakes murder trial at which he was convicted! On today's show, the Author of "I Will Ruin You: The Twisted Truth Behind The Kit Martin Murder Trial", Emilio Corsetti, joins TCT to talk about if the State of Kentucky truly put an innocent man behind bars?  If the suspect was really his ex-wife all along? and the torrid actions of his ex-wife that brought down a respected military man of this stature! Get your copy of "I Will Ruin You..." here:  https://bit.ly/3M4QtVM Check out more bout Emilio's work here:  https://emiliocorsetti.com/ PLUS... AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS W/JESSICA FREEBURG! Check out the video of the man who couldn't keep his mouth shut to the judge sentencing him! (WARNING: NSFW):  https://nypost.com/2024/08/09/us-news/defendant-gets-558-days-in-jail-for-contempt-after-telling-michigan-judge-to-kiss-my-a/ See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #emiliocorsetti #Iwillruinyou #thetwistedtruthbehindthekitmartinmurdertrial #joan #murder #calvinphillips #pamphillips #eddesereau #stateofkentucky #armyranger#combathelicopterpilot #falselyaccused #courtmartial #divorcethreats #truecrimeinvestigation #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes 
13/08/242h 7m

S19 Ep96: This Quantum Existence: How Do Things Work In This Life And Beyond? w/ Dr. Charles Liu

Darkness Radio presents: This Quantum Existence: How Do Things Work In This Life And Beyond? with Professor/Podcaster/Department Chair/Award Winner/Author Dr. Charles Liu! How can something be in two places at once—or connected across time and space? How can a cat be alive and dead at the same time? Quantum physics helps explain many mysteries of the universe—and maybe a few parallel universes. Can it also help explain puzzling unexplained phenomena too? Engaging and approachable, it untangles a sometimes complex subject and answers more than 800 fascinating questions. Dr. Charles Liu has written a fascinating new book entitled, "The Handy Quantum Physics Answer Book" that tackles everything you could ever think of asking and more.  We brought Dr. Liu to Darkness Radio today to ask him questions related to the paranormal, in particular, and how Quantum Physics relates to it! Put on your thinking caps, and strap in folks! This show is EPIC! THEN: Brad Blair and Tim Ellis of UPPRS and MIParacon join us to break some major news about the paranormal event of the summer... (here is a hint... you REALLY NEED to get out to this one!) Get your coy of "The Handy Quantum Physics Answer Book" here:  https://bit.ly/4dgFHaU Are you ready for the very LAST Michigan Paracon?  Get your tickets HERE:  https://saultstemarie.com/events-calendar/michigan-paranormal-convention/ Check out the new items in the Darkness Radio store: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/store/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #drcharlesliu #quantumphysics  #thehandyquantumphysicsanswerbook  #einstein #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #fullbodiedapparition #quantumafterlife #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials  #Alienspaceships  #timetravel #quantumleap #blackholes #hawkingenergy #powerofprayer #meditation #doubleslittheory #darkmatter #cern #hadroncollider #particles #waves #electrons #neutrons #maxplanck #thomasyoung 
08/08/241h 47m

S19 Ep95: Supernatural News/Parashare: Planet of the Alien Apes Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Planet of the Alien Apes Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, WE MAY FINALLY GET THAT BUMFIGHT VIDEO BETWEEN AI AND ALIENS! Scientists propose sending AI to communicate with Aliens! The controversy with The Conjuring house heats up!  A short clip of a strange werewolf-like creature goes viral on TikTok, and we have arrived at D-Day ladies and gentleman, the day where we have discovered that... MONKEYS... TALK! Check out the moment a UFO flies above a town in Brazil and is spotted in the sky!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/379319/unidentified-object-filmed-hovering-in-the-sky-over-southern-brazil Check out this crop circle in England! Real or man made, YOU DECIDE!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/379412/crop-circle-in-badbury-england-sparks-police-investigation An eerie ghostly face shows up in a dark attic doorway, can you see it?!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/379294/eerie-ghostly-face-shows-up-in-photograph-of-dark-attic-doorway Check out the clip of the werewolf like creature on Tik Tok:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/379400/short-clip-of-strange-werewolf-like-creature-goes-viral-on-tiktok See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
07/08/241h 23m

S19 Ep94: Beyond The Headlines: True Crime's Myths and Legends w/Jeff Ignatowski

True Crime Tuesday presents: Beyond The Headlines: True Crime's Myths and Legends with Inventor/Researcher/Author, Jeff Ignatowski! Ever wonder about the truth behind the sensationalized headlines when it comes to history's most infamous killers?  So did author Jeff Ignatowski, a nationally known speaker on the psychology of serial killers, who turned that curiosity into his meticulously researched book BEYOND THE HEADLINES:  True Crime's Myths and Legends. More than a collection of dramatically told true crime stories, Ignatowski's anthology challenges and explores the integrity of widespread myths surrounding infamous personalities such as Jack The Ripper, Dennis Rader, Elizabeth Bathory, Ed Gein, and Ted Bundy. It provides a deeper understanding of their stories through historical insight, criminological analysis, and a careful separation of fact from fiction. On Today's Show, Jeff joins TCT to talk about his own brush with some famous criminals, and to dispel some of the more popular myths behind Elizabeth Bathory, Ed Gein, John Wayne Gacy, Jack The Ripper and H.H. Holmes.  We also talk about Jeff Mudgett's quest to prove HH Holmes was the Ripper, and why it might have been futile from the start.... Get your copy of "BEYOND THE HEADLINES..." here:   https://www.amazon.com/dp/1960332740 Get Killers - The Card Game here:  https://killerstcg.square.site/ Check out all of Jeff links and shows here: https://bit.ly/3LSJ7Vm PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS W/JESSICA FREEBURG! See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #jeffignatowski #beyondtheheadlines #truecrimesmythsandlegends #serialkillers #murder #elizabethbathory #jacktheripper #hhholmes #lizzieborden #edgein #zodiackiller #johnwaynegacy #tedbundy #jeffreydahmer #dennisrader  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes 
06/08/242h 24m

S19 Ep93: American Ghosts Stories: True Tales From All 50 States w/ Michael Kozlowski

Darkness Radio presents:  American Ghosts Stories:  True Tales From All 50 States w/ Researcher/Author, Michael Kozlowski!  Collecting stories of phantoms and spirits, American Ghosts Stories: True Tales from All 50 States by Michael A. Kozlowski (Visible Ink Press) takes a fright-filled tour across the country, visiting every state while digging up tales in graveyards, detouring through nightmarish back-road encounters, and finding apparent apparitions in houses, schools, and more. This spellbinding collection of ghost stories, haunted places, and first-person encounters with the otherworldly. On Today's Show, we talk to Mike about the controversy of moving the extremely haunted Bobby Mackey's Music club!  We also talk to him about the Winchester House, The Pfister Hotel, Tombstone, Arizona, First Avenue in Minneapolis, and a mysterious haunted road in Colorado! Check out Mike's Website:  https://mikekozlowski.com/ Get yourself a copy of "American Ghosts Stories..." https://bit.ly/4fq8viO See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #michaelakoslowski #americanghostsstories  #truetalesfromall50states   #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #hauntedhighways #hauntedroads  #colorado #tombstone #arizona #birdcagetheater #bobbymackeysmusicworld  #portaltohell #carl #winchesterhouse #pfisterhotel #firstavenue #milwaukee #minneapolis #California  
01/08/241h 18m

S19 Ep92: Supernatural News/Parashare: Diamonds Are An Alien's Best Friend Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Diamonds Are An Alien's Best Friend Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, someone finally perp walked those aliens in Peru, and we have fingerprint information on them! We'll tell you why Mercury is now a Girl's (and a lot of Aliens') Best Friend!  Why, oh why, are the people of Nicaragua afraid of the Monkey Witch? We'll tell you!  And, an old nature documentary may have uncovered the existence of Bigfoot ! Check out the moment a UFO flies above a UK town and is spotted in the sky!   https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/moment-ufo-flies-above-uk-33347744 Some people say they they would move out after capturing this photo of a ghost! Would you? you decide!   https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/my-friend-took-terrifying-photo-33304159 An old nature documentary may have found Bigfoot! Take a look at the footage, and you decide!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/379229/weird-old-nature-doc-clip-showing-alleged-bigfoot-resurfaces-online See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
31/07/241h 46m

S19 Ep91: The Lewiston Shootings: An All American Tragedy w/Robert Conlin

True Crime Tuesday presents The Lewiston Shootings: An All American Tragedy with Researcher/Journalist/Author, Robert Conlin! October 25, 2023 was just an ordinary night in Lewiston, a small, working class city of 37,000 in central Maine. Friends and families had gathered to do what they loved to do with the people they wanted to be with at a bowling alley called Just-in-Time Recreation Center and Schemengees, a popular sports bar and restaurant. They felt immune from the violent crime that seemed to wrack the rest of the country in a state that the FBI had just named the safest in America. Then Robert Card II, a deeply paranoid Army Reserve soldier, walked into both places with a high-powered rifle and opened fire, killing 18 people and wounding 13 more. He then fled to a third location, where, according to the evidence and the testimony of his best friend, he likely planned to lay in wait and kill his ex-co-workers when they came to work the next morning. The tragedy is that the numerous red flags he had raised in the months before weren't enough to stop him before he carried out his terrible plan. A combination of watered-down gun control laws and law enforcement and military negligence made sure of that. On Today's show, TCT sits down with the author of "The Lewiston Shootings", Robert Conlin, to discuss the case, where people let the shooter down in his mental health treatment, Where Maine did right after the shooting, and what we need to do as a society to start bridging the severe gap so we can stop this epidemic in America!  See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #robertconlin #thelewistonshootings #anallamericantragedy #massshootings #maine #robertcardII #justintime #schemenegees #violettes #murder #artiestrout #jasonwalker #michaeldelauriers #yellowcardlaw #serialkillers  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes 
30/07/242h 26m

S19 Ep90: The Science of a Good Skeptical Paranormal Investigation w/Christopher Jordan

Darkness Radio presents  The Science of a Good Skeptical Paranormal Investigation with Researcher/Investigator/Musician/Author, Christopher Jordan! On Today's Darkness Radio, we welcome in Christopher Jordan! Christopher is an Investigator ,Podcast Host , Composer, Audio Engineer, and a renaissance man who has come up with an ingenious way to streamline your paranormal investigation, and make sure you stick to your :scientific guns"! We talk about things like why your "evidence" may  just be "data", what to do with all that extra video footage you are shooting, and the proper questions to be asking, and more! Plus, Christopher has mastered the art of creating Binaural Beats! We sit down and talk about the mind and what makes these beats so successful for what ails you! Get Chris' new book, "Field Observation & Encounter Log":  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D7J37LFH?ref_=pe_93986420_774957520 Check  out Chris on the Web: https://curiousresearch.org/ https://curiousrealm.com/ Cure what ails you!  Check out the binaural beats created by Chris:  https://christopherjordanmusic.bandcamp.com/track/puer-ad-somnum See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #christopherjordan #curiousresearch  #curiousrealm  #fieldobservationandencounterlog  #binauralbeats #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman 
25/07/241h 35m

S19 Ep89: Supernatural News/Parashare: MUFON's UFO Evidence & Jack & The Skinwalker Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: MUFON's UFO Evidence & Jack & The Skinwalker Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, MUFON had their conference and unveiled evidence of a fallen UFO!  Jack Osbourne has a run-in with a skinwalker! We look into not one, but two mystical triangle zones on the planet, neither are in Bermuda!  and we tell you why Nebraska Cornhusker football is to DIE for! Check out the story on the unidentifiable material MUFON claims is from a downed UFO!   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/378915/mufon-unveils-unidentifiable-alien-material-at-annual-symposium Is this a legit UFO? Or did someone throw their tent high in the sky? you decide!   https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/people-convinced-theyve-spotted-ufo-33283722 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
24/07/241h 39m

S19 Ep88: All In A Day's Work: An Officer's Accounts 20 Years NYPD w/ John Ferriso

True Crime Tuesday presents: All In A Day's Work: An Officer's Accounts 20 Years NYPD with Retired Police Officer/Inspector/Author, John Ferriso! When you are a New York City police officer you become a social worker, chauffeur, human relations consultant, and tour guide. You are expected to do all those tasks while stopping crime as it occurs, preventing crime, and keeping the peace in a city that never takes a break. Let’s not forget you get to do all this within a workday, or tour as they called it. John Ferriso did not only that, but was a Sargeant, Missing Persons Officer, Internal Affairs, and was witness to 9/11 and has many stories that that will make your jaw drop! John Ferriso joins TCT today to regale us with some of those tales of the different departments he worked in, gives us a behind the scenes look at why humanity is the most important weapon on the street for a cop, and tells us why helping authors and screenwriters getting an authentic experience on the page is important to him now! Get your copy of John's book, "All In A Day's Work..." here... https://bit.ly/3A4TR00 Check out John's website:  https://ferrisinvestigations.org/ Check out John on social media: x:  https://x.com/johnferriso?lang=en PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and pre-order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #allinadayswork #anofficersaccounts20yearsnypd #johnferriso  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis  #jessicafreeburg #thelinberghbaby #newyorkcity #stabbing #murder #queens #brooklyn #therockyhorrorwoman #missingpersonscases #internalaffairs #911 #nycterrorism  #twintowers #september11th #jerryseinfeld  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutality #sexcrimes  #emperorhasnoclothes #dna
23/07/242h 31m

S19 Ep87: One Giant Leap For Mankind: The 55th Anniversary of Apollo 11

Darkness Radio presents: One Giant Leap For Mankind: The 55th Anniversary of Apollo 11 with Researcher/Expert/Historian/Author, Rod Pyle! This Saturday marks the 55th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing! Darkness Radio celebrates by taking a behind the scenes look at this historic event with NASA Expert and space historian, Rod Pyle! Rod is the author of over 20 books including the wonderful, "First On The Moon: The Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Experience"! We recap this history of this amazing event with Rod today, and then dig deeper as we ask him questions about the Space Program's future, specifically about heading back to the moon... and what he thinks about that massive cave they found up there recently! Get your copy of Rod's book, "First On The Moon..." here:  https://www.pylebooks.com/ Rod is the Editor in Chief of Ad Astra magazine! Which you can check out here:  https://adastra.nss.org/ Remember, Rod is on Ancient Aliens tonight!  Ancient Aliens airs at 9 PM ET/ 8 PM CT on the History Channel!  See them online here:  https://www.history.com/shows/ancient-aliens To read that tory again, and see the video that Tim was talking about with the raccoon (Rocket) choking on cheese, follow this link:  https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/animalkind/2024/06/21/choking-raccoon-saved-video/74158907007/ Sign up for the Ghost Stories Ink Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #rodpyle #firstonthemoon #theapollo1150thanniversaryexperience #ancientaliens  #rapollo11 #neilarmstrong #buzzaldrin #johnfkennedy #apollomissions #NASA #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #spacerace #sputnik #spacex #spaceshuttle  #disclosure #ISS #Chinesespaceprogram #wernervonbraun 
18/07/241h 1m

S19 Ep86: Supernatural News/Parashare: Clear UFO Pictures & Bigfoot's Message of Doom Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Clear UFO Pictures & Bigfoot's Message of Doom Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, The Clavine Photo, billed as the clearest UFO photo ever, has finally been tracked down!  Scientists have confirmed the first ever discovery of a cave on the moon! A man claims to have spoken to Bigfoot and says the conversation filled him with doom!  And, the reason why you shouldn't take random road trips or drink out of random bottles! Check out the eerie red lights glowing above earth that were seen from a space station!   https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/nasa-astronaut-captures-eerie-red-33237139 Wanna see the clearest UFO photo EVER TAKEN?! HERE IT IS!!  https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/clearest-ever-ufo-photo-showing-33211073 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
17/07/241h 53m

S19 Ep85: The Last Story: The Murder of an Investigative Journalist in Las Vegas w/Arthur Kane

True Crime Tuesday presents:  The Last Story: The Murder of an Investigative Journalist in Las Vegas with Journalist/Author, Arthur Kane!   Jeff German, a veteran Las Vegas Review-Journal investigative reporter, was no stranger to controversy or the danger of his work. For more than four decades, he wrote stories relentlessly confronting the mob, corrupt politicians, and greedy bureaucrats. As a result, he was often threatened—enough that he and his friend and fellow investigative reporter, Arthur Kane, sometimes joked about reporting on these threats if they were ever acted upon. Then, in the spring of 2022, German received a tip about abuses at a little-known county office. His subsequent investigation unearthed a scandalous, sexually incriminating video of a rising politician. The resulting stories in the Review-Journal ended the man’s political aspirations. Less than six months later, on September 3, German’s lifeless body was discovered outside his home with multiple stab wounds. His dedicated newsroom colleagues, including Kane, vowed to find the killer. In doing so, they exposed the true depths of corruption and malice in Sin City. On today's  TCT, Arthur Kane, the author of "The Last Story..." joins the show to talk about his unique relationship with Jeff, who Jeff German really was, the circumstances that got an extremely tough mob beat reporter killed, and how this reporter even transcended the print game to make his bones in another medium posthumously, winning national awards!  Get your copy of "The Last Story..." here:  https://www.amazon.com/dp/1960332473 Check out Arthur Kane at this website:  https://wildbluepress.com/the-last-story-arthur-kane-true-crime/ Check out Art on social media: x:  https://x.com/ArthurMKane PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and pre-order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Sign up for the ghost Stories Inc. Paranormal Events and save 20 percent off the ticket price by using the code: DARKNESS20 here: https://jessicafreeburg.com/upcoming-events/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #thelaststory #themurderofaninvestigativejournalistinlasvegas #arthurward  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis  #jessicafreeburg #jeffgerman #lasvegas #stabbing #murder #lasvegassun #lasvegasreviewjournal #roberttelles #politicalscandal #lasvegasmob #sincity #investigativejournalism  #governmenttheft #governmentsexscandal #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutality #sexcrimes  #keywestmasturbator #dna
16/07/242h 13m

S19 Ep84: Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction w/ Mitch Horowitz

Darkness Radio presents Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction with Author/Historian/Researcher/Host, Mitch Horowitz! With reports of UAPs (unexplained aerial phenomena) on the rise, UFO experts Mitch Horowitz and Chrissy Newton use scientific data and research to dissect real life encounters with extraterrestrial activity and determine whether or not they can be explained. Posting up at a local watering hole in Roswell, New Mexico, a town infamous for its UFO past, Horowitz and Newton meet with individuals who have experienced strange and unexplainable encounters. After listening to each firsthand account, the duo taps into the latest intelligence, technology and tools to investigate the reported activity. Using recently declassified UFO documents, databases and more, the pair closely analyze the visual and physical evidence to separate fact from fiction. They’ll then render a final verdict on whether each individual experience has a verifiable explanation, or if they believe it to be a real alien encounter. On Today's show, Mitch talks about everything from the care given to each case brought to the show, to the balancing it with scientific skeptical eye that this level of program needs.  We also talk about the fact that this program may be the FIRST paranormal program to have tangible, physical evidence in TV history! Check out Alien Encounters: Fact or Fiction live on Discovery on Wednesday nights or catch it on demand on MAX!  you can catch the past episodes here:  https://go.discovery.com/show/alien-encounters-fact-or-fiction-discovery-atve-us Don't have MAX? Get it here!  https://www.max.com Learn more about Mitch at his website:  https://www.mitchhorowitz.com/ See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #mitchhorowitz #alienencountersfactorfiction #discoverychannel #chrissynewton #roswell #varietybarandlounge #paranormaltelevision #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #AARO #AATIP #evidenceofaliens  #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA #ISS #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #meninblack
11/07/241h 18m

S19 Ep83: Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Strangeness, Gassy Planets, & Bizarre Anomalies Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Strangeness, Gassy Planets, & Bizarre Anomalies Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, Evidently, Aliens have let us know that Earth has a barrier around it ... KEEPING ALIENS OUT!   Scientists has discovered a planet the size of Jupiter, but it smells like... "Ur-Anus"! (teehee... get it?)  We get a peek at the most haunted village in Europe, and it has a WEIRD history! And, two teens in Louisiana get a high school graduation visit from Bigfoot that they'll never forget! PLUS: A SPECIAL PARASHARE STORY! Check out the video of the man with three legs that is blowing up the internet!   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/378503/man-with-three-legs-waits-at-railway-crossing-in-weird-viral-clip See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
10/07/241h 52m

S19 Ep82: Shadow Men: Murder, Media, & Privilege in Jazz Age America w/James Polchin

True Crime Tuesday presents Shadow Men: Murder, Media, & Privilege in Jazz Age America with Researcher/Author, James Polchin! On the morning of May 16, 1922, a young man’s body was found on a desolate road in Westchester County. The victim was penniless ex-sailor Clarence Peters. Walter Ward, the handsome scion of the family that owned the largest chain of bread factories in the country, confessed to the crime as an act of self-defense against a violent gang of “shadow men,” blackmailers who extorted their victims’ moral weaknesses. From the start, one question defined the investigation: What scandalous secret could lead Ward to murder? For sixteen months, the media fueled a firestorm of speculation. Unscrupulous criminal attorneys, fame-seeking chorus girls, con artists, and misogynistic millionaires harnessed the power of the press to shape public perception. New York governor and future presidential candidate Al Smith and editor of the Daily News Joseph Medill Patterson leveraged the investigation to further professional ambitions. Famous figures like Harry Houdini, Arthur Conan Doyle, and F. Scott Fitzgerald weighed in. As the bereaved working-class Peters family sought to bring the callous Ward to justice, America watched enraptured. James Polchin joins TCT today to talk about the fortunes and misdeed of the Ward family, the Peters family struggle to get justice for Clarence, the role the NY Daily News played in all of this, and how things have changed in the hundred years since this story took place! Get your copy of "Shadow Men...": here:  https://bit.ly/3RVI8Y4 Check out James Polchin at his website:  https://www.writinginpublic.com/james-polchin Check out Robert on social media: Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/james.polchin Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/james.polchin/ x:  https://x.com/jamespolchin PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS! Let's pay our final respects to the man who killed himself with a firework on top of his head on the 4th of July: https://www.postandcourier.com/news/summerville-man-dead-fireworks-accident/article_62c98748-3ad3-11ef-8818-4763ccc875ed.html Check out the article Tim talked about , the Facebook baby daddy stalker! https://www.yahoo.com/news/happens-nerd-mad-one-man-100000411.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueWFob28uY29tL25ld3MvaGFwcGVucy1uZXJkLW1hZC1vbmUtbWFuLTEwMDAwMDQxMS5odG1s&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAAX0IXst_0h7DYMirAFXcNpb9GEQtoWooAQ9XD9Oh04ZBiBPX_SKU4qTQN7_GgboGuhk2Y7XCgiSVFSfRTzbd4pokX4N0A5aj-l9nyla2gwLSopNnC9Ymf1ZldUmu3Peh-aSbdvceZrr6s_yrN7nHCam9PCCA9M35ub3PmVv_0nN Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and pre-order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #shadowmen #thetangledstoryofmurdermediaandprivilegethatscandalizedjazzageamerica  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis  #walterward #clarencepeters #shooting #murder #westchestercounty #tiptopbread #georgeward #blackmail #prohibition #tenderloindistrict #horseracing  #illegalgambling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutality #sexcrimes  #floridacuddler #dna
09/07/242h 7m

S19 Ep81: An OPUS of Paranormal Trauma and Fatigue w/Les Velez

Darkness Radio Presents: An OPUS of Paranormal Trauma and Fatigue with Author/Researcher/Investigator Les Velez! On the heels of World UFO Day, and news stories of Luis Elizondo stating that he now fears for his life after coming out as a UFO/Government whistleblower (Rep. Tim Burchett has said he can't protect him either), and MUFON saying they have "Real Evidence" of a UAP that they will unveil at a live event later this month, the question is raised, Is the world now in a heightened state of trauma over the issue of aliens now more so than ever? Les Velez has been the Field investigator, Training Coordinator for field investigators, the Assistant State Director in Northern California for MUFON.  He is the Chairman of the A.E.R.C. (Abduction Experiencer Research Committee), and team leader of the A.R.T. (Abduction Response Team). And Les has gone on to become a facilitator for an abduction support group in San Jose California, and in 1994 co-founded OPUS, the Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support.  On today's program, we talk to Les about what to do when you or a loved one has an experience with something Paranormal, and how we go about getting help and support with something that the conventional medical field doesn't believe exists! Les comes on DR today to talk about the trauma whistleblowers go through and what experiencers feel as society obsesses about the alien phenomenon... Find out more about the OPUS Network, or inquire about getting help:  https://www.opusnetwork.org/ Get Les' book about his and others experiences with Extraterrestrials and other paranormal beings, " The Unknown Other and the existential proposition of Alien Contact":  https://bit.ly/3FULJyC #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #lesvelez #OPUS #trauma #fatigue #theunknownother #MUFON #AERC #art #angels  #demons  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships #roswell #projectbluebook #disclosure #spaceforce  #AATIP #DIA #Artificiallife #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA #ISS  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory   #quantumuniverse #multiverse
04/07/241h 9m

S19 Ep80: Supernatural News/Parashare: World UFO & Independence Day 2024 Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: World UFO & Independence Day 2024 Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, It's World UFO Day... DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR UFO IS?!!!  A "disc shaped craft" decides to check out a show at Red Rocks.  Missouri Deputies pull over a vehicle that resembles a UFO, We check out a UK city that claims to be the most haunted in Europe, and a woman dies and spends three hours with God while in a coma, and claims she learned all about the afterlife!    Check out pictures of the vehicle in Missouri that looks like a UFO!  What do you think?  https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/missouri-deputies-pull-over-vehicle-resembling-ufo-out-of-this-world Check out the video of the flooding and damage to the Titanic exhibition in Chicago!   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/378281/titanic-exhibit-mysteriously-floods-in-allegedly-haunted-museum See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
03/07/241h 53m

S19 Ep79: Dumb Crimes/Stupid Criminals 0702 w/Jessica Freeburg

True Crime Tuesday presents Dumb Crimes/Stupid Criminals 0702 with Jessica Freeburg! This week, It's a holiday week, our guest is ill, and we wanna laugh!   So, we figured we would give you a super-sized(how long has it been since you heard that term) helping of Dumb crimes/Stupid Criminals!  Including, nothing coming between a Florida Man, his 9 mm, and his Wal-Mart order... especially a drone!    A Philadelphia woman uses a community's COVID relief check to obtain extravagant items for herself, such as a Brazilian Butt Lift!  And, a woman is facing murder charges after cutting off his manhood, then doing everything to treat the issue, EXCEPT APPLYING PRESSURE AND USING BANDAGES!! (oh, and calling 911) Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and pre-order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #covidgrift #covidswindle #floridamandroneshooting #sexcrimes #philadelphiabuttlift #coloradomacheteattack #uknecrophilia #floridafortunetellerrobbery #publicdisplaysofnudity #dna
02/07/241h 29m

S19 Ep78: The Legend Of Ogopogo: Canada's Loch Ness Monster w/Jason Hewlett

Darkness Radio presents:  The Legend Of Ogopogo:  Canada's Loch Ness Monster with Filmmaker/Podcaster/Author, Jason Hewlett! Located in British Columbia, Lake Okanagan is over 80 miles long and is a popular destination for fishers and boaters. It has a storied and rich history, with tales told by native populations for centuries - including the legend of Ogopogo. Ogopogo is said to be an enormous serpent-like creature, which has haunted the deep waters of Lake Okanagan for centuries. Sightings both old and new, as well as a wealth of indigenous tales have led many to believe that the existence of Ogopogo is much more than just a story. As sightings continue to this day, in many ways the legend has become Canada’s very own Loch Ness Monster. Author of the new book from Small Town Monsters Publishing, The Legend of Ogopogo: Canada's Loch Ness Monster, Jason Hewlett, joins Darkness Radio today to talk about the creature.  We also discuss where it is a living breathing animal, or lake spirit.  The culture surrounding Ogopogo, and then expand out to Sasquatch and UFO's and how they relate to this wacky landscape! Pre-order your copy of "The Legend Of Ogopogo..." here:  https://www.smalltownmonsters.com/shop/ogopogobook Small Town Monsters' Monster Fest is in Canton OH., THIS WEEKEND! Get more information and tickets HERE:  https://www.smalltownmonsters.com/stm-monster-fest-2024 Tommy "Spiderbaby" Saturday's  last two Pro Wrestling matches ever are this weekend in South St. Paul and Minneapolis! Get the info on his Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/thespiderbaby See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #jasonhewlett  #ogopogo  #smalltownmonsters  #thelegendofogopogo #canadaslochnessmonster #indigeneouspeopleofcanada #rattlesnakeisland  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #lakeokanagan #demons #lakespirits #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #Alienspaceships #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti   #lochnessmonster  #beastofbrayroad #mothman #conspiracytheory 
27/06/241h 8m

S19 Ep77: Supernatural News/Parashare: Spraying Stonehenge, Concrete Alien Proof, & Wine of the Dead Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare:  Spraying Stonehenge, Concrete Alien Proof, & Wine of the Dead Edition w/Jessica Freeburg! This Week, Just Stop Oil sprays Stonehenge orange in protest, but Uri Gellar says it is bringing more than controversy to the monument!  MUFON says that it is unveiling concrete evidence of "UAP Material" at an upcoming live event!  China is developing next gen AI powered sex dolls with a focus on "emotional connection", and The oldest wine ever discovered contains a horrifying secret ingredient!! PLUS: A VERY SPECIAL PARASHARE STORY Check out the doll that is supposedly possessed by Princess Diana! Do you think she is the real deal? What do you think?  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/psychic-claims-doll-possessed-princess-33083048 Just how big is that tongue that Tim and Jess talked about anyways... ? SEE FOR YOURSELF!   https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/man-worlds-biggest-tongue-stuns-33062145 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
26/06/241h 45m

S19 Ep76: The Plastic Magician: How To Turn A Mountain Of Marijuana & Cocaine Into A Pile Of Credit Card Fraud Millions! w/Ronnie Baker

True Crime Tuesday presents: The Plastic Magician: How To Turn A Mountain Of Marijuana & Cocaine Into A Pile Of Credit Card Fraud Millions! with Author/Screenwriter, Ronnie Baker! Ronnie Baker was born in Miami Beach, raised in the Bronx, and baptised into crime at an early age!  Ronnie started by selling pot to stock broker on the NYSE as they all wen to work together!  He graduated to bigger amounts of weight before being drafted to Vietnam where he figured out how to really bankroll himself, to the tune of 26,500 dollars! It didn't last long as Ronnie was injured n bttle and came back home, where he continued to ply his trade, eventually attracting bigger attention, and one of the craziest stories you'll hear on True Crime Tuesday this year! On Today's program, Ronnie Baker will detail that  story plus how he met the man named Arthur Hoyos, who had ripped off American Express to the tune of eight MILLION DOLLARS! It gets crazier from there! Get your copy of "The Plastic Magician..."  here:  https://bit.ly/3https://www.xulonpress.com/bookstore/bookdetail.php?PB_ISBN=9781662811883&HC_ISBN=P777p1 Find out more about Ronnie here:  https://theplasticmagician.weebly.com/ PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS W/ TRAVIS THORPE! Check out the life-like body that was not a "lifeless" body, that Tim and Travis were talking about in the last story of DCSC here:  https://thesmokinggun.com/documents/funny/abandoned-texas-doll-749230 #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #ronniebaker #ronnieberke #theplasticmagician #drugsmuggling #drugrunning #creditcardfraud #arthurhoyos #florida #jamaica #americanexpress #mexico #judgeronaldjberkowitz #miamiherald #fcitallahasee #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #travisthorpe #americancouncilfortruthinjournalism #1776returnsdotcom #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes #michigansuspendeddriver #tonycakes
25/06/242h 14m

S19 Ep75: The Afterlife Chronicles: Exploring The Connection Between Life, Death, and Beyond w/Nicole Strickland

Darkness Radio Presents: The Afterlife Chronicles: Exploring The Connection Between Life, Death, and Beyond w/Nicole Strickland! What happens to us when we die? Does the human soul survive death? How can we communicate with loved ones in the spirit world? Are those residing beyond the veil in some faraway land or are they close by and within our reach? These are age-old questions permeating our collective consciousness. These queries not only entice humanity to understand the hereafter but also to connect with those dwelling within it. Each of the topics and stories presented in The Afterlife Chronicles, harmoniously unite as a gateway to the connective bridge between mortality and the afterlife. Crafted by highly respected afterlife and paranormal researcher Nicole Strickland, this heartfelt book reads like a love letter to the hereafter and provides the motivation, purpose, and know-how to further understand the profound relationship between both worlds. Nicole joins Darkness Radio today to talk about multiple aspects of the paranormal including psychic ability, near-death experiences, paranormal investigation, and it's tv cousins, and real death experiences!   Get the book, "The Afterlife Chronicles: Exploring The Connection Between Life, Death, and Beyond" here:   https://www.amazon.com/Afterlife-Chronicles-Exploring-Connection-Between/dp/B0C2RX94S4 Find out more about our author here:    Nicole Strickland:  https://nicoledstrickland.com/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #nicolestrickland #paranormalbooks #theafterlifechronicles #exploringtheconnectionbetweenlifedeathandthebeyond #mariedjones  #rosemaryellenguiley  #paranormaltv #ghosts  #spirits #hauntings  #demons #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot  #ouija  #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch  #beastofbrayroad #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunting #chakras #dreamvisitations #spiritphotography #electronicvoicephenomenon #evp
20/06/241h 14m

S19 Ep74: Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Walk-Ins, Psychic Doomsday, & Vampire Bigfoot Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Walk-Ins, Psychic Doomsday, & Vampire Bigfoot Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, some bizarre alien stories including tales of small hairy aliens that used mind control on officials to avoid a crash site recovery, and a woman who claims an alien soul walked into her body!!  Two Psychics this week make bold v=claims that WW3 is right around the corner! And, the story of a blood thirsty Bigfoot that takes out not only small animals in the wild, but also, your housepets! that's right... we are talking VAMPIRE BIGFOOT! A ghost sets off the siren in an ambulance!  Watch the video here!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/377837/ghost-allegedly-sets-off-ambulance-siren-in-viral-footage Remember Tim & Mallie talking about the "mysterious Monolith" in the Nevada desert? Well, HERE IT IS!:  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/377916/mysterious-monolith-has-appeared-in-the-nevada-desert-near-las-vegas Take a look at the Ghost Monk that was caught on camera at a haunted pub ( and the rest of the set up that Tim and Mallie talked about) here:  https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/we-caught-ghost-monk-camera-33014486?int_source=nba Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
19/06/241h 40m

S19 Ep73: Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0618 w/Jessica Freeburg

True Crime Tuesday presents Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0618 with Jessica Freeburg! This week, the crimes are more violent than ever, as a Wa. man is found not guilty by reason of insanity for his wife's stabbing as part of a "prophecy"!  A Texas man has died as part of a mysterious hot tub electrocution in Mexico, An Atlanta man "in extreme mode" hijacks a bus and kills a passenger, and a man in Missouri sits on Death Rowand will be executed in September, by the decree of the Governor, EVEN THOUGH THE DNA EVIDENCE CLEARS HIM OF THE CRIME!        PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS!! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website and pre-order her new books:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #rippedfromtheheadlines #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutalityarizona #sexcrimes #nakedfloridaassault #coloradolambotheft #onlyfanscopscandal #dna
18/06/241h 42m

S19 Ep72: Painting A Perfect Picture Of Life After Death w/Reverend Donna Voll

Darkness Radio Presents:  Painting A Perfect Picture Of Life After Death with Author/Clairvoyant/Spirit Artist, Reverend Donna Voll Rev. Donna Voll is an expert in the field of Spirituality. Her decades of dedicated Spiritual work, True Spirit art, clairvoyance, evidential messages, angelic studies, witnessing life after death experiences, discerning spiritual entities, and understanding spiritual planes contributes a wealth of knowledge to advance the study of human consciousness surviving and living on after physical death. She is a confident and inspiring speaker, teacher and sought after guest. Rev. Donna travels to congregations all over the world and channels messages from spirit sand draws the people those messages are coming from, then delivers the message and art to the exact person they are intended for!  Donna joins Darkness Radio today to talk about how her gifts work, the specifics of the art, and just how this art proves that there is truly life after death! Check out some of the spirit art portraits that we talked about on today's show:  https://angelstoguideyou.com/portraits Interested in Donna's services?  Check out what she can do for you here:  https://angelstoguideyou.com/consultations Check out Donna's chapter in "Women On The Fringe...":  https://www.amazon.com/Women-Fringe-Groundbreaking-Paranormal/dp/B0CXM1FLB2 Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #reverenddonnavoll #truespiritart  #spiritualwork #lifeafterdeath #heaven #clairvoyance #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #evidentialmessages #discerningspiritualentities  #demons  #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #remoteviewing #dreams #paralleldimensions #theology #quantumphysics   
13/06/241h 40m

S19 Ep71: Supernatural News/Parashare: Gov't Alien Coverups, Bigfoot Hunting, & Atheist NDE's Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare:  Gov't Alien Coverups, Bigfoot Hunting, & Atheist NDE's Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, A US Congresswoman says she was approached by Men In Black while investigating a UFO!  According to two recent studies, AI is learning to lie and deceive!  An Alabama man , terrorized by Bigfoot, wants to "hunt and kill" the creature! and, what happens when you are an atheist, have a near-death experience and still don't believe  ?! We have the story! Check out the video of theghost caught on Google Maps standing outside this woman's door! What do you think?  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/woman-edge-after-google-maps-32963269 A terrified hospital security guard catches a ghost playing in a wheelchair in an empty hallway, do you think this is an actual haunting?  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/terrified-hospital-security-guard-catches-32963611 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Pre-order the two new books from Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
12/06/241h 48m

S19 Ep70: Baker, Liar, Con Man, Thief: Escaping The Law One Identity At A Time w/ DJ Adler

True Crime Tuesday presents:  Baker, Liar, Con Man, Thief: Escaping The Law One Identity At A Time with Retired Attorney/Researcher/Author, DJ (David) Adler! David Adler, is just a teenager in South Florida in the late 1970s when he embarks on an audacious journey of deception. It all starts when Adler secures a bank loan to buy a booming local bakery. With no funds to his name, Adler unlocks his talent for forgery and the art of the scam. Alongside his mother and Italian tough-guy stepfather, he navigates a perilous path of crime, crafting false identities to dupe banks, casinos, and even the World's Fair, accumulating vast sums and dodging law enforcement. Enter Dianne Symmons, a witty, sarcastic FBI agent obsessed with their capture. After she solves an unrelated airline hijacking case, she is assigned to find the trio and make a case against them. Much easier said than done since each uses hundreds of names and disposes of identities like tissue. This thrilling narrative is perfect for those who enjoy crime memoirs. It explores the thrilling and perilous life of con artists at work and delves into the complexities of familial bonds, the pursuit of freedom, and the consequences of a life lived on the run. BAKER, LIAR, CON MAN, THIEF is a masterclass in the psychology of deception that takes the reader on a roller-coaster journey through the underbelly of 1970s America. and on today's TCT, the author of the book, DJ (David) Adler joins the show to talk about his adventures, mishaps, and possible regrets looking back on his adventures... and even tells us, as a burger connoisseur, who has the best burger in America! Get "Baker, Liar, Con Man, Thief... " here:  https://bit.ly/3Vb896c PLUS, AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Pre-Order Jessica's two new books here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/books/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #djadler #davidadler #sunnyrossi #salrossi #bakerliarconmanthief #escapingthelawoneidentityatatime #truewhitecollarcrime #hollywoodflorida #lasvegas #losangeles #checkkiting #theftbyswindle #conartist #texas #neworleans #worldsfair #casinocredit #gentlemanthief #FBI #federalgovernment #mafia #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #bikinicoffee #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
11/06/242h 7m

S19 Ep69: The Unwelcomed: Murder, Mental Illness, The Demonic, & Extraterrestrials w/Ron Felber

Darkness Radio presents The Unwelcomed: Murder, Mental Illness, The Demonic, & Extraterrestrials w/Ron Felber The Unwelcomed  begins with the arrival of a young Radcliffe student at the office of renowned psychotherapist, Dr. Morton Prince. Pursued by a city marshal hellbent on solving the murder of two infants strangled by her father, Clara Fowler relives the nightmare that was her childhood – exalted by Visitations from Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin, cursed by the emergence of a demonic presence obsessed with her demise. On today's Darkness Radio, Ron Felber, author of "The Unwelcomed: The Curious Case Of Clara Fowler", joins the show to talk about the multi-faceted case of murder, psychosis, demonic possession, and even alien visitation?! This true story from the 1800's which Ron was turned on to by William Peter Blatty of The Exorcist fame, is ne that you don't wanna miss! Get your copy of the book, "The Unwelcomed": https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ron+felber&i=stripbooks&hvadid=77927929396171&hvbmt=bp&hvdev=c&hvqmt=p&tag=mh0b-20&ref=pd_sl_5lz7zhcap5_p Check out Ron's Website:  https://www.ronfelber.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio    #timdennis #ronfelber #theunwelcomed #thecuriouscaseofclarafowler #ghosts  #spirits  #spiritualism #hauntings #hauntedhouses #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #satanism #satanists #clarafowler #drmortonprince #johnfowler #jesuschrist #virginmary #lizziebordenmurders #fallriver #hhholmes #aliens #extraterrestrials #jacktheripper #sigmundfreud #schizophrenia #multiplepersonalitydisorder   
06/06/241h 29m

S19 Ep68: Supernatural News/Parashare: AI Advice, Harried Hauntings, & Spielberg's Project Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: AI Advice, Harried Hauntings, & Spielberg's Project Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, We have some amazing stories as an internet analyst tests AI Overview's search feature and gets some hilarious answers!  Ghost stories galore... including, a TikTok user who shares pics of a ghost in a cemetery that was spotted on Google Street View!   A UFO is captured on camera over NY during the Blue Angels air show, and Steven Spielberg has a new UFO movie coming out, is it a long shelved horror film or based in REALITY?! PLUS AN ALL-NEW PARASHARE STORY! Check out the video of the UFO that interrupted the Blue Angels show! What do you think?  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/377482/ufo-captured-on-camera-over-new-york-during-blue-angels-air-show Take a look at China's new gun toting robot dog! wanna pet it?  https://www.yahoo.com/tech/china-military-shows-off-rifle-064728866.html?guccounter=1 Is this a ghost in this cemetery?  or is it just pareidolia? You decide!  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/tiktok-user-shares-ghost-spotted-32900080 Check out this Knights Templar Wax Seal! What do you think it represents?   https://www.yahoo.com/news/2-knights-1-horse-legendary-121330761.html See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
05/06/241h 35m

S19 Ep67: Lake County: Movie Stars, Making The Odds, and Murder w/Lori Roy

True Crime Tuesday Presents:  Lake County: Movie Stars, Making The Odds, and Murder with Author, Lori Roy! In LAKE COUNTY, In small-town Florida, Addie Anne Buckley dreams of following in the path of her glamourous Aunt Jean -- known to the world as Marilyn Monroe. When Aunt Jean plans a trip to Hollywood for Addie’s eighteenth birthday, Addie sees her chance to escape. One thing stands in her way: her boyfriend. Truitt Holt is Addie’s first and only love and will be joining her in California. But days before Addie’s due to leave, Truitt does an about-face and gives her a painful ultimatum: stay and marry him, or they’re through. Addie chooses her dream. Hurt and angry, Truitt unwittingly exposes the illegal bolita game he’s been running in mob territory. Now the Tampa mafia is after him, and he has until midnight to cut a deal that will save his life and Addie’s. What he doesn’t know…his trouble with the mob has already found Addie and her family. She’s already in a fight for her life. Author of "Lake County", Lori Roy, joins TCT to talk about the new book, it's plot, how she took the real life Marilyn Monroe and created a fictional back story and history that rang true for her!  We also discuss the other plot points and rich characters that make of LAKE COUNTY! Check out Lori's website here...   https://www.loriroy.com/ Get "Lake County" here:  https://www.amazon.com/Lake-County-Novel-Lori-Roy/dp/1662519931/ref=tmm_hrd_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=1701893760&sr=8-1 Check out Caroline on Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LoriRoyAuthor/ X: https://x.com/loriroyauthor?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lori_roy_author/?hl=en PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS WITH MALLIE FOX!! Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #loriroy #lakecounty #addieannebuckley #auntjean #marilynmonroe #truittholt #hocktaflorida #florida #siebertrix #donnaroy #bolitagames #floridamob #murder  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #mechanophilia #sexcrimes #morticiansexdolltheft
04/06/241h 32m

S19 Ep66: Ulterior Motives :"Everyone Knows That" Music, & Paranormal, & Horror Films, Mix Beautifully W/ The Booth Brothers

Darkness Radio Presents Ulterior Motives :"Everyone Knows That" Music, & Paranormal, & Horror Films, Mix Beautifully With Musicians/Filmmakers/Paranormal Investigators, Christopher Saint Booth & Philip Adrian Booth, The Booth Brothers! It started with a post to WatZatSong in 2021, became a Reddit post, then a Rolling Stone article... but before they knew it, the Booth Brothers work from an earlier life had become a viral sensation!!  It also brought them a newfound fame different then they already had from their classic horror and paranormal films. 12.5 million hits worth on social media worth!  On today's Darkness Radio, we sit down with Christopher and Philip and talk about the music, the old days and the fantastic stories behind creating that music, then we bring it into the present and future.  We also talk about Christopher's new album, and two new films that are due out this year! Find out about all things Booth Brothers and get your items here:  https://spookedproductions.blogspot.com/ Skypolar: Christopher Saint Booth's new album is now streaming and available wherever you get your music! Dead Still, The Attached, and all the great filmography of the Booth Brpothers are streaming on outlets such as Apple TV Plus, Amazon Prime, Tubi, & https://spookedtv-od.com Find out where we are going to be in your area, check out our store, and subscribe to the podcast here:  https://www.darknessradioshow.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #boothbrothers #christophersaintbooth #philipadrianbooth #ulteriormotives #everyoneknowsthat #watzatsong #reddit #rollingstone #horrormovies #musicandspirituality #creativityandthedivine #collectiveconsciousness #paranormalmovies #80smusic #90spop #paranormalinvestigation #theexorcist #theattached #deadstill #michaeljackson #electricguitars  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #heaven #hell #realms #demons #attachments #zakbagans #spiritguides 
30/05/241h 39m

S19 Ep65: Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Junk, Endangered Ghosts, & Death Whistles Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Junk, Endangered Ghosts, & Death Whistles Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Whether it is ending up in a NC forest, in Mexico, or in the depths of the ocean... there sure is a lotta ALIEN JUNK being left everywhere this week... we tell ya about it!  A UK professor tells us that ghosts on his side of the world are... GOING EXTINCT!  The Pope is clearing the way for "God's Influencer" to become a saint, and you won't believe his story! AND, we have that perfect stocking stuffer... it mimics "the scream of a thousand corpses", and you can get one now! we'll tell you about the Aztec Death Whistle!! Check out the picture of the mysterious object that dropped from space!  What do you think?   https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/377316/man-discovers-mysterious-object-from-space-on-remote-forest-trail Remember Tim & Mallie talking about the "Millennium Falcon" at the bottom of the sea? Well, HERE IT IS!:  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/mystery-ufo-bottom-baltic-sea-32877093 Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
29/05/241h 54m

S19 Ep64: Of Mobsters and Movie Stars: The Bloody Golden Age Of Hollywood w/Joan Renner

True Crime Tuesday Presents:  Of Mobsters and Movie Stars: The Bloody Golden Age Of Hollywood w/Researcher/Author, Joan Renner! Turns out the "Golden Age of Hollywood" wasn't so "Golden"! Between serial killers, corrupt studio heads, even more corrupt politicians, bootleggers, the occasional gangsters. and the average weird Joe just trying to get over in the Depression Era. it made for a very strange, and dangerous time in the area that started out as "Hollywoodland"!  On Today's show, the author of "Of Mobsters and Movie Stars: The Bloody Age of Hollywood", Joan Renner, joins True Crime Tuesday to map out the landscape of Hollywood during this time and regale us with some of these bizarre and bloody tales from Tinseltown! PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Get your copy of "Of Mobsters And Movie Stars..." here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1960332821 #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #joanrenner #ofmobstersandmoviestars #thebloodygoldenageofhollywood #clarabow #georgeraft #maewest #fattyarbuckle #virginiarappe #tigerlady #adultery #infidelity #lying #kidnapping #MGM #studiosystempolice #prohibition #criminalunderworld #hollywoodscandals #holllywoodmobsters #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #false911calls #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
28/05/242h 10m

S19 Ep63: Spirituality In Music: Does Creativity Spawn From Humanity or The Divine? w/Steve Vai

Darkness Radio Presents: Spirituality In Music: Does Creativity Spawn From Humanity or The Divine? with Musician/Composer/ Guitar Virtuoso/ Recording Artist, Steve Vai! On Today's Darkness Radio, we sit down one on one with one of the greatest rock guitarists and composers on the planet and start out with a basic question that you would ask a genius, "does your inspiration come truly from within yourself. or from the Divine (God, a collective consciousness, etc.), then we pull the ripcord, and let the Maestro go!  We also talk with Steve about some of his greatest hits and highlights of his career and see how they line up with his own spiritual beliefs. and before the end of the  end of the program, Steve drops a bomb on everyone that you don't wanna miss! Check out BEAT this fall!!  Vai/Belew/Levin/Carey get together to play the music of 80's King Crimson in your city!  For tickets, click here:  https://www.vai.com/tourdates/ Get the amazing music of Steve Vai here: https://stevevai.myshopify.com/collections/music Think Tim missed a question while interviewing Steve? Chances are, they were answered here:  https://www.vai.com/category/answers/ Find out where we are going to be in your area, check out our store, and subscribe to the podcast here:  https://www.darknessradioshow.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #stevevai #inviolate #passionandwarfare #flexable #alienlovesecrets #theultrazone #davidleeroth #whitesnake #beat #musicandspirituality #creativityandthedivine #collectiveconsciousness #neardeathexperience #themusicofheaven #lovesecrets #fortheloveofgod #frankzappa #edwardvanhalen #hardrock #heavymetal #electricguitars  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #heaven #hell #realms #demons #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides 
23/05/241h 54m

S19 Ep62: Supernatural News/Parashare: Government Disclosure, Vatican Supernatural Protocol & Debunking Mandela Effect Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Government Disclosure, Vatican Supernatural Protocol & Debunking Mandela Effect Edition Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, Just when you thought the US Government was out of the UFO game, they pull us BACK IN!!  The Vatican came out and reestablished their protocol for Supernatural encounters, we have the details!  Scientists have conducted a study that once and for all tells us where (the majority of) Mandela Effect cases come from... And, we end things in a... CHEESY way!    Check out the picture of the robot dog on British streets! What do you think?  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/brits-spot-black-mirror-creature-32835147 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
22/05/241h 42m

S19 Ep61: Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0521 w/Mallie Fox

True Crime Tuesday presents Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0521 with Mallie Fox! This week, It's a case of God Loves, Man (or Woman) Kills! A former Atlanta cop allegedly shoots and kills his Lyft driver after thinking he is being recruited into a "gay fraternity", A Nebraska Supreme Court upholds the conviction of a woman who tortured, and killed her female Tinder date,  A Georgia woman is killed, dismembered, and burned after allegedly finding out her boyfriend was married, and a Colorado woman allegedly fatally stabs and cut her boyfriend's penis off during a fight over paternity!!          PLUS AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS!! Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #rippedfromtheheadlines #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #massshooting #shootings #murder #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutality #sexcrimes #dirtyadultdiaperassault #worldstallestmanarrest #walmartgreeterbeat #dna
21/05/241h 49m

S19 Ep60: A Journey Of Paranormal Proportions w/ Dr. Heather Lynn

Darkness Radio Presents: A Journey Of Paranormal Proportions with Historian/Professor/Presenter/Archaeologist/ Podcaster/ Author, Dr. Heather Lynn! On Today's Darkness Radio, fresh off the heels of the "Women on the Fringe" show, Dr. Heather Lynn joins us to talk about her amazing story!  Everything  from the adversity she faced in the beginning to her inspirations, to exploring Area 51 and finding her true purpose are covered. We also cover topics such as the Nazi Witch Project, Aliens, Demons, Jesus as the first exorcist, Pazuzu, Curses, Baphomet, Ancient History and Aliens, and more!  WARNING:  This program moves t a mile a minute!  and we like it that way! Find out more about Dr. Lynn at her website:   https://www.drheatherlynn.com/ Read Dr. Lynn's blog about the Nazi Witch Project:  https://www.drheatherlynn.com/blog/the-nazi-witch-project Check out Dr. Lynn's podcast:  https://www.drheatherlynn.com/the-midnight-academy Get Dr. Lynn's Book , "Evil Archaeology...":  https://bit.ly/4arYsGa PLUS:  A REVIEW OF THE NEW AMY WINEHOUSE BIOPIC: "BACK TO BLACK"! Get your last minute tix for the Palmer event this weekend and Michigan Paracon this August here: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis  #drheatherlynn  #historian #archaeologist #ancientaliens #coasttocoast  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings  #demons #djinn #pazuzu #baphomet #deliverances #exorcisms #jesus #paranormalinvestigation   #Psychics  #Aliens #area51 #ancientegypt #pyramids #arkofthecovenant #timothyhogan  #knightstemplar  #hieroglyphics #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials  #Alienspaceships  #shadowpeople
16/05/241h 44m

S19 Ep59: Supernatural News/Parashare: Haunted Jails. Death Caves & Zombies Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Haunted Jails. Death Caves & Zombies Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, A woman takes a photo at a famous haunted jail and gets a little more than what she bargained for!  A security camera snaps a picture of a ghostly figure staring at a child one month after a grandfather's death! A skeleton is found in Germany that could have been an example of a "zombie burial"?!  And, we travel to Costa Rica's "Cave of Death" which kills anything that dares venture inside! Check out the picture of the ghost standing next to the child mentioned on the show!  What do you think?   https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/security-camera-snaps-ghostly-figure-32795576 Get your last minute tix for the Palmer event this weekend and Michigan Paracon this August here: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
15/05/241h 31m

S19 Ep58: When Cicadas Cry: Murder, Death Row & Racial Tensions in The Deep South w/Caroline Cleveland

True Crime Tuesday Presents:  When Cicadas Cry: Murder, Death Row & Racial Tensions in The Deep South with Author, Caroline Cleveland! In WHEN CICADAS CRY, Zach Stander, a young lawyer with a checkered past, gets a phone call that will change his life. It’s Elijah Jenkins, an older Black man he met while giving a one-day free legal clinic in rural Colleton County. A white woman has been bludgeoned to death with an altar cross at the New Hope Baptist Church out on Cicada Road. Eli’s grandson Samuel was arrested after authorities found him kneeling over her body, covered in blood. Eli insists his grandson is innocent and begs Zach to take on his defense. The low country is fraught with racial tension, the victim’s family has deep roots in the community, and the local solicitor is powerful and influential.  Zach’s life is already in shambles from his past mistakes, and he has reservations about taking on such high odds. But when Addie Stone, a private investigator—and Zach’s fiancée—convinces him that saving young Sam might be the only path to redemption, Zach gathers his courage. At the same time, Addie investigates a local cold case—two young women were murdered on quiet Edisto Beach, an hour southeast of Walterboro. The killer left no trace, and thirty-four years later, their deaths are still unsolved. As Addie sifts through the evidence, she wonders if there might be a connection to the present-day murder. So many long-buried secrets…would someone kill again to keep them? Author of "When Cicadas Cry", Caroline Cleveland, joins TCT to talk about the new book, it's plot, the richness of it's characters and why she picked the backdrop of this area of South Carolina and specifically where her unique inspiration for these characters comes from! Check out Caroline's website here...   https://carolineclevelandauthor.com/ Get "When Cicadas Cry" here:  https://www.unionsquareandco.com/9781454952312/when-cicadas-cry-by-caroline-cleveland/ Check out Caroline on Social Media: Facebook: @UnionSqandCo; @meganbeatiecommunications X: @UnionSqandCo; @mbeatie Instagram: @unionsqandco @mbc_books PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS WITH MALLIE FOX!! Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #carolinecleveland #whencicadascry #zachstander #addiestone #elijahjenkins #samueljenkins #southcarolina #colleton #edistonbeach #jessicagadsden #deathpenalty #deathbycrucifix #murder  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #floridamanunderwearboattheft #sexcrimes #pinkdildoassault
14/05/241h 55m

S19 Ep57: True Ghost Stories by the Campfire w/Jim Harold

Darkness Radio presents: True Ghost Stories by the Campfire with Jim Harold! Today on the show, we welcome back old friend and Podcaster, Jim Harold!  We talk with Jim about assembling the sixth book in this amazing series of listener's true paranormal stories, share perspectives on our paranormal world, and manage to get some of those strange and spooky stories that Jim is so famous for! Get the new book, "True Ghost Stories: Jim Harold's Campfire 6":   https://bit.ly/3WCwN23 Check out Jim's shows wherever you download your podcasts, or get your premium subscriptions here: https://jimharold.com/ https://jimharoldplus.com/ See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #jimharold #theparanormalpodcast #jimharoldscampfire #paranormalauthor  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #shadowpeople #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #neardeatheexperience #curses #toads
09/05/241h 20m

S19 Ep56: Supernatural News/Parashare: UFO Clusters, Psycho Robot Overlords & Britney Spears Mandela Effect Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: UFO Clusters, Psycho Robot Overlords and Britney Spears Mandela Effect Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, A cluster of UFO's in spotted in the night sky after a 5.6 magnitude earthquake!  (Turns out Bruiser was right) Psycho Robots poised to take over the Earth ARE racist and sexist according to a new report... , here is a new Mandela Effect theory out there surrounding Britney Spears! And, we talk about Antarctica's aging, cracking Ice hole!    Check out the picture of the cluster of UFO's after the earthquake! What do you think?  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/cluster-ufos-spotted-night-sky-32745820 Check out this "time travel portrait" What is this man holding? YOU DECIDE!:  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/time-travel-proof-man-spotted-32711700 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
08/05/241h 29m

S19 Ep55: Women Who Murder: Everything Is Fair Play With The Fair Sex w/ Mitzi Szereto

True Crime Tuesday presents Women Who Murder: Everything Is Fair Play With The Fair Sex w/ Mitzi Szereto! From historical accounts to modern cases, Mitzi Szereto's ew book, Women Who Murder: An International Collection Of True Crime Tales, explores the captivating psychology behind these killer women, unraveling their motives and unveiling the dark complexities of human behavior. On Today's TCT, Mitzi Szereto explains why everything is fair play with the fair sex!  And, just why women kill! We also go into the different scenarios behind some of these female serial killers and their motivations!  We also tackle the topic of Femicide and why men have felt the random need to kill women throughout the ages!     Check out Mitzi's website here... https://mitziszereto.com/ Get "Women Who Murder..." here:  https://bit.ly/3Ut8tNv PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS WITH JESSICA FREEBURG!! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ Find all of the archives of True Crime Tuesday from the Patreon days of 2017-2021, go to our website, https://www.officialtruecrimetuesday.com/  and check out what you have missed! #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #womenwhomurder #aninternationalcollectionoftruecrimestories #mitziszereto #joannadennehy #ruthsnyder  #karissaboudreau  #pennyboudreau #mahinqadri  #goldjewelry #monafandey #angelinanapolitano #dianathehuntress #jollyjoesph #susansmith #kathrynprice #irmagrese #angelofdeath #auschwitz #bergenbelsen #irmaspets #irmastoys #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
07/05/241h 57m

S19 Ep54: Women On The Fringe: Paranormal Groundbreakers w/Marie D. Jones, Nicole Strickland, & Denise A. Agnew

Darkness Radio Presents: Women On The Fringe: Paranormal Groundbreakers with Authors, Marie D. Jones, Nicole Strickland, and Denise A. Agnew! When it comes to the paranormal, it’s not just a man’s world anymore. WOMEN ON THE FRINGE come from all walks of life as they tell their stories of how they got into their fields of study, the challenges and obstacles they faced, and what drives them to continue their quests for knowledge. This book presents a stunning array of women in the trenches of every aspect of the paranormal, and in every category and subcategory across the board! On today's show, all three authors join the show for a lively discussion about the role women are playing in today's paranormal landscape. we talk about some of the women featured in the book, and we remember some of the greats that have passed recently!  Get the book, "Women On The Fringe: Groundbreaking Women in the Paranormal" here:   https://bit.ly/44m2oHb Find out more about our authors here:    Marie D. Jones:  https://www.mariedjones.com/indexdfbd.html?page=the-author Nicole Strickland:  https://nicoledstrickland.com/ Denise A. Agnew:  https://www.deniseagnew.com/ Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #mariedjones #nicolestrickland #deniseaagnew #paranormalbooks #womenonthefringe #groundbreakingwomenintheparanormal  #malliefox #lorrainewarren #rosemaryellenguiley #lindagodfrey #kierstenparsonshathcock #nicoletito #shannonlegro #sophiatemperilli #drheatherlynn #donavoll #spiritart #Atheria #ghosts  #spirits #hauntings  #demons #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot  #ouija  #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch  #beastofbrayroad #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience #paranormalinvestigation
02/05/241h 43m

S19 Ep53: Supernatural News/Parashare: Spiders From Mars, AI Rap Beef, & A Dying Wish Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Spiders From Mars, AI Rap Beef, and A Dying Wish Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, "Spiders" are seen crawling across Mars!  Drake brings in Snoop Dogg and Tupac into a rap beef... through AI, and Tupac's estate strikes back!  A bizarre conspiracy theory forms as two horses covered in blood run through London and Big Ben's clock stops, AT THE SAME TIME, causing people on social media to speculate that the end of days was here!  And, we talk about a story of a man who sleeps with his dying friend, behind his gf's back, only to discover her jealousy, after the friend died. Tim and Jess talk about the ethics of granting a dying wish to close today's show!    Check out the picture of the Spiders on Mars! What do you think?  https://www.livenowfox.com/news/spiders-seen-crawling-across-mars-surface Is this a UFO on the back of this truck or a satellite dish? YOU DECIDE!:  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/ufo-hauled-down-desert-road-32652221 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
01/05/241h 38m

S19 Ep52: Paranormal Justice: Hauntings, Cryptids, and Curses In The Court Of Law w/Brad Blair

Darkness Radio presents Paranormal Justice: Hauntings, Cryptids, and Curses In The Court Of Law with Promoter/Researcher/Author, Brad Blair! From the witch trials of the past to modern laws requiring the disclosure of haunted property, the justice system has crossed paths with the strange and supernatural for centuries. In his new book, Brad Blair takes you down this road and reveals how lawmakers and courts have dealt with the uncanny around the globe. Legislation to provide legal protection for Bigfoot, demonic possession as a murder defense, jurors seeking evidence from a Ouija Board, and many more bizarre legal dilemmas and the events that brought them in front of the justice system are revealed in Paranormal Justice: Hauntings, Cryptids, and Curses In The Court Of Law. Brad appears on Darkness Radio tday to talk about the book, it's stories and some new cases that have popped up in the news! Brad and Tim Ellis also do a wonderful podcast of their own called The Creaking Door Paranormal Radio!  You can listen to episodes here: http://eagleradio951.com/creaking-door/ Ever wanted to attend a paranormal convention where you could meet any and every paranormal person you could imagine? Well, now you can!! Michigan Paracon is coming quickly!!  Get more information and your tickets here:  https://saultstemarie.com/events-calendar/michigan-paranormal-convention/ Get your copy of Paranormal Justice: Hauntings, Cryptids, and Curses In The Court Of Law here:  https://bit.ly/4bejGIw #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts #truecrimepodcasts #darknessradio #truecrimetuesday #bradblair #paranormaljustice #timdennis #yoopernaturalhaunts #creakingdoorparanormalradio #ghosts  #spirits  #hauntings #hauntedhouses #slenderman #witches #slenderman #salemwitchtrials #spanishinquisition #psychic #ouija #mscleo #cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #champ#chupacabra #pepie #beastofbrayroad #pepie  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes 
30/04/241h 51m

S19 Ep51: Hunting Grounds: Dogmen of the Lakes w/Aaron Deese

Darkness Radio Presents: Hunting Grounds: Dogmen of the Lakes with Reseacher/ Filmmaker/Podcaster/ Author, Aaron Deese!  The Land Between the Lakes is the largest inland peninsula in the United States. Situated on the Tennessee/Kentucky border, the national recreational area is home to over 170,000 acres, and is a prime location for campers, hikers and outdoor enthusiasts. It has been since the 1960s, when the federal government displaced thousands of American citizens from what was then known as the Land Between the Rivers.  It is also the home of endless campfire stories, whispered rumors and urban legends. Rumblings of hauntings, mysterious deaths and even Bigfoot sightings abound in the Land Between the Lakes. Another creature - one far darker and more dangerous than the rest - is also said to haunt the shadowed forests and intertwining gulleys. Since the 1980s a frightening saga has circulated by word of mouth, of a horrific massacre at the claws and teeth of what is often described as a werewolf. Or, as some call them, Dogman. Aaron Deese, of Small Town Monsters and the podcast, Hey Strangeness joins Darkness Radio today to talk about his new book, " Hunting Grounds: Dogmen of the Lakes" and the adventures he , Shannon Legro, and other local experts went on in the Land Between the Lakes in search of Dogman!! Get Aaron's book, "Hunting Grounds: Dogmen of the Lakes" ,here: https://bit.ly/3WeHxDD Check out Aaron on Hey Strangeness :  https://www.heystrangeness.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #aarondeese #huntinggrounds #huntinggroundsdogmenofthelakes #Thelandbetweenthelakes #lbl #martingroves #hellbentholler #jessidoyle #joedoyle #dogman #smalltownmonsterspublishing  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Alienspaceships  #shadowpeople  #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #rougarou #werewolf #beastofbrayroad #lindagodfrey
25/04/241h 12m

S19 Ep50: Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Egg Harvesting, AI Dogfights,& Sasquatch Scat Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Egg Harvesting, AI Dogfights, and Sasquatch Scat Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, An author claims that aliens from another dimension took her eggs after beaming her up to their ship!  The U.S. Air Force has confirmed it's first successful AI dogfight!  A time traveler tells us what life is like in the year 6000 and has a picture to prove it,  and a new Hollywood movie centered on Sasquatch is so relentlessly gross, that people walked out on screenings! PLUS: WE HAVE YOUR PARASHARE STORIES!! Check out the picture of the Spire on the Moon! What do you think?  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/376459/nasa-scientist-debunks-alien-spire-on-the-moon-conspiracy-theory Did a ghost move the picture on the wall of this house? YOU DECIDE!:  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/haunted-holiday-home-horror-tourists-32590774 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
24/04/241h 32m

S19 Ep49: Killing Time With John Wayne Gacy w/Karen Conti

True Crime Tuesday presents Killing Time With John Wayne Gacy with Trial Attorney/Radio Host/TV Personality/Author, Karen Conti! Karen Conti’s quest to end capital punishment for all, including notorious serial killer John Wayne Gacy, changed her life forever. Conti was the only woman involved in 14 years of Gacy’s appeals —and she was one of the only people who knew what he was really like because he divulged secrets to her that he never did with anyone else. In Killing Time with John Wayne Gacy: Defending America’s Most Evil Serial Killer on Death Row, Conti recalls how, as a young and inexperienced attorney, she spent seven months representing Gacy in his final death row appeals. On Today's TCT, We talk about the relationship between Karen, her husband and Gacy, her upbringing, and why she is adamantly against the death penalty, even in the case of a killer like John Wayne Gacy.   Get your copy of "Killing Time With John Wayne Gacy" here:  https://bit.ly/4d9nL2o Learn more about Karen here:  https://www.karenconti.com/ Karen in the media! Check out her You Tube page:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3JGKBZ_icvghymozAu76eg PLUS AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH SCOTTY ROBERTS! Check out Scotty Roberts' radio shows and podcasts:  https://www.youtube.com/scottyroberts Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #karenconti #killingtimewithjohnwaynegacy #defendingamericasmostevilserialkillerondeathrow #johnwaynegacy #gregadamski #menardpenitentiary #sandradayoconnor #chicago #illinois #deathrow #deathpenalty #serialkiller #crawlspace #pogotheclown #murder #kidnapping #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #scottyroberts #tamohare  #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #arrestedforathreesome #sexcrimes #oaklanddispensary420fire
23/04/242h 31m

S19 Ep48: Near Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations w/Jim Willis

Darkness Radio presents: Near Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations with Researcher/Theologian/Author, Jim Willis! Thousands, perhaps millions of people have had near-death experiences (NDE's). What are they - a simple trick of the mind and body or something more?  What are we to make of them, and do they tell us anything about religion  or science or the possibility of an afterlife?! Author/Theologian Jim Willis joins Darkness Radio today to discuss not just the different experiences around death and near-death, but the historical, philosophical, religious, scientific, and even military circumstances behind the phenomenon! Jim even discusses why Death has become unnaturalized in our everyday life! Get your copy of Near-Death Experiences: Afterlife Journeys and Revelations here:  https://www.jimwillis.net/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #jimwillis #neardeathexperiencesafterlifejourneysandrevelations  #neardeatheexperience #shareddeathexperience #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses  #demons  #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #remoteviewing #dreams #paralleldimensions #cern #theology #military #monroeinstitute #quantumphysics #einstein#neuroscience #biology   
18/04/241h 6m

S19 Ep47: Supernatural News/Parashare: Baby Aliens, Traveling Through Time, & Ghost Hunter Killing Vampires Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Baby Aliens, Traveling Through Time, and Ghost Hunter Killing Vampires Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, A Mexican Explorer finds a baby alien in a cave, and you won't believe how and where he hid him! We reveal some of the wackiest proof out there that time travel may actually be REAL!  A Ghost is furious that a couple flipped their house for profit, and some of their photos are shocking!  And,  A French Ghost Hunter is found in an Italian church dead, with all of her blood drained, as locals spot people dressed as "vampires"!  PLUS: WE HAVE A SPECIAL PARASHARE STORY!! Check out the pictures of time travellers from the show:  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/five-most-bizarre-proofs-time-32553652 Check out the pictures of the ghost who is upset with the couple who flipped their their house:  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/ghost-furious-weve-flipped-house-32590503 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
17/04/241h 34m

S19 Ep46: Connected By Fate: Finding Melissa Witt's Killer w/ LaDonna Humphrey

True Crime Tuesday presents Connected By Fate: Finding Melissa Witt's Killer with Investigator/Researcher/Author. LaDonna Humphrey! At the end of every investigation, comes the hypotheses, then the proof, and finally, the reveal of whodunnit! In the Melissa Witt case, the reveal of who done it, is 29 years in the making. The clues came slow, the wheels of justice turned slow... until everything... fell... into... place... Now, LaDonna Humphrey and her team know who they are pursuing, and this person is incredibly dangerous, because they are pursuing LaDonna too!  Author of Connected By Fate, LaDonna Humphrey joins TCT once again to update us on the Melissa Witt case and tell us about the main suspect in the Melissa Witt case, who he is, and what it will take to bring him to justice!  Get your copy of "Connected By Fate" and learn more about LaDonna Humphrey here:  https://geniusbookpublishing.com/collections/ladonna-humphrey/products/connected-by-fate Get all things LaDonna, watch the Documentary, get her podcasts, and learn more about her here:  https://www.ladonnahumphrey.com/ PLUS AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH MALLIE FOX! Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #ladonnahumphrey #connectedbyfate #whokilledmelissawitt #melissawitt #ozarknationalforest #jcryder #chrisboyd #danastidham #fortsmitharkansas #nixononeil #allthelostgirls #d #hypnosis #mickeymousewatch #murder #kidnapping #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #i10eclipseshooter #sexcrimes #stlouisluxuryvibratorthief
16/04/241h 55m

S19 Ep45: Bram Stoker: Father Of Dracula w/ Dacre Stoker

Darkness Radio presents: Bram Stoker: Father Of Dracula with Researcher/Author/Filmmaker, Dacre Stoker! Bram Stoker’s Dracula is one of the most successful novels in history. The tale of the evil Count has thrilled and fascinated people since its publication in 1897.  The novel has never been out of print and has been translated into thirty languages and sold in over a hundred and twenty countries worldwide. Count Dracula is now regarded as one of the most famous fictional characters in history.  The image of the undead vampire as a symbol of evil is now firmly embedded in our collective consciousness, thanks to Stoker. Paradoxically, Dracula has also become a symbol of forbidden lust thanks to the later portrayals of the character by Bela Lugosi, Christopher Lee, and Frank Langella.  But what of Bram Stoker, the man behind the creation? Sadly, he left no autobiography and precious little first-hand source material for us to better understand his life and inspirations for his writing of Dracula.  However, by examining his private journals, notes, and the memories of those who knew him we can piece together an account of his life and learn much about the man who became the father of Dracula. Dacre Stoker Joins Darkness Radio today to describe how he, filmmaker Jason Figgis. and author and screenwriter, John West are putting together that documentary of Bram Stoker's life titled, "Father Of Dracula". Stoker also tells us how we can help get  it to the finish line through a 60 day crowdsourcing campaign through  Indiegogo! Find out more about Dacre Stoker here:  http://dacrestoker.com/about/ Find out how you can help get "Father Of Dracula" over the finish line through Indigogo: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/bram-stoker-father-of-dracula#/ The Stokerverse is on Facebook!  Check out the different merch here: https://www.facebook.com/StokerMcAuley Dacre Stoker will be at Michigan Paracon! Get your tickets while you can! Click here to learn more:  https://saultstemarie.com/events-calendar/michigan-paranormal-convention/ #paranormal #supernatural #paranormalpodcasts #darknessradio #timdennis #dracula #vampires #bramstoker #dacrestoker #jasonfiggis #johnwest #fatherofdracula #documentary #crowdsourcing #crowdfunding #buffalobillcody #oscrwilde #ladyjanewilde #vladtheimplaer #secondsight #stokerverse #thevoyageofthedemeter #comicbook #graphicnovel #RPG #draculavideogame #draculatabletopgame #Dracul  #freemasonry 
11/04/241h 14m

S19 Ep44: Supernatural News/Parashare: Eclipse Sickness, Deathbed Confessions, and Fatal Addictions Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Eclipse Sickness, Deathbed Confessions, and Fatal Addictions Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, Feeling a little weird after taking in Monday's eclipse? SO ARE OTHERS! We'll talk about it!  There was also A UFO sighted in Texas during the Eclipse! We'll talk about a shocking deathbed confession that left a nurse on edge, and sent a hospital into a spiral! and we discover a drug so gruesome and horrific in effect and CONTENTS, it will make you think twice about ever consuming an illicit substance again!  PLUS: WE HAVE YOUR PARASHARE STORIES!! See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers.  Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else.    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/DARKNESS #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #eclipse #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
10/04/241h 36m

S19 Ep43: A Killing On The Hill w/ Robert Dugoni

True Crime Tuesday presents A Killing On The Hill with Researcher/Author, Robert Dugoni! A Killing On The Hill is Dugoni’s first historical novel, a true crime thriller set in 1930s Seattle during Prohibition and the Great Depression.  The book was inspired by a real-life shooting at a notorious nightclub on Profanity Hill. The victim is Frankie Ray, a former prizefighter, and his accused killer is the club’s owner and mobster George Miller (George Moore in real life), who claims he pulled the trigger in self-defense. The crime, investigation, and ensuing criminal trial had the entire city transfixed, and competing newspapers raced against each other to land the biggest scoop on each development.  Dugoni learned about the case after discovering scrapbooks filled with articles about the shooting, arrest and trial collected by his wife’s grandfather, who was a local attorney at the time. Through those dozens of articles, books on the historical period, and with the help of an enthusiastic librarian at the Seattle Public Library, Dugoni immersed himself in the time and place, studying the details of the boarding houses, speakeasies, gambling establishments, and houses of prostitution of the 1930s. He was shocked by the dichotomy of unemployed men and their families living in cardboard shacks and starving in Hoovervilles, alongside gangsters who opened opulent private nightclubs in mansions, where wealthy and prominent members drank, gambled, and danced. Bob Dugoni joins TCT today to talk about the book, it's true life characters, the city of Seatlle at the time the book is written, and why it is so easy to be forgotten in the sands of time, and why we strive so hard to be remembered...  Get your copy of "A Killing On The Hill": here:  https://www.robertdugonibooks.com/killing-on-the-hill Check out Robert Dugoni at his website:  https://www.robertdugonibooks.com/ Check out Robert on social media: Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/AuthorRobertDugoni Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/robertdugoni/ x:  https://twitter.com/robertdugoni PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS! WITH MALLIE FOX! Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #akillingonthehill #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #robertdugoni #frankieray #shooting #murder #pompomclub #profanityhill #georgemiller #williamschumacher #ernieblunt #laurencemckinley #seattle  #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutality #sexcrimes  #safewaymasturbator #dna
09/04/241h 58m

S19 Ep42: The Skinwalkers: American Werewolves 2: Terror Takes Over Four Corners w/Seth Breedlove

Darkness Radio presents: The Skinwalkers: American Werewolves 2: Terror Takes Over Four Corners with Seth Breedlove! Across the four corners region of the southwest United States there is said to exist an ancient, supernatural evil. An evil that preys on the fear of its victims to gain a greater power. Now, witnesses lift the veil on the most terrifying encounters with modern-day werewolves ever heard. Witness stories that seem to tie legends of upright canids with those of hellhounds, poltergeists and even the mythical Skinwalker. True terror awaits. Seth Breedlove, Producer/Director of The Skinwalkers: American Skinwalkers 2, joins Darkness Radio today to talk about making the film, the stories behind the scenes of the film, the history of the Four Corners of the Southwestern US, and why Skinwalkers, Dogmen, and these types of cryptids are simply more terrifying than any other type of paranormal phenomenon! Order your copy of The Skinwalkers: American Werewolves 2 on DVD or Blu-Ray here:  https://www.smalltownmonsters.com/shop/americanwerewolves2  Stream the movie here:  https://www.smalltownmonsters.com/productions-1 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers.  Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else.    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/DARKNESS #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #sethbreedlove #smalltownmonsters #theskinwalkersamericanwerewolves2 #fourcorners #indigenouspeople #navajo #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #skinwalkwers #dogmen #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #demons #exorcisms    #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships #shadowpeople#CIA #FBI  
04/04/2459m 20s

S19 Ep41: Supernatural News/Parashare: British Bigfoot. Elvis' Ghost & Havana Syndrome Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: British Bigfoot. Elvis' Ghost & Havana Syndrome Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, British Soldiers claim they have recovered a"non-human UFO" that crashed in a secret operation, UK's own Bigfoot may be stalking the national park with evidence that a growling creature "can't be human",  A Stepbrother in residence at the International Hotel in Las Vegas claims that he is in contact with Elvis' ghost! And, Havana Syndrome is back in the news, as a Florida car chase ends with a suspect who may be tied to strange equipment and foreign powers! Check out the video of this "ghost" removing the collar off of this dog!  What do you think?   https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/woman-shares-freaky-security-footage-32472354 Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers.  Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else.    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/DARKNESS See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
03/04/241h 22m

S19 Ep40: Matterhorn: Death At 14,000 Feet w/Christopher Reich

True Crime Tuesday presents Matterhorn: Death At 14,000 Feet with New York Times Best Selling Author, Christopher Reich!  Robbie Steinhardt lives a peaceful life. A fixture of his small alpine village, he tends cattle, minds his own business, and doesn’t dwell on his former life and the family and lover he left behind—back when he was Mac Dekker, CIA. But, when he learns his son Will died following in his footsteps, he needs answers. What mission took Will up into the alpine heights, and why is Ilya Ivashka on the same trail? Ilya—his close friend, his rival in love. Ilya, who framed Mac for treason and sent him into hiding. Wiping away the years, Mac returns to the field to find the secrets Will hid and finds himself facing the Herculean task of stopping a terrorist plot that threatens thousands. But in a field of double agents, who can he trust? On today's TCT, Christopher Reich joins the show to talk about the inspiration behind the book, his own adventures on the Matterhorn, what makes the characters tick, and gives a sneak peak of what happens AFTER this book ends!  Get your copy of "Matterhorn" here:  https://bit.ly/3THw3Wv Get to know more about Christopher on his socials:    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/christopherreichbooks/ Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/ChristopherReichAuthor/?ref=ts X: https://twitter.com/chreichauthor PLUS AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH BOB DENNIS! Check out Urban Legends and Stranger Truths with Bob Dennis here:  https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/urban-legends-stranger-truths-with-bob-dennis/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #christopherreich #matterhorn #macdekker #robbiesteinhardt #switzerland #cia #thomasandmercer  #amazonpublishing #willdekker #ilyaivashka #marinazhukova #jimmychen#calthorpe #spythriller #murder  #crimefiction #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #bobdennis #mobandmfianews #urbanlegendsandstrangertruths #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #sexcrimes #dumbcrimes
02/04/241h 45m

S19 Ep39: What Happens When Evil Can't Be Stopped w/Nathaniel J. Gillis

Darkness Radio presents What Happens When Evil Can't Be Stopped with Demonologist/Investigator/Author, Nathaniel J. Gillis. Nathaniel Gillis is a religious demonologist and author. After living in a haunted house, Nathaniel spent 20 years researching what it was he encountered. Nathaniel is the founder of Preternatural Epiphenomenal Philosophy. Nathaniel has sought to redefine the nature of haunting phenomena, ghosts and high strangeness. He's often quoted for his concept of the demonic. "The reason they are playing by different rules is because they are playing a different game." On today's Darkness Radio, Nathaniel talks about the recent AARO meetings, the shadow government, Men In Black, how we need to stop compartmentalizing The Alien/Demon phenomenon, is technology just the "carrot before the horse" in the war against this evil, and what exactly stops this singularity as it has been rejecting different religious protection symbols/amulets!! Check out Nathaniel's Book Here:  A Moment Called Man: https://amzn.to/3BCcEwS Check out Nathaniel on "The Ghost Notes" on the Leak Project Channel:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RhFj5JQvO0 Check out Nathaniel on Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/thenathanieljgillis/ See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers.  Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else.    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/DARKNESS #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio    #timdennis #nathanielgillis #theskinthatcrawls #amomentcalledman #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot #tarotcards #ouija #Aliens #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships #meninblack #shadowgovernment #aaro #shadowpeople  #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #chupacabra #Satan #conspiracytheory  #neardeatheexperience
28/03/241h 9m

S19 Ep38: Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Life Near Jupiter. AI Girlfriends, & Nostradamus is Right After All Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Life Near Jupiter. AI Girlfriends, & Nostradamus is Right After All Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, NASA could find Alien life in 2030 on Jupiter's moon!  A man falls in love with an AI chatbot and claims she turned his life completely around...  Followers of Nostradamus are pointing out that his 2024 Royals predictions are coming eerily true!!  And, Government services is leading a Sasquatch hunt in Athens, and we are packin' up the truck!! PLUS: WE HAVE YOUR PARASHARE STORIES!! See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers.  Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else.    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/DARKNESS #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
27/03/241h 39m

S19 Ep37: Zenith Man: Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom w/McCracken Poston Jr.

True Crime Tuesday presents Zenith Man: Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom w/Defense Attorney/Author, McCracken Poston Jr.! This week, When Alvin Ridley’s wife was discovered dead in her home, residents of the small town of Ringgold, GA assumed the recluse, hoarder, and odd figure naturally murdered her. Idealistic young defense attorney McCracken Poston Jr., still stinging from a failed congressional run, had already encountered the eccentric Ridley–dubbed “Zenith Man” for his work repairing televisions-and took the case. McCracken joins TCT today to regales his tales of Alvin, the case, and their journey together in trying to acquit him of the charges, and why Alvin was so completely misunderstood... the answer will ASTOUND YOU! Get your copy of "Zenith Man:  Death, Love, and Redemption in a Georgia Courtroom: here:  https://www.kensingtonbooks.com/9780806542799/zenith-man/ Check out McCracken Poston Jr. at his website:  https://www.mccrackenpostonjr.com/ PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS! WITH JESSICA FREEBURG! Check out Jessica Freeburg's website:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #zenithman #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #mccrackenpostonjr #alvinridley #asphyxiation #murder #seizures #epilepsy #autism #wronglyaccused #deathloveandredemptioninageorgiacourtroom  #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutality #sexcrimes  #chipotlemasturbator #dna
26/03/242h 26m

S19 Ep36: Uncovering The Supernatural: A Journey With Phantom Detectives LLC w/Joshua Chaires

Darkness Radio presents:  Uncovering The Supernatural: A Journey With Phantom Detectives LLC with Paranormal Investigator, Joshua Chaires! On today's show, we put the spotlight back on a paranormal group from the east coast... Phantom Detectives LLC! Joshua Chaires is the Founder/Director of Phantom Detectives LLC. He is a paranormal investigator, historian, writer, researcher, musician, and publicist.    In August of 2020 Chaires founded Phantom Detectives LLC as a way to help people who were going through paranormal experiences. Using the Paranormal Research Society blue-print Chaires is hoping to build a team of renowned paranormal investigators and is dedicated to helping people that are going through these experiences. Chaires has investigated the Sanderson Museum, Selma Mansion, Mill of Anselma,The General Wayne Inn, Fort Mifflin, Pennhurst, Smyrna Museum in De, Paoli Battlefield, Gettysburg, Chadds Ford Historical Society, and many other locations. Today, we talk with Joshua about the group's investigations (and hear EVP) from the Betsy Ross House, White Chimneys. Lightship Overfalls, and the Bucksville House! Check out Phantom Detectives LLC's website here:  https://phantomdetectives.org/ Get Paranormal Investigator Training here:  http://patreon.com/PhantomDetectives Find Phantom Detectives LLC and Dark Matter News on Social Media: Twitter  https://twitter.com/pdllc2020 https://twitter.com/darkmatternews2 Facebook  Facebook.com/PhantomDetectivesLLC Facebook Groups http://facebook.com/Groups/PhantomDetectivesLLC http://facebook.com/Groups/DarkMatterNews Instagram Instagram.com/PhantomDetectivesLLC Instagram.com/DarkMatterNewz  Discord Server https://discord.gg/2NUnm6y5xE     YouTube Channel- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPOks9jVPoXv9NispqhFf9Q Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers.  Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else.    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/DARKNESS See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #joshuachaires #phantomdetectivesllc #paranormalinvestigation #evp #rickwarner #melissaferrazzano #markanthony #hollyfaust #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons  #deliverances #exorcisms  #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija  #shadowpeople #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #neardeatheexperience #paranormalevidence
21/03/241h 13m

S19 Ep35: Supernatural News/Parashare: Ghosted At The Altar Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Ghosted At The Altar Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, AARO last week denied that Aliens existed, and gave us the same old laundry list as to why... only one problem, the day before the news release, a report leaked from AARO saying that the Government has been in possession of a piece of UFO since 1952!  A woman claims to have married and divorced the ghost of a soldier!  A professor warns that AI Ghostbots of resurrected loved ones could go 'rogue' and ask the darkest question yet!  AND, The clearest picture of the Loch Ness Monster ever have been taken! We talk about them!  Check out the clearest pics of Nessie ever taken!  What do you think?   https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/loch-ness-monster-breakthrough-most-32390967 Here is the full story on AARO and the piece of UFO from 1952, do you feel they should have been upfront with the US Public?  https://thedebrief.org/fragmented-facts-aaro-report-unearths-odd-claims-involving-u-s-recovery-of-material-from-1952-ufo-incident/ Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers.  Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else.    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/DARKNESS See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
20/03/241h 33m

S19 Ep34: The Berman Murders: Unraveling The Mojave Desert's Most Mysterious Unsolved Crime w/Doug Kari

True Crime Tuesday presents The Berman Murders: Unraveling The Mojave Desert's Most Mysterious Unsolved Crime with Researcher/ Author. Doug Kari!  At daybreak on January 6, 1986, a couple on a camping trip in the Mojave Desert set out for a stroll and never returned. The local sheriff eventually discovered that Barry and Louise Berman had been murdered. As years passed and the double homicide remained unsolved, the Berman case spawned speculation and conjecture. To date there’s never been an arrest in the case—let alone a conviction. This is the first book to tell the full story of the Berman murders and uncover a likely suspect. Author of "The Berman Murders...", Doug Kari, joins True Crime Tuesday to talk about the Bermans' tragic story and about Mike Pepe, the main suspect in this case, and his continued criminal life after the slaying of the Bermans! Get your copy of "The Berman Murders..." and learn more about Doug Kari here:  https://www.dougkari.com/ PLUS AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH MALLIE FOX! Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #dougkari #thebermanmurders #themojavedesertsmostmysteriousunsolvedcrime #barryberman #louiseberman #julesberman #michaelpepe #salinevalley #mojavedesert #palmspring #wizardpool #thecorridor #leonboyer #murder  #heineken #kahlua #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #floridamangames #sexcrimes #coloradosafewayspermbandit ypUV4wcR7Rr8xGFWMPbN
19/03/242h 6m

S19 Ep33: Shadows In The Desert: High Strangeness In The Borrego Triangle w/ Derek Hayes & David Flora

Darkness Radio Presents:  Shadows In The Desert: High Strangeness In The Borrego Triangle with Podcasters/Filmmakers, Derek Hayes & David Flora! Today Darkness Radio is on a quest to find ghost stories, UFO reports, and even sasquatch sightings with the two men who coined the term for the area of Southern California desert from the town of Hemet. to the western edge of the Salton Sea, and down down near Jacumba, as the Borrego Triangle! The Triangle, known for high strangeness, has produced some of the most unusual paranormal stories you may have ever heard, and David and Derek have joined Darkness Radio today to share some of them! Find out where to stream the movie and more about the movie here:  https://www.borregotriangle.com/ Check out Derek and David on their Socials: Derek Hayes IG - @monstersamonguspodcast and @derekhayesmau Derek Hayes Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/monstersamonguspodcast David Flora IG - @blurryphotospodcast David Flora Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/BlurryPhotosPodcast/ Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers.  Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else.    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/DARKNESS  #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #shadowsinthedesert #highstrangenessintheborregotriangle #derekhayes #davidflora #monstersamongus #blurryphotospodcast #ghosts #womaninwhite #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #Alienspaceships #ghostlights #foofighters  #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #sandmanofborregodesert #deadmanshole #usdefensedepartment  #conspiracytheory 
14/03/241h 6m

S19 Ep32: Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Lies. Mandela Effect, and Killer Drones Edition w/Jessica Freeburg

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Alien Lies. Mandela Effect, and Killer Drones Edition with Jessica Freeburg! This Week, Just when you thought the US Government was telling you the truth about Aliens... HERE WE GO AGAIN!  Some genius has been tampering with AI and Drones and has developed the perfect killing machine in 30 days, all in the name of playing a game!  A listener writes in with an interesting Mandela Effect involving actor, Jack Klugman! And, The Apes FINALLY MAKE THEIR MOVE TO TAKE OVER EARTH!!! Check out these unnerving pictures of St. Bart's Hospital:  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/inside-uks-most-haunted-abandoned-32274606 Check out the scariest toy of Satan you have ever laid eyes on:  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/woman-finds-possessed-laughing-toy-32304554? See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Jessica here:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ Darkness Radio is brought to you today by Factor Meals!  Eating better is easy with Factor's delicious, ready to eat meals. Every fresh, never frozen meal is chef-crafted, dietitian-approved. and ready to go in two minutes! You'll have over 35 options to choose from every week, including Calorie Smart, Protein Plus, and Keto.  Head to https://factormeals.com/darkness50   and use the code darkness50 to get 50 percent off at checkout!  #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #jessicafrweeburg #paranormalauthor  #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
13/03/242h 19m

S19 Ep31: Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0312 w/Jessica Freeburg

True Crime Tuesday presents Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0312 with Jessica Freeburg! This week, A Criminal Justice Advocate is arrested after a man's dismembered body is found in the freezer!  Men are getting "Abnormally Tipsy" and then robbed in Atlanta... according to a special report,  The Son of a famous gangster is busted for slugging  dog-walker in the same NYC neighborhood his dad ruled! And the craziest murder plot you've heard this year! It sounds too good to be true, EVEN FOR THE MOVIES!        PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS!! Surfshark is a cybersecurity product that improves your online privacy and protects you from hackers.  Their main product - VPN - basically acts as a shield and hides your IP address, so everything you do online stays private. Whether it would be reading the news, googling some dodgy info, streaming some shows, listening to podcasts... or anything else.    Secure your privacy with Surfshark! Enter coupon code DARKNESS for an extra 3 months free at https://surfshark.deals/DARKNESS  Check out Jessica Freeburg's website:  https://jessicafreeburg.com/ Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #rippedfromtheheadlines #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #jessicafreeburg #paranormalauthor #mickeyspillane #dogwalkerassault #shootings #murder #sheldonjohnson #dexterpimpkillings #exbfshotmyhorse #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutality #sexcrimes #crownofthornsassault #floridawomanshippingcontainer #weekendatberniesrobbery #dna
12/03/241h 48m

S19 Ep30: The Atheist and The Afterlife w/Ray Catania

Darkness Radio presents The Atheist and The Afterlife with Metaphysical Teacher/Theorist/Coach/Psychic/Medium/Author, Ray Catania! Imagine going from thinking there is no afterlife, to having an entire afterlife open up before your eyes, and inside your head!  That is the short version of the life journey(so far) of Ray Catania! Ray is a man who has come out of extreme trauma, lonliness, and near-death experiences to to harness the power of his own mind, not just psychically, but by manifesting the very life he has envisioned. Including, finding the love of his many lifetimes, and putting together a wonderful career and family.  Ray joins Darkness Radio today to detail this story and tell us how WE can start our own limitless journey! Get Ray's books and learn more about him here:   https://www.raycatania.com/ Check out Ray on social media and get all his links here:  https://linktr.ee/raycatania #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #raycatania #theathiestandtheafterlife #youarestillalivenowactlikeit #metaphysicalteacher  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunting #ghosthunters #hauntedhouses #heaven #hell #realms #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot  #ouija #neardeatheexperience 
07/03/241h 34m

S19 Ep29: Supernatural News/Parashare: Sex With The Supernatural Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Sex With The Supernatural Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Everybody is gettin' their freak on! One in 50 Brits believes they've been abducted by UFO's and had intergalactic sex, and if that's not enough yet another TV celeb has come forward and said she has had sex with a ghost!  A horrified dad watches an eerie ghost arm reach into her son's crib on a baby monitor! And, we've got TWO new Bigfoot experiences to tell you about this week! Check out the pics of the "humanoid alien fetuses" mentioned on today's show:   https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/mysterious-humanoid-found-slanted-eyes-32269172 Is it a human or the ghost of a concerned Grandma reaching into this child's crib? you decide!  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/horrified-dad-watches-eerie-ghost-32220927 Did Bigfoot really attack this man walking out on his own property?! Check out the video and decide!  https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/bloke-hospitalised-bigfoot-after-mysterious-32269136 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #supernaturalsex #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman  #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
06/03/241h 29m

S19 Ep28: Alcatraz Ghost Story: Roy Gardner's Amazing Train Robberies, Escapes, & Lifelong Love W/ Brian Stannard

True Crime Tuesday presents:  Alcatraz Ghost Story: Roy Gardner's Amazing Train Robberies, Escapes, & Lifelong Love with Author/Researcher, Brian Stannard! Before the 1920s found their roar, a charismatic gambling addict named Roy Gardner dominated news headlines with daring train robberies and escapes from incarceration. Nicknamed "the Smiling Bandit," Gardner spilled no blood––except his own––as he cut a felonious path across the western United States!  Once imprisoned for the long term in federal prisons, including Alcatraz, the most notorious prison's second-most-notorious inmate won over some unlikely champions. Both Gardner's wife, Dollie, and a police officer who once arrested him launched extensive campaigns for Gardner's release on the vaudeville circuit, claiming a brain operation would cure his lawless ways. Was Gardner a good man who made bad decisions as the victim of injury and circumstance? Or was his charming personality merely the poker face of a scoundrel? Author Brian Stannard joins TCT to talk about the character and life of Roy Gardner, his lifelong love with Dollie, the allure to crime, and why it all fell apart in the end for Roy! Get your copy of "Alcatraz Ghost Story..." here:  https://bit.ly/4c2jgGj PLUS: AN ALL NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITJH BOB DENNIS!!! Check out Bob's podcast "Urban Legends, Stranger Truths":  https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/urban-legends-stranger-truths-with-bob-dennis/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #brianstannard #alcatrazghoststory #roygardnersamazingtrainrobberiesescapesandlifelonglove #roygardner #sanfrancisco #alcatraz#leavenworth #washingtonstate #oregon #mcneilisland #tijuana #dollie #jean #louissonney #narcissism #trainrobbery #mailtruckrobbery #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #bobdennis #urbanlegendsstrangertruths #mobandmafianews #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #intuitarenavandalism #sexcrimes #strippersslappingwithashortstackofcash

S19 Ep27: Tales From Goodlife, Mississippi: Supernatural Lessons For Your Heart And Soul w/Eileen Saint Lauren

Darkness Radio presents Tales From Goodlife, Mississippi: Supernatural Lessons For Your Heart And Soul with Author, Eileen Saint Lauren! In Eileen Saint Lauren's My Neighbors, Goodlife, Mississippi, Each of the stories in each chapter portrays a grotesque character or a horrific and bizarre act of revenge in the name of God and twisted love. Such repulsive events and grotesque people are the tours de force found in this book as told through the character of Myra Boone. Eileen Saint Lauren joins Darkness Radio to talk about the book, it's strange cast of characters, the life lessons laid out in the book, and the unique approach that Eileen has taken, from her own life story and experiences in Mississippi and different areas of the country. Pick up your copy of "My Neighbors, Goodlife, Mississippi, Stories"  here:  https://www.amazon.com/My-Neighbors-Goodlife-Mississippi-Stories/dp/B0CJPDRSLR/ Learn more about Eileen here:  https://www.eileensaintlauren.net/ Factor’s delicious, ready-to-eat meals make eating better every day easy. Wherever tomorrow takes you, be ready with pre-prepared chef-crafted and dietician approved meals delivered right to your door. You’ll have over 35 different options a week to choose from including Keto, Calorie Smart, Vegan + Veggie, and more. Head to FACTORMEALS.com/darkness50 and use code darkness50 to get 50% off. That’s code darkness50 at FACTORMEALS.com/darkness50 to get 50% off! #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #eileensaintlauren #myneighborsgoodlifemississippi #fictionbooks #myraboone #mozella #ananias #sunshineblack #thedevilswife #thedevil #ambrosetwain  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunting #ghosthunters #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot  #ouija  #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
29/02/241h 35m

S19 Ep26: Supernatural News/Parashare: Crazy AI, Ghost Children, & Giant Snakes Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Crazy AI, Ghost Children, & Giant Snakes Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, ChatGPT goes crazy as it begins speaking "Spanglish" and evens threatens one user!  A chilling moment where a ghost child is caught on camera in a World War 2 MP's eerie mansion!  We guarantee you don't want none, cause this Anaconda is 20 FEET LONG, HUN!  And, we tell you the strange tale of the Gold Leaf Lady!     PLUS: YOUR PARASHARE STORIES! See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman #ainudetaylorswift #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
28/02/241h 44m

S19 Ep25: Filthy Murders Of Ye Olde Rochester w/Michael Benson

True Crime Tuesday presents: Filthy Murders Of Ye Olde Rochester with Researcher/Author, Michael Benson! Filthy Murders Of Ye Olde Rochester tells the story of five murders, all taking place in the City of Rochester, N.Y., during the latter decades of the nineteenth century. The first story, which takes up the first half of the book, is about the home invasion murder of a young wife and mother. Her body is found in the cellar, a flour sack tied tightly around her neck and her skirts hiked up. At first, of course, the husband was arrested, amid rumors that he and his wife, along with another couple, were swingers. But he was released in favor of a preferable suspect, a damaged young tramp. In another story, the resort town of Charlotte (that's Cha'LOT to Rochesterians) where the rich went to play along the crystal clear waters of Lake Ontario. At night it was where the pick pockets and the thugs went to fleece drunks who still had money in their pockets. After our victim checks into a hotel for the night complaining he'd been mugged, he dies overnight from brain swelling. Who bonked him on the head? The answer seems to come the next day when a man is going around trying to sell the victim's watch  .Filthy Murders Of Ye Olde Rochester...spans the last years of the gallows in Monroe County, and the first of the new-fangled electric chair. Author Michael Benson joins TCT to talk about the book, it stories, and interesting facts about the Rochester area in the late 1800's !!  Get "Filthy Murders Of Ye Olde Rochester, Monroe County Homicide In The Era Of Jack The Ripper" here:   https://bit.ly/3IghYd4 Find out more about Michael Benson here:  https://www.facebook.com/authorMichaelBenson/ PLUS AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH MALLIE FOX! Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #michaelbenson #filthymurdersofyeolderochester #jacktheripper #whitechapel #newyork #rochester #adastone #edwarddeacons #charlesdemico #jacobwolfschlager #howardabbott #patrickgavin #narcissism #murder  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #floridamangames #sexcrimes #buttstuffburglary
27/02/242h 1m

S19 Ep24: Chosen: A Deeper Dive Into The Most Famous UFO Cases On Earth w/Cheryl Lynn Carter

Darkness Radio Presents: Chosen: A Deeper Dive Into The Most Famous UFO Cases On Earth with Cheryl Lynn Carter! "Chosen" is Cheryl Lynn Carter's new book that features an incredibly deep dive with brand new details on five of the most famous UFO cases on Earth. The book covers Ariel School, Falcon Lake, Pascagoula, Rendlesham Forest, and Mario Woods, but also includes some incredibly personal follow-up on the people who were "chosen" by thee extraterrestrials on that fateful time period!  Cheryl joins Darkness Radio today to cover some of each case and discuss the motives behind why these people were... "Chosen"... Order your copy of "Chosen" here :  https://bit.ly/3wnS2JY Find out more about Cheryl at her website:  http://www.cheryllynncarter.com/ Find out more about the OPUS Network, or inquire about getting help if you have had an encounter with an extraterrestrial:  https://www.opusnetwork.org/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #cheryllynncarter #chosen #arielschool #falconlake #pascagoula #rendleshamforwest #mariowoods #skinwalkerranch #poltergeist #ghosts #spirits #nonhumanentites #OPUS  #aaro #grays  #MUFON  #angels  #demons  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships #disclosure   #AATIP #DIA #Artificiallife #artificialintelligence #AI #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory   #quantumuniverse #multiverse 
22/02/241h 19m

S19 Ep23: Supernatural News/Parashare: Militant Aliens, Angry Elementals, & Modern Day Miracles Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Militant Aliens, Angry Elementals, & Modern Day Miracles Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, A US Government whistleblower says video exists of a UFO disabling a nuclear warhead... and we tell you about it!  A real life bionic woman has made history by merging her robotic limb with bone and her mind!  Do You See Ghosts? Well, you might just be losing your eyesight, we have details! and the Second Coming is happening in North Carolina... and it is not even human, you have to hear this!  It is almost to good to be true!      Check out the picture of the "elemental" captured in the woods, mentioned on today's show:    https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/weird-news/wildlife-camera-captures-far-more-32155983 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman #ainudetaylorswift #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
21/02/241h 30m

S19 Ep22: Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0220 w/Mallie Fox

True Crime Tuesday presents Ripped From The Headlines / Dumb Crimes-Stupid Criminals 0220 with Mallie Fox! This week, Normally, gun violence heats up in the summertime! In today's edition of Ripped From The Headlines, we look at three different huge shootings that all happened within a week of each other, their impacts on their communities and the nation, and more importantly, how they were handled in the aftermath. Plus, some bizarre headlines as well!!      PLUS DUMB CRIMES AND STUPID CRIMINALS!! Check out Mallie Fox's website:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH Find out where the crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #rippedfromtheheadlines #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #massshooting #shootings #murder #joelosteen #superbowlparadeshooting #burnsvillemndomesticshooting #dismemberment #larceny #drugsmuggling #bribery  #floridaman #publicsex #verbalthreats #terrorism  #policebrutality #sexcrimes #boogerfaceassault #hitwithgrits #stabbedinthefaceforadirtyhouse #dna
20/02/241h 38m

S19 Ep21: Lemuria: The True Story Of A Fake Place w/Justin McHenry

Darkness Radio presents: Lemuria: The True Story Of A Fake Place with Researcher/Author, Justin McHenry! What began as a theoretical land bridge to explain the mystery of lemurs on Madagascar quickly got hijacked to become the evolutionary home of humankind, the cradle of spirituality, and then the source of cosmological wonders. Abandoned by science as hokum, Lemuria morphed into a land filled with ancient, advanced civilizations, hollowed-out mountains full of gold and crystals, moon-beings descending in baskets, underground evil creatures, and a breast-feeding Bigfoot. The history of Lemuria is populated with a dizzying array of people from early Darwinists to conspiracy spouting Congressmen, globetrotting madams, Rosicrucians, Hollow-Earthers, sci-fi writers, UFO contactees, sleeping prophets, New Age channelers, a “Mother God”, and a tequila swigging conspiracy theorist. Justin McHenry joins Darkness Radio today to talk about the very real history of a very sketchy place in history!   Get "Lemuria" here: https://bit.ly/3OLrZ5T Check out Justin McHenry here:  https://www.justinjmchenry.com/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #justinmchenry #lemuria #rosicruscians  #kahbahllah  #crystals #lemurs  #landbridges #lostkingdoms #darwin #evolution #continentaldrift #secretknowledge #alternatehistory #blavatsky #haeckel #ancienthistory #ancientaliens  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #timetravel
15/02/241h 10m

S19 Ep20: Supernatural News/Parashare: Be Still My Macabre Little Heart Edition w/Beer City Bruiser

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Be Still My Macabre Little Heart Edition with Beer City Bruiser! This week, Officials admit 400 alien encounters cannot be explained by conventional means!  Another time traveler is in the news, this one returns from 2671 to warn us of disasters, including one that is supposed to happen this weekend!  A Soldier meets the Grime Reaper after a near-death experience during a gruesome helicopter crash, and we are giving you some different (and macabre) ways to spend Valentine's Day with your loved one that doesn't like traditional Valentine's Days!  PLUS... The NFL Season Finale of Ziggy's Picks!!    Wanna see a spooky video of a ghost child banging on a man's door before disappearing , click here:  https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/horrifying-moment-ghost-kid-bangs-32057312 Check out where the boys will be will be in your area:  https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Wanna see how Ziggy and Talia, our psychic puppies, did on their NFL picks? click here: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/ziggys-picks/ #paranormal  #supernatural  #metaphysical  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #rohwrestling #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits  #spectres #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #angels #guardianangels #spiritguides #Psychics #mediums #tarot  #ouija  #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra  #mothman #Artificiallife #artificialintelligence #AI  #NASA #timetravel  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience
14/02/241h 47m

S19 Ep19: Almost Surely Dead w/Amina Akhtar

True Crime Tuesday presents Almost Surely Dead with Author, Amina Akhtar! In the days before her disappearance, Dunia Ahmed is a successful pharmacist living in New York. The daughter of Pakistani immigrants, she’s coping with a broken engagement and the death of her mother. But then something happens that really shakes up her world: someone tries to murder her. When her would-be killer winds up dead, Dunia figures the worst is over. But then there’s another attempt on her life…and another. And police suspect someone close to her may be the culprit. Dunia struggles to make sense of what’s happening. And as childhood superstitions seep into her reality, she becomes convinced that someone―or something―is truly after her.  Author of Almost Surely Dead, Amina Akhtar joins TCT to talk about the book, her motivations behind the characters and story, why the supernatural and crime topics make such a delicious mix for a thriller, and the art of reaching out to real life rivals through your work! Get your copy of "Almost Surely Dead" here:  https://bit.ly/3UyX9B6 Get to know more about Tess on her socials:    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drrramina/ Threads:  @Drrrramina X: https://twitter.com/Drrramina PLUS AN ALL-NEW DUMB CRIMES/STUPID CRIMINALS WITH MALLIE FOX! Get the latest from Mallie Fox here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #aminakhtar #almostsurelydead #duniaahmed #djinn #newyorkcity #desi #thomasandmercer  #mindysbookstudio #desiculture #abu #baba #pakistan#punjabi #supernaturalthriller #murder  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes #cokeonbusinesscards #sexcrimes #pastorputthemethinmethodist
13/02/242h 4m

S19 Ep18: Hypocrisy VS. Mysticism, Wisdom, & Morality: Lenny Bruce Speaks From Beyond w/ Linda Meris

Darkness Radio Presents:  Hypocrisy VS. Mysticism, Wisdom, & Morality: Lenny Bruce Speaks From Beyond with Psychic/Medium/Author,  Linda Meris! Comedian Lenny Bruce , in life, was the epitome of controversy! Towards the end of his life, he was banned from performing in almost every city in America except San Francisco. He had been arrested multiple times, and was broke from multiple obscenity trials, not to mention a drug addiction that would eventually kill him... So, imagine Linda Meris' surprise when she is passing an apartment building and comes across a garbage bag that ends up being a treasure trove of Lenny's career! Well, Linda having the gift of psychometry channeled Lenny, and the two formed a relationship, that became a book of messages that Lenny had for the world!  Linda joins Darkness Radio today to talk about her journey, talking with Lenny, their history, and more!  Get the book, Hypocrisy Vs. Mysticism, Wisdom, & Morality here:  https://bit.ly/3UxyeO7 #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #lindameris #lennybruce #comedy #freespeech #censorship #psychometry #theotherside  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #artificialintelligence #AI  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience #drugoverdose #philspector
08/02/241h 12m

S19 Ep17: Supernatural News/Parashare: Giant Martians, Time Travelers, & Haunted Mansions Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Giant Martians, Time Travelers, and Haunted Mansions Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Joe McMonagle says he saw 10 foot humanoids in a pyramid on Mars as part of a CIA psychic experiment! A Time Traveler has traveled back in time to tell us that humans will eventually will be extinct... but that isn't the worst news!  AI may have figured out how we become extinct!  And, some cool paranormal stories, as we find out about a woman in Australia who captures a "ghost soldier" on camera, and we take a tour of an abandoned Atlanta mansion, owned by the heir to Coca-Cola, that is haunted by a "bloodstained ghost"!      Check out the pic of the "ghost soldier" in Australia, mentioned on today's show:    https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/world-news/woman-captures-ghost-soldier-camera-32028626 See where the Darkness Radio Crew will be in your area: https://www.darknessradioshow.com/p/events/ Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman #ainudetaylorswift #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
07/02/241h 47m

S19 Ep16: Killer Queens; Bruce McArthur: The Toronto Gay Village Murders w/Alan R. Warren

True Crime Tuesday presents Killer Queens; Bruce McArthur: The Toronto Gay Village Murders with Author, Alan R. Warren! In January 2019, Bruce McArthur, a 67-year-old Canadian landscaper, was convicted of eight first-degree murders and sentenced to life imprisonment. During the seven years between 2010 and 2017, McArthur preyed on men from Toronto's gay community and managed to avoid any detection by carefully cutting the bodies of his victims into pieces and burying them in the pot planters and grounds of his landscaping customers.  His victims included Selim Esen, Andrew Kinsman, Majeed Kayhan, Dean Lisowick, Soroush Mahmudi, Skandaraj Navaratnam, Abdulbasir Faizi, and Kirushna Kanagaratnam. Additional charges were later placed on McArthur after an expanded investigation of hundreds of missing persons and deaths during those years. Author of the Killing Queens series, Alan R. Warren, joins TCT to talk about the slow changes in Canada's system and their attitudes towards homosexuals in the justice system. He also discusses the gross injustices that were allowed to be committed to the community in the period in question. Get your copy of Book Four: Killer Queens: Bruce McArthur: The Toronto Gay Murders" here:   https://bit.ly/3HNmKyv #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimetuesday #alanrwarren #torontogayvillage #brucemcarthur #murderinvestigation #forensics #policeprocedure #toronto #islamicgaymen #zambianmeatwebsite #murder #cannibalism #selimesen #andrewkinsman #basirfaizi #skandanavaratnam #serialkillers  #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals #TimDennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #floridaman #drugcrimes #foodcrimes #stupidcrimes #funnycrimes  #sexcrimes 
06/02/242h 14m

S19 Ep15: Sigils, Area 51, Haunted Dolls, & An Alien That Belonged To Art Bell w/ Joshua P. Warren

Darkness Radio Presents: Sigils, Area 51, Haunted Dolls, & An Alien That Belonged To Art Bell with Author/TV Host/ Researcher/ Podcaster,  Joshua P. Warren! On today's episode, we welcome back Joshua P. Warren from Strange Things on the Coast to Coast AM Podcast Network! Joshua regales us with tales of how he has discovered the power of sigils and how to create them, how he bought a parcel of land right next to Area 51 ad is now building a machine that will open portals on it! How he inherited Kennedy, The Haunted Ventriloquist Doll, and it's strange movements around his house, and we hear the unique how Carville, a wooden alien belonging to Art Bell, was bequeathed to Joshua and how Carville has a life of his own! Get your free sigils from Joshua here and change your life:  https://www.joshuapwarren.com/ Check out Joshua's Stranger Things podcast:  https://ihr.fm/3vV6qZP Check out Joshua's videos on You Tube:  https://www.youtube.com/@Shadowboxent/videos #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #joshuapwarren #strangerthings #sigils #itc #wishingmachine #kennedythehauntedventriloquistdoll #robertthedoll #carvillethealien #artbell #paranormalinvestigating  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #area51 #portals  #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #artificialintelligence #AI  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory   
01/02/241h 47m

S19 Ep14: Supernatural News/Parashare: A.I. Did Tay Tay DIIIRRRTTTYYY Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: A.I. Did Tay Tay DIIIRRRTTTYYY Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Uri Gellar claims he was shown alien bodies that look like us at a NASA base, We all were shown an AI version of Taylor Swift's nude body on X before it was "Swiftly" taken down... now Microsoft is calling for more stringent controls on AI! Eerie photos show a ghost lingering at the scene of a fatal crash as police investigate the wreck!  And, we tell the tales of people who have survived the impossible, being struck by lightning!  PLUS, Ziggy's Picks!!   Check out the pic of the ghost hanging out near the fatal wreck, mentioned on today's show:    https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/weird-news/eerie-photos-show-ghost-lingering-31978459 BONUS FOOTAGE: Check out the paranormal investigation of Aberdeen's Pub in Scotland!  https://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/news/374069/tales-of-ghosts-and-spirits-abound-at-aberdeens-most-haunted-pub Get out of pain, ease your anxiety, enhance your workouts, and get better sleep today! Discover the world of microdosing with Microdose Gummies! Get 30% off your first order, plus free shipping today at Microdose.com, promo code Darkness. It’s available nationwide. Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms #paranormalinvestigation #ghosthunters  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman #ainudetaylorswift #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
31/01/241h 43m

S19 Ep13: Friends, Family, & Neighbors: Stories Of Murder & Betrayal w/Richard Estep

True Crime Tuesday presents: Friends, Family, & Neighbors: Stories Of Murder & Betrayal with Historian/Researcher/Author, Richard Estep! Every day and every month, headlines announce another American murdered by someone they knew well.  Intimacy and trust go hand in hand, but what happens when that trust is misplaced... and turns to murder?!  Richard Estep comes back to TCT to talk about familicide, and why you are more likely to be killed by a loved one, or a member of your own family, than by a serial killer or a stranger in the street!  Famous cases in the news are discussed as well, such as  Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Alex Murdaugh, Scott Peterson, The Menendez Brothers, and others! Get your copy of "Family, Friends and Neighbors..." here:  https://bit.ly/3uiYgKk Learn more about Richard here:  https://www.richardestep.net/ Find out what is new with Mallie Fox here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Get started on your New Year's Resolution's and set yourself up for success with Factor's ready to eat meals!  Choose from options like Keto, Calorie Smart, Vegan +, veggie, and more! head to https://factormeals.com/darkness50 and use code "Darkness50" at checkout to get 50% off!  #crime #truecrime #truecrimepodcasts #truecrimeradio #truecrimetuesday #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals  #richardestep #familiesfriendsandneighbors #storiesofmurderandbetrayal  #alexmurdaugh #gypsyroseblanchard #menendezbrothers #scottpeterson #lizzieborden #maryanncotton #amityville #defeomurders #murder #domesticabuse #restrainingorder #pantherscheerleaderbathroom #geckokiller #chocolateeggchucker  
30/01/241h 54m

S19 Ep12: H.O.P.E. In Hearing Voices From The Spirit World w/Joshua Louis

Darkness Radio presents H.O.P.E. In Hearing Voices From The Spirit World with Psychic/Medium/Paranormal Investigator, Joshua Louis! Joshua Louis discovered his bourgeoning psychic ability on 2012. Upon these abilities manifesting, he decided to seek the truth regarding paranormal events and the existence of an afterlife. What he got was way more than he bargained for. As his intuitive abilities developed, he discovered he was able to communicate with souls on the other side. With his new group H.O.P.E. (Helpers of Paranormal Entities) and his intuitive ability, he dedicated his time to helping stuck spirits crossover as well as grieving people looking for closure. Using a wide array of technological devices combined with intuitive means, Josh has been able to successfully reconnect many people with their deceased loved-ones. Joshua joins Darkness Radio today to talk about his abilities, some of the tools he has built for ITC including the HSB1 and the HSBPRO. and his philosophy about when it is appropriate to contact the dead and the hierarchy of the dead. Check out Joshua's website and get the HSB app here:  https://hopeparanormal.com/ Check out Josh's You Tube page and the videos we talked about on today's show:  https://www.youtube.com/hopeparanormalwhitelight #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #joshualouis #hope #itc #hsb1 #hsbpro #remoteviewing #spiritbox #paranormalinvestigating  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #artificialintelligence #AI  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
25/01/241h 30m

S19 Ep11: Supernatural News/Parashare: Finding Life On Other Worlds While Experimenting On Dead Presidents Edition w/Mallie Fox

Darkness Radio presents Supernatural News/Parashare: Finding Life On Other Worlds While Experimenting On Dead Presidents Edition with Mallie Fox! This Week, Guess what?! Turns out that big James Webb telescope may have discovered life on another world!  The new AI George Carlin special sucks... just ask his daughter, Earth's last cannibal tribe butchers those "possessed by demons" and eats them! and a doctor injected a dog and rabbits with bacteria from an assassinated US President in a bizarre autopsy experiment, AND WE HAVE THE DETAILS!! PLUS, Ziggy's Picks!!   Check out all things Mallie here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ Mallie has been spreading her wings and featured as a researcher and talking head on Strange Evidence on the Science Channel!  You can stream it on demand on Discovery + or on Max!  Get Max here:   https://bit.ly/469lcZH #paranormal  #supernatural  #paranormalpodcasts  #darknessradio  #timdennis #beercitybruiser #ringofhonorwrestling #malliefox #paranormalgirl #strangeevidence #supernaturalnews  #parashare  #ghosts  #spirits   #hauntings #hauntedhouses #haunteddolls #demons #deliverances #exorcisms  #Psychics  #tarot  #ouija    #Aliens  #UFO #UAP #Extraterrestrials #alienhumanhybrid #alienabduction #alienimplant #Alienspaceships  #disclosure #shadowpeople #AATIP #DIA #Cryptids #Cryptozoology #bigfoot #sasquatch #yeti  #abominablesnowman #ogopogo #lochnessmonster #chupacabra #beastofbrayroad #mothman #Artificiallife #artificialintelligence #AI #space-X #NASA  #CIA #FBI #conspiracytheory #neardeatheexperience 
24/01/241h 36m

S19 Ep10: Wrongfully Convicted & The Fight To Be Exonerated w/ Marvin Haynes

True Crime Tuesday presents Wrongfully Convicted & The Fight To Be Exonerated with the formerly convicted and now totally exonerated, Marvin Haynes! On May 16, 2004, a man walked into Jerry's Flower Shop looking for flowers for his mother. As Cynthia McDermid reached down to grab something under the counter for the man, she rose to see a gun four inches from her face and heard demands for cash from the register. Her brother, Randy, Came from the back to see what was going on. As Randy confronted the gunman, Cynthia ran out of the shop to the sound of two gunshots. That would be the last time she would see her brother alive. It would also put an end to an innocent childhood of Marvin Haynes, a child who lived in the neighborhood who had nothing to do with the crime, but had a warrant out for his arrest and cops and prosecutors who were frustrated that they didn't have a suspect!    Marvin Haynes joins TCT to explain how the justice system wrongly fingered him for the crime, his treatment over 19 years, and how he eventually found the Great North Innocence Center and eventual exoneration! Learn more about Marvin's case and see video of his interrogation here:  https://justiceformarvinhaynes16.com/ Watch the film from Unicorn Riot, The Case of Marvin Haynes, Here:  https://unicornriot.ninja/2023/the-case-of-marvin-haynes-part-four-the-trials-of-marvin-haynes/ Help Marvin get back on his feet after being incarcerated for over half his life! Donate here:  https://www.gofundme.com/f/exonerated-after-19-years-support-marvin-haynes PLUS: An all new Dumb Crimes/Stupid Criminals with Mallie Fox!! Find out what is new with Mallie Fox here:  https://www.paranormalgirl.com/ #crime #truecrime #truecrimeppodcasts #truecrimeradio #truecrimetuesday #timdennis #malliefox #paranormalgirl #dumbcrimesstupidcriminals  #marvinhaynes #wrongfullyconvicted #minneapolis  #northminneapolis #jerrysflowershop #randysherer #amyklobuchar #mikefreeman #exonerated #hennepincounty #murder #crookedcops #abuseofjustice #kwiktripholdup #dogwastedrugtest 
23/01/242h 8m