Dan and Alex - On The Fence

Dan and Alex - On The Fence

By Dan and Alex - On The Fence

Podcast by Dan and Alex - On The Fence


Ep 4 - Is it better to travel before you get a job?

Dan and Alex, off the recent Channel 4 Reality show 'The Circle', join forces to dive into common topics that people feel strongly about or against and decide where they stand on them. Are they on the fence, or can they be swayed to one side ?! Today we talk about travel, is it good to travel? When should you do it ? And where is best to go ! Make sure to like and comment for more !! Music Credit - The Encounters - Seventeen
21/11/1843m 3s

Ep 3 - Is it better to be Single or in a Relationship?

RELATIONSHIP OR STAYING SINGLE? Dan and Alex, off the recent Channel 4 Reality show 'The Circle', join forces to dive into common topics that people feel strongly about or against and decide where they stand on them. Are they on the fence, or can they be swayed to one side ?! Make sure to like and comment for more !! Music Credit - The Encounters - Seventeen
14/11/1844m 18s

Ep 2 - Is Social Media Good or Bad ?

SOCIAL MEDIA - GOOD OR BAD? Dan and Alex, off the recent Channel 4 Reality show 'The Circle', join forces to dive into common topics that people feel strongly about or against and decide where they stand on them. Are they on the fence, or can they be swayed to one side ?! Make sure to like and comment for more !! Music Credit - The Encounters - Seventeen
07/11/1848m 15s

On The Fence Podcast

Dan and Alex, off the recent Channel 4 Reality show 'The Circle', join forces to dive into common topics that people feel strongly about or against and decide where they stand on them. Are they on the fence, or can they be swayed to one side ?!
29/10/1836m 17s
Heart UK