Dtesh Catholic Place

Dtesh Catholic Place

By Douglas Sumowski

Podcast that explains Christianity from a Catholic perspective, updated daily with selections from the Liturgy of the Hours, Mass Readings, Daily Rosary, Scripture Readings, and a Live Podcast.


June 25, 2025 Office of Reading and Lectionary Reflection

Come pray and study with us!
25/06/2425m 40s

06 23 24 Office of Readings and Lectionary

Come Pray and study the word of God together!
23/06/2427m 24s

June 20, 2024 Office of Reading and Lectionary

Come pray with us
21/06/2428m 59s

Jun 19, 2024 Office of Reading and Lectionary

Come pray and study God's word
19/06/2437m 2s

June 8, 2024 Night Prayer

Come Pray with us!
09/06/245m 29s

June 8,2024 Evening Prayer

Come pray with us!
09/06/2410m 37s

060224 Office of Readings

Come Pray with us!
02/06/2417m 2s

060124 Night Prayer

Come Pray with Us!
02/06/245m 29s

060124 Evening Prayer

Come Pray with us!
01/06/2410m 45s

042624 Night Office

Come pray with us
27/04/246m 4s

042624 Evening office

Come Pray with us
26/04/248m 55s

022624 Midafternoon Office

Come pray with us
26/04/244m 50s

042624 Lectionary with Comentary

Meditate with us
26/04/2411m 5s

042624 Midday Office

Pray with us!
26/04/244m 21s

042624 Midmorning Office

Come pray with us
26/04/245m 57s

042624 Morning Office

Come Pray with us!
26/04/2412m 45s

042624 Office of Readings

Come pray with us!
26/04/2419m 14s

The Fall

Here we study the fall
19/04/2423m 12s

Deep Dive into Creation, Eden's Geography and Spiritual Interpretations

Welcome to an enlightening episode where we dive deep into the book of Genesis, aiming to elucidate often misunderstood parts of this Holy Scripture. Starting with fervent prayers, we unravel the divine mysteries and immerse deeper into the world of scripture through reflective analysis and interpretations. In this episode, we spotlight the creation story, particularly the two differing accounts of creation and the context behind these variations. We aim to demystify common misinterpretations, such as the notion of creation spanning 24-hour days. Additionally, we shed light on the editorial contributions to the scriptures that resulted in different names for God and other profound insights. Our discourse further covers the vibrant depiction of the Garden of Eden, man's creation from the ground, and the symbolism behind God’s prohibition of eating fruit from the tree of knowledge. We also delve into the significance of God's creation of woman and debate intriguing aspects such as understanding Eden's geographical location. Further, we analyze the biblical geography of Eden, discussing references to rivers in the Holy Scriptures and carefully evaluating prospects of both African and Middle Eastern Rivers. We delve into foundational geology, exploring the existence of a once coursing river through Saudi Arabia which runs parallel to the biblical narration. Moving beyond the geographical discourse, we study the intricate relation between the physical and metaphysical realms of existence, shedding light on the Bible's poetic interpretations of life and death. We contemplate the symbolic message behind the creation of birds and human beings, and the profound symbolism of the creation of male and female. The episode culminates with a comparison between the symbolic birth of a woman from a man's rib and the interpretations of Christ's relationship with the church by early church fathers. This engaging conversation offers a captivating exploration of the scriptures from a modern perspective, unraveling the mysteries of the holy book.
17/04/2426m 54s

Fresh Insights on Genesis and Creation

Welcome to a new episode of our podcast series, where we embark on a profound odyssey through biblical texts. Starting with Genesis chapter 1, we plunge into the foundation of our universe, inviting listeners to explore the intricate depth and remarkable simplicity of these divine scriptures. We unravel the story of creation in ways you've never imagined, presenting a more in-depth understanding than a purely literal interpretation. The first story of creation interpreted literally can be a source of contention, sparking debates like the six 24-hour days creation theory. But, upon closer scrutiny of the original Hebrew text and applying the nuances of language, we find that "day" can mean an undefined yet significant moment in time in the context of God's creation. Such subtleties in interpretation give us fresh perspectives on the well-known creation story. With this expanded understanding, we can appreciate the core message of Genesis 1: God, the Creator of all. This truth is not only a factual statement but also fundamental to our belief system. Regardless of how we interpret the "days" of creation, the core message remains the same: God is the prime mover and ultimate cause of all things. As we traverse through Genesis, further layers of meaning and insight unravel. This podcast episode nudges you to adopt a broader perspective that embraces spiritual interpretations rather than a simplistic reading of scripture. This approach uncovers an extraordinary depiction of divine reality, adding depth to our understanding of faith. The episode offers a detailed commentary on the Genesis story from a modern perspective, melding faith, philosophy, and scientific phenomena. By harmonizing concepts like the Big Bang and evolution with the Bible's creation narrative, the episode bridges the chasm between spirituality and science. The podcast also highlights the intriguing idea of biblical scriptures depicting scientific phenomena long before modern discovery. Finally, we tackle ideas of human stewardship aligning with modern sustainable development, and humanity being “made in God's likeness''—a spiritual truth transcending gender or religious discord. The overarching conclusion of this exploration is that the Bible's message is essentially spiritual, guiding us towards love and compassion, resonating truth across all the scriptures, science and philosophy.
17/04/2424m 21s

Office of Reading April 10. 2024

Our prayers of God's word
10/04/2416m 59s

Simplifying to Elevate our Podcast Journey

Welcome to another episode of our podcast where we take a turn from our previous practice spanning months, weeks, and years. In this episode, there's a major announcement about our future approach. We are adopting a simplified strategy by focusing on just one thing every day – lectionary readings, intending to facilitate a smoother and enriched listener experience. With this strategy, we anticipate that all other activities around the podcast will fall into place and streamline themselves, thereby allowing us to manage the operations even efficiently. We sincerely believe this shift to daily lectionary readings is the ideal way to move forward and continue providing compelling content. We are excited for you to join us on this journey as we shift gears starting tomorrow. Stay tuned as the new episodes will be hitting your way soon. We appreciate your understanding and express our sincere thanks for your patience in this transition phase.
05/03/241m 5s

Living, Learning and Praising God's Word

"Eternal Wisdom: Living, Learning and Praising God's Word" is a heartfelt and enriching episode that deeply explores the biblical teachings and the nature of God's word. It reinstates the timeless truths and laws instilled by our Lord and the vital importance of incorporating them into our lives. This episode details the conversation with God, seeking his assistance and highlighting his eternal glory. It impassionedly expresses our dedication to live the faith we declare, revealing our noble intent for all our thoughts, words and deeds to glorify the Lord's name. The script emphasizes the power and boundlessness of God's command and provides a profound reminder that God's word stands firm forever. We loosen ourselves in heartfelt prayers for refuge, salvation, justice and unwavering trust in God. The episode then beautifully encapsulates a testament to the hope, praise, and justice of God, even during life's bleakest times. It is a comforting assertion that despite bitter troubles, God will guide us through and open opportunities for us to express our gratitude and unending faith. Further, we contemplate the Lord's powerful deeds, his unparalleled uniqueness, and the gift of life he bestows upon us. Towards the end of the episode, prayers for service, holiness, justice, and thankfulness to the Lord make this episode compelling and soul-stirring. It concludes with the potent reading from the book of Ezekiel, reinforcing the merciful nature of the Lord and his desire for sinners to turn from evil ways and live.
04/03/246m 6s

A Journey toward Repentance and Salvation

In this enlightening episode, we implore God's help in our daily tribulations and plead for His swift assistance. With humble hearts, we glorify the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, acknowledging their eternal reign. Vivid descriptions enthuse us to welcome God's divine breath, it reignites our love for His creations and guides us towards His desired path. The invaluable significance of purity of heart, unwavering will, grace, eternal life, and the perspective toward God's eternity are beautifully conveyed. The episode underscores the importance of the time of penance, the vital chance to atone for our sins, and ardently seek our salvation. As listeners, we are encouraged to lift up our eyes to the mountains, metaphorically implying the source of our help, God- the creator of heaven and earth. Through poignant recitations, the listener is ushered into a place of peace and guarded from evil - an assurance of divine protection in our journey. The peace and prosperity of Jerusalem, a representation of the house of God, are fervently prayed for. The closing chapters reference a powerful reading from the Book of Wisdom, emphasizing God's mercy, His overlooking of mankind's sins for their repentance, and His unending love for His creations. A prayer to the Almighty God, to serve him is to reign, is beautifully rendered. This episode culminates with a plea for assistance to serve God in holiness and justice, extending through Jesus Christ, our Lord, reigning with God in the Holy Spirit. An invitation to praise the Lord and express our gratitude summarizes this spiritual journey.
04/03/244m 23s

Understanding God's Will from the Stories of Jesus and Naaman

In this enlightening episode, we journey through two significant Bible stories, moving from acceptance to fury, from misconception to revelation about God's will and His magnanimous plans. Understand the depth of these narratives as we unravel diverse reactions to God's intentions, from the Holy Gospel according to Luke and the second book of Kings. Starting off with a heartfelt prayer seeking the Holy Spirit's guidance, we delve into the story of Naaman, a highly respected and esteeemed army commander, who despite his valiant efforts, was a leper. A captured slave girl sparks hope by suggesting a prophet in Samaria who could cure him, leading to a journey of potential healing and self-discovery. We then draw parallels to Jesus's account of facing wrath in his own hometown, Nazareth, narrated in the Holy Gospel according to Luke. Explore how Jesus’s message, far from the health and wealth gospel most expect, provokes fury among his people, leading them to attempt to throw him off a cliff. This podcast episode takes a deep dive into the stark misinterpretation of God’s blessings and miracles, often viewed narrowly as health, wealth, and prosperity in life, and how such misconceptions lead to disappointment or anger when prayers go unanswered. By reflecting on the humbling experiences of Jesus and Naaman, we learn to embrace God's will, accepting the bad just as willingly as the good, in the hope of eternal life with God, beyond the mundane trappings of this world. Join us in this powerful exploration of faith, acceptance, and the true meaning of God's plan for us.
04/03/249m 27s

A Reflection on God's Unfading Glory and Everlasting Love

Immerse yourself into a spiritual episode that takes us through a prayerful journey of faith, praising and seeking the assistance of God. We engage with the 'Brightness of the Father's Glory', acknowledging the divine radiance that showers blessings and brings life through the Holy Spirit. We yearn for the Lord's guidance, expressing our longing for His dwelling place and finding eternal joy in His presence. The episode encourages us to traverse the roads to Zion with undying strength, all while calling upon the Lord for protection and guidance, and finding solace in His unshakable rampart. We then climb the metaphorical 'Mountain of the Lord', seeking instruction and divine wisdom. Acknowledging God's reign over all nations, we contemplate on the concept of turning weapons of war into tools of peace. Through a thoughtful reading from the Book of Exodus, we're reminded of God's promise to His people, underlining the idea of becoming a holy nation under His watchful eyes. Echoing the belief that 'the man of God welcomes the light', we celebrate God as our Savior, who brings forth new life and opens a path to salvation. The episode concludes with a heartfelt prayer, asking for the Lord's guidance in serving in holiness and justice, and bestowing His blessings upon us all.
04/03/2410m 33s

A Journey Through Temptation, Suffering, and Salvation

In this spiritually nourishing episode, we meditate on the power of worshipping Christ, who endured temptation and suffering for us. The words of adoration remind us of the omnipotent God, the Creator of all, and the Savior who sustains us. Scriptures transport us to moments of divine revelation and sacred covenants, inviting us to enter into a deeper relationship with God. We journey through the narrative of Moses ascending Mount Sinai to receive God's commandments, experiencing the awe and mystery of God's direct communication. The narrative invites us to reflect on our own dedication to God's laws, and challenges us to hear God's voice within our own wilderness experiences. Further enriching the episode is a powerful reading from the life of St. Casimir, underscoring what it means to live with an all-absorbing love for the Divine, outpouring into acts of compassion and justice towards humanity. His testament speaks to the abundance that comes with seeking justice, moderation, prudence, and courage in our lives. Endowed with reflections of profound wisdom about sacrifice, faithfulness and the knowledge of God's ways, this episode stirs us to offer our own sacrifices of praise. It beckons us to turn away from sin, be faithful, and remember, The kingdom of God is at hand.
04/03/2413m 13s

Night Prayer 020424

Unite your heart with the divine and foster a sense of deep devotion through this journey, as we delve into a faith-guided episode of spiritual reflection, prayer, and praise. Embrace the profound reverence and introspect into your spiritual journey through a series of believing, trusting, loving, repenting, and worshiping God. This episode guides you through prayers of conviction which fortify your bond with the Heavenly Father, lays the foundation of strong belief in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit, and instills an eternal sense of devotion. Navigate through the mysteries and vast domains of God, experience the beauty of hymnal praise, and bathe in the benevolent light of the Lord God. Reflect on the readings from the Book of Revelation and illuminate your mind's understanding of your heavenly relationship. As we conclude with entrusting our spirits into the Lord's hands, the episode aims to leave you in a state of restful ease, lullaby you to rest with melodious hymns, and provide you with hope and peace in the Savior, Jesus Christ. May this episode instill in you a tranquil assurance of a restful night and peaceful end, as this podcast episode bids you good night and blessings for a wonderful day ahead.
05/02/2411m 1s

Dtesh Reflections Jan 3 2024

Come and praise God!!!
03/01/249m 23s

121023 Night Prayer

Come pray with us
11/12/237m 1s

121023 Evening Prayer

11/12/2310m 24s

121023 Mid Day Prayer

10/12/233m 50s

121023 Mid Morning Prayer

10/12/235m 14s

121023 Lectionary

Come pray with us
10/12/2317m 45s

121023 Morning Prayer

Come pray with us
10/12/2311m 0s

121023 Office of readings

Come pray with us
10/12/2319m 36s

120923 Night prayer

Come pray with us
10/12/235m 44s

120923 Evening prayer

Come pray with us
10/12/238m 34s

120923 Live Update

09/12/239m 54s

120923 Mid Afternoon prayer

Come Pray with us
09/12/234m 29s

120923 Mid Day prayer

Come Pray with us!!!
09/12/234m 32s

120923 Mid Morning prayer

Come pray with us!!!
09/12/236m 17s

120923 Lectionary

Come pray with us!!!
09/12/2315m 34s

120923 Morning Prayer

Come pray with us!!!
09/12/239m 29s

120923 Office of Readings

Come pray with us!!
09/12/2316m 43s

120823 Night Prayer

Come pray with us
09/12/235m 45s

120823 Daily Scripture Reading

Genesis 1
09/12/236m 14s

120823 Evening Prayer

come pray with us
09/12/239m 7s

120823 Daily rosary Joyful Mysteries

Come Pray with us
08/12/2339m 15s

120823 Mid Afternoon Prayer

Come pray with us!!!
08/12/234m 49s

120823 Mid Day Prayer

Come Pray with us!!!
08/12/234m 16s

120823 Mid Morning Prayer

Come pray with us!
08/12/235m 50s

120823 Lectionary Reflections

Listen to the Word of God with us!
08/12/2318m 20s

120823 Morning Prayer

Come pray with us!
08/12/2310m 44s

120823 Office of Readings

Come, pray with us!!!
08/12/2319m 57s

120723 Night Office

Pray with Us!!
08/12/238m 37s

120723 Scripture Reading

Listen to God's Word Matthew 1-5
08/12/2324m 12s

120723 Evening Office

Come Pray with Us!
08/12/2310m 35s

120723 Joyful Mystery Rosary

Come Pray with us
07/12/2320m 40s

120723 MidAfternoon Office

Come Pray with Us!
07/12/235m 15s

120723 MidDay Office

Come Pray with us!
07/12/234m 53s

120723 Midmorning Office

Come Pray with Us!
07/12/237m 10s

120723 Lectionary Reflection

Come and Study the Word of God with us!
07/12/2310m 7s

120723 Morning Office

Come Pray with us!
07/12/2312m 6s

120723 Office of Reading

Come pray with us!
07/12/2315m 27s

First Sunday of Advent 2023 Lectionary Reflections

Be ready for the Second Coming
04/12/2314m 22s

Dec 3, 2023 Office of Reading

Come pray with us
03/12/2323m 0s

Office of Readings Nov 26, 2023

todays Office of Readings
26/11/2319m 19s

Dtesh Live Nov 9, 2023

A new live podcast
09/11/2313m 2s

Oct 28, 2023 Night

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
29/10/237m 1s

Oct 28, 2023 Evening

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
28/10/2310m 46s

Oct 28, 2023 Mid Afternoon

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
28/10/234m 55s

Oct 28, 2023 Mid Day

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
28/10/235m 56s

Oct 28, 2023 Mid Morning

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
28/10/235m 36s

Oct 28, 2023 Lectionary Reflections

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
28/10/2315m 7s

Oct 28, 2023 Morning

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
28/10/2310m 43s

Oct 28, 2024 Readings

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
28/10/2318m 36s

Oct 27, 2023 Night Office

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
28/10/236m 20s

Dtesh Live Update

Hey, Just me explain what is going on
28/10/2312m 46s

Oct 27 2023 Evening Office

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
27/10/2311m 34s

Oct 27, 2023 Mid Afternoon Office

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
27/10/235m 6s

Oct 27, 2023 Mid Day Office

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
27/10/234m 30s

Oct 27, 2023 Mid Morning Office

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
27/10/236m 58s

Oct 27, 2023 Lectionary Reflections

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
27/10/2319m 9s

Oct 27, 2023 Morning

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
27/10/2312m 33s

102723 Office of Readings

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
27/10/2315m 51s

10 26 23 Night Prayer

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
27/10/237m 3s

10 26 2023 Evening Prayer

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
26/10/2311m 19s

10 26 2023 Midafternoon Prayer

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
26/10/234m 47s

10 26 2023 Midday Prayer

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
26/10/234m 35s

10 26 2023 Midmorning prayer

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
26/10/235m 46s

10 26 2023 Morning prayer

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
26/10/2311m 13s

10 26 2023 Office of Readings

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
26/10/2314m 0s

10 26, 2023 Lectionary Reflections

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
26/10/2314m 8s

102523 Night Prayer

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
26/10/238m 11s

102523 Evening

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
25/10/2310m 48s

102523 Midafternoon

Come pray with us!!! If you like what you hear, or need prayer, let us know by lighting a candle at https://dtesh.com/donations/donation-form/ to help support us by lighting a Prayer Candle.
25/10/234m 49s
Heart UK