Newt's World

Newt's World

By Gingrich 360

Join former House Speaker, professor, historian, and futurist Newt Gingrich as he shares his lifetime of knowledge and access to the world’s most interesting minds in a new series that covers all aspects of our society. From history to health, national security to science, Newt offers stories, conversations, and context to uncover new perspectives, knowledge and insight. This podcast isn’t about politics; it’s about exploring the past, present, and future to understand where we’ve been and where we’re going. Welcome to Newt’s World, a podcast for independent thinkers.


Episode 698: Platon on The Defenders

World-renowned portrait photographer Platon, joins Newt to discuss his career and his latest book, "The Defenders: Heroes of the Global Fight for Human Rights". Platon has photographed many influential figures, including Vladimir Putin, Muhammad Ali, Bill Clinton and Donald Trump. He also worked with Human Rights Watch to document struggles in Burma, Egypt, Russia, the United States, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Platon emphasizes the importance of humanizing subjects in his photographs, regardless of their status or power. He also shares his experiences photographing ordinary people who are fighting for their rights and dignity.See for privacy information.
19/05/2449m 30s

Episode 697: The Culture War on the American Family

Newt talks with Dr. Ben Carson about his new book, "The Perilous Fight: Overcoming Our Culture's War on the American Family". He argues that the erosion of traditional marriage, rising divorce rates, radical ideologies, attacks on faith, and government interference are causing a breakdown of the family unit, which he believes is the cornerstone of strong communities and a strong nation. Dr. Carson encourages a return to biblical and familial values. He also discusses his work with the American Cornerstone Institute and the Carson Scholars Fund, which aim to promote academic achievement and humanitarian qualities in young people. He emphasizes the importance of citizens actively participating in the democratic process.See for privacy information.
17/05/2437m 16s

Episode 696: The New Space Race – United States vs. China

Newt talks with Dr. Greg Autry, author of "Red Moon Rising: How America Will Beat China on the Final Frontier". They discuss the new space race between the United States and China, with the moon as the ultimate high ground. Autry highlights the vast lunar resources that could determine the quality of life on earth in the future. He also discusses the potential of space for manufacturing and medical advancements, such as growing stem cells and creating pharmaceuticals in zero gravity. However, Autry expresses concern about the United States’ ability to beat China to the moon, citing a lack of top-level support in the current administration for the space program.See for privacy information.
12/05/2430m 23s

Episode 695: Nuclear War: A Scenario

Newt talks with Pulitzer Prize finalist Annie Jacobsen, about her new book "Nuclear War: A Scenario". The book explores the potential aftermath of a nuclear missile launch, based on interviews with military and civilian experts. Jacobsen discusses the concept of "Mad King Logic", where one irrational leader with a nuclear arsenal could trigger a global catastrophe. She also explains the devastating environmental and human impacts of a nuclear war, including nuclear winter and the death of billions. Jacobsen suggests that the way forward is to reduce the number of nuclear weapons and make their use taboo, following the example set by President Reagan. They also discuss how this could be implemented in a world with unpredictable leaders like Kim Jong Un and Ayatollah Khomeini.See for privacy information.
11/05/2431m 34s

Episode 694: Defeating Hamas in Rafah

Newt talks with Brigadier General Anthony Tata (U.S. Army, Retired) about the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The Israeli Defense Force has taken control of the border crossing at Rafah and is focusing on destroying Hamas targets. There are also ongoing talks of a ceasefire to free remaining hostages. Tata provides his expert analysis on the situation. He believes that Israel must destroy Hamas to ensure the security of the Israeli people. They also discuss the rise of pro-Palestinian protests in the United States, and Tata's career as a novelist.See for privacy information.
08/05/2426m 1s

Episode 693: Emperor Penguin Chicks Jump Off a 50 Foot Ice Shelf

Newt talks with wildlife filmmaker and National Geographic Explorer, Bertie Gregory, about his experience filming Emperor Penguin chicks in Antarctica for the upcoming National Geographic series, Secrets of the Penguins to be released in April 2025. The footage, which has never been captured for television before, shows the chicks diving off a 50-foot Antarctic ice shelf into the ocean. Bertie discusses the challenges of filming in such a remote and cold location, and the unexpected behavior of the penguins. He also describes how his career began and the importance of understanding and respecting wildlife in his work. Learn more about the historic penguin leap at NatGeo.comSee for privacy information.
05/05/2428m 11s

Episode 692: Governor Reagan on College Protests

What can current university leaders learn from Governor Ronald Reagan's approach to college protests? Newt discusses the history of student unrest on college campuses, particularly focusing on the role Governor Reagan played in handling the protests at the University of California, Berkeley. He draws parallels between the student protests of the 1960s and the unrest on campuses today, noting that many of the issues are similar. He discusses Reagan's firm and clear approach to dealing with student protests. This episode includes archival audio from Governor Reagan, in his own words.See for privacy information.
04/05/2431m 46s

Episode 691: The Power of A.I. – An Overview

Newt talks with Professor Ajay Agrawal, a key player in the world of Artificial Intelligence and author of Power and Prediction: The Disruptive Economics of Artificial Intelligence. Agrawal discusses the rapid evolution of AI, highlighting the significant advancements made in the last decade. He explains that AI's core function is to improve prediction, but it also requires human clarity for value judgments within those predictions. Agrawal also discusses the potential for AI to dramatically increase productivity and trigger a large reallocation of capital. He predicts that AI will force society to be more explicit about value judgments and trade-offs, leading to increased transparency.See for privacy information.
02/05/2431m 44s

Episode 690: Wall Street’s War on Workers

Newt talks with Les Leopold about his new book, "Wall Street's War on Workers". He explains how corporations in the U.S. have used mass layoffs and stock buybacks to enrich shareholders at the expense of employees. Leopold argues that these practices have contributed to the decline in support for the Democratic Party among urban and rural workers. He suggests that the party has failed to address the issue of mass layoffs and has instead supported policies that have led to job instability. Leopold proposes solutions such as limiting stock buybacks to 2% and preventing companies with government contracts from laying off workers.See for privacy information.
28/04/2427m 27s

Episode 689: Family Unfriendly

Newt talks with bestselling author Timothy Carney about his new book, "Family Unfriendly: How Our Culture Made Raising Kids Much Harder Than It Needs To Be". Carney argues that modern American parenting standards are unrealistic and contribute to record rates of anxiety, depression, and loneliness in children. He criticizes the culture of over-parenting and suggests that it's time to end this failed experiment. Carney also discusses the impact of technology, the fear of crime, and the pressure to succeed on parenting. He highlights the declining birth rates in the U.S. and globally, attributing it to factors such as career-focused lifestyles, housing costs, and a shift in cultural values. Carney suggests that policy changes, particularly in housing, could help support families and reverse the trend of declining birth rates.See for privacy information.
27/04/2430m 38s

Episode 688: Artificial Intelligence Policy

Newt discusses the transformative potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with Neil Chilson, the leader of AI policy at the Abundance Institute. Chilson explains that while AI has the potential to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare and creative fields, there is a pervasive fear and pessimism surrounding the technology. He argues that this fear-based approach could hinder the full potential of AI. Chilson also discusses the Abundance Institute's focus on Artificial Intelligence and energy, emphasizing the need for regulatory changes to foster innovation in these areas. He invites those interested in a positive technological future to get involved with the Abundance Institute.See for privacy information.
25/04/2429m 21s

Episode 687: Reforming the Criminal Justice System

Newt’s guest is Brett Tolman, a former U.S. Attorney and Executive Director of Right on Crime. They discuss the organization's efforts to reform the criminal justice system. Right on Crime, part of the Texas Public Policy Foundation, advocates for alternative sentencing, parole expansion, and evidence-based programs to improve the success rate of those reentering society. Tolman highlights the Safer Supervision Act, a bipartisan bill that would allow individuals who have served half of their supervision term and maintained good conduct to request early termination. He also emphasizes the importance of accountability and redemption in the criminal justice system.See for privacy information.
21/04/2427m 0s

Episode 686: Iran Attacks Israel

Newt discusses the escalating tensions in the Middle East with Adam Weinstein, Deputy Director of the Middle East Program at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft. They discuss the recent Iranian attack on Israeli soil, the assassination of a top Iranian General by Israel, and the ongoing hostility between the two nations. Weinstein suggests that the Iranian regime's hostility towards Israel is rooted its desire to assert itself as a regional power. He also discusses the role of the United States in the region and the challenges of achieving peace and stability, particularly in relation to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.See for privacy information.
19/04/2434m 0s

Episode 685: Welfare Reform

Newt’s guest is Gianno Caldwell, a Fox News analyst and founder of a bipartisan consulting firm. He discusses his journey from growing up in poverty on the south side of Chicago to becoming a successful political strategist and author. Caldwell shares his experiences with the welfare system, his views on welfare reform, and his belief in the power of hard work and self-belief. He also discusses his role as a Republican strategist, his work with Fox News, and his efforts to combat violent crime following the murder of his brother. Caldwell's book, "Taken For Granted: How Conservatism Can Win Back the Americans That Liberalism Failed," is available on Amazon and in bookstores everywhere.See for privacy information.
17/04/2436m 15s

Episode 684: Funding the War in Ukraine

Newt discusses the importance of funding Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression. He is joined by Jim Gilmore, former Governor of Virginia and Ambassador to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE). They discuss the Senate's approval of a $95 billion-dollar aid package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, and the pushback from some Republicans. Gilmore emphasizes the importance of supporting Ukraine, stating that if Putin wins, he will not stop and will risk a much larger war which could involve the United States. They also discuss the potential of seizing Russian assets to help fund the war and the need for President Biden to provide stronger leadership. Newt also speaks with Congressman Chuck Edwards, who recently returned from a trip to Ukraine. Edwards shares his experiences and the dire situation in Ukraine, emphasizing the need for the U.S. to provide military assistance.See for privacy information.
14/04/2435m 29s

Episode 683: Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

Newt discusses the Biden administration's new student loan debt forgiveness plan with guest Adam Kissel, a visiting fellow at The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Education Policy. The plan, which is yet to be finalized and is expected to face legal challenges, proposes to forgive up to $20,000 in interest for nearly 30 million borrowers. The plan could reduce payments for 25 million borrowers and erase all debt for more than 4 million Americans. However, critics argue that the plan is regressive, as it would transfer the debt to taxpayers, potentially costing between $519 billion to over a trillion dollars over 10 years.See for privacy information.
12/04/2430m 3s

Episode 682: Ukraine’s War of Independence

Putin had intended to conquer and annex Ukraine with a vicious blitzkrieg, redrawing the map of Europe in a few short weeks with seismic geopolitical consequences. But in the face of this existential threat, the Ukrainian people fought back, turning what looked like certain defeat into a great moral victory, even as the territorial conflict continues to this day. In his new book, Our Enemies Will Vanish: The Russian Invasion and Ukraine’s War of Independence, Yaroslav Trofimov traces the war’s decisive moments to show how Ukraine and its allies have turned the tide against Russia, one of the world’s great military powers, in a modern-day battle of David and Goliath. Newt’s guest is Yaroslav Trofimov, chief foreign-affairs correspondent for The Wall Street Journal.See for privacy information.
07/04/2436m 10s

Episode 681: How Happy Are We?

The 2024 World Happiness Report, released by Gallup, ranks the United States 23rd, a drop from 15th place the previous year. The top four happiest countries are Finland, Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden. The report suggests that the U.S. ranking has fallen due to the perspectives of people under 30. The report measures happiness based on life evaluations, positive emotions, and negative emotions. Newt’s guest is John Helliwell, one of the chief editors of the World Happiness Report, a Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Distinguished Fellow, and Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of British Columbia.See for privacy information.
06/04/2437m 53s

Episode 680: Pigs in the Swamp – Earmarks in the $1.2 Trillion Spending Bill

Newt discusses the $1.2 trillion spending package signed by President Joe Biden on March 23, 2024. The bill, which will fund the government through October 1st, contains numerous earmarks or pork barrel spending. Newt’s guest, David Ditch, Senior Policy Analyst at The Heritage Foundation, explains the process of funding the federal government and the issues with the current system. Ditch criticizes the increasing reliance on mandatory programs like Social Security and Medicare, which operate on autopilot and consume a growing share of the federal budget. He also criticizes the return of earmarks, which he says are often used to fund left-wing ideologies. Ditch suggests that budget reform is necessary to reduce wasteful spending.See for privacy information.
04/04/2432m 22s

Episode 679: Lincoln, Democracy, and The American Experiment

Newt’s guest is historian and author Allen C. Guelzo. He discusses his new book, "Our Ancient Faith: Lincoln, Democracy, and the American Experiment." Guelzo explores Abraham Lincoln's deep commitment to democracy and how it guided him through the Civil War. He also discusses Lincoln's belief that democracy was the greatest political achievement in human history. Guelzo argues that Lincoln's understanding of democracy, including the balance between majority and minority rule, allowed him to stand firm against secession and commit the Union to reconciliation after the war. Guelzo also discusses the challenges Lincoln faced in preserving liberty and the American Republic as the nation drifted into a crisis between the North and South.See for privacy information.
31/03/2445m 1s

Episode 678: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt discusses a range of issues with members of his Inner Circle. He talks about the current political situation in America, including the lack of a majority in the U.S. House and the challenges that presents. He also discusses the resignations of several Republican congressmen and the potential implications for the Republican majority. Gingrich also addresses the issue of illegal immigration, suggesting that a constitutional amendment on naturalization could help address the problem. He also discusses the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the legal system and the potential for repatriation of illegal immigrants. You can become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle by going to newtsinnercircle.comSee for privacy information.
29/03/2433m 31s

Episode 677: Men Without Meaning

Newt talks with Brenda Hafera from The Heritage Foundation about her new report detailing the crisis facing boys and men in America, titled “Men Without Meaning: The Harmful Effects of Expressive Individualism.” The report highlights the struggles faced by boys and men in the U.S., including mental, physical, economic, academic, and spiritual challenges. For instance, suicide is the second leading cause of death for men under 45, and the IQ of boys is dropping. The report also points out that only 25% of men aged 17 to 24 qualified for military service in 2020 due to mental, physical, and drug abuse issues. The report suggests that the absence of fathers is a significant factor contributing to these issues. The report recommends revitalizing marriage and fatherhood, promoting school choice, and encouraging vocational schools and apprenticeship programs as potential solutions.See for privacy information.
28/03/2430m 16s

Episode 676: Crisis in Haiti

Haiti, a nation that began with liberation and resistance, is now on the brink of collapse due to political chaos, economic devastation, and foreign intervention. The assassination of President Moïse in 2021 has led to government officials fleeing the country and refugees seeking safety in the United States and Latin America. The country's infrastructure and economy have been crippled by both natural and manmade disasters. Jake Johnston, a Senior Research Associate at the Center for Economic and Policy Research, discusses Haiti's tumultuous history and current crisis in his new book “Aid State: Elite Panic, Disaster Capitalism, and The Battle To Control Haiti”. He argues that the country's problems are not solely due to internal corruption, but also the influence of powerful foreign countries. Johnson suggests that a change in U.S. policy and greater involvement of the Haitian diaspora could help the country move towards a more sustainable future.See for privacy information.
24/03/2433m 49s

Episode 675: The New Cold War

In their new book, "We Win, They Lose: Republican Foreign Policy and the New Cold War," authors Matthew Kroenig and Dan Negrea argue that a GOP foreign policy consensus is emerging, which they call the Trump-Reagan Fusion. They believe that any viable GOP foreign policy must build on the legacies of Trump and Reagan. The authors argue that the Trump-Reagan fusion is superior to progressive alternatives and can guide the GOP, the United States, and the American people to greater levels of peace, prosperity, and freedom. They also discuss the challenges posed by China and Russia, and the need for a strategic approach to these threats.See for privacy information.
22/03/2438m 30s

Episode 674: Peter Schweizer on Blood Money

Newt talks with Peter Schweizer, author of the book Blood Money. Schweizer discusses his two-year investigation into restricted Chinese military documents and American financial records, revealing the Chinese Communist Party's covert operations in social media, the American drug trade, social justice movements, and the medical establishment. He also discusses the popularity of TikTok among young Americans and the potential threat it poses as a tool for the Chinese Communist Party to manipulate public opinion. Schweizer argues that the US is already engaged in a non-kinetic war with China, with the latter using various means, including cultural products and the drug trade, to undermine and destabilize the U.S. He also criticizes the Biden administration and Wall Street for turning a blind eye to China's activities due to financial entanglements.See for privacy information.
17/03/2433m 32s

Episode 673: UVA’s $20 Million DEI Budget

Open the Books, a transparency organization, released a report revealing that the University of Virginia spends $20 million on 235 diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) employees, with some earning up to $587,340 per year. The report has sparked debate about the use of taxpayer money for DEI positions and programs. Open the Books' mission is to provide radical transparency so people can track government spending and hold politicians accountable for their decisions. The organization has captured nearly every dime taxed and spent at every level of government, federal, state, and local. Open the Books also revealed that elite universities have received about $45 billion in federal taxpayer subsidies since 2018. Newt’s guest is Adam Andrzejewski, CEO and Founder of Open the Books.See for privacy information.
16/03/2427m 42s

Episode 672: Angel Studios Cabrini

Italian immigrant Francesca Cabrini, who arrived in America in 1889, is celebrated in the new film Cabrini. Despite facing disease, crime, and impoverished children in New York slums, Cabrini convinced the hostile mayor to secure housing and healthcare for orphan children. The film is directed by Alejandro Monteverde and produced and distributed by Angel Studios. Jeff Harmon, co-founder and chief content officer of Angel Studios, and Eduardo Verástegui, executive producer for the film, discuss the making of the film and the impact of Mother Cabrini's life. The film is now showing in theaters nationwide. Buy tickets at for privacy information.
10/03/2436m 21s

Episode 671: Election 2024 – Super Tuesday

Newt’s guest is former White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. They discuss the results of Super Tuesday, Nikki Haley's decision to drop out of the race, and the upcoming 2024 election. Spicer shares his journey from a Japanese language major to becoming the White House Press Secretary under the Trump administration. He also discusses the importance of third-party candidates in the upcoming election and the potential impact of the No Labels movement. Spicer emphasizes the importance of maintaining a Republican majority in Congress.See for privacy information.
08/03/2432m 23s

Episode 670: Putin and Ukraine

Newt’s guest is Herman Pirchner, president of the American Foreign Policy Council. They discuss the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Pirchner shares his insights on Russian President Vladimir Putin's motivations and strategies, highlighting Putin's desire for territorial expansion and power. He also discusses the impact of the conflict on global geopolitics, particularly the potential implications for other countries if Putin is successful in Ukraine. He emphasizes the importance of providing Ukraine with adequate weapons and support to resist Russian aggression.See for privacy information.
05/03/2429m 25s

Episode 669: A.J. Tata on The Phalanx Code

Brigadier General Anthony J. Tata, a retired US Army officer with a distinguished military career of over 28 years, is the guest on this episode of Newt's World. Tata has served in various commands including the 82nd Airborne, the 101st Airborne Division, and the 10th Mountain Division. He has also served in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Croatia, North Macedonia, Kosovo, Panama, and Haiti. Tata is the national bestselling author of more than 15 military thriller novels. His latest installment, The Phalanx Code, tells the story of Garrett Sinclair caught in a deadly game between two tech moguls. Tata has also served as the Under Secretary of Defense for policy, the number three position in the United States Department of Defense.See for privacy information.
03/03/2428m 51s

Episode 668: Rob Henderson on Troubled

Rob Henderson, author of Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class, discusses his life journey from being born to a drug-addicted mother and never knowing his father, to being shuffled between seven foster homes, and finally being adopted into a loving family. Despite the stability of his adoptive family, Henderson faced challenges such as divorce, poverty, and violence during his adolescence. At 17, he joined the U.S. Air Force and later pursued his undergraduate education at Yale and a PhD from Cambridge. Henderson argues that stability at home is more important than external accomplishments and highlights the social disparities that exist in society. He also discusses the importance of role models and the impact of cultural beliefs on the lower classes.See for privacy information.
29/02/2437m 16s

Episode 667: Craig Shirley on Ronald Reagan

Newt discusses the legacy of former President Ronald Reagan with Craig Shirley, a New York Times bestselling author and presidential historian and author of The Search for Reagan: The Appealing Intellectual Conservatism of Ronald Reagan. Shirley, who has written six books on Reagan, discusses the former president's unique approach to conservatism, his popularity, and his intellectual prowess. They also discuss Reagan's time as a union leader and his transition from a Democrat to a Republican. Shirley shares insights into Reagan's decision to run for governor and later president, as well as his approach to dealing with the Soviet Union.See for privacy information.
25/02/2430m 57s

Episode 666: Strategic Thinking in a Dangerous World

Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich discusses the importance of strategic thinking in a dangerous world, particularly in relation to the United States' approach to global threats. He highlights the need for a coherent strategy to deal with countries like Russia, Iran, and North Korea, as well as terrorist organizations. He criticizes the current approach of bouncing from press conference to press conference and gimmick to gimmick, instead of developing a long-term strategic plan. He also discusses the dangers of nuclear war and the need to rethink the approach to it. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the true nature of leaders like Vladimir Putin and the threats they pose.See for privacy information.
24/02/2436m 11s

Episode 665: Dr. Michael Roizen on The Great Age Reboot

Dr. Michael Roizen, Emeritus Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic and author of The Great Age Reboot, discusses the potential for humans to live longer, healthier lives. He explains that the key to longevity is avoiding chronic disease and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including stress management, physical activity, and a healthy diet. He also discusses the impact of scientific advancements, such as gene editing and cellular regeneration, on increasing life expectancy. Dr. Roizen believes that the next decade will see significant breakthroughs in longevity research, potentially allowing people to live to 115 while maintaining the health and vitality of a 40-year-oldSee for privacy information.
18/02/2436m 52s

Episode 664: John Ondrasik on “OK”

Grammy-nominated singer-songwriter John Ondrasik discusses his recent song and music video, "OK," which addresses the October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel. The song is not a political message, but a moral one, expressing Ondrasik's views on the attacks and the global reaction to them. Ondrasik also discusses his previous songs about the US withdrawal from Afghanistan and support for Ukraine. He expresses concern about the lack of condemnation for Hamas and is disappointed by the lack of artists standing up against antisemitism. He also discusses the need for support and funding for Ukraine and Israel.See for privacy information.
17/02/2428m 32s

Episode 663: Mark Halperin on Election 2024

Political reporter and analyst Mark Halperin discusses the current political landscape, the 2024 election, and his views on the potential nominees. He believes that Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee unless he faces a severe health problem or his son, Hunter Biden, is convicted and faces prison time. On the Republican side, Halperin predicts who will be Trump's vice-presidential pick. He also discusses his new platform, 2WAY. 2WAY is a live video platform that allows participants to take part in informative and civil conversations online with people from across the political spectrum.See for privacy information.
16/02/2436m 30s

Episode 662: Brad Wilcox on Get Married

University of Virginia sociologist and director of the National Marriage Project, Dr. Brad Wilcox discusses his new book, Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families, and Save Civilization. Wilcox argues that marriage is a key predictor of happiness and that society flourishes when marriages are strong. He also highlights the negative impacts of the decline in marriage rates, such as increased loneliness. Wilcox suggests that cultural, policy, and religious changes are needed to support marriage and family life. He also emphasizes the importance of character and shared values in choosing a spouse. Despite current trends, Wilcox remains hopeful that individuals can forge strong and stable marriages.See for privacy information.
11/02/2437m 18s

Episode 661: Michael Barone on The Founders

Michael Barone, a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner, discusses his new book, "Mental Maps of the Founders: How Geographic Imagination Guided America's Revolutionary Leaders". The book explores the geographic orientation and mental maps of six of the founders: Franklin, Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, and Gallatin. Barone explains how these mental maps helped shape the young republic whose geographical features and political boundaries were yet unknown. He also discusses the changes in American politics since he started writing for the Almanac in 1972, and how the political landscape has become more nationalized.See for privacy information.
10/02/2436m 13s

Episode 660: Senator Tuberville on the Border Bill

Former college football coach and current U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville discusses the crisis at the U.S. Southern border and the border bill that is unlikely to pass. Tuberville also discusses the No Veterans Administration Resources for Illegal Aliens Act, which he introduced with Congressman Mike Bost. Tuberville criticizes the Biden administration for its handling of the border crisis, claiming it has led to numerous problems, including a strain on resources for veterans. He also expresses concern about the growing national debt and the potential impact on the country's economy and national security.See for privacy information.
08/02/2429m 10s

Episode 659: Finding Amelia Earhart’s Plane

Amelia Earhart was a pioneer in aviation. However, she would not live to her 40th birthday. During an attempt at becoming the first woman to complete a circumnavigational flight of the globe in 1937, Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan, disappeared over the central Pacific Ocean near Howland Island. Her disappearance remains one of the great unsolved mysteries of the 20th century. For 87 years people have been trying to find her plane, a twin-engine Lockheed 10E Electra. Newt’s guest is Tony Romeo, CEO of Deep Sea Vision. He discusses the search for Earhart’s plane and his recent discovery.See for privacy information.
04/02/2438m 4s

Episode 658: The Growing Threat of Iran-Backed Groups

Three American troops were killed and 40 others were wounded on January 28th in a drone strike on the military base known as Tower 22, in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border. Since mid-October, there have been at least 165 attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, Syria and Jordan. The U.S. is striking targets across Iraq and Syria in retaliation. Newt talks with Behnam Ben Taleblu, senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies about the growing threat of Iran-backed groups in the Middle East.See for privacy information.
03/02/2440m 16s

Episode 657: Rob Reiner on Who Killed JFK?

Rob Reiner first came to fame as a two-time Emmy Award winning actor on the landmark television series All in the Family. He went on to become an acclaimed director of some of the most popular and influential motion pictures. His work ranges from the satire, This Is Spinal Tap to dramas like Stand By Me, Misery, A Few Good Men, and Ghosts of Mississippi to romantic comedies like When Harry Met Sally, and The American President, to the enduring classic, The Princess Bride. He’s joining Newt to discuss his new 10-part podcast, Who Killed JFK? In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's tragic assassination, Reiner and journalist Soledad O’Brien interview CIA officials, medical experts, Pulitzer-prize winning journalists, eyewitnesses and a former Secret Service agent who, in 2023, came forward with groundbreaking new evidence. See for privacy information.
28/01/2443m 42s

Episode 656: Scott Rasmussen on the Elite 1%

As the President of RMG Research, Scott Rasmussen has been polling Americans for their opinions for more than 35 years. Newt talks with Scott about his recent briefing on the Elite 1% in America and their views on issues. This is the first-ever survey research defining the characteristics and beliefs of the Elite 1% who are the root cause of political dysfunction in America today.See for privacy information.
27/01/2435m 41s

Episode 655: Inflation and the Economy

On Friday the S&P 500 beat its previous record from January 2022. The Dow Jones Industrial Average also closed at a new record on Friday. The number of Americans filing new claims for unemployment benefits fell last week to the lowest level in nearly one and a half years. Yet, in poll after poll, Americans say inflation and the economy are their top issues. Newt’s guest is Thomas Hoenig. He is the former Vice Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, former President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. He is currently a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.See for privacy information.
26/01/2431m 9s

Episode 654: Crisis at the U.S.–Mexico Border

Last month set a new U.S.–Mexico border monthly migration record with 225,000 migrants crossing the U.S. southern border. We have seen scenes of the impact of their arrival in Eagle Pass, Texas, in the streets of El Paso, and at The Roosevelt Hotel in New York City. All locations that are trying to accommodate the huge influx of people coming to the United States illegally. How should Congress act to manage the crisis? Newt’s guest is Lora Ries, Director of the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation.See for privacy information.
21/01/2430m 10s

Episode 653: Beat the Incumbent

Dr. Louis Perron, PhD is a political scientist and consultant who has advised two presidents, a vice president, two cabinet members, five senators and three big city mayors on their races. During the past several years, he has worked in six countries and has won more than 15 competitive election campaigns. In his new book, Beat the Incumbent: Proven Strategies and Tactics to Win Elections he offers strategies that have won elections that were thought to be unwinnable.See for privacy information.
20/01/2429m 34s

Episode 652: Kevin McCarthy on His Next Chapter

Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy announced in an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal on December 6th, 2023 that he would be leaving Congress. McCarthy describes himself as an optimist, having served 17 years in the same congressional seat representing California’s 20th Congressional district from 2007 – 2023. Newt’s guest is Kevin McCarthy and they discuss his future projects, the upcoming elections and their new collaboration on a theme bar and restaurant.See for privacy information.
17/01/2437m 5s

Episode 651: Election 2024 – Iowa and New Hampshire

The beginning of the 2024 election cycle begins this Monday, January 15th with the Iowa Caucuses. Newt discusses the candidates, the polling data and what he thinks the key issues will be in the Iowa Caucuses and the New Hampshire primary.See for privacy information.
13/01/2428m 28s

Episode 650: The $20 Million Dollar Dinosaur

The New York Times published an article this week, What’s in a Name? The Battle of Baby T. Rex and Nanotyrannus profiling a $20 million-dollar dinosaur fossil for sale at the David Aaron Gallery in London. The gallery describes the fossil as a, “rare juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex skeleton”. Newt discusses the sale of the dinosaur with his guest Dr. Stephen Brusatte, Chair of Paleontology and Evolution in the School of Geosciences at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland.See for privacy information.
07/01/2434m 18s

Episode 649: Harvard President Claudine Gay and The Diversity Con

Harvard President Claudine Gay resigned from her position on Tuesday. Did she make mistakes in her testimony on Capitol Hill, as she admitted in her New York Times op-ed published on Wednesday, entitled Claudine Gay: What Just Happened at Harvard is Bigger Than Me. She wrote, “Yes, I made mistakes.” She said her published work contained passages where “some material duplicated other scholars’ language, without proper attribution.” Was Gay’s ascension at Harvard part of the larger diversity, equity and inclusion plan across colleges and universities nationwide? Newt’s guest is Kent Heckenlively. His new book with David Johnson is The Diversity Con, which takes a comprehensive look into how companies and schools are infiltrated and radicalized by DEI theory.See for privacy information.
06/01/2432m 33s

Episode 648: The Best of Newt’s World – Mike Rowe

Newt talks with Mike Rowe about Dirty Jobs, the importance of work, his best-selling book The Way I Heard It and Rowe’s fascinating life.See for privacy information.
31/12/2343m 42s

Episode 647: The Best of Newt’s World – Malcolm Gladwell

Newt’s guest is the remarkably talented writer, Malcolm Gladwell. He is the author of six New York Times bestsellers, including Talking to Strangers, David and Goliath, Outliers, Blink, and The Tipping Point. He is the co-founder and president of Pushkin Industries, an audiobook and podcast production company that produces the podcasts Revisionist History; Broken Record, a music interview show; and Solvable, in which Gladwell interviews innovative thinkers with solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems. His new book The Bomber Mafia: A Dream, A Temptation, and the Longest Night of the Second World War is available now.See for privacy information.
29/12/2343m 31s

Episode 646: The Best of Newt’s World – Gary Sinise

For nearly 40 years, actor Gary Sinise has been an advocate on behalf of America’s service members. His portrayal of Lt. Dan in Forrest Gump formed an enduring connection with service members throughout the military community. Following the attacks of September 11th, 2001, Sinise’s dedication to our nation’s active duty defenders, veterans, first responders and their families has become his personal crusade of support, service and gratitude for all those who protect our freedom and serve our country through the garysinisefoundation.orgSee for privacy information.
27/12/2332m 56s

Episode 645: The Best of Newt’s World – Terry Maple

Newt remembers his long-time friend Dr. Terry L. Maple, former President and CEO of Zoo Atlanta.See for privacy information.
24/12/2347m 5s

Episode 644: First Step Act – 5th Anniversary

On December 21st, 2018, President Trump signed into law the First Step Act of 2018. The Act was the culmination of a bi-partisan effort to improve criminal justice outcomes, as well as to reduce the size of the federal prison population while also creating processes to maintain public safety. The First Step Act works to assess the recidivism risk and to place prisoners in recidivism reducing programs and productive activities to address their needs. On the fifth anniversary of the First Step Act, Newt talks with Jessica Jackson from Reform Alliance and Adam Clausen who benefited from the passage of the act.See for privacy information.
22/12/2334m 33s

Episode 643: Richard Nixon – California’s Native Son

Richard Nixon was the only U.S. president born and raised in California. He had a remarkable romance with his wife Pat, and followed a unique path into politics that lead him to Washington, D.C. and the nation’s highest office. In his new book, Richard Nixon: California’s Native Son, author Paul Carter describes Nixon’s deep, defining roots in California and challenges common misconceptions about our thirty-seventh president. Carter spent over a decade reviewing archival material about Nixon’s life – some of which has never been written about before. Newt’s guest is Paul Carter. He is an attorney with more than twenty years of experience in investigation and trial work.See for privacy information.
20/12/2342m 52s

Episode 642: Mitch Albom on The Little Liar

Author, screenwriter, philanthropist, journalist, and broadcaster Mitch Albom is an inspiration around the world. He is the author of numerous books of fiction and nonfiction, which have collectively sold more than forty million copies in forty-eight languages worldwide. He has written eight number-one New York Times bestsellers, including Tuesdays with Morrie, the bestselling memoir of all time. His new novel is The Little Liar. Newt’s guest is Mitch Albom.See for privacy information.
17/12/2341m 30s

Episode 641: Patients Push Back – The Struggle Against Big Government in Transplant Care

There are over 100,000 Americans on the organ transplant waiting list. However, the journey doesn’t stop after receiving a transplant. The threat of organ rejection is a constant worry, with significant failure rates within the first five years post-transplant. And now there is a new hurdle introduced by private government contractors, jeopardizing the health of transplanted organs. Innovative blood tests allow physicians to detect organ damage and rejection before patients show symptoms. Doctors require these crucial blood tests to effectively monitor and manage the care of their immunocompromised patients. Newt’s guests are Dr. Steven Potter, an experienced kidney and pancreas transplant surgeon, Eddie Garcia, a heart transplant recipient, and Congressman Michael Burgess of Texas. Visit to learn more.See for privacy information.
16/12/2341m 52s

Episode 640: Last Warning to the West

For over one thousand years the people of Hungary have fought against oppression and survived to embrace their freedom and national identity. Hungary’s decades-long fight against communism and fascism is a stark warning to the West’s love of progressivism. And Hungary’s vibrant, freedom-loving democracy in the heart of Europe is an example for America. Newt’s guest is Dr. Shea Bradley-Farrell, author of “Last Warning to the West: Hungary’s Triumph Over Communism and the Woke Agenda.” Dr. Bradley-Farrell is the President of Counterpoint Institute for Policy, Research and Education in Washington, D.C.See for privacy information.
15/12/2330m 2s

Episode 639: Election 2024 – No Labels “Unity Ticket”

According to a recent Gallup poll from October 2023, support for a third-party presidential candidate is up to 63%. This represents a seven-percentage-point increase from a year ago and is the highest since Gallup first asked the question in 2003. The organization “No Labels” is working to ensure Americans have the choice to vote for a presidential ticket that features strong, effective, and honest leaders who will commit to working closely with both parties to find commonsense solutions to America’s biggest problems. No Labels has proposed a Unity ticket for 2024. Newt’s guest is Ryan Clancy, Chief Strategist of No Labels.See for privacy information.
10/12/2329m 11s

Episode 638: Holiday Spending While Recession is Pending

With the holidays coming up, the average American will spend $975 dollars on presents this year. That’s up by $100 dollars from last year. And while we’re spending more this year, consumer credit card debt has reached a record high of $1.08 trillion dollars in 2023. As we look ahead to 2024, with the presidential primaries coming up soon, the state of the economy is one of the top issues on voter’s minds. Newt talks with Founder and CEO of Legacy Precious Metals, Charles Thorngren. For more information please visit for privacy information.
09/12/2334m 16s

Episode 637: Faith and Relationships in America

A new nationwide study on faith and relationships reveals a strong correlation between people who grew up in homes with married parents and their continuation of their practice of faith in adulthood. It also shows that loneliness is a crisis that is negatively affecting relationships and religious life. The conclusions of the study are drawn from a nationwide survey of 19,000 Sunday church attendees conducted during worship in 112 Evangelical, Protestant, and Catholic congregations. Newt’s guest is J.P. De Gance, founder and president of Communio, a national nonprofit organization that works with churches to strengthen families and develop stronger faith lives.See for privacy information.
07/12/2329m 48s

Episode 636: Honoring Dr. Henry Kissinger

Newt remembers his friend, former Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger. He served as national security advisor and secretary of state under President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford and he has advised many other American presidents on foreign policy. He received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Medal of Liberty. In this interview they discuss his recent book, “Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy.” This episode originally aired September 11, 2022.See for privacy information.
03/12/2344m 36s

Episode 635: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his Inner Circle Club and takes their questions about current events, including the DeSantis – Newsom debate on Thursday night, the election in Argentina for Javier Milei and the impact of conservative candidates winning elections around the world. He also honors his friend, Dr. Henry Kissinger, with a personal tribute. You can become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle now by going to: newtsinnercircle.comSee for privacy information.
02/12/2329m 39s

Episode 634: Gregg Jarrett on The Constitution of the United States

In Gregg Jarrett’s new book, The Constitution of the United States and Other Patriotic Documents, he has created a beautiful keepsake volume for every American patriot. This collection was printed in America and includes the Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights, select Federalist Papers, and the Articles of Confederation. Newt’s guest is Gregg Jarrett. He is a former trial attorney and the New York Times bestselling author of The Russia Hoax and Witch Hunt. He is a legal and political analyst for Fox News, where he was an anchor for fifteen years.See for privacy information.
26/11/2333m 30s

Episode 633: A Thanksgiving Tradition – The Presidential Turkey Pardon

Newt talks with Joel Brandenberger, President and CEO of the National Turkey Federation, about the history of the annual Thanksgiving turkey pardon by the President at the White House.See for privacy information.
23/11/2322m 59s

Episode 632: Establishing Thanksgiving as a National Holiday

When was Thanksgiving established as a national holiday in the United States? President George Washington was the first to issue a proclamation for a day of Thanksgiving in 1789. However, it was Sarah Josepha Hale, the influential author and editor of Godey’s Lady’s Book, who petitioned Congress and five different presidents to create a national annual holiday for Thanksgiving between 1846-1863. She was finally successful in 1863 when President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a national holiday on the last Thursday in November. Newt’s guest is Melanie Kirkpatrick. She is the author of two books on the subject: Lady Editor: Sarah Josepha Hale and the Making of the Modern American Woman and Thanksgiving: The Holiday at the Heart of the American Experience.See for privacy information.
22/11/2330m 2s

Episode 631: Bernard Cornwell on Uhtred’s Feast

The Last Kingdom is one of the most successful historical fiction series of our time. The novels tell the epic story of the birth of England and introduces one of the greatest ever fictional heroes: the iconic Uhtred of Bebbanburg, the Saxon-born, Norse-raised warrior and rebel. In his new book, Uhtred’s Feast: Inside the World of The Last Kingdom, Cornwell revisits Uhtred’s realm, exploring every aspect of this historical period, from the clothes, to weapons, to food, offering beautifully crafted recipes of early Anglo-Saxon fare, created by renowned chef Suzanne Pollak. Newt’s guest is Bernard Cornwell.See for privacy information.
19/11/2334m 24s

Episode 630: The New Contract With America Coin: Honoring Newt Gingrich’s Legacy

Throughout history, there are clear moments that define our nation’s path. And now you can own a piece of that history. Legacy Precious Metals is pleased to announce the all-new Contract with America one-ounce silver coin honoring Speaker Newt Gingrich’s historic victory in 1994, when the Republican party took control of the United States House of Representatives. This holiday season, give the gift of history. Call Legacy Precious Metals at 866-484-4043 or order online at http://newtgingrichsilvercoin.comSee for privacy information.
17/11/2320m 6s

Episode 629: Recruiting Conservative Filmmakers

Over the last 50 years, the left has poured time, money, and creativity into developing the institutions to support a story-telling culture. By some estimates the left spends tens of billions of dollars annually, while the right spends much less. Over time, this has underwritten a progressive ecosystem of supportive and reinforcing institutions, in addition to many powerful films. Palladium Pictures is putting a stake in the ground to help mentor right-of-center filmmakers through a new incubator program. Newt’s guests are Michael Pack, Producer of over 15 award-winning documentaries and President and CEO of Palladium Pictures, and his son Thomas Pack, Director of Palladium Pictures incubator program which is training the next generation of documentary filmmakers. Apply now at for privacy information.
15/11/2333m 19s

Episode 628: Ben Stein on President Richard Nixon

It has been almost fifty years since President Richard Milhous Nixon resigned from the presidency. Nixon normalized U.S. relations with China, signed the first major strategic arms limitation treaty with the Soviets, and made peace possible in the Middle East. Nixon ended the war in Vietnam and brought home the prisoners. Nixon said he would leave us a “generation of peace,” and he did. Newt’s guest is writer, actor, economist, and lawyer, Ben Stein. He was a speechwriter and friend of President Nixon. His new book, “THE PEACEMAKER Nixon: The Man, President, and My Friend” is out now.See for privacy information.
12/11/2337m 5s

Episode 627: Antisemitism on College Campuses

On Tuesday, October 31st, Patrick Dai, a 21-year-old junior at Cornell University, originally from Pittsford, New York, was arrested for making online threats to Jewish students on the Cornell campus. Dai’s actions represent an upward trend of the rise of antisemitism on college campuses, since Hamas attacked Israel on October 7th. Newt’s guest is William Jacobson, Clinical Professor and Director of the Securities Law Clinic at Cornell Law School.See for privacy information.
11/11/2339m 27s

Episode 626: Brian Kilmeade on Teddy and Booker T.

It was 1901 and President Theodore Roosevelt welcomed the country’s most visible black man, civil rights activist and educator, Booker T. Washington, into his circle of counselors. That fall, Washington accepted the President’s handwritten invitation to dinner, an event that marked a moment of shared admiration between two American icons amid serious racial disunity in the South. The promises of the Emancipation Proclamation united them, and what happened afterwards would define their relationship and the state of the nation. Newt’s guest is Brian Kilmeade. He is a Fox News Channel television anchor, co-host of the channel’s morning show Fox & Friends, and host of the daily national radio show, The Brian Kilmeade Show. His new book, Teddy and Booker T.: How Two American Icons Blazed a Path for Racial Equality is available now.See for privacy information.
08/11/2335m 56s

Episode 625: Mao’s America

In 2021, Xi Van Fleet spoke out at a Loudoun County, Virginia School Board meeting against Critical Race Theory. Her video went viral and ignited national media attention. Xi lived through the horrors of the Chinese Cultural Revolution as a schoolgirl. Forced to the countryside with other young Chinese for re-education after high school, she later escaped communism and found freedom and new a life in America. But more than 30 years later, Xi disturbingly sees signs of the same Cultural Marxism that ravaged her birth country of China threatening to destroy the America she now calls home. Her new book, Mao’s America: A Survivor’s Warning is her dire warning to the citizens of the United States.See for privacy information.
05/11/2336m 12s

Episode 624: Killing the Witches

Killing the Witches: The Horror of Salem, Massachusetts tells the dramatic history of how the Puritan tradition and the power of early American ministers shaped the origins of the United States, influencing the founding fathers, the American Revolution, and even the Constitutional Convention. The repercussions of Salem continue to the present day, notably in the real-life story behind The Exorcist and in contemporary “witch hunts” driven by social media. Newt’s guest is trail-blazing TV journalist, Bill O’Reilly.See for privacy information.
01/11/2333m 29s

Episode 623: Alan Dershowitz on the War Against the Jews

In War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism, Alan Dershowitz, #1 New York Times bestselling author and one of America’s most respected legal scholars, explains why the horrific attack of October 7th and Israel’s just response changes everything. Newt’s guest is Alan Dershowitz. He is one of the most celebrated lawyers in the world. He was the youngest full professor in Harvard Law School history where he is now the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus. War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism is available for pre-order now on and will be published on December 5th.See for privacy information.
29/10/2332m 11s

Episode 622: Rules for Robots

What role should legislators play in assessing the role of artificial intelligence in both the private and public sector? What are the dangers of artificial intelligence? What regulations does the United States need, if any? Newt guest is James Broughel, senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and author of CEI’s new report on artificial intelligence: “Rules for Robots: A Framework for Governance of AI”.See for privacy information.
28/10/2333m 49s

Episode 621: Karen Toffler Charitable Trust – Advancing Medical Research

The Toffler’s were perhaps best-known for their innovative books, “Future Shock” and “The Third Wave.” Alvin and Heidi Toffler had a daughter, Karen, who died in 2000 at the age of 46 after more than a decade of suffering from Guillain-Barré Syndrome. After her death, the Toffler’s established the Karen Toffler Charitable Trust, to help fund neurological medical research breakthroughs. Newt’s guests are: Deborah Westphal, Executive Advisor of the Karen Toffler Charitable Trust, and two of the Trust’s Toffler Scholars and grant recipients; Adithya Gopinath, Postdoctoral Neuroscience, University of Florida and Vijaya Kolachalama, Associate Professor, Boston University. Learn more at https://tofflertrust.orgSee for privacy information.
22/10/2343m 27s

Episode 620: Eighteen Days in October – The Yom Kippur War

This October marks the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War, a conflict that has shaped the modern Middle East. The war was a trauma for Israel, a dangerous superpower showdown, and, following the Arab oil embargo, a pivotal reordering of the global economic order. The Jewish State came shockingly close to defeat. After the war, Prime Minister Golda Meir, Defense Minister Moshe Dayan and the senior leadership of the nation were forced to resign in disgrace. Newt’s guest is Uri Kaufman. In his new book, “Eighteen Days in October: The Yom Kippur War and How It Created the Modern Middle East”, he describes how a straight line leads from the battlefields of 1973 to the Camp David Accords of 1978 and all the treaties since.See for privacy information.
21/10/2344m 46s

Episode 619: The Conservative Futurist

America was once the world’s dream factory. We turned imagination into reality, from curing polio to landing on the Moon to creating the internet. And we were confident that more wonders lay just over the horizon: clean and infinite energy, a cure for cancer, humanoid robots, radical life extension, and space colonies. Science fiction would become fact. But as we moved into the late 20th century, we grew cautious, even cynical, about what the future held and our ability to shape it. Newt’s guest is James Pethokoukis. His new book, “The Conservative Futurist: How to Create the Sci-Fi World We Were Promised”, presents groundbreaking ideas, sharp analysis, and provides a detailed roadmap to a fantastic future filled with incredible progress and prosperity that is both optimistic and realistic.See for privacy information.
19/10/2334m 14s

Episode 618: Bret Baier on George Washington

George Washington was central not only to winning the Revolutionary War, but to the tumultuous convention that gave birth to the Constitution, the turbulent ratification process, and the preservation of the young republic during its perilous first years. In his new book, “TO RESCUE THE CONSTITUTION: George Washington and the Fragile American Experiment”, Bret Baier offers a riveting portrait of a towering figure and describes America’s unsettled early days and how our nation’s foundational document became what many have called the one piece of paper protecting us from tyranny. Newt’s guest is Bret Baier, Chief Political Anchor for Fox News Channel and the anchor and executive editor of Special Report with Bret Baier.See for privacy information.
16/10/2330m 34s

Episode 617: Karen Pence on Experiencing God’s Grace

Being a political spouse can upend anyone’s best laid plans, and Karen Pence’s unforeseen career as wife of a Congressman, Governor, and Vice President has been filled with both joy and unexpected changes. In her new book, “When It’s Your Turn to Serve: Experiencing God’s Grace in His Calling for Your Life” she shares heartwarming and relatable stories about being thrust into the role of leader and how she tackled the unpredictable places to which God called her. Newt’s guest is Karen Pence. She is a former congressional spouse, first lady of Indiana, and second lady of the United States. She worked as a schoolteacher for more than thirty years. She is also the mother of three married children and a grandmother.See for privacy information.
14/10/2336m 42s

Episode 616: Hamas Attack on Israel

As Israelis were wrapping up the seven-day-long Jewish holiday of Sukkot on Saturday, sirens rung out across the country just before dawn and citizens soon realized it was not a false alarm. A surprise attack on Israel was being waged by Hamas militants from the air, sea and ground. Newt talks about how the attack happened and what the United States response to Hamas should be.See for privacy information.
13/10/2329m 45s

Episode 615: Election 2024 – Bank Your Vote

You may remember hearing about the multiple mail-in and absentee ballots cast in the 2020 and 2022 elections. Traditionally, Republicans tend to vote in person at a polling place while Democrats have more of a likelihood to use mail-in or absentee ballots. That historical trend has challenged Republicans to come up with solutions about how they can encourage Republicans to vote both in person and by mail to maximize voter turnout. As we begin to think about and plan for the 2024 election, Newt talks with Elliott Echols, Political Director of the Republican National Committee, about their “Bank Your Vote” efforts.See for privacy information.
08/10/2330m 56s

Episode 614: The Identity Trap

The “culture wars,” “wokeness,” “identity politics”, there are heated discussions right now around these terms, but very little understanding of what these ideas actually mean. In “The Identity Trap: A Story of Ideas and Power in Our Time”, Yascha Mounk delivers one of the most incisive explorations of a divisive debate that has come to dominate everything from our politics, our academic institutions, our legal system, and corporate America. Newt’s guest is Yascha Mounk. He is a professor of the practice of international affairs at Johns Hopkins University, the founder of the digital magazine Persuasion, a contributing editor at The Atlantic, and a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.See for privacy information.
06/10/2344m 56s

Episode 613: Chairman James Comer on the Biden Impeachment Inquiry

Since January, House Committees on Oversight and Accountability, Judiciary, and Ways and Means have uncovered an overwhelming amount of evidence showing President Joe Biden abused his public office for his family’s financial gain. Thousands of pages of financial records, emails, texts, testimony from credible IRS whistleblowers, and a transcribed interview with Biden family business associate Devon Archer all reveal that Joe Biden allowed his family to sell him as ‘the brand’ around the world to enrich the Biden family. Newt’s guest is Chairman James Comer from the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.See for privacy information.
01/10/2335m 24s

Episode 612: The State of the Economy: Government Shutdown + Newt’s Exciting Announcement

Newt talks with Founder and CEO of Legacy Precious Metals, Charles Thorngren, about the possible government shutdown, interest rates and inflation, and the importance of diversifying your investments. For more information please visit for privacy information.
29/09/2333m 31s

Episode 611: Kash Patel on The Deep State

In his new book, “Government Gangsters”, Kash Patel pulls back the curtain on the Deep State, revealing the major players and tactics within the permanent government bureaucracy, which has spent decades stripping power away from the American people and their elected leaders. Based on his firsthand knowledge, Patel reveals how we can defeat the Deep State, reassert self-government, and restore our democracy. Newt’s guest is Kash Patel. He served as the chief of staff to the Department of Defense. Prior to his experience at the Pentagon, he served as deputy assistant to the president and senior director for counterterrorism on the National Security Council.See for privacy information.
27/09/2333m 3s

Episode 610: The Biden Administration’s Overregulation of EVs and Appliances

The Biden administration thinks they are encouraging the American people to buy electric cars with tax incentives. However only 4% of Americans own electric cars and only 12% are considering buying one, according to a recent Gallup poll. From electric cars to household appliances, like gas stoves and air conditioners, the Biden administration is putting restrictive regulations on everything. Newt’s guest is Ben Lieberman, Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and former senior counsel for the U.S. House Committee on Energy and Commerce.See for privacy information.
24/09/2332m 7s

Episode 609: The Rifle 2 – Combat Stories from America’s Last WWII Veterans

When Iraq and Afghanistan Marine veteran Andrew Biggio purchased a 1945 M1 Garand rifle, the same rifle his uncle had used in World War II, it led him on a journey to find the last living World War II veterans and document their stories and have them sign his rifle. Newt’s guest is Andrew Biggio, author of “The Rifle 2: Back to the Battlefield”.See for privacy information.
23/09/2324m 8s

Episode 608: Religious Liberty v. LGBTQ Books in Public Schools

In Montgomery County, Maryland Public Schools the school board approved “LGBTQ-Inclusive Texts Approved for Instructional Use.” Books with titles like “Pride Puppy”, “Uncle Bobby’s Wedding” and “Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope” are just a few of the approved books. Many parents with religious backgrounds have come together to challenge the school board in court to restore their right to opt their children out of instruction that is inconsistent with their faith. Newt’s guest is Eric Baxter. He is the Vice President and Senior Counsel at the Becket Fund for Religious Liberty and the attorney representing the plaintiffs in the case.See for privacy information.
20/09/2321m 34s

Episode 607: Inside Crypto’s Wild Rise and Staggering Fall

Crypto has become inescapable. Seemingly overnight, everyone from Wall Street to Main Street started talking about Bitcoin, NFTs, the blockchain, De-Fi and the metaverse. Promoters hailed crypto as the dawn of the future of money, art, commerce, and the internet. No one knew what it all meant, but everyone knew someone who bought some cryptocurrency with a bizarre name and hit it big. Newt’s guest is Zeke Faux. His new book, “Number Go Up: Inside Crypto’s Wild Rise and Staggering Fall” chronicles a two-year, globe-spanning quest to uncover the secrets at the heart of the greatest financial mania the world has ever seen.See for privacy information.
17/09/2337m 34s

Episode 606: “The Street Economist”

In today’s economic environment, everyone could benefit from reading Axel Kaiser’s new book, “The Street Economist: 15 Economic Lessons Everyone Should Know.” Axel offers basic lessons that should be a part of everyone’s education. Crucial concepts such as prices, capital, supply and demand, labor, inflation, value and innovation are explained in a way that is understandable. “The Street Economist” is already an international best-seller. Newt’s guest is Axel Kaiser, a Chilean-German lawyer, with a Masters in Investments, Commerce and Arbitration.See for privacy information.
14/09/2336m 17s

Episode 605: Underserved – Today’s Forgotten Communities

In their new book, “Underserved” Ja’Ron Smith and Chris Pilkerton present a tangible blueprint for conservatives who understand the need for a new and viable political plan of action, one that addresses the needs of the underserved communities that make up these United States of America. From education and workforce development to criminal justice reform and healthcare disparities, “Underserved” makes a bold statement about what is necessary to see a change in the current state of affairs and presents a realistic action plan to make it happen. Newt’s guests are Ja’Ron Smith and Chris Pilkerton.See for privacy information.
10/09/2336m 23s

Episode 604: Coach Bill Courtney on Being “Undefeated”

The documentary “Undefeated” tells the story of the North Memphis based Manassas Tigers football team, a severely underfunded and underprivileged team, and their volunteer coach, Bill Courtney, who tried to help the kids beat the odds on and off the field. “Undefeated” went on the become the Academy Award Winner in the documentary category at the Oscars in 2012. Bill Courtney has launched a new podcast, “An Army of Normal Folks”. Newt’s guest is Coach Bill Courtney.See for privacy information.
08/09/2341m 35s

Episode 603: Putin and Prigozhin

On Wednesday, August 24th, the world watched as a plane fell out of the sky outside of Moscow. On board were ten people, including the leader of Russia’s Wagner mercenary group, Yevgeny Prigozhin. Prigozhin’s death was confirmed by Russian authorities the following Sunday after investigators used genetic testing to identify all the victims of the plane crash. The accident raised many questions about how the plane had crashed. For those who follow Putin, the answer seemed obvious. Newt’s guest is George Beebe, the Director of Grand Strategy at the Quincy Institute.See for privacy information.
03/09/2340m 59s

Episode 602: The Hunter Biden I.R.S. Whistleblower

When Gary Shapley, a longtime I.R.S. investigator wanted to come forward with information that the federal government had mishandled the tax investigation into Hunter Biden, the President’s son, the details he had to share were so sensitive he couldn’t even provide them to his own lawyer without potentially committing a felony. So, through his attorney, he approached Empower Oversight, a group with deep experience in Capitol Hill investigations who coached him on a strategy for how to get the information to Congress lawfully. Months later, Gary Shapley and a fellow I.R.S. investigator, Joseph Ziegler, were testifying in an open session before the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, detailing their claims that the president’s son had received special treatment. Newt’s guests are Tristan Leavitt and Jason Foster, leaders of Empower Oversight.See for privacy information.
02/09/2336m 16s

Episode 601: “I Have A Dream” – 60th Anniversary

Monday, August 28th marks the 60th anniversary of “The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom” in Washington, D.C. The march was the backdrop for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s famous speech “I Have A Dream.” The words he spoke 60 years ago are still relevant today. Newt pays tribute to Dr. King and shares the speech in its entirety as it was given that day.See for privacy information.
27/08/2317m 53s

Episode 600: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his inner circle club and takes their questions about current events, including the 2024 presidential primary race, the Hollywood strikes, the impact of inflation, the corrupt DOJ, and his new book, “March to the Majority.”See for privacy information.
25/08/2321m 18s

Episode 599: Pre-Game for the Republican Debate

The 2024 Republican presidential primary debates will begin on Wednesday in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum of Fox News will host the debate. All of the major Republican candidates will be there, except the frontrunner, former President Donald J. Trump. While the debate will be less exciting – and less watched – without Trump, it is still an important milestone in the evolving presidential nomination process of 2024. Newt provides a pre-game analysis of what to expect on Wednesday evening.See for privacy information.
23/08/2337m 42s

Episode 598: “The Trump I Know”

Former President Donald Trump continues to be persecuted, smeared, and maliciously defamed like few others in history. In 2020, a film crew set out to make a documentary that told the other side of his story. But when it came time to release “The Trump I Know” in the midst of the 2020 presidential election, Big Tech did everything within their power to keep it from being seen. This time the filmmakers are coming straight to you with a virtual red-carpet rally, streaming LIVE from Las Vegas on August 27th. You can reserve your spot now by going to Newt’s guest is Matthew Thayer, writer and director of the film, “The Trump I Know.”See for privacy information.
20/08/2327m 37s

Episode 597: The Attack on Trump

We’re watching an all-out effort to get Donald Trump so that he cannot become president again. And we’re watching an all-out effort to protect Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and The Biden’s. If you do something wrong, but you are a liberal Democrat, you’re not at risk. But if you are a Republican, you’re at risk. Newt discusses the four indictments former President Trump is facing and the impact they may have on the 2024 election.See for privacy information.
19/08/2331m 33s

Episode 596: The Best of Newt's World - Jack Nicklaus on Life and Golf

Newt guest is The Golden Bear, Jack Nicklaus, arguably the greatest golfer of all time and without question the game’s greatest champion. Winning 120 professional tournaments worldwide, including 73 PGA Tour events and a record 18 major championships over a 25-year span. Nicklaus shares the secrets to his success both on and off the course.See for privacy information.
13/08/2341m 33s

Episode 595: The Best of Newt's World - Henry Kissinger on Leadership

In his new book, “Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy”, former Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger looks at lives of six of the most influential leaders of the last century: Konrad Adenauer, Charles de Gaulle, Richard Nixon, Anwar Sadat, Lee Kuan Yew, and Margaret Thatcher - all of whom he knew personally. Newt’s guest is Henry Kissinger. He served as national security advisor and secretary of state under President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford and he has advised many other American presidents on foreign policy. He received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Medal of Liberty.See for privacy information.
11/08/2341m 8s

Episode 594: The Best of Newt's World - Governor Kristi Noem on Lesson’s from a Rancher’s Life

Newt’s guest is a rising star in the Republican party, Governor Kristi Noem of South Dakota. Her handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in her state has made her widely known. She’s been serving the people of South Dakota in public office since 2007. She is a wife, a mother, and a lifelong rancher, farmer and small business owner. Growing up on a ranch she learned a lot of life lessons and she’s sharing them in this episode.See for privacy information.
09/08/2340m 44s

Episode 593: The Best of Newt's World - Walter Isaacson on The Code Breaker

Jennifer Doudna developed a method of genome editing along with her partner Emmanuelle Charpentier and together they won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020. Her unique journey from graduate student to Nobel prize winning scientist is chronicled by the biographer of geniuses, Walter Isaacson. His New York Times best-seller, The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race is available now.  See for privacy information.
06/08/2339m 36s

Episode 592: Game Changer – Harold Hamm

A day doesn’t go by without energy in the headlines. From banning gas stoves to prices at the pump, to threats to the world’s energy supplies, energy is front and center. In his new book, “Game Changer: Our 50-Year Mission to Secure America’s Energy Independence” Harold Hamm tells the story of his fifty-year journey battling conventional wisdom and, in the process, helping restore America as an energy superpower. How did he do it? With horizontal drilling. What Hamm did was game changing for our country and the world. Newt’s guest is Harold Hamm. He founded Continental Resources in 1967 and currently serves as Executive Chairman.See for privacy information.
05/08/2335m 36s

Episode 591: American Health Care Reform – A New Proposal

30 million Americans lack formal health insurance. Many of the rest of Americans live in constant danger of losing health care coverage. Even with insurance, most live with the risk of enormous medical bills for covered care. In their new book, “We’ve Got You Covered: Rebooting American Health Care,” Liran Einav and Amy Finkelstein, Professors of economics at Stanford and MIT, argue it is because no one is asking the right question: What is it that U.S. health insurance policy should accomplish? Newt’s guest is Dr. Amy Finkelstein. She is the John and Jennie S. MacDonald Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.See for privacy information.
04/08/2339m 13s

Episode 590: All Roads Lead to Joe Biden

There are two major congressional investigations underway. The first is looking into the Biden family’s potentially criminal money-making activities. The second is investigating the various federal law enforcement efforts to protect the Biden’s from scrutiny while aggressively trying to destroy former President Donald Trump. And President Joe Biden is at the heart of both stories. Newt’s guest is Mike Howell. He is the Director for the Oversight Project at The Heritage Foundation.See for privacy information.
30/07/2334m 39s

Episode 589: The Threat of Iranian Drones

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), has around 90 drones for commercial, surveillance, tactical, and suicide missions. The IRGC not only shipped its suicide drones to Russia to be used against Ukraine, but also equipped its proxies such as Lebanese Hezbollah, Yemeni Houthis, the Syrian Army, and Iraqi Shia Militia groups with all kinds of armed drones. The IRGC also has sold armed drones to Venezuela, Ethiopia, and soon Armenia, to use in the case of war with the Republic of Azerbaijan. All of this is detailed in a new book, by Mehran Riazaty. “Iranian Drones: A New Menace from the Ayatollah.”See for privacy information.
29/07/2328m 2s

Episode 588: Sound of Freedom

The film, “Sound of Freedom” has become the blockbuster hit of this summer. Released on July 4th by Angel Studios, the film stars Jim Caviezel playing the role of Tim Ballard, a former government agent turned freedom fighter who embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue dozens of children from human trafficking. “Sound of Freedom” is resonating with audiences everywhere. It’s total domestic box office is $125 million and counting. Newt’s guest is Eduardo Verástegui, he is executive producer and also plays “Pablo” in the film.See for privacy information.
25/07/2351m 54s

Episode 587: Preparing for the 2024 Election

As we begin to think about the 2024 election, one of the most important jobs we have as a party is to identify strong candidates in each state and give them the training they’ll need to understand how to run a campaign. Newt’s guest is “The Campaign Doctor,” Chuck Muth. He is the president of the non-profit grassroots lobbying organization called Citizens Outreach and his “Muth’s Truths” is the number one conservative political / public policy blog in Nevada.See for privacy information.
23/07/2328m 37s

Episode 586: No Trade Is Free

In his new book, “No Trade Is Free,” Robert Lighthizer challenges the way we think about trade policy in the United States. The establishments of both political parties, under the influence of multinational corporations and importers, have been unwilling or unable to recognize their trade policy mistakes which have put the American worker and manufacturer at risk while trying to maximize corporate profits, economic efficiency, and cut the price of products. Newt’s guest is Robert Lighthizer. He served in President Trump’s cabinet as the United States Trade Representative from 2017 to 2021 and was a deputy USTR under President Reagan.See for privacy information.
16/07/2332m 17s

Episode 585: When Race Trumps Merit

On Thursday, June 29th, The Supreme Court ruled in two cases brought by “Students for Fair Admissions Inc.” In a 6-3 ruling the Supreme Court banned race-conscious college admissions. Newt talks with the author of “When Race Trumps Merit”, Heather Mac Donald. She is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and a New York Times bestselling author.See for privacy information.
15/07/2340m 11s

Episode 584: Treasury Secretary Yellen’s Visit to China

On Thursday, July 6th Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen traveled to China to meet with Xi Jinping’s new top economic advisors. One of Yellen’s top goals was to understand what is happening in the Chinese economy which has rebounded slower than expected after China lifted nearly three years of stringent pandemic measures. Newt’s guests are Michael Faulkender, America First Policy Institute’s Chief Economist and Steve Yates, American First Policy Institute’s Senior Fellow and Chair of the China Policy Institute.See for privacy information.
12/07/2337m 33s

Episode 583: Founding Fathers – Alexander Hamilton

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.See for privacy information.
09/07/2342m 43s

Episode 582: Founding Fathers – John Hancock

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.See for privacy information.
08/07/2330m 28s

Episode 581: Founding Fathers – Samuel Adams

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.See for privacy information.
07/07/2338m 52s

Episode 580: Founding Fathers – Benjamin Franklin

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.See for privacy information.
06/07/2353m 45s

Episode 579: Founding Fathers – James Madison

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America. See for privacy information.
05/07/2335m 48s

Episode 578: Founding Fathers – Thomas Jefferson

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America. See for privacy information.
04/07/231h 3m

Episode 577: Founding Fathers – John Adams

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America. See for privacy information.
03/07/2340m 7s

Episode 576: Founding Fathers – George Washington

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.See for privacy information.
02/07/231h 1m

Episode 575: Secretary Blinken’s Visit to China

Newt discusses Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s recent visit to China and current United States – China relations.See for privacy information.
25/06/2331m 18s

Episode 574: The State of the Economy: UBS, Credit Suisse, and is Gold the Answer to Volatility?

Newt talks with Founder and CEO of Legacy Precious Metals, Charles Thorngren, about the debt ceiling, inflation, the UBS Credit Suisse merger and the importance of diversifying your investments. For more information please visit for privacy information.
23/06/2334m 40s

Episode 573: Hunter Biden’s Plea Deal

On Tuesday, President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden agreed to plead guilty to two misdemeanor tax charges and accept terms that would allow him to avoid prosecution on a separate gun charge. The federal prosecutor who oversaw the investigation and signed off on the agreement is David Weiss, the U.S. attorney in Delaware. And while this plea agreement ends his legal troubles, it still does not address questions that many of us still have about Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Newt’s guest is William Jacobson. He is a Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the Securities Law Clinic at Cornell Law School.See for privacy information.
22/06/2329m 11s

Episode 572: Jason Chaffetz on “The Puppeteers”

In his new book, “The Puppeteers”, Jason Chaffetz exposes the unelected power brokers who pull the strings, set the agendas, create the incentives and write the rules. The goal? To put American government on autopilot and prevent election results from threatening the left’s agenda. Newt’s guest, Jason Chaffetz. He is a former member of Congress from Utah and served as the Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. He is a Fox News contributor and serves as a Distinguished Fellow for the Government Accountability Institute.See for privacy information.
18/06/2328m 26s

Episode 571: Alex Soros Takes Over

The Wall Street Journal broke the news on Sunday, June 11th that billionaire philanthropist George Soros is handing control of his non-profit Open Society Foundations to his 37-year old son, Alex Soros. The Soros super PAC, “Democracy PAC” has backed the election campaigns of district attorneys and law-enforcement officials. So how will Alex Soros change things? Newt’s guest is Rachel Ehrenfeld. She is the Founder and President of the American Center for Democracy and author of the new book, “The Soros Agenda.”See for privacy information.
17/06/2326m 31s

Episode 570: Donald J. Trump and the Future of America

Newt offers a dramatically different point of view on what happened in Federal Court on Tuesday in Miami when former President Donald J. Trump was arraigned. The legal efforts of the left are continuing their all-out assault to destroy Trump. And it’s an assault based on a very simple fact, Trump is the greatest threat to the current system of power that we have seen since President Ronald Reagan. But unlike Reagan, Trump is prepared to take them head on.See for privacy information.
15/06/2352m 46s

Episode 569: Jesse Kelly on “The Anti-Communist Manifesto”

Jesse Kelly has written a new book, “The Anti-Communist Manifesto”. He discusses the daily assault Americans are facing on our freedoms from the insidious communist movement in this country. From weaponizing race, sex, and gender to hijacking our schools, communism threatens to destroy our cherished American way of life. Newt’s guest is Jesse Kelly. He is a U.S. Marine veteran, a former Congressional candidate, and hosts Premiere Network’s The Jesse Kelly Show and First TV’s I’m Right with Jesse Kelly.See for privacy information.
11/06/2333m 22s

Episode 568: The Fall of the FBI

Over time, many Americans have lost faith in the Federal Bureau of Investigation, an institution they once regarded as the world’s greatest law-enforcement agency. Specific lapses at the FBI have come to light and each is thoroughly discussed in a new book, “The Fall of the FBI: How a Once Great Agency Became a Threat to Democracy”. Newt’s guest is Thomas J. Baker. He has over 33 years of investigative and management experience as an FBI Special Agent.See for privacy information.
10/06/2335m 37s

Episode 567: Newt Gingrich on “March to the Majority”

Special guest host, Sean Hannity interviews Newt Gingrich about the importance of his new book, “March to the Majority: The Real Story of the Republican Revolution” which is out today. “March to the Majority” tells the behind the scenes story of the Republican Revolution in 1994 and the rise of the modern GOP. Every American should read this book before 2024. Available Now for privacy information.
06/06/2334m 2s

Episode 566: D-Day and President Roosevelt’s Prayer

On the night of June 6, 1944, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt went on national radio to address the nation for the first time about the Normandy invasion. His speech took the form of a prayer. Using historical audio, Newt revisits D-Day and President Roosevelt’s prayer to the nation.See for privacy information.
04/06/2342m 6s

Episode 565: Fun Things to Do at Smithsonian’s National Zoo

One of the greatest zoos in the world is Smithsonian’s National Zoo in Washington, D.C. They are perhaps best known for their Giant Panda program but there is so much more to see and do. Newt’s guest is Dr. Brandie Smith. She is the Director of Smithsonian’s National Zoo and Conservation Biology Institute.See for privacy information.
02/06/2327m 31s

Episode 564: Gregg Jarrett on “The Trial of the Century”

Nearly a century ago, in a blockbuster legal proceeding that brought the attention of the entire country to the small town of Dayton, Tennessee, attorney Clarence Darrow defended high school teacher John Scopes, who was accused of violating a state law that made it a crime to teach evolution.  Three-time presidential candidate and former Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan argued for the prosecution. In a daring move, Darrow called Bryan to the witness stand as an expert on the Bible and creationism. Darrow’s seminal defense of freedom of speech helped form the legal bedrock on which our civil liberties now depend. Newt’s guest is Gregg Jarrett. His new book, “The Trial of the Century” is out now.See for privacy information.
28/05/2335m 55s

Episode 563: Cal Thomas on 50 Years in Journalism

For over fifty years in journalism, Cal Thomas has offered incisive, humorous and often corrective commentary to our social, political, and religious conversations. In his new book, “A Watchman in the Night”, he takes the reader on a “road trip” through American life, serving as a “watchman” on culture and politics and seeking to conform it to a standard that never changes. Newt’s guest is Cal Thomas, journalist, pundit, author, TV and radio commentator, and one of the most widely syndicated columnists in America.See for privacy information.
27/05/2339m 22s

Episode 562: Balance the Budget to Save America

Newt discusses his recent article in The American Spectator, “Speaker McCarthy, Balance the Budget to Save America”. As we watch the debt ceiling discussions between President Joe Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy unfold on the daily news, Newt thought it was important to look back at his experience as Speaker and balancing the budget for four consecutive years in a row and what we can learn about the effort to balance the budget in the mid 1990s.See for privacy information.
25/05/2333m 39s

Episode 561: Chairman Jason Smith on the Debt Ceiling

Newt talks with Congressman Jason Smith, Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, about the latest on the debt ceiling discussions.  As Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Jason Smith’s top priority is delivering for the working families, farmers, and small businesses that make the American economy the envy of the world. Newt’s guest is Congressman Jason Smith, who proudly serves Missouri’s 8th Congressional District, which includes Southeast and South-Central Missouri.See for privacy information.
21/05/2328m 23s

Episode 560: Border Crisis in Yuma, Arizona

Title 42 expired on May 11th, 2023. The Trump administration began the policy in March 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. The policy allowed U.S. officials to turn away migrants who came to the U.S.-Mexico border on the grounds of preventing the spread of COVID-19. With the end of Title 42, many are concerned about what will happen with the volume of people entering the United States along the southern border. Newt’s guest is the Mayor of Yuma, Arizona, Douglas Nicholls. He just recently sent a letter to President Joe Biden requesting a State of Emergency in Yuma due to the crisis at the southern border.See for privacy information.
20/05/2328m 27s

Episode 559: Artificial Intelligence and Public Policy

What should lawmakers know about Artificial intelligence? And should legislation regulating AI be passed? Newt’s guest is Congressman Jay Obernolte, representing California’s 23rd Congressional District. He holds a B.S. in Engineering and Applied Science from California Institute of Technology (Caltech) an M.S. in Artificial Intelligence from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), and a Doctorate in Public Administration from California Baptist University. Congressman Obernolte is one of the leading voices in the House on proposed legislation.See for privacy information.
17/05/2327m 32s

Episode 558: March to the Majority

From the Contract with America to winning a Republican majority for the first time in 40 years in 1994, Newt talks with his co-author, Joe Gaylord, about their new book, “March to the Majority: The Real Story of the Republican Revolution.” Newt’s guest is Joe Gaylord. He is the former Executive Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee and his longtime political advisor and friend. Preorder “March to the Majority” today at for privacy information.
14/05/2337m 29s

Episode 557: Artificial Intelligence – “Death of an Author”

As Open AI’s ChatGPT-4 continues to develop and gain media attention and public debate, it has provoked a conversation in the creative community about when and how it should be used and who owns the rights to the work. Journalist Stephen Marche has been immersed in the world of AI since 2017. He is a believer in the benefits of AI as a tool for creative expression. His new novella, “Death of an Author” was written by three cutting-edge AI-writing platforms. The result is a gripping mystery that is 95% written by AI (his AI author’s name is Aidan Marchine), and 5% by Marche, who skillfully crafted the story outline and machine prompts.See for privacy information.
13/05/2333m 25s

Episode 556: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his inner circle club and takes their questions about current events, including the debt ceiling, the indictment of Congressman George Santos, artificial intelligence, and his new book, “March to the Majority.”See for privacy information.
11/05/2319m 28s

Episode 555: Three Challenges for the GOP and America

Newt discusses the three major challenges that will define America’s future and his new book, “March to the Majority”, available for preorder now.See for privacy information.
07/05/2331m 40s

Episode 554: Understanding Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is developing so rapidly by the tech industry and A.I. is starting to affect millions of Americans who engage with it. From college students using ChatGPT software to write their papers, to A.I. sampling human voices, to A.I. creating whole new search engines, like Microsoft’s new launch of Bing, powered by A.I. There is so much happening, Newt wanted to devote a series of episodes to understanding Artificial Intelligence. Newt’s guest is Will Rinehart. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Growth and Opportunity at Utah State University.See for privacy information.
05/05/2333m 23s

Episode 553: The Debt Ceiling

The House voted last Wednesday to pass a bill raising the nation’s debt ceiling, after days of wrangling Republican lawmakers to unify behind the package, which would bolster House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s position at the negotiating table with the White House. The final vote was 217-215, with four Republicans – Ken Buck of Colorado, Andy Biggs of Arizona, Tim Burchett of Tennessee and Matt Gaetz of Florida – voting against the bill. Newt’s guest is Veronique de Rugy. She is the George Gibbs Chair in Political Economy and Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and a nationally syndicated columnist.See for privacy information.
03/05/2330m 17s

Episode 552: A True “Succession” Story – “Unscripted”

For fans of HBO’s award-winning and popular “Succession” TV series, which follows the Roy family as they vie for control of their media empire, comes a new book, “Unscripted: The Epic Battle for a Media Empire and the Redstone Family Legacy.” And while the “Succession” TV series is inspired by the Murdoch family, “Unscripted” is the true story of Sumner Redstone and the Redstone family as they wrestled for control of Paramount Global, an empire that included Paramount, CBS, MTV, Nickelodeon, Showtime, and Simon & Schuster. Newt’s guests are James B. Stewart, New York Times best-selling author and columnist for The New York Times, and Rachel Abrams, reporter and senior producer for the New York Times’ television documentary series, The New York Times Presents.See for privacy information.
30/04/2336m 33s

Episode 551: The U.S. and South Korea Alliance

President Yoon Suk Yeol of South Korea visits the United States this week. July 27, 2023 will mark the 70th anniversary of the mutual defense treaty between the United States and South Korea that bound together our security interests after the Korean War ended with a cease-fire. Newt talks with Kelley Vlahos about the longstanding relationship between the United States and South Korea. Newt’s guest is Kelley Vlahos, Senior Advisor at The Quincy Institute and Editorial Director of Responsible Statecraft.See for privacy information.
27/04/2330m 22s

Episode 550: The CCP in America

This week, federal prosecutors unsealed criminal charges accusing two men of helping run an unauthorized Chinese police station, which is one of more than 100 around the world, used to intimidate and control Chinese citizens living in New York City. The two men were arrested and charged with conspiring to act as agents of the Chinese government and with obstructing justice. The Chinese government in Beijing said the outposts aren’t doing police work, but Chinese state media reports say they “collect intelligence” and solve crimes far outside their jurisdiction. Newt’s guest is Erin Walsh. She is a Senior Research Fellow in international affairs in the Asia Studies Center at The Heritage Foundation.See for privacy information.
23/04/2330m 6s

Episode 549: IRS Whistleblower Exposes the Bidens

The news outlet, Just the News, broke a story on Wednesday about an IRS special agent who is seeking whistleblower protection to disclose information about what the agent alleges is mishandling of an investigation into President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden. Newt’s guest is John Solomon. He’s an award-winning investigative journalist, author and digital media entrepreneur who serves as Chief Executive Officer and Editor in Chief of Just the News.See for privacy information.
22/04/2327m 42s

Episode 548: Senator Tuberville on Preserving Title IX

Senator Tommy Tuberville had a legendary career as a college football coach for 40 years before being elected to the United States Senate to represent the State of Alabama. Now, he’s leading on two major issues in the Senate regarding the impact the Biden Administration’s new Title IX policies will have on female athletes and pushing back against the military’s new abortion policy.See for privacy information.
20/04/2328m 8s

Episode 547: Education Freedom in the States

There is an amazing amount of work going on at the state level, with real reforms aimed at promoting excellence in the nation’s educational system, advancing reforms through parental choice, supporting efficiency, accountability, and transparency in all educational institutions, and ensuring America’s youth are given the opportunity to succeed in education. Newt’s guest is Andrew Handel, Director of the Education and Workforce Development Task Force at the American Legislative Exchange Council. Visit to learn more.See for privacy information.
16/04/2323m 14s

Episode 546: Dr. Tim Murphy on Healing from Trauma

In his new book, “The Christ Cure: 10 Biblical Ways to Heal from Trauma, Tragedy, and PTSD,” Dr. Tim Murphy provides a handbook of healing for victims of PTSD, trauma and tragedy, the family members of trauma victims, clergy who seek a better understanding of psychology, and for counselors who seek a better understanding of the role of faith in healing from trauma. Newt’s guest is former Congressman, Dr. Tim Murphy. He is a licensed psychologist, specializing in resilience and recovery from psychological trauma, he also consults on mental health and public policy with national organizations.See for privacy information.
15/04/2333m 39s

Episode 545: The Case for Nukes

In his new book, “The Case for Nukes: How We Can Beat Global Warming and Create a Free, Open, and Magnificent Future,” Dr. Robert Zubrin makes a very strong case that we already have the technology to provide human civilization with unlimited and clean energy. Newt’s guest is Dr. Robert Zubrin, President of Pioneer Astronautics, Founder of the Mars Society, and a former staff engineer at Lockheed Martin.See for privacy information.
12/04/2335m 6s

Episode 544: The Meaning of Easter

Easter Sunday is a day of the risen Christ. But there are so many details about the traditions of Easter you may not know. The message of Easter hasn’t changed for over 2000 years. Jesus rose from the dead, victorious over sin and death, so that we too can be victorious over everything in life. Easter also gives us new hope as we move forward, and the strength and the confidence to move forward. Newt’s guest is Reverend Monsignor Walter Rossi, Rector of Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.CSee for privacy information.
09/04/2320m 57s

Episode 543: Donald Trump and the Tyranny of the Left

Newt puts former President Donald Trump’s indictment in the context of what’s happening in America today and describes why he is a symbol the totalitarian left keeps trying to destroy.See for privacy information.
08/04/2341m 45s

Episode 542: Modernizing the Pentagon

With a national debt of $31 trillion dollars, we need to start making choices about how to pay the debt down. In order to do that, we have to recognize that a great deal of government has to be modernized. It’s not just about the money, but about what the money buys, how it’s spent, how much waste there is, and to what degree the bureaucracies are inherently inefficient. Every government agency has a challenge of modernization. And the agency with the most complex challenge is the Department of Defense. Newt’s guest is Lisa Hershman. She is the former Chief Management Officer for the U.S. Department of Defense from 2018 – 2021.See for privacy information.
04/04/2330m 44s

Episode 541: Shannon Bream on Love Stories of the Bible

In her new book, “The Love Stories of the Bible Speak: Biblical Lessons on Romance, Friendship, and Faith,” Shannon Bream has written the third book in her best-selling series she created, which began with the number one New York Times best-sellers, “The Women of the Bible Speak” and “The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak.” In her latest book, she draws lessons from Biblical romances, friendships, and families. Newt’s guest is Shannon Bream, anchor of FOX News Sunday, and Fox News Channel’s chief legal correspondent.See for privacy information.
02/04/2328m 59s

Episode 540: Steve Krakauer on Uncovered

America’s corporate news media is less trusted than ever. According the most recent Gallup poll in October 2021, trust in “mass media” is at its second lowest point ever, with just 36 percent of Americans saying they have either a “great deal” or even a “fair amount” of trust in the media. In his new book, “UNCOVERED: How the Media Got Cozy with Power, Abandoned Its Principles, and Lost the People,” journalist Steve Krakauer describes the real story behind why the media is no longer trusted. Newt’s guest is Steve Krakauer. He authors the Fourth Watch media newsletter, hosts the Fourth Watch podcast, and is the executive producer of The Megyn Kelly Show.See for privacy information.
30/03/2329m 21s

Episode 539: Putin and Xi

China’s President Xi Jinping was in Moscow this week on a three day visit with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. Xi Jinping was expected to present an agreement on economic cooperation between the two countries worth billions of dollars. Xi’s visit comes just days after the International Criminal Court accused Putin of war crimes on Friday. They allege Putin was complicit in the forced deportation of Ukrainian children from Russian-occupied areas of Ukraine. Newt’s guests are George Beebe, Director of Grand Strategy at the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft and Dr. Weifeng Zhong, Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.See for privacy information.
26/03/2339m 32s

Episode 538: Parents of the World, Unite!

The Loudoun County, Virginia school district is located in a suburban county just outside Washington D.C. and in 2020, Loudoun County Schools became the unexpected ground zero for the parents’ rights movement. In his new book, “Parents of the World, Unite!”, Ian Prior shares strategies fellow parents can use in their own school districts to stop the left’s radical agenda from taking root. It is an indispensable book for American families who believe they should be able to raise their children without government interference in their moral, religious, and ethical choices. Newt’s guest is Ian Prior. He is the Executive Director of Fight for Schools.See for privacy information.
25/03/2328m 8s

Episode 537: Trump vs. Soros DA Alvin Bragg

Who is Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg? What is his background? Who funded his election campaign? Newt’s guest is Sean Kennedy. He is the policy director at the Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund and co-author of the 2022 report, "Justice for Sale: How George Soros Put Radical Prosecutors in Power,” tracing the campaign money and political networks that supported the rise of progressive prosecutors.See for privacy information.
23/03/2329m 0s

Episode 536: Mexican Drug Cartels – Part 2

Are Americans safe in Mexico? On March 3rd, two Americans were killed in daylight abductions, after their mini-van of four traveled across the U.S. – Mexico border into Matamoros, Mexico. The U.S. must defeat the Mexican drug cartels, both for our long-term security and survival, and for Mexico’s.  Newt’s guest is Joshua Treviño, Chief of Intelligence and Research at the Texas Public Policy Foundation.See for privacy information.
22/03/2336m 41s

Episode 535: Mexican Drug Cartels – Part 1

On March 3rd, two Americans were killed in daylight abductions, after their mini-van of four traveled across the U.S. – Mexico border into Matamoros, Mexico. The Gulf Cartel later apologized and said the kidnappers had acted on their own, and they were turning them over to authorities. The kidnappings and murders have led the United States to evaluate their current relationship with Mexico and how much the cartels control Mexico, in an effort to get fentanyl and other illegal drugs into the United States. Overdose deaths killed 100,000 Americans last year. Is it time the United States take a stronger stance against the drug cartels and treat them like an enemy?See for privacy information.
19/03/2329m 26s

Episode 534: The State of the Economy: SVB, Interest Rates, and Protecting Your Retirement

With the recent bank failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank and First Republic Bank the stock market continues to be volatile. Many Americans want to know how they can protect their own finances and investments as we face this challenging economic period. Newt’s guest is Charles Thorngren, Founder and CEO of Legacy Precious Metals. He has been advising people on their personal finances and investments for over 25 years. For more information please visit for privacy information.
17/03/2333m 55s

Episode 533: Newt Answers Your Questions with Vivek Ramaswamy

Newt is joined by Vivek Ramaswamy, a Republican candidate for president in 2024. Vivek is a former biotech CEO, an American business leader and New York Times best-selling author of the books, “Woke, Inc.” and “Nation of Victims.” In 2022, he founded Strive, an Ohio-based asset management firm that directly competes with asset managers like BlackRock, State Street, Vanguard and others. His campaign website is: vivek2024.comSee for privacy information.
15/03/2331m 15s

Episode 532: Mike Pompeo on “Never Give An Inch”

Secretary Mike Pompeo is the only person ever to have served as both America’s most senior diplomat and the head of its premier espionage agency. As the only four-year national security member of President Trump’s Cabinet, he worked to impose crushing pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran, avert a nuclear crisis with North Korea, deliver unmatched support for Israel, and bring peace to the Middle East. His new book, “NEVER GIVE AN INCH: Fighting for the America I Love” is a raw account of what it took to deliver an America First approach, winning outcomes in the face of a progressive activist media, partisan conspiracies, two impeachments, endless investigations, and the COVID-19 pandemic. Newt’s guest is Secretary Mike Pompeo.See for privacy information.
12/03/2327m 39s

Episode 531: James Rosen on Justice Scalia

Many remember Justice Antonin Scalia for his commitment to the Constitution, his razor-sharp wit, and his unlikely friendship with Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but little has been written about his pre-Supreme Court years. Award-winning reporter James Rosen reveals never-before-reported information in the definitive, masterful biography “Scalia: Rise to Greatness, 1936–1986” – a comprehensive and detailed account of Scalia’s monumental accomplishments in the 50 years preceding his appointment to the Supreme Court in 1986. Newt’s guest is James Rosen. He is the chief White House correspondent for Newsmax, a veteran Washington correspondent and best-selling historian.See for privacy information.
11/03/2347m 25s

Episode 530: The Federalist Papers

The Federalist Papers were a series of 85 essays urging the citizens of New York to ratify the new United States Constitution. They were written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. The essays originally appeared anonymously in New York newspapers in 1787 and 1788 under the pen name "Publius." And though they were intended for a New York audience, they soon spread to other states. Newt talks about The Federalist Papers and why they are considered one of the most important sources for interpreting and understanding the original intent of the United States Constitution.See for privacy information.
05/03/2350m 50s

Episode 529: Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of COVID-19 Pandemic

The debate about where COVID-19 originated has been going on for several years. Did it jump from animal to human as many have insisted, or was it released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China? This week, the United States Department of Energy announced that they believe that COVID-19 came from a lab. The FBI has agreed with this theory with “moderate confidence.” Newt’s guest is Dustin Carmack, former Chief of Staff to the Director of National Intelligence during the Trump Administration and currently, he’s a research fellow for cybersecurity, intelligence, and emerging technologies at The Heritage Foundation.See for privacy information.
04/03/2328m 57s

Episode 528: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his inner circle club and takes their questions about the debt ceiling and getting back to a balanced budget, the origins of COVID-19, train safety and student loan debt forgiveness. Join the conversation by becoming a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at http://newtsinnercircle.comSee for privacy information.
01/03/2324m 39s

Episode 527: Governor DeWine on Ohio’s Train Accident

On February 3rd around 9:00pm a Norfolk Southern freight train crashed in the town of East Palestine, Ohio. Approximately 50 cars derailed in the crash, 11 of the cars were carrying hazardous materials, including vinyl chloride. Authorities ordered the evacuation of about 1,500 residents and initiated a controlled release of vinyl chloride from five train cars to avoid an explosion, sending a toxic plume into the air. Many East Palestine residents have not been able to return to their homes due to toxic conditions. Norfolk Southern has stated they are actively cleaning up the site and have given out checks to residents who have been displaced by the clean-up. But what more needs to be done? And how can we prevent these kinds of disasters from happening again? Newt’s guest is the Governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine.See for privacy information.
26/02/2319m 24s

Episode 526: War in Ukraine – One Year Later

It has been one year since Russia invaded Ukraine. Putin thought he would easily invade Ukraine and take over the country. Instead, the Ukrainians put up a strong defense, and have fought the Russians at every point. But what will come next? Will there ever be a cease fire? Will Putin ever back down? On this one-year anniversary, Newt’s guest is Victoria Coates. She is the former National Security Council Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Strategic Communications under President Trump and current Senior Research Fellow for International Affairs and National Security in the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at The Heritage Foundation.See for privacy information.
25/02/2338m 29s

Episode 525: Baltimore City Schools’ Failure to Educate

The Maryland State Department of Education recently released the 2022 state test results, known as MCAP, Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program. Baltimore City’s math scores were the lowest in the state. Just 7% of third through eighth grade students tested proficient in math. Journalist Chris Papst from Fox 45 Baltimore has been leading “Project Baltimore” reporting for years. He and his team combed through the scores of all 150 city schools where the state math test was given and found in 23 Baltimore City schools there were zero students who tested proficient in math. Newt’s guests are Chris Papst, Sinclair’s Fox 45 “Project Baltimore” lead investigative reporter and Jovani Patterson, a parent who is suing the Baltimore City school system for their failure to properly educate students.See for privacy information.
23/02/2331m 21s

Episode 524: Washington’s Farewell Address

Newt shares one of the most important speeches in the history of the United States, because it sets the stage for our democracy to continue. It was written by President George Washington as his “Farewell Address” and published in Philadelphia’s American Daily Advertiser on September 19, 1796. In 1796, as his second term in office drew to a close, Washington chose not to seek re-election. He knew the precedence he set would be important for future presidents. By stepping down from power, he provided the standard of a two-term limit that would eventually be enshrined in the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution.See for privacy information.
20/02/2337m 33s

Episode 523: Balanced Budget Amendment

The United States is on track to add $19 trillion dollars in new debt over ten years due to rising interest rates and spending bills adding to deficits. Congressman Scott Perry is proposing a solution to this ballooning debt problem. He has introduced H.J. Resolution 19, proposing a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution, requiring that each agency and department’s funding is justified. Newt’s guest is Congressman Scott Perry. He is Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, a combat Veteran, and has represented the people of the 10th Congressional District of Pennsylvania since 2013.See for privacy information.
19/02/2330m 57s

Episode 522: Newt Answers Your Questions with Chairman Jim Jordan

Newt is joined by Chairman Jim Jordan and members of his inner circle club. Newt and Chairman Jordan talk about the House Judiciary Committee’s upcoming oversight hearings, the debt ceiling, big tech, and answer audience questions. Join the conversation by becoming a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at http://newtsinnercircle.comSee for privacy information.
18/02/2329m 35s

Episode 521: Rethinking Public Employee Unions

In his new book, “NOT Accountable: Rethinking the Constitutionality of Public Employee Unions” Philip K. Howard argues that public employee unions undermine democratic governance and should be unconstitutional. American voters elect governors and mayors who, under union agreements, have been disempowered from managing schools, police departments and other public agencies. He presents a searing five-point indictment that constitutional government can’t work when elected leaders lose control over the public operating machinery. Newt’s guest is Philip K. Howard, a leader of government and legal reform in America. He is Chair of Common Good, a best-selling author and has advised both political parties on needed reforms.See for privacy information.
15/02/2331m 55s

Episode 520: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens

In his new book, “The Bill of Obligations: The Ten Habits of Good Citizens”, New York Times bestselling author Richard Haass calls for bold change. He argues that the very idea of citizenship must be revised and expanded and makes his case for what he considers obligations for American citizens. Newt’s guest is Dr. Richard Haass. He is the president of the nonpartisan Council on Foreign Relations and an experienced diplomat and policymaker. He has served in the Pentagon, State Department, and White House under four presidents, Democrat and Republican alike.See for privacy information.
12/02/2332m 30s

Episode 519: The American Imperative

What should our global strategy look like in an age of renewed great power competition? And what must America offer to a newly empowered developing world when we’re no longer the only major player? In his new book, “The American Imperative: Reclaiming Global Leadership Through Soft Power”, Dan Runde makes the case for building a new global consensus through vigorous internationalism and judicious use of soft power. Newt’s guest is Dan Runde. He is the senior vice president, director of the Project on Prosperity and Development and the William A. Schreyer Chair in Global Analysis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.See for privacy information.
11/02/2330m 53s

Episode 518: The 118th Congress

Newt discusses the 118th Congress, Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s agenda, the Commitment to America and the 40 new Republican members of Congress.See for privacy information.
05/02/2336m 33s

Episode 517: The Bidens

Like the Kennedys before them, the Bidens are a tight-knit, idealistic Irish Catholic clan with good looks, dynastic ambitions, and serious personal problems.  As “The Bidens” reveals, the best way to understand Joe Biden, his values, fears, and motives, is to understand his family.  Newt’s guest is Ben Schreckinger.  He is a national political correspondent at POLITICO.  Before that, he served as GQ’s Washington correspondent and covered the rise of Donald Trump as a campaign reporter.  His book, “The Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power” is out now. See for privacy information.
04/02/2328m 39s

Episode 516: Drug Prices in America – Worth the Cost?

Why are drug prices so high in the United States? What impact will the recent “Inflation Reduction Act” have on Medicare and drug development? Newt’s guest is Dr. Tomas Philipson. He is the Daniel Levin Professor of Public Policy Studies Emeritus at the University of Chicago, Harris School of Public Policy. He also served as a member of the President’s Council of Economic Advisors from 2017-2019 and as its Chairman from 2019 to 2020. See for privacy information.
01/02/2339m 12s

Episode 515: Liz Lev on the Sistine Chapel

When Callista served as Ambassador to the Holy See, Newt spent three and half years in Rome as her “trailing spouse” and was taken with Rome’s history, art, cuisine, and people. Newt talks with his friend, the art historian Liz Lev, about living full-time in Rome, teaching, providing tours, and discussing the art of the Sistine Chapel. She teaches at Duquesne University’s Italian campus as well as the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas.See for privacy information.
29/01/2348m 44s

Episode 514: Stephen Hunter on “The Bullet Garden”

Newt has been an avid reader of Stephen Hunter’s books for many years, following closely the lives of his characters, Vietnam War veteran and sniper, Bob Lee Swagger, his father, Earl Swagger, a legendary marine, and Bob’s son, Ray Cruz. His latest novel, “The Bullet Garden: An Earl Swagger Novel” is out now. Newt’s guest is Stephen Hunter. He has written over twenty novels. He’s the retired chief film critic for The Washington Post, where he won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Criticism. He has also published two collections of film criticism and a nonfiction work, “American Gunfight”.See for privacy information.
28/01/2327m 54s

Episode 513: Never Forget Our People Were Always Free

In his new book, “Never Forget Our People Were Always Free: A Parable of American Healing”, Ben Jealous draws from his own life lived on America’s racial fault line to deliver a series of gripping and lively parables that call on each of us to reconcile, heal and work fearlessly to make America one nation. Newt’s guest is Ben Jealous. He is the former national NAACP President and current President of People For the American Way, Professor of the Practice at the University of Pennsylvania, and the New York Times bestselling author of “Reach: 40 Black Men Speak on Living, Leading, and Succeeding”.See for privacy information.
22/01/2339m 55s

Episode 512: The Debt Ceiling Debate

The current national debt is $31.381 trillion dollars. On Thursday, January 19th, The U.S. Treasury Department announced the United States has reached its debt limit and they would begin a series of accounting measures to keep the United States from breaching its borrowing cap. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen sent a letter to Congressional leadership about the debt limit, saying, “I respectfully urge Congress to act promptly to protect the full faith and credit of the United States.” Newt’s guest is Thomas Hoenig. He is the former Vice Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, former President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. He is currently a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.See for privacy information.
21/01/2325m 6s

Episode 511: The Immortals – General George Marshall

General George Catlett Marshall graduated from Virginia Military Institute, and served in the Philippines and in World War I.  He was later an aide to General John Pershing and assistant commandant of the Army’s infantry school where he taught many future commanders.  As chief of staff of the U.S. Army he directed army operations throughout World War II.  After his retirement in 1945, President Harry Truman sent him to China to mediate the civil war there.  As Secretary of State, Marshall proposed the European aid program known as the Marshall Plan and initiated discussions that led to the formation of NATO.  He resigned because of ill health but was called back by Truman to become Secretary of Defense and to prepare the armed forces for the Korean War. In 1953 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace.  Given everything he accomplished in his life, he truly is an Immortal.See for privacy information.
18/01/2350m 57s

Episode 510: The Real Race Revolutionaries

In his new book, “The Real Race Revolutionaries: How Minority Entrepreneurship Can Overcome America's Racial and Economic Divides” Alfredo Ortiz demonstrates how and why minority entrepreneurship offers the best path to racial economic equality. Capitalism and entrepreneurship are the true "anti-racist" forces because they reward merit, not skin color. He explains how only in America can people from any background of any skin color succeed, and uses his own life experience as illustration. Newt’s guest is Alfredo Ortiz, President and CEO of the Job Creators Network.See for privacy information.
15/01/2336m 48s

Episode 509: New Alzheimer's Disease Treatment – LEQEMBI

Eisai Co., Ltd. and Biogen Inc. announced on January 6th that under the Accelerated Approval Pathway the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved lecanemab-irmb, which has the brand name in the United States of LEQEMBITM, for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.  The approval is based on Phase 2 data that demonstrated that LEQEMBI reduced the accumulation of Aβ plaque in the brain, a defining feature of Alzheimer’s disease.  Newt’s guest is Dr. Marwan Sabbagh, MD.  He is a behavioral neurologist in the Alzheimer’s and Memory Disorders Program and a professor in the Department of Neurology at Barrow Neurological Institute and was one of the leading doctors of the study.See for privacy information.
14/01/2318m 2s

Episode 508: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his inner circle club and takes their questions about the House voting for Speaker Kevin McCarthy, the Contract with America and the national debt. Join the conversation by becoming a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at http://newtsinnercircle.comSee for privacy information.
11/01/2322m 38s

Episode 507: Speaker Kevin McCarthy

Newt discusses the 4 days and 15 votes in the House this week and what it means now that Kevin McCarthy has been voted in as Speaker of the House.See for privacy information.
08/01/2320m 31s

Episode 506: GOPAC Tapes – It's Morning in America, Again ...

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01/01/2346m 9s

Episode 505: GOPAC Tapes – An Effective Team for Real Change

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31/12/221h 1m

Episode 504: GOPAC Tapes – Making Welfare Work

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30/12/2253m 37s

Episode 503: GOPAC Tapes – Making America Work

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29/12/2249m 44s

Episode 502: GOPAC Tapes – Creating the Republican Party of the 90's

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28/12/2245m 15s

Episode 501: GOPAC Tapes – A Campaign About America

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27/12/2256m 9s

Episode 500: GOPAC Tapes – The 62% Majority

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26/12/221h 17m

Episode 499: Bishop Barron on Christmas

Newt is joined by Bishop Robert Barron, the ninth bishop of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester and the founder of “Word on Fire” with a special Christmas Day message.See for privacy information.
25/12/2232m 0s

Episode 498: The World We Wish

“The World We Wish,” is a novel that follows the character Hui Jen-Sho, China’s architect of Artificial Intelligence, who sees the metaverse as a new world to conquer. It’s a fictional story that could mirror real life. Newt’s guest is author John Moody. John has lived and worked in New York, Moscow, Paris, Bonn, Warsaw, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Rome, among other places. He helped start the Fox News Channel. “The World We Wish,” is a sequel to his last novel, “Of Course They Knew, Of Course They…”See for privacy information.
23/12/2227m 22s

Episode 497: Live Better Longer – Secrets of SuperAgers

What do we know about the process of aging? What makes some people age quicker than others?  How do we prolong our lives? Newt’s guest is Dr. Nir Barzilai. He is a Professor in the Department of Medicine and the Department of Genetics at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.  He is also the Director of the Institute for Aging Research. In the “Longevity Genes Project”, Dr. Barzilai and his team conducted genetic research on more than 500 healthy elderly people between the ages of 95 and 112 and on their children. He is the author of “Age Later: Health Span, Life Span, and the New Science of Longevity.” See for privacy information.
22/12/2242m 6s

Episode 496: Kevin Brady Says Goodbye to Congress

U.S. Congressman Kevin Brady is a pro-family, pro-small business conservative who proudly represents the Eighth Congressional District of Texas. Widely recognized as a national economic leader, Kevin is only the third Texan in history to chair the powerful House Ways & Means Committee. As Chairman, he led a historic reform of America’s tax code, the first in 30 years. He has achieved a number of great successes while serving in Congress.  On April 2021, he announced that he would not run for a 14th term and would retire after the 2022 election cycle.  He talks with Newt about his accomplishments during his 26 years of service.See for privacy information.
18/12/2226m 33s

Episode 495: The Virginia Dynasty: Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe

Three Presidents: Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe are known as The Virginia Dynasty. They served as presidents from 1801 to 1825 and implemented the foreign policy, domestic, and constitutional agenda of the radical wing of the American Revolution, setting guideposts for later Americans to follow. The three close political allies were tightly related: Jefferson and Madison were the closest of friends, and Monroe was Jefferson’s former law student. Their achievements were many, including the founding of the opposition Republican Party in the 1790s and the Louisiana Purchase. Newt’s guest is historian Kevin Gutzman. His new book, “The Jeffersonians: The Visionary Presidencies of Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe” is out now.See for privacy information.
17/12/2237m 38s

Episode 494: The Revolution with Steve Kornacki: An Interview with Newt Gingrich

Newt sat down with MSNBC’s Steve Kornacki for a Bonus Episode of his six-part podcast series, The Revolution with Steve Kornacki. The series recounts the 1994 Republican takeover of Congress and Newt’s rise to Speaker of the House after 40 years of Democratic control. Newt listened to the series and felt that Kornacki and his team did a great job of capturing that pivotal moment in history. Upon listening to the final episode in which a panel of journalists who covered Newt during that period convened to debate his legacy, Newt knew that he wanted to weigh in – and he wants you to hear his interview with Steve Kornacki.See for privacy information.
14/12/221h 6m

Charles Thorngren on Financial Planning for a Recession

Newt talks with Charles Thorngren, Founder and CEO of Legacy Precious Metals, about the latest comments from US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on whether we’re headed for a recession. Find out more by calling 866-484-4043 or go online to for privacy information.
13/12/2212m 55s

Episode 493: David Limbaugh on “Radio’s Greatest of All Time”

At its peak, “The Rush Limbaugh Show” aired on more than 650 radio stations nationwide, dominating the 12:00pm – 3:00pm Eastern time slot with an audience of more than 30 million listeners. Rush worked extraordinarily hard to remain the number one voice for conservatism and most listened to radio talk show program in the world. Known as ‘America’s Anchorman’ and the ‘Doctor of Democracy’, Rush Limbaugh has influenced and touched the lives of millions of listeners since 1984. Newt’s guest is Rush’s brother, David Limbaugh. He is the author of the new book, “Radio’s Greatest of All Time” out now.See for privacy information.
11/12/2231m 38s

Episode 492: Miranda Devine on Hunter’s Laptop from the Twitter Files

The dirty secrets contained in Hunter Biden’s laptop almost derailed Joe Biden’s presidential campaign, until the story was suppressed by Big Tech and the left-wing media. Just this week, Elon Musk released new documents that reveal Twitter’s role in the suppression of the story. Newt’s guest is Miranda Devine, author of “Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide” which was published in November 2021 – and she’s been tracking this story for the New York Post ever sinceSee for privacy information.
10/12/2236m 27s

Episode 491: A Republican Reckoning

On November 30th, Newt wrote a column, “Quit Underestimating President Biden”, in which he said, “conservatives’ hostility to the Biden administration on our terms tends to blind us to just how effective Biden has been on his terms.”  The column went viral.  It was picked up by several news outlets, shared on social media, and even liberal news talk shows discussed it.  But Newt’s point was this, as Republicans, we really need think through how we are going to approach the 2024 election and why we fell short of delivering on our ‘red wave’ in November.  In this episode, Newt provides his point of view on what we can learn from the 2022 midterm elections results and what it will take for Republicans to win in 2024.See for privacy information.
08/12/2235m 14s

Charles Thorngren on Diversifying Your Wealth

Newt talks with Charles Thorngren, Founder and CEO of Legacy Precious Metals, about how to diversify your investment portfolio.   Find out more by calling 866-484-4043 or go online to for privacy information.
05/12/228m 12s

Episode 490: Post-Midterm Analysis

Why wasn’t there a red wave?  What went wrong for Republicans in the midterm elections?  Newt’s guest is Joe Gaylord.  In 1994, he was named Campaign Manager of the year by the American Association of Political Consultants, an award he won for the successful campaign regaining the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years.  He also served as the Executive Director of the National Republican Congressional Committee from 1982 until 1989.  During his six years at the Republican National Committee, he developed the RNC’s Campaign Management College, a guidebook for candidates.See for privacy information.
04/12/2233m 33s

Episode 489: China’s Lockdowns

What is happening with the COVID lockdowns in China? What was discussed at the meeting between President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping in Bali, Indonesia on November 14th?  Newt’s guest is Dr. Weifeng Zhong.  He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.  He also runs the “Policy Change Index” project, which uses machine learning to read large volumes of propaganda text.See for privacy information.
03/12/2231m 45s

Episode 488: Fentanyl Vaccine Breakthrough

According to the Centers for Disease Control, 107,375 people in the United States died of drug overdoses and drug poisonings in the 12-month period ending in January 2022.  A staggering 67% of those deaths involved synthetic opioids like fentanyl.  Newt’s guest is Dr. Colin Haile.  He is a research associate professor in psychology at the University of Houston’s Drug Discovery Institute and author of the new study published in the Journal “Pharmaceutics” titled “An Immunoconjugate Vaccine Alters Distribution and Reduces the Antinociceptive, Behavioral and Physiological Effects of Fentanyl in Male and Female Rats.” In other words, he has developed a fentanyl vaccine which could be a game changer for the opioid epidemic.See for privacy information.
30/11/2224m 28s

Episode 487: Benjamin Netanyahu on “Bibi: My Story”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is one of the most formidable and insightful leaders of our time. In his new book, “Bibi: My Story” he tells the story of his family, his path to leadership, and his unceasing commitment to defending Israel and securing its future. He served as Prime Minister of Israel from 1996 to 1999 and again from 2009 to 2021. And he is now forming a government and will become Prime Minister of Israel again, for a record sixth time. He is Israel’s longest serving leader and has transformed his nation. Newt’s guest is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.See for privacy information.
27/11/2238m 28s

Episode 486: Thanksgiving – An American Tradition

From the Pilgrim’s first Thanksgiving in 1621 to modern day Thanksgiving traditions, we discuss Thanksgiving as a uniquely American holiday. Newt’s guest is Melanie Kirkpatrick, author of “Thanksgiving: The Holiday at the Heart of the American Experience.”See for privacy information.
23/11/2230m 4s

Episode 485: “The Peacemaker” – President Ronald Reagan

Every president prior to Ronald Reagan viewed the Cold War as a great power conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union. Reagan saw it differently. To him the conflict was a battle of ideas, along with a great power competition. As tensions with Russia rise again over the war with Ukraine, and as the U.S. faces competition with China, what can learn from how Reagan successfully handled the Soviet system and its leadership? Newt’s guest is, William Inboden. His new book, “THE PEACEMAKER: Ronald Reagan, The Cold War, and the World on the Brink” is out now.See for privacy information.
20/11/2225m 12s

Episode 484: The State of the Economy: Crypto, Layoffs, and Protecting Your Retirement

As interest rates continue to rise, and inflation is at all-time highs, the stock market continues to be volatile.  Many Americans want to know how they can protect their own finances and investments as we face this challenging economic period.  Newt’s guest is Charles Thorngren, Founder and CEO of Legacy Precious Metals. He has been advising people on their personal finances and investments for over 25 years.  For more information please visit See for privacy information.
18/11/2229m 18s

Episode 483: Newt Answers Your Questions – The Midterms

Newt is joined by members of his inner circle and takes their questions about the midterm election results, Governor Ron DeSantis’ great election night in Florida and President Trump’s big announcement.  Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at See for privacy information.
16/11/2221m 7s

Episode 482: Twitter and Meta Layoffs and the Future of Big Tech

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Meta, Facebook’s parent company, announced this week that he would be laying of 11,000 employees due to advertising revenue plummeting on the social network. Elon Musk announced he would be laying off 3,700 Twitter employees this week in his new role as CEO of Twitter in an effort to try to restructure the organization.  So, what is the future of Facebook and Twitter and other big tech companies? Newt’s guest is Jessica Melugin, Director of the Center for Technology and Innovation at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. See for privacy information.
13/11/2230m 53s

Episode 481: The “Triple 7” Event – Supporting Veterans

On Veterans Day we want to shine a spotlight on the “Triple 7” event.  In January 2023, Legacy Expeditions, a veteran-owned, extreme expedition company, is raising awareness and inspiring action to support the Folds of Honor Foundation through their upcoming global expedition, “Triple 7”. The seven-day, record-breaking skydiving adventure around the world includes seven skydives across seven continents, in seven days to raise $7 million in scholarships for military veterans and their families.  Newt’s guest is: Mike Sarraille. He is the founder and CEO of Legacy Expeditions, former Recon Marine and Scout-Sniper, and retired U.S. Navy SEAL with 20 years of experience in Special Operations, including the elite Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC). See for privacy information.
11/11/2230m 38s

Episode 480: Henry Cabot Lodge

What can Henry Cabot Lodge’s writing from the late 1800s and early 1900s teach us about America today? A recent article, “Henry Cabot Lodge: Nationalist Historian”, written by Colin Dueck, explains why Lodge had fears about America and its future. Newt’s guest is Colin Dueck. He is a non-resident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and Professor in the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University.See for privacy information.
09/11/2233m 6s

Episode 479: Senator Tom Cotton on “Only The Strong”

In his new book, “Only the Strong: Reversing the Left’s Plot to Sabotage American Power,” Senator Tom Cotton exposes the left’s decades-long plot to sabotage American power and provides a behind-the-scenes look at the dangerous failures of Presidents Barack Obama and Joe Biden and explains what we must do to recover America’s strength. Newt’s guest is Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas. He served in Iraq with the 101st Airborne Division and in Afghanistan with a Provincial Reconstruction Team. Between combat tours, he served with the 3rd Infantry Regiment (“The Old Guard”) at Arlington National Cemetery. His military decorations include the Bronze Star, the Combat Infantryman Badge, and the Ranger Tab. See for privacy information.
06/11/2233m 35s

Episode 478: Martin Dugard on Taking Berlin

“Taking Berlin” is a pulse-pounding race into the final, desperate months of the Second World War and toward the fiery destruction of the Thousand-Year-Reich, chronicling a moment in history when allies became adversaries. Newt’s guest is Martin Dugard. He is a #1 New York Times bestselling author of “Taking Paris: The Epic Battle for the City of Lights” and co-author of the popular “Killing” series with Bill O’Reilly. See for privacy information.
04/11/2226m 29s

Episode 477: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by his Inner Circle members and he discusses the upcoming midterms in a town hall style meeting.  Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at http://newtsinnercircle.comSee for privacy information.
02/11/2225m 20s

Episode 476: The Faith of Elvis

Ever since Elvis Presley hit the world stage in 1956, he has been a global icon of rock and roll. His enduring fame was just reinforced by Baz Luhrmann’s recent film “Elvis”, a musical biographical film about Presley’s life. Newt’s guest is Billy Stanley, Elvis Presley’s stepbrother. His new book, “The Faith of Elvis: A Story Only a Brother Can Tell” talks about his life growing up with Elvis – and Presley’s Christian faith and its deep influence on his music, films, relationships, commitment to his family and fans, and his love for the Gospel.See for privacy information.
30/10/2231m 16s

Episode 475: Renewing American Energy Independence

Consumers are paying more for everything. Increases in shelter, food, and energy costs are the largest they’ve been in years. And one way we can reduce energy costs is by renewing American energy independence. Americans deserve affordable energy for our families. Newt’s guests are Congressman Troy Balderson, representing Ohio’s 12th Congressional district and Matt Hammond, spokesman for The Empowerment Alliance.See for privacy information.
28/10/2229m 43s

Episode 474: Brian Kilmeade on the Midterms

Brian Kilmeade is one of the busiest people in television and radio today.  Many people watch him every morning on FOX & Friends, where he is co-host, and know him for his nationally syndicated three-hour radio program on FOXNews Radio, “The Brian Kilmeade Show”. He is the author of six books, five of them New York Times best-sellers, which have sold over 2.5 million copies. His most recent book is now out in paperback, “The President and the Freedom Fighter: Abraham Lincoln, Frederick Douglass, and Their Battle to Save America’s Soul” with a new epilogue.See for privacy information.
26/10/2235m 23s

Episode 473: Tulsi Gabbard on Why She Left the Democratic Party

Tulsi Gabbard was elected to the Hawaii State House of Representatives at the age of 21. As a reservist in the Hawaii Army National Guard, she completed two tours of duty in the Middle East. In 2012, she was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives for Hawaii’s second district. She ran for president on the Democratic ticket in 2020. On October 11th she announced she is leaving the Democratic party. Newt’s guest is Tulsi Gabbard, a former congresswoman, former presidential candidate and she’s now campaigning for Republicans leading into the 2022 midterms. Her latest project is her new podcast, “The Tulsi Gabbard Show.”See for privacy information.
23/10/2236m 16s

Episode 472: Bill O’Reilly on “Killing the Legends”

In “Killing the Legends: The Lethal Danger of Celebrity” Bill O’Reilly explores the lives, legacies, and tragic deaths of three of the most famous people of the 20th century: Elvis Presley, John Lennon, and Muhammad Ali. These three icons changed the worlds of music, film, and sports. Newt’s guest is trail-blazing TV journalist Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of the Killing series, nearly all of which have become #1 New York Times and national bestsellers and sold almost 19 million copies worldwide.See for privacy information.
21/10/2230m 7s

Episode 471: Dennis Prager on The Rational Bible

Is the Bible, the most influential book in world history, still relevant today?    Dennis Prager believes it remains profoundly relevant, both to the great issues of our day and to each individual life. He is the author of “The Rational Bible” series, and his latest edition explains the Book of Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Bible. He’s joining Newt to explain how the text relates to the contemporary world. Dennis Prager is the founder of Prager University, the author of nine best-selling books on politics, religion, and happiness.  Tens of millions of people watch his videos and millions more listen daily to his nationally broadcast radio show, “The Dennis Prager Show.”  See for privacy information.
16/10/2232m 20s

Episode 470: The Road to the Midterms – House and Senate Races

We’re only 26 days away from the November midterm elections.  In this episode, get insights from the experts as we go through the U.S. House and Senate races in the key battleground states. Newt’s guests are David Winston and Myra Miller, President and Co-Founders of The Winston Group, a Washington, D.C. strategy and survey research firm. See for privacy information.
15/10/2235m 30s

Episode 469: Digital Madness

What impact have smart phones and social media had on our society?  We are struggling with record rates of depression, loneliness, anxiety, overdoses and suicide.  And while the COVID pandemic exacerbated the crisis, we were at record levels of psychiatric distress before the pandemic. Newt’s guest is Dr. Nicholas Kardaras.  He is the best-selling author of Glow Kids, and he’s joining Newt to talk about his new book, “Digital Madness: How Social Media Is Driving Our Mental Health Crisis – and How to Restore Our Sanity.”See for privacy information.
11/10/2240m 35s

Episode 468: Peter Navarro on Trump’s America

Peter Navarro discusses why he believes President Trump lost the White House in 2020 and how he will win it back in 2024. Peter Navarro is one of only three senior White House officials who remained with President Trump from the 2016 presidential campaign to the end of his term in office. As director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, he served as policy coordinator for the Defense Production Act during the pandemic, and was a principal architect of Trump’s tariff, trade, and “tough on China” policies. His new book, Taking Back Trump’s America: Why We Lost the White House and How We’ll Win It Back is out now.See for privacy information.
09/10/2233m 56s

Episode 467: Should We Be Concerned About North Korea?

Should we be concerned about North Korea and Kim Jong-Un’s recent missile launches? On October 4th, North Korea fired an intermediate-range ballistic missile that flew over Japan. The launches mark the 24th time this year that North Korea has conducted missile tests. The missile fired on Tuesday was the first from North Korea to fly over Japan in five years, triggering alarms across Japan’s northern regions. Newt’s guest is David Kang. He is a Non-Resident Fellow at the Quincy Institute and Maria Crutcher Professor of International Relations at the University of Southern California. He is also director of the USC Korean Studies Institute and Vice-Chair of the Political Science and International Relations department.See for privacy information.
07/10/2236m 43s

Episode 466: Russia – Ukraine War

An update on the Russia and Ukraine war. On September 21st, Russia announced it will draft 300,000 reservists to support its military campaign in Ukraine. Russia has lost 5,937 Russian soldiers since the beginning of their invasion. Newt’s guest is George Beebe, former director of the CIA’s Russia analysis and former advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney. He is currently the Director of Grand Strategy at the Quincy Institute. His book, The Russia Trap: How Our Shadow War with Russia Could Spiral into Nuclear Catastrophe is out now.See for privacy information.
02/10/2239m 40s

Episode 465: The State of the Economy

Rising grocery prices, supply chain issues, the highest inflation in 40 years, uncertainty in the markets and interest rate increases, all of these factors add up to economic instability for many Americans.  And almost everyone wants to know how they can protect their own finances now and also invest in their future. Newt’s guest is Charles Thorngren, CEO of Legacy Precious Metals. See for privacy information.
30/09/2242m 20s

Episode 464: The Commitment to America – Live Event

On Sunday, Newt spoke with Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy about the Commitment to America.  This episode is the audio from the Commitment to America live event in Monongahela, Pennsylvania on Friday, September 23rd.  The event was held as a town hall style meeting with questions from the audience.  For more information visit Part 2 of 2. See for privacy information.
26/09/221h 16m

Episode 463: Leader Kevin McCarthy on the Commitment to America

As we approach the midterm elections on Tuesday, November 8th, we are facing record breaking inflation, high rates of crime across the country, and huge waves of migrants coming over the U.S. southern border.  As one of the architects of the Contract with America almost 30 years ago, Newt believes it’s important for leaders to tell the American people what they stand for.  And the Republicans in the House have released the “Commitment to America” which is very clear on what policies Leader McCarthy, and the House Republicans will deliver on if they take over the House in January.  Newt’s guest is House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy.  Part 1 of 2. See for privacy information.
25/09/2230m 15s

Episode 462: Border Crisis in El Paso, Texas

Over 2.1 million migrants have crossed the U.S. southern border this year.  In August alone, there have been 203,597 border encounters. The Mayor of El Paso, Texas, Oscar Leeser, said the City of El Paso has had between 1,500 to 1,900 migrants coming into their city per day and 80% of the migrants coming from Venezuela. The City of El Paso and the U.S. border patrol are working together to manage the huge influx of migrants.  The City of El Paso is busing migrants to their destination. Over half of the migrants do not have a sponsor or the money to get to their final destination.  Newt’s guests are El Paso City Manager, Tommy Gonzalez and Deputy City Manager of Public Safety, Mario D’Agostino. See for privacy information.
23/09/2236m 29s

Episode 461: Jon Clifton on “Blind Spot”

Gallup has been asking the world’s citizens the question, “How’s Your Life Going?” since 2006 and some concerning trends are starting to emerge. People are reporting more stress, sadness, physical pain, worry and anger than at any other point in the history of Gallup’s World Poll tracking.  Newt’s guest is Jon Clifton, CEO of Gallup.  His new book, Blind Spot: The Rise of Global Unhappiness and How Leaders Missed It, is out now. See for privacy information.
21/09/2234m 38s

Episode 460: Are We a Nation of Victims?

Hardship is now equated with victimhood. The pursuit of excellence and exceptionalism are at the heart of American identity, and the disappearance of these ideals in our country leaves a deep moral and cultural vacuum in its wake. But the solution isn’t to simply complain about it. It’s to revive a new cultural movement in America that puts excellence first again. Newt’s guest is Vivek Ramaswamy. He is a successful entrepreneur and New York Times bestselling author of Woke Inc. His new book is Nation of Victims: Identity Politics, the Death of Merit, and the Path Back to Excellence.See for privacy information.
18/09/2244m 46s

Episode 459: Folds of Honor Scholarships

Folds of Honor began when Lieutenant Colonel Dan Rooney was on a flight home from his second tour of duty in Iraq. Since its inception in 2007, Folds of Honor has provided nearly 44,000 life-changing educational scholarships to children and spouses of fallen or disabled military service members and first responders, totaling nearly $200 million dollars. Newt’s guest is Lieutenant Colonel Dan Rooney, the only-ever F-16 fighter pilot with three combat tours in Iraq and PGA Professional. To donate, visit: https://foldsofhonor.orgSee for privacy information.
16/09/2231m 1s

Episode 458: World War II and the Rise of American Intelligence

In the United States, a highly organized intelligence system did not exist before World War II.  Our geographic isolation meant spying on our enemies or our allies was a relatively rare, often haphazard undertaking.  But as Nicholas Reynolds details in his new book, “Need to Know: World War II and the Rise of American Intelligence”, that national restraint gave way during the war to an extraordinary intricate web of spying which, postwar, would grow into our modern intelligence machine. Newt’s guest is Nicholas Reynolds.  He is The New York Times bestselling author of  “Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy” and has worked in the fields of modern intelligence and military history for 40 years. See for privacy information.
14/09/2233m 27s

Episode 457: Henry Kissinger on Leadership

In his new book, “Leadership: Six Studies in World Strategy”, former Secretary of State, Dr. Henry Kissinger looks at lives of six of the most influential leaders of the last century: Konrad Adenauer, Charles de Gaulle, Richard Nixon, Anwar Sadat, Lee Kuan Yew, and Margaret Thatcher - all of whom he knew personally. Newt’s guest is Henry Kissinger. He served as national security advisor and secretary of state under President Richard Nixon and President Gerald Ford and he has advised many other American presidents on foreign policy. He received the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, and the Medal of Liberty.See for privacy information.
11/09/2241m 11s

Episode 456: The Queen and the Prime Minister

On Tuesday, September 13, Queen Elizabeth met with the United Kingdom’s newly elected Prime Minister, Liz Truss.  Truss is the third female prime minister in the U.K.’s history and comparisons between her and former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher have been made.  Then, on Thursday, the Queen passed away at her summer home, Balmoral, in Scotland.  She was 96 years old and had been Queen for 70 years, longer than another other sovereign in the history of the United Kingdom.   Newt’s guest is Nile Gardiner.  He is the director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom and Bernard and Barbara Lomas Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. See for privacy information.
09/09/2239m 0s

Episode 455: Student Loan Debt Forgiveness

President Biden’s recent announcement to forgive $10,000 dollars of student loan debt for single borrowers making less than $125,000 a year and couples making less than $250,000 a year, has made those with student loan debt grateful for the relief and those who have already paid off their loans and those who never went to college raising questions about fairness.  However, we need to better understand the root cause of the student loan debt crisis in America. Newt’s guest is Josh Mitchell.  He is a reporter in the London bureau of The Wall Street Journal, and his book: “The Debt Trap: How Student Loans Became a National Catastrophe” is out in paperback now. See for privacy information.
04/09/2231m 28s

Episode 454: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his Inner Circle membership club and he discusses Mikhail Gorbachev’s legacy, the one-year anniversary of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan and the election cycle in the month of August, in a town hall style meeting.  Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at See for privacy information.
02/09/2227m 12s

Episode 453: Operation Pineapple Express

In April 2020, an urgent call was placed from a Special Forces operator serving overseas. The message: Get Nezam out of Afghanistan now! Nezam was part of the Afghan National Army’s first group of American-trained commandos. He served alongside the U.S. Special Forces for over a decade. The message reached Nezam’s former commanding officer, retired Lt. Col. Scott Mann, and he sent out an SOS to a group of Afghan vets (Navy SEALs, Green Berets, CIA officers, USAID advisors). They all answered the call for one last mission, to save a former comrade—and 500 other Afghans—being targeted by the Taliban in the chaos of America’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Newt’s guest is Lt. Col. Scott Mann.  His new book, “Operation Pineapple Express: The Incredible Story of a Group of Americans Who Undertook One Last Mission and Honored a Promise in Afghanistan” is out now.See for privacy information.
31/08/2235m 22s

Episode 452: The Road to the Midterms – U.S. Senate Races

We’re only ten weeks away from the November midterm elections.  In this episode, we’re going through the U.S. Senate races in the key battleground states of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Ohio, Nevada and Arizona and talking about former President Trump’s impact on the races.  Newt’s guest is Matt Towery of Insider Advantage. Matt is a political analyst and pollster, television commentator, attorney and former Georgia state legislator. See for privacy information.
28/08/2235m 57s

Episode 451: Twitter’s Troubles

In a whistleblower complaint obtained and published by The Washington Post this week, former Twitter security chief Peiter ‘Mudge’ Zatko alleges the company misled federal regulators and the company’s own board of directors about “extreme, egregious deficiencies” in its defenses against hackers, as well as its lax efforts to fight spam. The complaint has potential implications for Twitter’s legal battle with Elon Musk, who is trying to get out of a $44 billion dollar contract to buy the social media platform. Newt’s guest is Jessica Melugin, Director of the Center for Technology and Innovation at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.See for privacy information.
26/08/2237m 1s

Episode 450: John Solomon on the FBI’s Raid on Mar-a-Lago

It’s been 17 days since the FBI raided former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate and there are still so many unanswered questions. On Thursday, August 18th, U.S. Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart ruled the Department of Justice must turn over the redacted version of the affidavit used to justify the unprecedented FBI search by this Thursday at 12 noon. Newt’s guest is John Solomon. He’s an award-winning investigative journalist, author and digital media entrepreneur who serves as Chief Executive Officer and Editor-in-Chief of Just the NewsSee for privacy information.
24/08/2231m 41s

Episode 449: Paul Manafort on “Political Prisoner”

The chief weapon deployed by the power establishment of Government, Big Media, Big Tech, and Wall Street against the Trump campaign and presidency was propaganda. Time and again, allegations from anonymous sources were disseminated by a partisan media, promoted by a dishonest Democrat Party leadership, and ultimately debunked when the facts surfaced. But by the time the truth came out, it was too late. There had already been casualties. One of the highest profile casualties was Paul Manafort, who was convicted and served time in federal prison. Newt’s guest is Paul Manafort. His new book, “Political Prisoner: Persecuted, Prosecuted, but Not Silenced” is out now.See for privacy information.
21/08/2253m 15s

Episode 448: Supersizing the IRS

This week, President Biden signed into law the “Inflation Reduction Act” which more than doubles the size of the Internal Revenue Service.  The Act will grow the IRS to nearly 160,000 total employees, despite a historic border crisis and record numbers of illegal aliens and deadly drugs pouring across the southern border. Newt’s guest is Mark Morgan, Visiting Fellow in the Border Security and Immigration Center at The Heritage Foundation. He previously served as Acting Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection in the Trump Administration. See for privacy information.
19/08/2230m 1s

Episode 447: FBI Raid on Mar-a-Lago

On Monday, August 8th, FBI Agents entered former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida and seized what they determined were classified documents.  The raid was unprecedented.  In the 114 year history of the FBI, they have never gone after a former President of the United States.  Was the raid politically motivated?  What documents did President Trump have in his possession the FBI could have requested he give back?  Why did they feel the need to get a search warrant?  Why did they take his passports?  What actions will Congress take? Newt’s guest is Congressman Brian Fitzpatrick.  He represents Pennsylvania’s 1st Congressional District. Prior to working in Congress, he spent 14 years serving our country as both an FBI Special Agent and Federal Prosecutor. See for privacy information.
17/08/2230m 24s

Episode 446: A U.S. Marine Rescues His Afghan Interpreter

In August of 2021, America ended its longest war. As the world watched the shocking scene at the Kabul airport, Marine Major Tom Schueman fought—both behind the scenes and through a social media campaign—to get his friend and former Afghan interpreter, Zak, out of Afghanistan before he and his family were discovered by the Taliban.  In their new memoir, “ALWAYS FAITHFUL: A Story of the War in Afghanistan, the Fall of Kabul, and the Unshakable Bond Between a Marine and an Interpreter,” Tom and Zak tell the story of how they came together in Afghanistan’s deadly Helmand Valley, where they formed a brotherhood, eventually culminating in Zak’s harrowing, eleventh-hour rescue.  Newt’s guests are Major Tom Schueman and Zainullah ‘Zak’ Zaki. See for privacy information.
14/08/2234m 10s

Episode 445: Why Climate Change is ‘Unsettled’

You’ve heard the “facts” before: surging sea levels are inundating the coasts. Hurricanes and tornadoes are becoming fiercer and more frequent. Climate change will be an economic disaster. But according to science, all of these statements are profoundly misleading.  Newt’s guest is Dr. Steven E. Koonin.  He served as the Undersecretary for Science in the U.S. Department of Energy under President Obama.  He is currently a professor at New York University in the Stern School of Business, Tandon School of Engineering and Department of Physics. His book: “Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters” is out now. See for privacy information.
11/08/2234m 16s

Episode 444: Penn Law School’s War on Amy Wax

In a letter dated June 23, 2022, the Dean of the University of Pennsylvania, Carey Law School, Theodore Ruger, suggested imposing sanctions on Professor Amy Wax for showing “a callous and flagrant disregard for our University community.” Dean Ruger is seeking to ‘cancel’ her based on her opinions and views and how the University has reacted to them. Professor Amy Wax is currently the Robert Mundheim Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School where she joined the faculty with tenure on July 1, 2001. Donate to her legal defense fund here: for privacy information.
07/08/2237m 47s

Episode 443: Can One Man Save the World?

Grammy nominated, singer-songwriter John Ondrasik joins Newt to talk about his new single and video, “Can One Man Save the World?”  The song is inspired by the courage of President Zelenskyy and the people of Ukraine and asks the United States and the world to stand up for the core values of freedom and justice. The video was filmed on location on a Ukrainian battlefield with the Ukrainian Orchestra.  John was aided by the non-proft, Save Our Allies. Newt’s guests are John Ondrasik of Five for Fighting and Sarah Verardo, one of the founders of Save Our Allies. See for privacy information.
03/08/2230m 31s

Episode 442: Charlie Kirk on “The College Scam”

In his new book, “The College Scam: How America’s Universities Are Bankrupting and Brainwashing Away the Future of America’s Youth,” Charlie Kirk puts the college industry on trial with a ten-count indictment of why academia has lost all credibility. Newt’s guest is Charlie Kirk, the founder and president of Turning Point USA, the largest and fastest growing conservative youth activist organization in the country. He’s also a #1 New York Times best-selling author and host of “The Charlie Kirk Show.”See for privacy information.
31/07/2232m 48s

Episode 441: Understanding Mass Shootings

After the recent mass shootings in the last several weeks in Buffalo, New York, Uvalde, Texas and Highland Park, Illinois – the country has been challenged with how to put a stop to these mass shootings.  But first, we need to understand who these mass shooters are and why they decide to act.  Newt’s guest is Katherine Schweit.  She is an author, attorney, former Chicago prosecutor, and career FBI special agent.  While at the FBI, she wrote the seminal research entitled, “A Study of 160 Active Shooter Incidents in the United States 2000-2013.” Her recent book, “Stop the Killing: How to End the Mass Shooting Crisis” was released last year.   See for privacy information.
27/07/2232m 43s

Episode 440: The Road to the Midterms – What Voters are Thinking

“The Road to the Midterms” series continues, looking more closely at what issues voters are talking about, leading into the midterm election. Newt’s guest is John McLaughlin. He is the CEO of McLaughlin and Associates, a leading research and polling firm. He has worked professionally as a strategic consultant and pollster for 40 years, winning some of the toughest elections in the United States.See for privacy information.
24/07/2230m 41s

Episode 439: Senator Braun on Balancing the Federal Budget

As a businessman before being elected to the United States Senate from Indiana, Senator Mike Braun was the Founder and CEO of Meyer Distributing and he learned a thing or two about a balance sheet. He’s joining Newt to discuss, “The Braun Budget: A Plan to Defuse America’s Inflation Bomb and Unleash Prosperity,” which is his proposal to reduce our national debt of $30.58 trillion dollars over 10 years. Find out more at for privacy information.
23/07/2235m 13s

Episode 438: The Rise of the New Puritans

The new Puritans are here, and they’re coming for your lifestyle, your freedoms, and your fun. Why is the censorious left winning, and why does the future of the country rely on rejecting their tyrannical vision for tomorrow? Newt’s guest is Noah Rothman. His new book, “The Rise of the New Puritans: Fighting Back Against Progressives’ War on Fun” is out now.See for privacy information.
17/07/2228m 29s

Episode 437: Suppression, Deception, Snobbery and Bias

After facing the White House press corps as White House press secretary under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2003, Ari Fleischer has experienced first-hand just how biased and inaccurate the press can be in their reporting. And they have only become more partisan in recent years. Newt’s guest is Ari Fleischer.  His new book, “Suppression, Deception, Snobbery, and Bias: Why the Press Gets Such Much Wrong – And Just Doesn’t Care” is out now.See for privacy information.
16/07/2230m 52s

Episode 436: Defeating Big Government Socialism

Sean Hannity is turning the tables on his good friend, Newt Gingrich. He’s asking the questions of Newt, about his new book, “Defeating Big Government Socialism: Saving America’s Future” which is available at, and everywhere you buy books. Pick up a first-edition copy today. for privacy information.
12/07/2245m 0s

Episode 434: Founding Fathers’ Week – Alexander Hamilton

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.   See for privacy information.
11/07/2242m 2s

Episode 435: Founding Fathers’ Week – James Madison

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.See for privacy information.
10/07/2236m 25s

Episode 433: Founding Fathers’ Week – Benjamin Franklin

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.See for privacy information.
08/07/2252m 55s

Episode 432: Founding Fathers’ Week – John Adams

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.See for privacy information.
07/07/2240m 3s

Episode 431: Founding Fathers’ Week – Thomas Jefferson

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America.   See for privacy information.
06/07/221h 3m

Episode 430: Founding Fathers’ Week – George Washington

The lives of these men are essential to understanding the American form of government and our ideals of liberty. The Founding Fathers all played key roles in the securing of American independence from Great Britain and in the creation of the government of the United States of America. See for privacy information.
05/07/221h 2m

Episode 429: Remembering Hershel ‘Woody’ Williams

Hershel ‘Woody’ Williams fought in the Battle of Iwo Jima, as a 21-year-old Marine from West Virginia. After using flamethrowers to wipe out seven Japanese pill boxes, opening an area where Marine tanks and personnel carriers could break through the enemy defenses. Williams was awarded the Medal of Honor in World War II. He was the oldest living recipient. He died on Wednesday, June 29th in Huntington, West Virginia at the age of 98. Newt shares his interview with Hershel ‘Woody’ Williams which originally aired on Memorial Day in 2019.See for privacy information.
03/07/2220m 12s

Episode 428: Seven Ways You Can Financially Prepare for a Recession

Inflation is eating away at wage increases, the Dow is down 18% for the year so far, the Fed just raised interest rates three quarters of a point and gas is over $5 a gallon. Are we headed towards a recession? Newt’s guest is Michelle Singletary. She discusses her recent column, “Seven Ways You Can Financially Prepare for a Recession”. She writes the nationally syndicated personal finance column, “The Color of Money” which appears in The Washington Post on Wednesdays and Sundays.See for privacy information.
30/06/2230m 29s

Episode 427: Betsy DeVos on “Hostages No More”

From coronavirus lockdowns to critical race theory in the classroom, it has become clear that America’s schools aren’t working for America’s students and parents. Newt’s guest has been fighting to improve education for every American student for nearly 40 years. Betsy DeVos spent four years serving as Secretary of Education under President Donald Trump.  Her new book, “Hostages No More: The Fight for Education Freedom and the Future of the American Child” is out now. See for privacy information.
28/06/2230m 1s

Episode 426: Tim Kennedy on “Scars and Stripes”

Tim Kennedy has a problem.  He only feels alive when he’s about to die.  In his new best-selling memoir, “Scars and Stripes: An Unapologetically American Story of Fighting the Taliban, UFC Warriors, and Myself” he talks about his life so far.  He’s a decorated Green Beret sniper, a UFC headliner and a self-described ‘bad ass’.  At its core, his memoir talks about the challenges and failures he’s lived through and how those experiences shaped him into the man he is today – a devoted husband, father and successful business owner. See for privacy information.
26/06/2235m 50s

Episode 425: Justice Clarence Thomas in His Own Words

Few know Justice Clarence Thomas beyond his contentious U.S. Supreme Court confirmation battle in 1991. But Thomas’ life is a classic American tale. He was born poor in the segregated South, only to become one of the most influential justices in the highest court of the land. As the Supreme Court is poised for imminent, landmark rulings, a new book provides an exclusive interview with Justice Clarence Thomas, the court’s most senior justice. The book is based on hours of interviews that were not included in the award-winning film, “Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words.” Newt’s guest is Michael Pack. He is a documentary filmmaker, president of Manifold Productions, and he has produced over 15 documentaries for public television. See for privacy information.
24/06/2229m 51s

Episode 424: Battle for the American Mind

After 16,000 hours of K-12 indoctrination, our kids come out of government schools hating America. They roll their eyes at religion and disdain our history. We spend more money on education than ever, but kids can barely read and write, let alone reason with discernment. Western culture is on the ropes. Kids are bored and aimless, flailing for purpose in a system that says racial and gender identity is everything. Newt is joined by Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin. In their new book, “Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation”, they layout a field guide for remaking schools in the United States.See for privacy information.
19/06/2235m 1s

Episode 423: Restoring the America that Works

How do we solve the many challenges that we have as a country and develop enough popular support that people will be able to get things done despite the bureaucracy, the news media and the resistance of special interest groups? How do we restore an America that works? Newt lays out the framework for creating a new American majority for the 21st century.See for privacy information.
18/06/2237m 0s

Episode 422: The End of the World is Just the Beginning

2019 was the last great year for the world economy. For generations, everything has been getting faster, better, and cheaper. America made that happen, but now America has lost interest in keeping it going. Globe-spanning supply chains are only possible with the protection of the U.S. Navy. The American dollar underpins internationalized energy and financial markets. American security policy forced warring nations to lay down their arms. Billions of people have been fed and educated as the American-led trade system spread across the globe. All of this was artificial. All this was temporary. All this is ending. Newt’s guest is author and geopolitical strategist, Peter Zeihan.  His new book “The End of the World is Just the Beginning” is out now. See for privacy information.
17/06/2238m 18s

Episode 421: The Rise of Mammals

How did mammals survive the massive asteroid strike 66 million years ago that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs?  Newt is joined by “one of the stars of modern paleontology” according to National Geographic and he is also the Paleontology Advisor on the new film “Jurassic World: Dominion” in theaters now. Newt’s guest is Dr. Steve Brusatte, his new book, “The Rise and Reign of the Mammals” vividly imagines lost worlds, and introduces us to a sweeping and revelatory new history of mammals.See for privacy information.
12/06/2242m 21s

Episode 420: Senator Ted Cruz on the Supreme Court

Newt and his guest, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, take questions from the audience in a special townhall event about the U.S. Supreme Court, the Justice’s safety, the shooting in Uvalde, Texas and the many issues he will be voting on as a U.S. Senator. For more exclusive townhalls, become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today. You can sign up at: newtsinnercircle.comSee for privacy information.
10/06/2230m 15s

Episode 419: How to Protect and Grow Your Retirement

Newt and his guest, Charles Thorngren, CEO of Legacy Precious Metals take questions from the audience in a special townhall event on “How to Protect and Grow Your Retirement”.  You can reach Legacy Precious Metals by calling 866-484-4043 or download their comprehensive gold guide at See for privacy information.
08/06/2232m 41s

Episode 418: Kellyanne Conway on “Here’s the Deal”

As a highly respected pollster for corporate and Republican clients and a frequent television talk show guest, Kellyanne Conway had already established herself as a leader on the national political scene when Donald Trump asked her to run his presidential campaign. She agreed, delivering him to the White House, becoming the first woman in American history to manage a winning presidential campaign. Who she is, how she did it, and who tried to stop her is a fascinating story of personal triumph and political intrigue that has never been told, until now.  Newt’s guest is Kellyanne Conway, her #1 New York Times best-seller, “Here’s the Deal, A Memoir” is out now. See for privacy information.
05/06/2244m 3s

Episode 417: Alex Epstein on “Fossil Future”

The debate about climate change many times fails to mention the reasons we use fossil fuels in the first place.  Policies like the “Green New Deal” really remind us that the wealthier countries can adopt green policies as a fashionable trend.  But in reality, with the growth in global population, particularly in China and India, it’s going to require us to think of new ways to approach our energy needs.  Newt’s guest is Alex Epstein. His new book, “Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas – Not Less” is out now. See for privacy information.
04/06/2234m 7s

Episode 416: Bernard Cornwell on “The Last Kingdom”

What was England’s history like before William the Conqueror came from Normandy in 1066?  How did the Napoleonic Wars play out from a strategic standpoint?  Newt’s guest is one of his favorite historical novel writers, the prolific author, Bernard Cornwell.  He is the author of the Richard Sharpe series and The Saxon series, now known as, “The Last Kingdom.” See for privacy information.
29/05/2232m 41s

Episode 415: CyncHealth on Improving Health Care Outcomes with Data

Do you think that health care in the United States is ineffective, inefficient, and very expensive? In Nebraska and Iowa, doctors and health care providers have access to all of their patient’s health data. In 2020, CyncHealth, a health information exchange, began taking steps to help connect patient data. Newt’s guests are Dr. Jaime Bland, President and CEO of CyncHealth and Linda Upmeyer, former Speaker of the House of Iowa. Find out more about CyncHealth at: for privacy information.
28/05/2233m 4s

Episode 414: What is the Metaverse?

What exactly is the metaverse?  How has the war in Ukraine taught us more about cyber warfare? Newt’s guest is Dr. Joshua Sipper. He is a Professor of Cyber Warfare Studies at the Air Force Cyber College and author of the new book, “The Cyber Meta-Reality: Beyond the Metaverse.”See for privacy information.
27/05/2233m 59s

Episode 413: Devin Nunes on Truth Social

Truth Social, the new social media platform owned by President Donald J. Trump, is taking on the establishment social media platforms and Big Tech and allowing for true free speech. Newt’s guest is Congressman Devin Nunes, talking about the launch of Truth Social on desktop, and his new role as CEO of Trump Media & Technology Group. See for privacy information.
22/05/2232m 53s

Episode 412: The Corporate Warrior

James Farwell’s new book, “The Corporate Warrior: Successful Strategies from Military Leaders to Win Your Business Battles” details powerful and actionable strategies to conquer your competition while winning customer recognition and critical support for your brand. Corporate leaders and strategists constantly face life or death business wars.  In the battleground of competitive business, there’s no better way to win than to learn from victorious front-line military commanders. See for privacy information.
20/05/2231m 41s

Episode 411: Dr. Ben Carson on Created Equal

In his new book, “Created Equal: The Painful Past, Confusing Present, and Hopeful Future of Race in America,” Dr. Ben Carson talks about the current state of race relations in America. Instead of using race as an excuse to remake America into something completely antithetical to the Constitution, Dr. Carson suggests ways to bring great success to our nation and all multi-ethnic societies by magnifying America’s incredible strengths instead of its historical weaknesses.See for privacy information.
18/05/2232m 0s

Episode 410: Bill O’Reilly on Killing the Killers

Trail-blazing TV journalist Bill O’Reilly, the best-selling author of the Killing history series, joins Newt to talk about his latest book: “Killing the Killers: The Secret War Against Terrorists”. They discuss America’s intense global war and manhunt against the terrorist extremists that not only carried out the attacks on 9/11 but also executed hundreds of others, both on American soil and globally. They also discuss America’s efforts to defeat Al Qaeda and ISIS worldwide.See for privacy information.
15/05/2234m 21s

Episode 409: This Will Not Pass

“This Will Not Pass” is the authoritative account of an eighteen-month crisis in American democracy that will be seared into the country’s political memory for decades to come. With stunning, in-the-room detail, New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns show how both our political parties confronted a series of national traumas, including the coronavirus pandemic and the January 6 attack on the Capitol, while also offering an inside account of President Biden’s tumultuous first year in the White House. See for privacy information.
13/05/2230m 2s

Episode 408: Newt Answers Questions on the Economy

Newt is joined by economist Stephen Moore and members of his Inner Circle membership club and together they answer member’s questions about the current economic situation we are facing.  Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at See for privacy information.
11/05/2230m 51s

Episode 407: Rethinking Our National Security System

What steps do we need to take to overhaul the national security apparatus? Newt’s guest is Kash Patel. He served as the Chief of Staff to Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller. Previously, he served as the Deputy Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism at the National Security Council in the Trump administration. See for privacy information.
08/05/2230m 57s

Episode 406: Parents’ Rights to Transparency in Education

84% of voters favor parents having the right to see everything their children are being taught in schools.  Several states are taking steps to allow parents access to the classroom by passing legislation that ensures parents’ rights to transparency in their child’s public education.  Newt’s guest is Representative Ben Baker, representing Missouri’s District 160. He is the lead sponsor of the Missouri Parents’ Bill of Rights. See for privacy information.
07/05/2230m 17s

Episode 405: Forming an American Majority

There is a huge agreement among a vast majority of Americans on many key issues. There’s a potentially vast movement focused on solving problems, emphasizing positive values that unify, while drawing a clear distinction between most Americans and the small, elitist minority which have sought to dominate and distort America. Newt describes the imperative for forming an American Majority coalition, and the impact an American Majority could have on 2022 and beyond.See for privacy information.
04/05/2250m 14s

Episode 404: Douglas Murray on “The War on the West”

There is a war going on. And it’s against Western culture. Why are left-wing liberals tearing down statues and going after the Founders of our country as ‘bad men’? Why are we witnessing a ‘cancel culture’ society today? Newt’s guest is Douglas Murray. His new book is: “The War on the West”, a must-read for anyone who wants context to this challenging world we’re living in.See for privacy information.
01/05/2239m 50s

Episode 403: The Road to the Midterms – House Races

We’re continuing our new series on the “Road to the Midterms” looking more closely at the tightly contested House races across the country. Newt’s guest is David Wasserman. He is the Senior Editor, U.S. House of Representatives for The Cook Political Report with Amy Walter, where he is responsible for analyzing U.S. House Races and is recognized as one of the nation’s top election forecasters.See for privacy information.
30/04/2231m 7s

Episode 402: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his Inner Circle membership club and he answers member’s questions about the House Republican’s “Commitment to America”, addressing illegal immigration and forming an American majority in a town hall style meeting. Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at http://newtsinnercircle.comSee for privacy information.
27/04/2226m 46s

Episode 401: Volodymyr Zelensky

Ukraine’s most popular comedic actor was an unlikely president of his country. And now, even more improbably, Volodymyr Zelensky has become the world’s most celebrated statesman. Who is he? How did he become the international hero of our time? A new book: “Zelensky: The Unlikely Ukrainian Hero Who Defied Putin and United the World” offers a compelling account of this fascinating leader. Newt’s guest is Rebekah Koffler, she is a Russian-born U.S. intelligence expert who has worked with the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Central Intelligence Agency’s National Clandestine Service.See for privacy information.
24/04/2234m 58s

Episode 400: Earth Day

The first Earth Day was established on April 22, 1970. Newt coordinated the first environmental studies program at West Georgia College the following year. Newt talks about Earth Day, from when it first began and what Republicans are doing today in an effort to improve our environment.See for privacy information.
23/04/2228m 39s

Episode 399: The Economy – Are We Headed Towards a Recession?

We are experiencing the highest inflation in 40 years. The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates to try to curb inflation, but did they act too late? And, are we headed towards a recession? Newt’s guest is Thomas Hoenig, former Vice Chairman of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and former President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. He currently is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University.See for privacy information.
21/04/2228m 29s

Episode 398: Easter Sunday with Father Enrique Salvo

From Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, and the 50 days that follow. Newt talks with Father Enrique Salvo, the Rector of St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City, about the spiritual meaning and traditions of Easter, from the time of the gospel to the modern day.See for privacy information.
17/04/2230m 17s

Episode 397: The Road to Midterms

In November 2022, will the balance of power in the House and Senate change?  With Biden’s dismal approval ratings, inflation, soaring gas prices, increasing interest rates and border security issues, will voters turnout in November and elect a Republican majority?  Newt gives his take on this first episode in a new series on the road to the midterms.   See for privacy information.
16/04/2230m 52s

Episode 396: Iran Nuclear Deal

In 2015, the Obama administration negotiated a deal with the Iranian’s known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or J.C.P.O.A. It was a detailed, 159-page agreement reached by Iran and China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the United States. The deal basically stopped Iran from building their own nuclear bombs. Now, the Biden administration is trying to re-negotiate the deal, but there’s only one problem. They were not invited to the negotiating table. The Iranian’s did not want them there. Newt’s guest is Ilan Berman, Senior Vice President at the American Foreign Policy Council.See for privacy information.
10/04/2230m 35s

Episode 395: The Future Global Food Supply Crisis

What impact will the war in Ukraine and the sanctions on Russia have on our global food supply?  We are seeing the price of oil impact both consumers at the gas pump, and industries reliant on gas to transport goods and services. Newt’s guest is Ambassador Kip Tom.  He served as Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture in Rome under President Trump.  He’s a seventh generation Hoosier farmer, from Kosciusko County, Indiana and the current CEO of Tom Farms. See for privacy information.
09/04/2228m 43s

Episode 394: Rigged – The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump

A new 40-minute documentary film from Citizens United Productions, “Rigged: The Zuckerberg Funded Plot to Defeat Donald Trump”, goes into painstaking detail of the plot orchestrated by liberal operatives who used the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse for the private funding of government election offices with the intent to drive voter turnout for Democratic candidate Joe Biden. Newt’s guest is: David Bossie, from Citizens United Productions. He both co-wrote and executive produced the documentary.  Watch it now at See for privacy information.
08/04/2228m 37s

Episode 393: The New Cold War

Has a new cold war begun?  Since the 1950s we have relied on deterrence to stop anyone from using nuclear weapons because the reaction would be so terrible.  And for 70 years it worked.  Now, we’re moving into a world where we need to consider what defending is going to mean for a nuclear or cyber-attack. Newt’s guest is Cliff May, Founder and President of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. See for privacy information.
03/04/2236m 39s

Episode 392: Dan Meuser on Immigration Transparency

In December 2021, Congressman Dan Meuser, who represents Pennsylvania’s 9th district, was notified by civilian airport employees, that chartered flights carrying hundreds of illegal immigrants were landing at a local airport in Scranton, Pennsylvania. These flights landed in the dead of night, with no prior notice provided to state, local, or federal officials, and illegal immigrant passengers were put on buses to undisclosed destinations. The “Immigration Transparency and Transit Notification Act”, will address these issues by increasing transparency and enhancing the role of the states in the process. Newt’s guest is Congressman Dan Meuser.See for privacy information.
03/04/2228m 5s

Episode 391: Shannon Bream on Mothers and Daughters of the Bible

In her new book, “The Mothers and Daughters of the Bible Speak: Lessons on Faith from Nine Biblical Families”, Shannon Bream has written a sequel to her best-selling “The Women of the Bible Speak” and now she explores how God teaches us through the biblical stories of mothers and daughters. Through these stories, Shannon explains the intimate connection between faith and family.  Newt’s guest is Shannon Bream, New York Times best-selling author and the anchor of Fox News @ Night. See for privacy information.
30/03/2232m 24s

Episode 390: On the Ground in Ukraine

It has been one month since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began. Putin and his army have continually targeted innocent citizens of Ukraine in this war. But the Ukrainian people have stood strong. Newt’s guest is Vlada Galan, President of the International Ukrainian Crisis Fund.  She is raising funds to help the people of Ukraine. Donate now: See for privacy information.
27/03/2234m 8s

Episode 389: The Economy - Investing

Rising gas prices, supply chain issues, the highest inflation in 40 years, uncertainty in the markets and interest rate increases. All of these factors add up to economic instability for many Americans.  And almost everyone wants to know how they can protect their own finances now and also invest in their future. Newt’s guest is Charles Thorngren, CEO of Legacy Precious Metals. See for privacy information.
25/03/2240m 19s

Episode 388: Post Putin – Succession, Stability, and Russia’s Future

Will the disastrous war in Ukraine result in Vladimir Putin being ousted from power in Russia? Newt’s guest is Herman Pirchner, Jr., President of the American Foreign Policy Council and author of Post Putin: Succession, Stability, and Russia’s Future. See for privacy information.
20/03/2226m 9s

Episode 386: Putin verses the West

Newt makes the case that historically it has been extraordinarily difficult for democracies to confront and defeat evil. What Vladimir Putin is doing to the people of Ukraine can be characterized as evil and the Western allied nations must come together to stop him.See for privacy information.
18/03/2231m 39s

Episode 385: Robert O’Neill on The Way Forward

Robert O’Neill may be best known for firing the shots that killed Osama bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on May 2, 2011 as a member of SEAL Team Six. But that one particular mission has perhaps overshadowed his incredible life of service to our country. He served almost 17 years in the U.S. Navy, and was part of SEAL Team Two, SEAL Team Four and SEAL Team Six. He has served in over 400 combat missions around the world. He is the recipient of 53 decorations, including two Silver Stars and four Bronze Stars with Valor. His new book, which he co-authored with fellow veteran Dakota Meyer, The Way Forward: Master Life’s Toughest Battles and Create Your Lasting Legacy is out now.See for privacy information.
14/03/2235m 53s

Episode 384: Dennis Prager on The Rational Passover Haggadah

The nearly two-thousand-year-old Passover Haggadah has inspired millions around the world every year to learn about and relive one of the most famous stories of all time: the Exodus of the Jews from Egypt. Newt’s guest is Dennis Prager. He is the national radio host of The Dennis Prager Show and the online nonprofit Prager University. His new book is The Rational Passover Haggadah in which he boldly addresses the most difficult questions about Passover.See for privacy information.
13/03/2236m 11s

Episode 383: The Unsinkable Molly Grace

Five years ago, soprano Molly Grace Young was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at the age of 29. And she decided to face cancer the only way she knew how, by entertaining people. Molly began lip-syncing her favorite songs on Facebook and YouTube while going through her treatments, and her performances are truly amazing. Molly discusses her journey battling metastatic breast cancer and the health care system in America.See for privacy information.
11/03/2241m 13s

Episode 382: Why Are Our Schools Failing?

Why is our American education system failing? Teachers unions and non-profits pump billions into initiatives meant to address racial inequities. Rather than fixing the problem, districts with a big gap between white and black test scores hire consultants who claim the tests are meaningless because they are “racist.” These consultants’ judgments allow school districts to ignore their own failures, ultimately hurting minority students and perpetuating racism. Newt’s guest is Luke Rosiak, author of “RACE TO THE BOTTOM: Uncovering the Secret Forces Destroying American Public Education.”See for privacy information.
06/03/2231m 14s

Episode 381: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his Inner Circle membership club and he answers member’s questions about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the State of the Union address on Tuesday and Biden’s Supreme Court nominee in a town hall style meeting.  Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at See for privacy information.
04/03/2231m 10s

Episode 380: Will Putin Use Nuclear Weapons?

When Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24th, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s had already put Russia’s nuclear forces on alert. Should the United States view his move as “signaling” or as a direct challenge to the western allied nations? Newt’s guest is Joe Cirincione, Quincy Institute Distinguished Fellow, and the author of Nuclear Nightmares: Securing the World Before It Is Too Late. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
02/03/2234m 8s

Episode 379: “Baby Yingliang” – Dinosaur Embryo Discovery

In late December, the news of “Baby Yingliang”, an exquisitely preserved dinosaur embryo, was reported in the journal iScience. The oviraptorosaur embryo had been acquired in 2000, but ended up in storage, until recently when museum staff identified the eggs and the embryo hidden within one of them. Newt’s guest is Dr. Stephen Brusatte, Chair of Paleontology and Evolution at the University of Edinburgh.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
27/02/2233m 47s

Episode 378: Canadian Trucker Protests

The “Freedom Convoy” or what’s become known as the “Canadian Trucker Protest” converged on the city of Ottawa, on January 28th. The protest began in opposition to the government’s mandate requiring all cross-border truck drivers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. On Sunday, February 22nd, the streets of Ottawa had been cleared. Not because the truckers felt like their voices were heard and decided to go home. On the contrary, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on February 14th he was invoking the “Emergencies Act” for the first time in Canada’s history. Newt’s guest is the Honorable John Baird. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
25/02/2225m 50s

Episode 377: Understanding Putin

The Munich Agreement was signed in September 1938 by Germany, the United Kingdom, France and Italy and permitted the German annexation of the Sudetenland, in western Czechoslovakia. Newt compares this time in history with Putin annexing Crimea and other areas of eastern Ukraine. In Putin’s February 21st speech, he signals the rationale for a Russian invasion of Ukraine. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
24/02/2234m 49s

Episode 376: Dwight Chapin on Watergate

Newt’s guest is Dwight Chapin, author of The President’s Man: The Memoirs of Nixon’s Trusted Aide. Mr. Chapin recalls the years he spent as an aide to President Nixon in the White House, including the Watergate scandal. In Part 2, he reveals details about Watergate that can only be told by someone who was there. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
21/02/2219m 35s

Episode 375: Dwight Chapin on Nixon’s Early Years

This Monday marks the 50th Anniversary of President Richard Nixon’s historic trip to the People’s Republic of China in February 1972. Newt’s guest is Dwight Chapin, author of The President’s Man: The Memoirs of Nixon’s Trusted Aide. Mr. Chapin shares his memories of the years he spent as Nixon’s aide from his ’62 campaign for governor of California to his almost two terms in the White House, cut short by the Watergate scandal. In Part 1, he discusses Nixon’s political career before winning the White House in 1968. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
20/02/2241m 26s

Episode 374 – Holding Big Tech Accountable

We have seen what Big Tech has done in the last two years to silence voices they don’t agree with. From President Trump being permanently banned from Twitter on January 8, 2021, to the latest efforts by Spotify employees to censor podcaster Joe Rogan for his content. Big Tech is more like a Big Government Overlord deciding what information you are allowed to see. Newt’s guest is Kara Frederick, Research Fellow in Technology Policy at The Heritage Foundation, author of the new report: Combating Big Tech’s Totalitarianism: A Road Map. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
19/02/2230m 12s

Episode 373: The Immortals – Alexander Hamilton

Alexander Hamilton’s life is one of the more extraordinary stories of a Founding Father’s rise to greatness. He was born on the Caribbean island of Nevis, and was orphaned. A lawyer by training, he was also very involved in financial markets and founded The Bank of New York. Later he would serve as the first Secretary of the Treasury under President George Washington. During the Revolutionary War he was a senior aide to General Washington. After the war, he was elected as a Representative from New York to the Congress of the Confederation. He wrote 51 of the 85 Federalists Papers. Part of The Immortals leadership series. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
14/02/2241m 47s

Episode 372: Defending Ukraine Against Putin

Congresswoman Victoria Spartz was born, raised and educated in Ukraine. She now serves Indiana’s 5th Congressional district in the United States House of Representatives. She immigrated to the United States in 2000. Congresswoman Spartz just returned from a bi-partisan congressional delegation to Brussels and Ukraine and she talks with Newt about what needs to be done to stop Putin.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
13/02/2226m 4s

Episode 371: China - In Propaganda We Trust

Dr. Weifeng Zhong grew up in China and attended college at Shantou University in Guangdong. He then went to University of Hong Kong, where he saw the “Pillar of Shame” about the Tiananmen Square Massacre for the first time and it changed his worldview. He has since founded the “Policy Change Index” Project to track China’s propaganda machine with machine learning and artificial intelligence. Dr. Weifeng Zhong is a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
11/02/2235m 24s

Episode 370: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros

George Soros has had a deep impact on modern politics, using his money to influence election outcomes. Using his billions, Soros has influenced media, activist groups, colleges, local elections, presidential elections and even global elections. In his new book, The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros, author Matt Palumbo details Soros’ extensive targeting of local races to destroy law and order in America and much more. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
06/02/2227m 13s

Episode 369: Stephen Hunter on Targeted

Stephen Hunter is the prolific author of 21 novels, including Time to Hunt, Black Light, Point of Impact, and the New York Times bestsellers: Havana, Pale Horse Coming, and Hot Springs. He’s the retired chief film critic for The Washington Post, where he won the 2003 Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Criticism. His latest novel, the 12th in the Bob Lee Swagger series is Targeted which is available now.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
05/02/2238m 53s

Episode 368: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his Inner Circle membership club and he answers member’s questions about Russia, Ukraine, and China, the Supreme Court vacancy, the Senate filibuster and whether Ukraine should join NATO in a town hall style meeting. Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
02/02/2222m 4s

Episode 367: Nebraska’s Gift to Taxpayers

Earlier this month, Governor Pete Ricketts of the State of Nebraska announced that he was giving $400 million dollars in surplus back to the Nebraska taxpayers. An extraordinary move, when many other states have used all of their federal funding to increase spending. Nebraska won the Governor’s Cup for the most economic development projects per capita three years in a row from 2016 – 2018. And in 2021, Nebraska has the lowest unemployment rate in all 50 states. Newt’s guest is Governor Pete Ricketts. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
31/01/2237m 44s

Episode 366: Peter Schweizer on Red-Handed

For many years the Chinese government has been trying to infiltrate American institutions. What is new however, are the number of American elites who are eager to help the Chinese dictatorship in its quest for global power. Presidential families, Silicon Valley gurus, Wall Street high rollers, Ivy League universities, even professional athletes, are all willing to sacrifice American strength and security on the altar of personal enrichment. Newt’s guest is Peter Schweizer, author of Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
30/01/2239m 28s

Episode 365: Mark Mills on The Cloud Revolution

What does the future hold? Mark Mills makes the case that a roaring 2020s is arriving, and it won’t come from any singular invention but from the convergence of radical advances in the three primary technology domains: microprocessors, materials, and machines. Accelerating this technological revolution is The Cloud, history’s biggest infrastructure. Mills new book, The Cloud Revolution: How the Convergence of New Technologies Will Unleash the Next Economic Boom and A Roaring 2020s is out now. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
26/01/2243m 15s

Episode 364: A Coach Goes to Congress

As a college football coach, he led the Auburn Tigers to five western division titles and one SEC Championship, and he was named the 2004 National Coach of the Year. And he retired as one of the top 50 most winning football coaches of all time. In 2021, he was sworn in as the United States Senator representing the State of Alabama. Newt’s guest is Senator “Coach” Tommy Tuberville. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
23/01/2241m 25s

Episode 363: Answering Biden’s Challenge

In his January 19th press conference, President Biden asked, “What are Republicans for?” In this episode, Newt lays out exactly what Republicans are for and why they are going to win back the majority in the Congress in the 2022 midterm elections. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
22/01/2235m 2s

Episode 362: Of Course China Knew

Newt recently read John Moody’s new novel entitled, Of Course They Knew, Of Course They… and was really intrigued by the use of fictional characters and dramatic license to help describe the COVID-19 global pandemic and the threat we face with China. John Moody is a former executive editor and executive vice president at Fox News. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
21/01/2230m 6s

Episode 361: The Border Crisis in Yuma, Arizona

On December 9th, 2021, the town of Yuma, Arizona was facing a tough challenge – a surge of migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border. 6,000 migrants crossed the border in a five-day period, leading Mayor Douglas Nicholls to announce a State of Emergency. To understand more about the border crisis on the front lines, Newt’s guest is Mayor Douglas Nicholls of Yuma, Arizona. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
16/01/2229m 1s

Episode 360: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his Inner Circle membership club and he asks the question, are they better off today than they were a year ago? Members comment on the State of California and how radical it’s become and what Republicans need to do to take back Congress in 2022, in a town hall style meeting. Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
15/01/2227m 19s

Episode 359: Why We Need a Balanced Budget

When Newt Gingrich was Speaker of the House, they balanced the federal budget for four straight years, the only four consecutive years in your lifetime. And they did it knowingly, deliberately and with a strategic plan. He knows it can be done. Newt makes the case of why the federal budget needs to be balanced now. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
13/01/2242m 39s

Episode 358: Jack Nicklaus on Life and Golf

Newt guest is The Golden Bear, Jack Nicklaus, arguably the greatest golfer of all time and without question the game’s greatest champion. Winning 120 professional tournaments worldwide, including 73 PGA Tour events and a record 18 major championships over a 25-year span. Nicklaus shares the secrets to his success both on and off the course. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
09/01/2240m 42s

Episode 357: John Ondrasik on Why Afghanistan Still Matters

The tragic withdrawal of Afghanistan is not over. There are many Americans and Afghanis who were left behind. A well-known singer-songwriter has made it his mission to support efforts to bring people home safely. Newt’s guest is Grammy nominated singer-songwriter John Ondrasik, of Five for Fighting. He talks about his docu-music video, Blood on My Hands and why we need to keep working to free the people of Afghanistan from Taliban rule. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
08/01/2232m 21s

Episode 356: Julie Kelly on January 6th

Americans were shocked and outraged to see chaos unfold at the Capitol on January 6th, 2021. But one year later, the original narrative of what happened that day has crumbled while hundreds of Americans have been swept up in an unprecedented Justice Department investigation to punish them for their involvement in the January 6th protest. The public has been misled—and flat-out lied to—about a number of aspects related to that day. Newt’s guest is Julie Kelly. Her new book January 6th: How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right is out now.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
07/01/2236m 23s

Episode 355: 5 Days of Christmas Immortals – Thomas Jefferson, Part 2

Part 2 - Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third President of the United States from 1801 to 1809. Newt talks about Jefferson’s life and legacy. Part of the Immortals leadership series.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
01/01/2229m 18s

Episode 354: 5 Days of Christmas Immortals – Thomas Jefferson, Part 1

Part 1 - Thomas Jefferson was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third President of the United States from 1801 to 1809. Newt talks about Jefferson’s life and legacy. Part of the Immortals leadership series.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
01/01/2236m 7s

Episode 353: 5 Days of Christmas Immortals – Jonas Salk

In 1952, nearly 60,000 children in the United States were infected with the poliovirus and thousands were paralyzed. More than 3,000 children died. Dr. Jonas Salk and his research team at the University of Pittsburgh, launched the largest human vaccine trial in history, injecting nearly 2 million American children with a potential vaccine. Part of the Immortals leadership series.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
30/12/2127m 25s

Episode 352: 5 Days of Christmas Immortals – John Wilkes

In 1760s London, John Wilkes was a champion of liberty and an advocate for free speech and freedom of the press. He was an outspoken member of Parliament and in 1764 the House of Commons expelled him, but he was reelected. The Founding Fathers of the United States were deeply shaped by Great Britain’s Parliamentary oppression of Wilkes. Part of the Immortals leadership series. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
29/12/2136m 35s

Episode 351: 5 Days of Christmas Immortals – Chuck Yeager

Perhaps the most famous pilot of his generation, General Chuck Yeager is best known for breaking the sound barrier in 1947. Newt takes a closer look at his life and legacy – and we hear from General Yeager, in his own words. Part of the Immortals leadership series Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
28/12/2141m 52s

Episode 350: Dr. Kevin Roberts on becoming Heritage’s New President

The Heritage Foundation is the nation’s premier conservative think tank. They have over 500,000 members and focus on public policy efforts around the issues of education, health care, border security and election integrity to name just a few. Newt’s guest is Dr. Kevin Roberts, who serves as the seventh president in The Heritage Foundation’s 48-year history. Prior to joining Heritage, he was the chief executive officer at The Texas Public Policy Foundation.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
27/12/2137m 43s

Episode 349: Christmas at the Inn

The Inn at Little Washington was opened in 1978 in a former garage, with a staff of 3, by Chef Patrick O’Connell. The Inn has gone on to enjoy worldwide recognition and regularly hosts celebrities, politicians, and culinary enthusiasts. The Inn became the first and only 3 Star Michelin restaurant in the Washington D.C. area. Newt talks with Chef O’Connell about how he transformed Washington, Virginia into a magical destination, especially during the Christmas season. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
24/12/2139m 47s

Episode 348: Brian Kilmeade on Lincoln and Douglass

Newt talks with Brian Kilmeade, co-host of FOX & Friends and his nationally syndicated three-hour radio program on FOX News Radio, The Brian Kilmeade Show. Kilmeade is the author of six books, five of them are New York Times best-sellers. His most recent book is The President and the Freedom Fighter.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
23/12/2132m 57s

Episode 347: “What you are looking at is the American Dream.”

Winsome Sears grew up in Jamaica, moved to the United States at age 6 and served in the United States Marines. She was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates as the first black Republican woman, the first female veteran and the first legal immigrant woman. She is a small business owner and a trained electrician. And now she is Virginia’s Lieutenant Governor-Elect, serving alongside Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
19/12/2140m 47s

Episode 346: The Economy – Inflation and Interest Rates

Why are we experiencing the most inflation in a 40 year period? What does the producer price index and consumer price index increase indicate about the future? To help make sense of our current economy, Newt talks with Thomas Hoenig, former Vice Chairman of the FDIC and former President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
18/12/2134m 1s

Episode 345: The Omicron Variant

What do we need to know about the pandemic now? What about the new Omicron variant, home testing kits, preventative therapeutics, vaccines and boosters? How do we stay safe and still enjoy the holidays together? Newt talks with Dr. Marty Makary from Johns Hopkins to answer some of these questions. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
16/12/2141m 40s

Episode 344: Newt Gingrich on Beyond Biden

Lisa Boothe interviews Newt about the future of the Republican party and the future of the country after Joe Biden’s presidency. They also discuss the Contract with America and Newt’s new book, Beyond Biden: Rebuilding the America We Love. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
12/12/2158m 23s

Episode 343: Facing Addiction in America

Almost every American knows someone who has been affected by the opioid crisis. Addiction is a an issue that impacts individuals from every walk of life. Newt’s guest is Ryan Hampton, author of Unsettled: How the Purdue Pharma Bankruptcy Failed the Victims of the American Overdose Crisis. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
11/12/2142m 13s

Episode 342: Remembering Senator Bob Dole

From his humble roots in Russell, Kansas to his service in World War II to serving 27 years representing Kansas in the United States Senate, Bob Dole lived an extraordinary life. Newt shares stories and memories of his colleague and long-time friend. Senator Dole passed away this week at the age of 98. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
08/12/2139m 29s

Episode 341: Putin’s Playbook

The threat of Russia’s sabotage of America has never been greater than it is today. Russian cyberattacks targeting American fuel, food supply and national elections are part of Vladimir Putin’s plan to bring the United States to its knees. Our country is woefully unprepared to fight back, and most Americans don’t even know we are facing a dangerous confrontation. Newt’s guest is Rebekah Koffler, author of Putin’s Playbook: Russia’s Secret Plan to Defeat America. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
08/12/2137m 56s

Episode 340: Hunter Biden’s Laptop from Hell

When Hunter Biden abandoned his computer at a repair shop in Delaware in the spring of 2019, just days before his father announced his candidacy for the United States presidency, it became the ticking time bomb in the shadows of Joe Biden’s campaign. The dirty secrets contained in Hunter’s laptop almost derailed his father’s presidential campaign and ignited one of the greatest media coverups in American history. Newt’s guest is Miranda Devine, author of Laptop from Hell: Hunter Biden, Big Tech, and the Dirty Secrets the President Tried to Hide. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
05/12/2129m 4s

Episode 339: Alex Berenson on Pandemia

Newt talks with author Alex Berenson about the true story of the COVID pandemic many have never heard before. First, what did the early data tell us about the pandemic? Second, the lockdowns, at least as the United States and Europe conducted them, were useless, if not counterproductive. His new book: Pandemia: How Coronavirus Hysteria Took Over Our Government, Rights and Lives is available now. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
02/12/2137m 49s

Episode 338: Jeff Roe on Governor-Elect Glenn Youngkin

Newt talks with Jeff Roe, founder and CEO of Axiom Strategies, a firm specializing in strategic consulting, direct voter contact and research services for congressional, senatorial and statewide campaigns. Roe’s latest victory includes the election of Glenn Youngkin for Governor of Virginia. Newt and Jeff discuss the strategy behind winning the Virginia race. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
28/11/2147m 51s

Episode 337: Newt Gingrich on The Biggest Turkey Leg

Newt talks about his favorite Thanksgiving memories as he was growing up in Pennsylvania and some of the traditions he really enjoyed as a child. He also discusses the history of Thanksgiving and why it is truly a uniquely American holiday. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
25/11/2127m 36s

Episode 336: Tracy McKenzie on The First Thanksgiving

What was the first Thanksgiving really like for the pilgrims? What struggles did they endure to make the transatlantic journey from Europe to Plymouth, Massachusetts? And once they arrived, what happened to them? The first Thanksgiving is a window on the American past and was a very different experience than the holiday we celebrate today. Newt’s guest is Dr. Tracy McKenzie, Professor of History at Wheaton College in Illinois. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
24/11/2130m 29s

Episode 335: Melanie Kirkpatrick on Thanksgiving – An American Tradition

From the Pilgrim’s first Thanksgiving in 1621 to modern day Thanksgiving traditions. Newt’s and his guest is Melanie Kirkpatrick discuss why Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday. Kirkpatrick is the author of Thanksgiving: The Holiday at the Heart of the American Experience. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
24/11/2129m 59s

Episode 334: Chef Jacques Haeringer on Preparing a Thanksgiving Feast

With Thanksgiving coming up this week, Newt talks with his favorite chef and good friend, Chef Jacques Haeringer, executive chef and proprietor of the legendary L’Auberge Chez François restaurant in Great Falls, Virginia. Chef Haeringer discusses his life-long career in the restaurant business, what it was like to survive COVID shutdowns and his suggestions for preparing the perfect Thanksgiving feast. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
21/11/2129m 4s

Episode 333: Winning the School Boards

When Virginia’s democrat candidate for Governor, Terry McAuliffe said during the debate: “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”, his comment ignited a firestorm and parents everywhere took notice. Newt guests are Xi Van Fleet and Adam Waldeck, two people on the front lines of the critical race theory fight in Loudoun County, Virginia. Adam Waldeck is the President of Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
20/11/2130m 49s

Episode 332: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his Inner Circle membership club and he answers their questions about what the big government socialists are doing to transform our country, why Biden will never step down and how Republicans should be confident that the 2022 mid-term elections will deliver a big win. Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
18/11/2124m 35s

Episode 331: The Economy – Inflation and Supply Chain Issues

The price of a gallon of gas, empty store shelves, longer shipping times for merchandise we order online. What will inflation and supply chain issues mean for the upcoming holiday season? Newt’s guest is Christine McDaniel, former Deputy Assistant Secretary at the Treasury Department and Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
17/11/2127m 24s

Episode 330: Gary Sinise on Honoring Veterans

For nearly 40 years, actor Gary Sinise has been an advocate on behalf of America’s service members. His portrayal of Lt. Dan in Forrest Gump formed an enduring connection with service members throughout the military community. Following the attacks of September 11th, 2001, Sinise’s dedication to our nation’s active duty defenders, veterans, first responders and their families has become his personal crusade of support, service and gratitude for all those who protect our freedom and serve our country through the Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
14/11/2132m 53s

Episode 329: Bill Bratton on Crime in America

Commissioner Bill Bratton is one of the most important voices in law enforcement and policing in the last 50 years in the United States. He served as chief of the Los Angeles Police Department, chief of the New York City Transit Police, and Commissioner of the Boston Police Department and the New York City Police Department. Everywhere he went, he slashed crime rates and professionalized policing. His new book, The Profession: A Memoir of Community, Race, and the Arc of Policing in America, is out now. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
13/11/2133m 22s

Episode 328: Peter Navarro on In Trump Time

Newt talks with Peter Navarro who served as Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy at the White House during the Trump Administration. His new book: In Trump Time: A Journal of America’s Plague Year details a behind-the-scenes account of the inner workings of the White House grappling with one of America’s worst and most divisive crises in history, the global pandemic. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
07/11/2130m 30s

Episode 327: Senator Joe Lieberman on The Centrist Solution

Newt’s guest is Senator Joseph Lieberman, whom he’s known for more than 30 years. When they served together in Congress, they managed to work together on key issues that were facing the country. Senator Lieberman’s new book: The Centrist Solution: How We Made Government Work and Can Make It Work Again is available now. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
06/11/2122m 12s

Episode 326: Election 2021 – A Sign of What’s To Come

On Tuesday, in elections across the country, the voters sent a clear message that the Democrat big government socialists’ agenda is not working. The results were seen as bellwethers of the Democratic party’s standing and they may have national resonance for Republicans as they seek to regain control of Congress in next year’s midterm elections. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
04/11/2127m 51s

Episode 325: Ensuring Free, Fair and Secure Elections

Newt has a new book coming out this Tuesday, Beyond Biden: Rebuilding the America We Love, and he’ll be devoting the next several episodes of the podcast to cover some of the issues he talks about in the book. Newt’s guest is Hans von Spakovsky, who has been studying the issue of election integrity for years in his role as Manager of the Election Law Reform Initiative and Senior Legal Fellow at The Heritage Foundation. His new book is: Our Broken Elections: How the Left Changed the Way You Vote. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
31/10/2131m 41s

Episode 324: The Center of Freedom in America

Newt shares his recent experience of meeting with members of the House Republican party, standing on the chamber floor of the United States House of Representatives for the first time in over 20 years, and how his visit to the U.S. Capitol has him thinking about the fact that America is at a historic crossroads. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
30/10/2132m 57s

Episode 323: Sean Spicer on Radical Nation

Newt talks with Sean Spicer, President Trump’s former White House press secretary and host of Spicer & Co. on Newsmax TV, about his new book, Radical Nation: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s Dangerous Plan for America. They also discuss what it was like when Melissa McCarthy played him on Saturday Night Live, and becoming a quarter-finalist on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
27/10/2125m 20s

Episode 322: Bret Baier on Ulysses S. Grant

Newt talks with Bret Baier, New York Times bestselling author, award-winning chief political anchor for Fox News Channel, and the anchor and executive editor of Special Report with Bret Baier. His new book: To Rescue the Republic: Ulysses S. Grant, the Fragile Union, and the Crisis of 1876 illuminates the life and legacy of one of America’s most consequential yet misunderstood leaders, Ulysses S. Grant, whose actions both as General and as President played an unparalleled role in preserving the United States. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
24/10/2137m 2s

Episode 321: Mollie Hemingway on “Rigged”

What really happened in the 2020 election? Millions of Americans, who experienced the most troubling election of their lives, want answers. In her new book, Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections, best-selling author and award-winning journalist Mollie Hemingway reveals how the left-wing media, Democratic leaders, and Big Tech oligarchs colluded to create an election system designed to defeat President Trump. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
23/10/2135m 15s

Episode 320: John Ondrasik on “Blood on My Hands”

Newt’s guest is John Ondrasik, the Five for Fighting Grammy nominated singer-songwriter, about his new song “Blood on My Hands” which reflects on our tragic withdrawal from Afghanistan. All the proceeds from the sale of the song are going to Afghan refugee and relief charities, as well as to the Gary Sinise Foundation. Five for Fighting has sold over 2.5 million albums. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
21/10/2132m 0s

Episode 319: General Kellogg on Trump’s White House

General Keith Kellogg spent 1,462 days in the White House serving with all four national security advisers to President Trump, longer than any other national security appointee. In that role, he was involved in every major national security decision by the President of the United States from 2017 to 2021. In his conversation with Newt, he discusses his new book: War By Other Means: A General in the Trump White House, and provides an eyewitness account of his experience behind closed doors. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
17/10/2144m 46s

Episode 318: Defeating the Radical American Left

Newt talks about his experience at the National Republican Senatorial Committee annual gathering and shares his thoughts on how we can defeat the radical American left-wing activists as Republicans look towards the mid-term elections in 2022 and the next presidential election in 2024.  Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
16/10/2133m 3s

Episode 317: Behind the Border Crisis

The surge of migration at the U.S. southern border has led many to wonder what are the causes behind the surge? Was it a change in U.S. immigration policy? Or are many seeking asylum or just coming to America for a better life? Newt talks with Carlos Denton from CID Gallup in Costa Rica. For 40 years, Carlos has been speaking with and polling the people of Central America about the issues they face and why they want to migrate to the United States for a better life. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
14/10/2145m 59s

Episode 316: Dr. Scott Gottlieb on Uncontrolled Spread

As the COVID-19 global pandemic unfolded, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, MD, was in regular contact with all the key players in Congress, the Trump administration, and the drug and diagnostic industries. He has an insider’s knowledge of how level after level of American government crumbled as the COVID-19 crisis advanced. His new book: UNCONTROLLED SPREAD: Why COVID-19 Crushed Us and How We Can Defeat the Next Pandemic is available now. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
10/10/2138m 1s

Episode 315: Capitol Hill Chaos

The progressive left-wing Democrats want their $3.5 trillion Reconciliation bill passed before they will vote on Infrastructure. Senator Joe Manchin and Senator Kyrsten Sinema won’t vote for a $3.5 Reconciliation bill, but support Infrastructure. And the person with an iron gavel, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is trying to unite her party to get it all through. Newt gives his take on this Capitol Hill chaos. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
07/10/2135m 56s

Episode 314: David Rubenstein on The American Experiment

Newt has a fascinating conversation with the billionaire philanthropist, David Rubenstein, author of The American Experiment: Dialogues on a Dream. He is cofounder and co-executive chairman of The Carlyle Group, a global private equity firm. He is also the Chairman of the Boards of Trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the Council on Foreign Relations. He is an original signer of The Giving Pledge and the host of The David Rubenstein Show on Bloomberg TV and PBS. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
03/10/2137m 44s

Episode 313: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his Inner Circle membership club and he answers their questions about Bernie Sanders big government socialism bill, the debt ceiling, the Arizona recount and why he thinks Republicans will gain seats in the 2022 mid-terms in a town hall style meeting. Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
01/10/2125m 19s

Episode 312: The Economy - Inflation

Many have noticed the cost of food and gas prices rising. Are we headed for skyrocketing inflation? And will global supply chain issues affect our holiday gift giving this year? Newt’s guest is David Beckworth, he is a Senior Research Fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University and former economist at the Department of the Treasury. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
29/09/2128m 46s

Episode 311: Allen Guelzo on Robert E. Lee

Newt is joined by a long-time friend, and fellow historian, Dr. Allen Guelzo. He is Director of the James Madison Program Initiative on Politics and Statesmanship and Senior Research Scholar in the Council of the Humanities at Princeton University. He is The New York Times best-selling author of Gettysburg, and his new book about the Civil War Confederate General: Robert E. Lee: A Life is out this Tuesday. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
26/09/211h 5m

Episode 310: Bernie’s Gone Bonkers – the $3 Trillion Tax Bill

Newt is joined by Congressman Kevin Brady to discuss the Democrats’ proposed $3.5 trillion spending bill and $3 trillion tax increase bill. As Ranking Republican of the House Ways and Means Committee, Brady is a leading voice in speaking out about the reasons to oppose the Democrats’ tax increase. They also discuss the border crisis. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
24/09/2121m 28s

Episode 309: The Economy – Student Loan Debt

Newt talks with Josh Mitchell, author of The Debt Trap: How Student Loans Became a National Catastrophe. They discuss the origins of student loans and how student loan debt has increased to $1.5 trillion dollars in the United States. Looking at the story from all angles; students, parents, educational institutions, federal policy and the lenders themselves. And they discuss how earning a college degree may not always pay off, and what’s to be done about it. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
22/09/2133m 52s

Episode 308: The Afghanistan Papers

The Afghanistan Papers: A Secret History of the War details interviews with people who played a direct role in the war and their stunning admissions; that the U.S. government’s strategies for Afghanistan were a mess, the nation-building project was a colossal failure and drugs and corruption infiltrated their allies in the Afghan government. Newt talks with the author and Washington Post investigative reporter, Craig Whitlock, a three-time Pulitzer Prize finalist. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
19/09/2147m 2s

Episode 307: Failing Our Children – How the Left Ruined Education

Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed SB 744 into law on July 14th. The law directs the Department of Education to review state requirements for a high school diploma. It also suspends the proficiency requirements for high school students in reading, writing and math for three years. Newt talks with Representative Christine Drazan, Minority Leader of the Oregon House of Representatives. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
18/09/2128m 52s

Episode 306: The Economy – Returning to Work

What does the post-pandemic economic recovery look like? Now that the Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation has ended, will more people return to the work? Newt talks with economist Michael Farren, PhD, research fellow at the Mercatus Center. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
16/09/2124m 0s

Episode 305: Newt Answers Your Questions

Newt is joined by members of his Inner Circle membership club and he answers their questions about the $3 trillion dollar tax increase, Afghanistan, the Biden Administration’s new vaccine mandates, and what he remembers most about when he was Speaker, in a town hall style meeting.  Become a member of Newt’s Inner Circle today at Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
15/09/2130m 3s

Episode 304: General Arbuckle on Afghanistan

The Flag Officers 4 America, a group of retired U.S. Generals and Admirals, have called for the resignations of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, based on negligence in performing their duties primarily involving the events surrounding the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, in a letter dated 30 August. Newt’s guest is Major General Joseph Arbuckle. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
12/09/2127m 53s

Episode 303: Senator Bob Kerrey on Remembering 9/11

Newt is joined by his friend and former colleague Senator Bob Kerrey to discuss the 20th anniversary of the September 11th attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C. Senator Kerry served on the 9/11 Commission and has an insiders perspective on how 9/11 happened, what went wrong, how we needed to make changes to our national security and what ultimately followed. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
11/09/2128m 21s

Episode 302: The Racist Morning Routine

Elementary school teacher Jennifer Tafuto resigned her position in Manchester, Connecticut public schools on July 14th. Teachers in her district were asked to track their daily activities as part of equity training. They were required to fill out a “Daily Racial Reflection Timeline” that included a list of choices of how individuals both white and non-white should feel about race as they move through their daily routine. Newt’s guest tells more about her experience on the front lines of teaching critical race theory in the classroom. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
08/09/2124m 27s

Episode 301: Ben Shapiro on The Authoritarian Moment

We have entered a new period in America where the intolerance and rigidity of the left have crept into American ideology and invaded our institutions. Newt’s guest is Ben Shapiro, editor-in-chief of The Daily Wire, host of The Ben Shapiro Show, and author of The New York Times best-seller, The Authoritarian Moment: How the Left Weaponized America’s Institutions Against Dissent. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
05/09/2137m 24s

Episode 300: Martin Dugard on Taking Paris

As a sports writer, he covered the Tour de France, and he teamed up with Bill O’Reilly to co-author the best-selling Killing series. Newt’s guest is Martin Dugard, talking about his new book about the Nazi invasion of France in World War II, TAKING PARIS: The Epic Battle for the City of Lights. Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for privacy information.
03/09/2129m 24s
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