Campus Files
College holds a mythic place in American culture—hailed as the best four years of your life and revered as a beacon of integrity and excellence. But behind the polished campus tours and glossy brochures lies a far more complicated reality. Each episode of Campus Files uncovers a new story, exploring everything from rigged admissions to sports scandals, free speech, and hazing. Consider this your unofficial campus tour.
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For additional stories on scandals that have rocked American institutions, check out seasons 1-3 of Gangster Capitalism in this feed:
Season 1: The College Admissions Scandal
Season 2: The NRA
Season 3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University
Campus Files is an Audacy original podcast.
Alabama's Segregated Sororities
In 2013, Alpha Delta Gamma senior Melanie Gotz made national headlines when she revealed that sorority hopefuls were being cut from rush based on race. Her allegations shed light on the entrenched segregation within the University of Alabama’s Greek system — a system that, in over 100 years, had extended a bid to just one Black woman.
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12/02/25•35m 16s
The Carolina Way - Part 2
For years, UNC protected its athletic dominance wth fake classes to keep athletes eligible. In 2011, the secret exploded into public view, threatening to shatter the university’s athletic standing.
Read Andy’s book:
Read Dan Kane’s reporting:
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05/02/25•36m 18s
The Carolina Way - Part 1
Between 1993 and 2011, UNC operated a shadow curriculum—hundreds of courses and independent studies that never met, required no work, and awarded high grades. The reason? To keep athletes eligible for UNC's multi-million dollar sports program.
Read Jay and Mary's book:
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29/01/25•33m 30s
Introducing: Campus Files
College holds a mythic place in American culture. It’s often hailed as the best four years of your life and revered as a beacon of integrity and excellence, but beyond the scripted campus tours and glossy brochures lies a far more complicated reality. Campus Files is a new weekly podcast series produced by the award winning studio, Audacy Originals. Every week, a new episode, a new scandal, and a new story.
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28/01/25•3m 6s
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | Bonus 2: Shannon
Jane Doe 15 tells her story.
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08/12/21•1h 41m
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | Bonus: Jane Does v. Liberty
More survivors of sexual violence at Liberty speak for the first time, revealing yet again how deeply the coverup culture on campus is rooted. Our reporting has led to a lawsuit against Liberty, in which the women featured in episode 3, those in this episode, and others have joined.
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25/08/21•1h 15m
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | Ep 8: Playing With Fire
Liberty University strayed far from its mission under the leadership of Jerry Falwell Jr, but even in the wake of his departure, the future of the school may be determined by those who enabled him.
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07/07/21•1h 6m
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | Ep 7: On the Margins
Atypical Liberty students face enormous and sometimes dangerous pressure on campus.
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30/06/21•57m 32s
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | Ep 6: The Family Business
It pays to be connected to the Falwells.
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23/06/21•58m 34s
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | EP 5: Controlling the Narrative
From the Liberty Police Department, to the student newspaper, to faculty, staff, and administration, loyalty was constantly tested, and enforced.
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16/06/21•1h 3m
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | EP 4: Bust to Boom
Jerry Falwell Sr founds Liberty University in 1971. Amid financial turmoil, Jerry Falwell Jr takes over in 2007. Business booms, but at what cost?
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09/06/21•54m 46s
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | EP 3: Protecting the Brand
Liberty has failed to address, and even covered up the stories of women who have been sexually harassed and assaulted on campus.
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02/06/21•1h 18m
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | EP2: A Hostel Arrangement
Giancarlo Granda, AKA “The Pool Boy” reveals the predatory nature of the Falwells. Exclusive audio reveals another side, and another character in the middle of this story.
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26/05/21•44m 48s
S3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University | EP1: Quid Pro Quo
A never-before told story details Jerry and Becki Falwell’s behavior at the height of their power. And a favor comes with big enough strings attached to change the course of an election.
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26/05/21•42m 35s
Introducing Season 3: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University
The C13Originals Peabody nominated series is back for Season Three: Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University. A sex scandal rocks one of the world’s largest Christian universities, and the man at the center of it. But that scandal is just the beginning. The award-winning Gangster Capitalism team spoke with more than 80 former and current Liberty students, faculty, staff, high-ranking administrators, and those with intimate knowledge of Falwell Jr. What emerges is the inside story of how the university, and the family who founded it, have been rocked by power, greed, hypocrisy, and of course money.
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24/05/21•4m 4s
S2: The NRA | Bonus Episode: Rigging The Election
Following the last episode of Season 2, the creators of Gangster Capitalism received a tip about a secret scheme to keep Wayne LaPierre in power.
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22/07/20•37m 45s
S2: The NRA | EP8: Down to the Studs
A former Ackerman employee explains how expenses were hidden. Leaked audio of Wayne LaPierre lets people know the real damage under his watch. Where will the NRA go from here?
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06/05/20•44m 35s
S2: The NRA | EP7: Enough is Enough
Board members are receiving money directly from the NRA. A fundraiser and a major donor decide they’ve seen enough.
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29/04/20•42m 18s
S2: The NRA | EP6: Family Business
Could this be more than business? Could it be personal? A deeper look at the NRA attorney at the center of everything.
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22/04/20•44m 54s
S2: The NRA | EP5: A Hostile Takeover
The NRA has a new program to help lift them out of financial despair, and a fresh face to run it. But both turn out to be disasters.
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15/04/20•42m 33s
S2: The NRA | EP4: The Big Game
A dream job slowly becomes something very different for a former NRA fundraiser, as ethical questions come to light.
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08/04/20•39m 59s
S2: The NRA | EP3: Man on the White Horse
A financial surplus becomes a deficit once Wayne LaPierre is elevated to EVP, and he is questioned about the relationship with Ackerman McQueen, more than 20 years ago. An old friend with a clever maneuver helps to keep the status quo.
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01/04/20•38m 35s
S2: The NRA | EP2: A Clear Crisis
Lines are drawn, as Wayne LaPierre’s supremacy is tested, and the rift spills out into public.
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25/03/20•43m 43s
S2: The NRA | EP1: Let Loose the Dogs of War
A show of strength and unity kicks off the 2019 Annual Convention, but behind the scenes, the NRA is nearing a civil war.
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25/03/20•39m 43s
Introducing Season 2: The NRA
From C13 Originals, Gangster Capitalism, Season 2 explores The National Rifle Association and the allegations swirling around the nonprofit organization. Andrew Jenks hosts.
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24/03/20•4m 10s
S1: The College Admissions Scandal I Bonus Episode: The Price to Be Paid
With sentences starting to be handed out to those who’ve plead guilty in this scandal, some cases are coming to a close. Others who’ve plead not guilty may have an uphill battle, despite their potential argument that Rick Singer followed the steps of any good con, which are explained in this episode. Any real sense of closure and long term change will require changing the narrative, both for the parents and for the academic system at large.
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09/10/19•46m 59s
S1: The College Admissions Scandal I Ep 6: Watershed Moment
An argument is made that just because we are repelled by the indicted parents’ behavior, that doesn’t make it criminal. In fact, one opinion is that the parents may face no punishment. Some solutions are presented, but a mother and a son show us that any real change must come from within.
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18/06/19•39m 6s
S1: The College Admissions Scandal I EP 5: Where You Start is Where You Finish
A Singer parent negotiates a deal for her son to have the ACT taken for him, without him even being in the same state, and a college admissions insider reveals the a la carte menu that wealthy parents have when donating to schools, also known as “The Backdoor.” But as it turns out, paying top dollar for access to admissions offices can start as far back as preschool. This episode looks at the legal ways in which parents get their kids into college, no matter how dubious they may seem.
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11/06/19•38m 43s
S1: The College Admissions Scandal I EP 4: Ricky
A best friend, a mentee, and a former coworker provide an intimate account of Rick Singer’s transition from the boy determined to transform himself, to the coach who refused to accept failure, to the man whose obsession with wealth would be his ultimate undoing. These people, and their stories are being heard for the first time, and a new picture of who Rick Singer really is, finally emerges.
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04/06/19•42m 47s
S1: The College Admissions Scandal I EP 3: The Dominoes Fall
Federal agents make an arrest for securities fraud, and get much more than expected. They are offered information that leads to a man they’d never heard of - Rick Singer, and the biggest scandal in education history. Once Singer is caught, he brings everybody else with him through conversations that shed light on the world of those involved, and their sense of entitlement.
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28/05/19•31m 31s
S1: The College Admissions Scandal I EP 2: The Bumper Sticker Mentality
Rick Singer’s “Side Door” has another, more expensive option that clients like actor, Lori Loughlin opt for. The scam? $500,000 to get your kids accepted to college as Division 1 athletes - even if they never actually played the sport. Race and status are explored, as this scandal forces all of us to confront uncomfortable subjects.
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21/05/19•41m 7s
S1: The College Admissions Scandal I EP 1: The Side Door
Through transcriptions of wiretapped conversations between Rick Singer, Felicity Huffman, and others, Episode 1 brings to life just how dirty these schemes were. We also hear from a student who cheated on his SAT, a psychologist who deals with students and parents trying to game the system to get more time to take the SAT and ACT, and Jenks breaks news by finding the ringleader, Rick Singer, in an unlikely place.
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14/05/19•37m 51s
Introducing Season 1: The College Admissions Scandal
With exclusive interviews and thought-provoking discussion, Andrew Jenks examines the people involved and the larger debate around higher education in America.
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18/04/19•4m 29s