The Life Coach School Podcast

The Life Coach School Podcast

By Brooke Castillo

The Life Coach School Podcast is your go-to resource for learning, growing, and becoming certified as a Life Coach & Weight Loss Coach. Through this podcast, you'll hear directly from the Master Coach Brooke Castillo to help you better understand life coaching, the required skills and mindsets, and how we focus on serving the client to get them the results they seek. At The Life Coach School, we offer a thorough and intense certification course that produces some of the most successful coaches coaching today. Learn more at


#527: Narratives

Who do you think you are?   Have you ever asked yourself that seriously?   Most people have an idea, a story, about who they are and that narrative creates their identity. However, narratives are not absolute truths and you have way more power over yours than you think.   In this episode, you’ll learn what a personal narrative is and why learning how to control yours is one of the most important skills you can cultivate. I walk you through an exercise in uncovering your narrative, in deciding what you want your life and your story to be about, and an exercise in seeing the contrast that all humans naturally have.   You are the main character of your life, so how will you write your story?     What You Will Discover:   Why learning how to control your narrative is so important. How people with similar circumstances can have vastly different lives. Why personal narratives are not absolute truths. The power of an “I am” thesis. An exercise to uncover your current narrative.     Join The Life Coach School on Social:     Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email
05/09/2422m 48s

#526: Student to Leader

When faced with a big change, your brain isn’t going to like it.   Brains like certainty and stability, not the unknown.   So when I announced this would be the last year of Get Coached, many of the students inside had thoughts about what this change would mean for them.   And I get it.   Coaching and teaching inside these containers has been so rewarding and amazing.   And, I cannot wait to see my students surpass me in achieving their impossible goals and in being an example of what’s possible.   In this week’s episode, you’ll learn why you 100% have the ability to surpass your teachers and why you might want to. Hear why leveraging what your teacher knows is helpful, but depending on yourself to embrace change and facilitate growth matters more.     What You Will Discover:   Why every student can surpass their teacher if they want to. A more useful way to view your teachers. The benefits of being part of different communities. How to become the leader you’re looking for.     Join The Life Coach School on Social:     Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email
01/08/2423m 36s

Ep #525: Say vs. Hear

How do you talk to yourself when you’ve done something wrong?   Maybe you miss a putt in golf or you mess up at work.   In these moments, it is so common to beat ourselves up. To get angry and berate ourselves as if that will ensure we don’t mess up again.   However, most of the time, what we say to ourselves is not actually what we need to hear.   In this episode, learn how to interpret what you really need to hear in tough moments in order to keep moving forward. You’ll hear how to be the best coach you can be to yourself, and how to provide the level of support you need to show up the way you want to.   What You Will Discover:   Why it’s so common to beat ourselves up when we make a mistake. What we think talking negatively to ourselves accomplishes. One of the secrets to living a conscious life. How to show up as the best coach for you. An exercise to practice speaking to yourself the way you need.     Featured on the Show:   Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email
04/07/2424m 36s

Ep #524: Growth & Peace with Stacey Boehman

Growth, whether it be personal or in our businesses, feels uncomfortable.   It just does.   Pushing your limits and seeing what you are capable of comes with some discomfort.   However, some people don’t let themselves even attempt to grow because they’ve decided they would rather have peace over discomfort.   My guest this week, like so many of you listening, was willing to disturb her peace in order to grow, and the results have been tremendous.   Stacey Boehman is not just one of my favorite people on the planet, she’s also a Master Business Coach for life coaches with multiple highly successful programs. Her journey of going from selling mops in department stores to running an 8-figure business is insanely inspiring, and you can be sure that it came with a lot of discomfort along the way.   Tune in this week as Stacey and I explore the choice many people think they have to make between growth and peace, and why hiding from your dreams doesn’t automatically mean you feel peace instead. We discuss the power of deciding to give something your all, how to handle the discomfort of growth, and we share our experiences of choosing to go all in on our businesses while balancing motherhood.   What You Will Discover: How we reconcile the discomfort of growth and choosing it anyway. What peace means to us. Why the $100K mark in your business is likely the hardest you will ever work. Why Stacey says trying a little is a lot harder than trying a lot. Stacey’s insights on running a business post-partum. What helps Stacey get through the "river of misery."   Featured on the Show: Stacey Boehman Website: Instagram: 2k for 2k: 200k Mastermind: 2 Million Dollar Group:   Join The Life Coach School on Social: Do you have a suggestion for a topic you think I should cover? Email
20/06/2454m 31s

Ep #523: Busy Work vs. Result Work

Newer entrepreneurs work just as hard as the more experienced entrepreneurs, but their results are not the same.   Why?   Tune in this week to learn about the difference between busy work and result work and how you can start creating new results in your life. I encourage you to try new things, see what works and doesn’t work, and change directions if necessary. Remember, if you’re not winning, you’re learning!
06/06/2421m 6s

Ep #522: Take Back Your Brain with Kara Loewentheil

If you are a woman who struggles with people pleasing, with making conscious decisions that are solely for you, with the idea of creating wealth, listen in.   I’m joined by the one and only Kara Loewentheil, author of Take Back Your Brain: How a Sexist Society Gets in Your Head--and How to Get It Out.   In this fascinating conversation, Kara and I explore the ways men and women are socialized throughout history, how this socialization impacts how we show up in our lives, and what we can do to take back our brains.  
23/05/2446m 9s

Ep #521: How Thought Work Works

Through the teachings of a lot of amazing leaders, reading all the self-help books, and my own introspection, I came to understand the importance of thought work.   Through thought work, you can access your highest consciousness and make decisions that create the results you’ve always dreamed about.    In this episode, I share what thought work truly is, how it works, and how mastering it is one of the most freeing experiences a human can have.  
02/05/2422m 59s

Ep #520: 10 Years Proud

The Life Coach School Podcast is turning 10.    This journey has been a testament to the power of consistency and re-deciding.    Join me as I reflect on the importance of acknowledging your progress, embracing change, and giving yourself permission to evolve. Plus, I'm revealing some exciting updates about the future of the podcast and how you can continue to grow with me.  
04/04/2424m 36s

Ep #519: Big Goal Fun

How often do you find yourself setting a goal, and then not following through?   Some people don’t even bother setting a goal in the first place because they just don’t believe they can truly achieve it.   There is so much magic in the evolution that comes with working on a goal, and it all starts with a thorough cultivation of it. Find out why simply writing down your goal isn’t enough, why you might be getting discouraged by your dream, and how to experience the real magic of big goal setting.  
28/03/2428m 12s

Ep #518: Walking

One of the things that has helped me more than anything else during hard times is walking.   Having a walking practice has brought me more peace and calm than I could have ever imagined, and I encourage everyone I know, including all of you, to start one.   This week, hear all the benefits I’ve experienced from having a consistent walking practice, the types of walks my practice includes, and some tips for making the most of your practice.  
21/03/2425m 2s

Ep #517: Doing It Alone with Alessia Tenebruso

For many people, especially women, the idea of spending time alone brings up uncomfortable feelings.    However, as my guest Alessia Tenebruso shares, the benefits of exploring yourself through alone time far outweigh the discomfort.   If you’re curious about traveling alone, even if it’s just to your local hotel for a night, this episode is a must-listen. Alessia shares why the idea of solo travel is so intimidating, how to deal with the discomfort, and all the benefits you’ll experience when you do this for yourself.   
14/03/2429m 8s

Ep #516: Business Emotions

One of the best ways to build emotional strength is through entrepreneurship.   You start doubting your doubt. You develop the courage to do hard things.   And it all starts with feeling your feelings on your entrepreneurial journey.   Listen in this week to hear the four most important negative business emotions to feel and the four most important positive business emotions to generate. Once you can master these emotions, your level of self-love, emotional strength, AND business success will amaze you. Tune in to find out how.  
07/03/2422m 53s

Ep #515: Journal Coaching with Ashley R. Wright

Writing down your thoughts is a powerful way to understand them and the effects they are having on your life.   Sure, you could spend days thinking about a problem.   Or you could write your thoughts down and find clarity, awareness, and healing in the process.   Tune in this week as Journaling Coach Ashley R. Wright shares the power of journaling, the benefits of writing down your thoughts, and why doing so empowers you to free yourself from whatever is holding you back.  
29/02/2435m 39s

Ep #514: Action Audit

What happens when you are taking action, but not getting the results you want?   That’s where an action audit comes in.   Using the scientific method and two other concepts I talk about in this episode, you can analyze why your actions are not creating the results you want and adjust. I share how to conduct an action audit yourself, and the biggest difference between those who get their desired results and those who don’t.
22/02/2427m 24s

Ep #513: Types of Regret

One of the least useful emotions we have is regret.   It usually comes after we’ve made a decision. Sometimes the decision was made a minute ago and sometimes it was made 10 years ago.   However, you don’t have to let regret stop you from moving forward.   Listen in this week to learn about the two types of regret we typically experience, and how to stop letting regret keep you stuck. I share a concept that set me free from my regret, why I don’t beat myself up when I feel regret, and how you can use your regret as an opportunity for progress.
15/02/2426m 7s

Ep #512: Best Year Yet

When your work contributes to your mission, it is a very powerful place to be.   You focus on creating value for the world, and that value comes back to you.   That’s how I feel about the year ahead, and I want you to join me in that space.   Tune in this week to learn how to have the best year yet. I share what’s coming up at The Life Coach School in our programs, the brand new value we are creating there, and a concept you can use to spark ideas for how to make this year your best year yet.  
08/02/2426m 18s

Ep #511: Fast Success with Cayla Horey

Success doesn’t always come quickly, but when it does, it makes everyone stop and ask what that person is doing differently.   My guest this week is one of those people.   Cayla Horey is a certified life coach who made six figures in the first year of her coaching business.   Tune in this week to hear Cayla’s incredible story of fast success, what it took to get to where she is today, and how you can use her story as inspiration for your own success. 
01/02/2437m 17s

Ep #510: What Is Hard?

One thing all successful people have in common is that they can do hard, really well.   But the word “hard” is incredibly subjective, so what is hard?   Tune in this week to learn about the stages of success and where learning how to do hard things comes into play. This episode gets you thinking about what hard means to you, how willing you are to experience it right now, and the kinds of challenges you need to overcome to get to where you want to go.
25/01/2433m 43s

Ep #509: Goal Achievement

When we set a goal, it’s easy to think that the best part will be achieving it. We imagine what life will be like when we finally get what we’ve been working so hard for.   Despite what you might think right now, the process is the point.   Listen in as I share how being in the early stages of goal achievement differs from the later stages or even from the subsequent goals you set. You’ll learn about the rarely-discussed downsides to achieving your goals, and why it’s so important to take time to be proud of what you’ve accomplished so far.
18/01/2429m 20s

Ep #508: Be Good?

Most people would generally agree that being empathetic, generous, and kind-hearted makes you a good person.   But is that true? And, who says?   In this episode, I explore what it means to be a good person. Find out why the socially accepted traits of being good aren’t always good for you or the world, what being a good person could mean to you, and how to live your life by your own definition.
11/01/2431m 46s

Ep #507: The Soft vs. Hard Life

Does living a softer life mean you won’t achieve your goals or be successful? Does it mean you avoid building the emotional strength needed to overcome obstacles?   Listen in to hear my take on a soft vs. hard mindset for living, whether one is better than the other, and how to reach your goals regardless of which one you lean towards.
04/01/2425m 54s

Ep #506: Sturdy Self Love

Sturdy self love is fierce love.   Committed, dependable, and consistent love - the kind of self love that can change your life.   This week, discover how to cultivate sturdy self love and a quick exercise you can do right now to start creating this type of love for yourself.
28/12/2323m 22s

Ep #505: Change Your Life in One Year

It’s time to stop living a default life, stop making decisions with your survival brain, and start taking small, daily steps to create real change.   Tune in this week to hear how I will help you do all of that inside Get Coached in 2024. I share what the year will look like inside the program, what you will learn, the changes it will help you make, and why now is the time to start.  

Ep #504: Determination

We know that building a business or trying anything new comes with a lot of trial and error.   Unfortunately, we’ve been taught that error is bad. We should just quit.   My friends, I urge you not to quit. Instead, develop the skill of determination.   In this episode, discover what it means to truly be determined, how to develop this skill, and how to maintain it. Learn how to keep going when faced with adversity, not to reach the end result faster, but to become who you want to be along the way.  
14/12/2330m 18s

Ep #503: The Best Financial Investment

What if you saw your brain as an ever-appreciating asset that brings you compounding interest?   We aren’t taught to think about investing in our brains this way and it’s time to change that.   Find out what the best financial investment you can make is, how to make it, and the wonderful things that can happen when you do.
07/12/2322m 31s

Ep #502: The Last Best Year

Tune in this week to learn what's changing next year in Get Coached. I'm going to give you everything I’ve got in terms of coaching you directly, helping you directly, and I cannot wait to share with you all of the wonderful things that I’m doing, and all of the awesome opportunities that I’m creating in my life and in yours. 
30/11/2318m 50s

Ep #501: How to Take an "L"

Are you making your Ls, or losses, mean that you should give up?   Are you making them mean that you’re a loser?   I get it. I lose a lot. But I also win a lot - because I stay in the game.   Today, I'm sharing how to take a loss and use it to make yourself even better than had you not lost at all. The bigger your dreams are, the more opportunities you will have to practice these steps. Let’s go.  
23/11/2320m 50s

Ep #500: The Best of 500

What an incredible milestone we have achieved together.   This body of work is a testament to the power of consistency.   Mine and yours.   In this collection of clips, we're going all the way back to the first episodes, to the introduction of how our thoughts create our feelings and how to do a thought download, to the compound effect that small, consistent action has on our lives and on our successes.  
16/11/2349m 56s

Ep #499: Fight For It

Too many people aren’t willing to fight for what they really want, and instead, they blame themselves or others for not getting it.   In this episode, I invite you to consider where you aren’t fighting for what you want and why maybe you should. I share some examples of where I’m willing to fight and the importance of having your own back.   Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Master Certified Coach Brig Johnson talks to Akilah Folami, coach for attorneys, about why you have to be willing to fight for what you want and what you believe, and the benefits of doing so.
09/11/2337m 7s

Ep #498: Influence

From the people we have personal relationships with to the people we follow on social media, we are constantly being influenced.   The people you allow to directly or indirectly influence you have an impact on your decisions, your habits, and how you show up.    In this episode, I show you how to see who is influencing you, how to stop being influenced by people you don’t want to be influenced by, and how to consciously choose who influences you moving forward.
02/11/2326m 15s

Ep #497: Negative Self Noise

Do you ever suddenly find yourself down the rabbit hole of negative self talk?   Do you ever ask yourself, "Are these thoughts serving me?"   In this episode, I talk about our brain’s negative noise. Negative noise tells us negative things about our lives, self, and the world. I discuss how to identify negative noise so that you can process and heal from it. Some negative thoughts get lodged into our minds and we don’t even realize it, but there are ways to counteract this and program our brains to lead the lives we want.   Also, in this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Master Certified Coach Brig Johnson is joined by Cathy Council, a Master Certified Life Coach who coaches women on how to look good naked and enjoy the foods they love at the same time. Brig and Cathy discuss how identifying and processing difficult emotions actually allows for more energy to get things done.
26/10/2334m 52s

Ep #496: Goal Cost

Every goal you set comes with a cost.   The problem is, most people don’t consider the cost of a goal when they set it.   In this episode, I share how to do a Cost-Benefit Analysis of your goal so that when the costs come up, you are prepared to pay them. Discover why establishing the cost (and all the added benefits) of setting your goal is crucial for anything you want to achieve.  
19/10/2328m 33s

Ep #495: Create or Consume

It is completely normal for us to consume a lot. It’s what we’re trained to do as humans.    However, when we’re consuming more than we’re creating, we run into problems.   In this episode, I share what over-consuming looks like, how we get there, and how to break out of over-consumption by creating more. If you’re tired of feeling stagnant in your life, it’s time to look at your output and start creating a life you truly love.   Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Master Certified Coach Brig Johnson is joined by Dielle Charon, sales coach for women of color. They discuss the thoughts that got in Dielle’s way on her path to making seven figures, and the first thought she had once she made it.
12/10/2337m 2s

Ep #494: Overdesire. Overhunger. Overtrying.

You might think that once you lose the weight and get the body you want, you can finally be happy.   Unfortunately, this usually leads to burnout from trying to get those results as quickly as possible.   This week, find out why overdesire, overhunger, and overtrying won’t get you the results you want faster. I share how to create sustainable, long-lasting results without rejecting the body you’re in right now.  
05/10/2321m 31s

Ep #493: Remember Your Future

We get so caught up in the surface-level, petty nonsense of our lives that we forget to remember our future.   I invite you to remember it now. What would your future self say to you today?   Tune in this week as I explore this question. Whenever you think about how precious life is, do this exercise to tune in to your future self. Consider what they would want you to spend the next two decades doing, and start.  
28/09/2320m 39s

Ep #492: Secret Pain

If you feel like you’re just going through the motions and life is happening all around you but you’re not in it, I see you.   I’ve been there.   In this episode, I share two ways to heal your secret pain. Learn how to stop dissociating from it and drop the shame.   Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Master Certified Coach Judith Gaton is joined by Master Certified Coach Sara Fisk to talk about how to stop ruminating and start looking inward for validation.  
21/09/2341m 3s

Ep #491: Feel Harder

Most people try to avoid feeling anger and other negative emotions. You might want to repress it or even meditate it away.   However, after a recent realization I had about a time when I felt very angry, I was reminded how important it is to process our emotions.   Tune in this week to learn why we need to feel harder, process our negative emotions, and the magic that happens when we do.
14/09/2323m 27s

Ep #490: Boundaries vs Avoiding

If you’re experiencing resentment, agitation, frustration, and even anger as it relates to someone you’re in relationship with, understanding the difference between boundaries and avoidance is vital.   Join me to hear the differences between boundaries and avoiding, and an exercise you can try that will distinguish which camp you currently fall into.   Plus, on this week’s Examples of Awesome interview, Brig Johnson speaks to Master Certified Coach Gabrielle Smith about how she helps coaches get over their niche drama and sign their first paid clients.
07/09/2332m 49s

Ep #489: Feminine Selling with Aprille Franks

Do you ever wonder why selling feels uncomfortable?   If you’re a woman who’s afraid to sell, doesn’t want to come across as pushy, or feels uncomfortable raising your prices, this is for you.   Join me and Aprille Franks to hear why every woman needs to learn the Feminine Selling process, and why it’s the antidote to everything you hate about selling right now.  
31/08/2325m 54s

Ep #488: 10 Ideas About Life

There are a lot of concepts and teachings I’ve created over the years that you can begin exploring right now to change your life.   But have you ever wondered where to start?   Hear 10 ideas about life that I’ve distilled and simplified down to their core, and why each one is worth trying on.  
24/08/2322m 24s

Ep #487: Deserved Hate

We all make mistakes, fail, and show up in ways we wish we hadn’t.   Our actions have consequences that can include others being disappointed and angry at us.   This week, learn what accepting responsibility and acknowledging your mistakes does for your experience as a human. I share how to own your behavior, hold space for those you hurt, and use their feedback to improve.
17/08/2319m 24s

Ep #486: Help People

When you feel frustrated, annoyed, and like the world is against you, there is one thing that will put things into perspective for you.   Helping others.   That’s what I explore in this episode. I share why helping others helps you, how to shift your mindset to be able to help someone else, and why this action is so empowering.   Plus, on this week’s Examples of Awesome series, Master Coach Brig Johnson interviews Life and Weight Loss Coach Jennifer Dent Brown on the power of creating a “Success Squad” and how you can create one for yourself.
10/08/2330m 41s

Ep #485: Increased Experience

Once you find a job, relationship, or location that feels safe, your brain will resist changing it.   But what kind of life are you missing out on by staying safe? What new experiences or even new idententities are you denying yourself?   In this episode, I explore all the benefits that come with increased experience in your life. Learn why intentionally increasing your experiences can lead to an even more amazing life, and how to consciously choose something new despite your brain’s resistance.
03/08/2321m 3s

Ep #484: Weakness

What would happen if you deliberately looked at your weaknesses and embraced them? Would that change how you show up in the world?   Is it possible that you could even enjoy your weaknesses?   In this episode, I break down the ways we typically deal with our weaknesses and the impacts of those decisions. Discover what could happen when you bring awareness to your weaknesses and embrace them.    Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome segment, Master Certified Style Coach Judith Gaton interviews Master Certified Marriage and Relationship Coach Maggie Reyes on cultivating “sexy bestie” energy in your relationship, and much more.
27/07/2336m 48s

Ep #483: Create Your Work for the World

Why aren’t you sharing your work with the world? If you’re like most people, you either lack the confidence or the motivation.   This week’s episode shows you how to find the confidence and motivation you need to bring your unique offering into the world. Discover the six phases of creation, why you can and should monetize what you create, and how to do this work alongside me this summer.  
20/07/2331m 41s

Ep #482: Let's Get Rich, Ladies

There are people out there that don’t want you to get rich.    Some of those people are even other women.   Maybe you’re one of them but haven’t realized it.   In this episode, I invite you to acknowledge the tremendous effort women throughout history have made so that you can be an entrepreneur, why you should get as rich as you can and want to, and why you should support other women on this journey, as well.  
13/07/2320m 18s

Ep #481: Take Responsibility

There are many circumstances in our lives that we cannot control.   The one thing we always have control over, however, is ourselves. And taking responsibility for ourselves is incredibly empowering.   This week, hear how amazing taking responsibility can be for your life and how to do it without beating yourself up.   Plus, in this week’s Examples of Awesome segment, Brig Johnson talks to Master Certified Life Coach TaVona Denise about the longevity of her career, and why it’s not over until you win.  
06/07/2329m 25s

Ep #480: Identity and Self Authority

Certified Life Coaches Dex Randall, Dr. Sonia Wright, Zayne Khan, and Chris Hale share their amazing insights on what identity actually is, how we shape our identities to fit in, and the power of deciding to be ourselves.   Find out how being “othered” might impact your experience and how to balance your desire to fit in with the desire to accept yourself for who you are. We discuss how living with one or more marginalized identities is laborious, but it’s also an act of activism, and share the importance of having compassion for yourself as you do this work.  
29/06/2352m 58s

Ep #479: Opportunities

You currently have opportunities waiting to be presented to you and opportunities waiting to be created.   You also have opportunities in your past that you missed.   In this episode, learn how to bring awareness to the opportunities available to you and how to take action on them. I share the three different types of opportunities, why you might not be seeing all of them in your life, and how to change that.  
22/06/2324m 50s

Ep #478: Examples of Awesome Series with Cris Berlingeri

To kick off this new series, Master Certified Life Coach Judith Gaton interviews the multi-passionate, ambitious, and successful Cris Berlingeri, whose mission is to empower Hispanic women to create their most purposeful and fulfilling lives.   You also hear from Brig Johnson in conversation with Judith about how they found their coaching niches and what inspires them to keep going.   Each of these exceptional coaches show you what’s possible when you go after the life you want.
15/06/2326m 45s

Bonus: Your Life: Reimagined. With Erika Royal, Courtney Delgado, and Katie Pulsifer

Several months ago, I challenged my team members, Erika Royal, Courtney Delgado, and Katie Pulsifer, to create the best Certification program we've ever had. And they've done it. This conversation is about the process they used to reimagine the program and how you can think about reimagining your own life.   You'll hear what it means to constantly be improving, to never get comfortable, and to always be the best of the best in terms of over delivering. If you are interested in becoming a Certified Life Coach, now is the time to really explore and understand what we are offering. This is the last time Certification will be open in 2023.
12/06/2326m 28s

Ep #477: Authentic Giving

From a young age, we are taught that to be a good person, we have to give and share.   So, how can you identify when you are giving from true generosity or to get something in return, like approval or thanks?   Find out why it’s so common to give inauthentically, how to know when you’re doing it, and how to ensure giving never leaves you feeling depleted.  
08/06/2323m 13s

Ep #476: Values

As a company, values guide your business decisions and unite your team.   In your personal life, living a life that is fully aligned with your values makes you more of who you want to be.   Learn how to decide what your values are, how your values impact every part of your life, and how to start this process today.   
01/06/2321m 4s

Ep #475: The Reset

Whether you want to lose weight, finally maintain a clean home, or hit a new level of business success, you need to know where you’re going and how to get there.   Tune in this week to hear my 4-step process for resetting your life and moving forward with intention, love, and commitment.   
25/05/2325m 46s

Ep #474: Wants

What do you want?   It is so common for people to say “I don’t know” when asked what they want. If this is you, it’s time to get to work.   In this episode, learn why knowing what you want is so important, how to figure out what you want, and how to get in the habit of honoring your wants.
18/05/2321m 17s

Ep #473: Tolerance

Some people have a high tolerance level. Some of us have a low tolerance level.   Neither tolerance level is better than the other. However, finding a middle ground may help you become more of the person you want to be.   Find out why understanding your tolerance level gives you insight into the behavior you expect from yourself and others, and how to be intentional about what you do or do not tolerate.  
11/05/2319m 25s

Ep #472: The Future Store

If you were to walk into a store that has every possible option for your future, what would you buy?   Every possibility is available to you if you’re willing to walk into The Future Store with creativity, openness, and a true understanding of what you want.   This week, I share how to use The Future Store exercise to decide what your future will look like and how to handle the pressure you feel to pick one option over another.  
04/05/2321m 11s

Ep #471: Defeat

Losing sucks.   It might make you want to start over or to quit.   However, I urge you to consider not doing either of those things.   This week, learn about the importance of feeling defeat in your life, why you need to get specific about your defeat, and how to use this feeling to get closer to your next win.  
27/04/2320m 41s

Ep #470: Confidence Matters

If you want to accomplish your goals, improve your relationships, and rock your life, you need to grow your self-confidence. This is, of course, easier said than done. Discover how to grow your self-confidence without becoming arrogant, how to develop a growth mindset, and the most important advice you’ll ever receive if you have low self-esteem. It takes courage to generate confidence, and this episode shows you how to create both.  
20/04/2346m 13s

Ep #469: Mental Toughness

Some of you want to build up your mental toughness so you can get to that next level. However, some of you are using your mental toughness as a weapon against yourself and don’t know how to stop. This episode helps with both. Discover what mental toughness is, what it sounds like in your brain, and how to use it for yourself and not against yourself. I share some tips for building your mental toughness and some tips for when your mental toughness has gone too far.  
13/04/2325m 26s

Ep #468: Best of the Podcast Vol. 5

To shift thoughts that don’t serve us into ones that do, we need to learn how to sit with discomfort. We need to practice bringing awareness to our thoughts, allowing negative emotions, and shifting to a more positive attitude. That’s what I explore in this week’s Best Of episode. Hear why trying to find the source of your negative thought isn’t useful, why postponing fear creates more fear, how to label your thought errors, and more.  
06/04/2331m 36s

Ep #467: Best of the Podcast Vol. 4

When you make the decision to go after what you want, you will be challenged. You’ll be faced with dread, shame, procrastination, doubt, embarrassment, and stress. In this “Best Of” episode, hear some of my best advice on handling these challenges. I share the skill of shame resilience and how to grow it, how to use dread sprints to get what you want faster, my tips for processing emotions, and more.  
30/03/2332m 6s

Ep #466: Success Is Hard

You might be convinced that successful people have something you don’t. They got the right education. They have more self discipline. They’re just special. The truth is, you are capable of however much success you want. Discover the truth about success, why it’s both easy and hard to achieve, and why blaming yourself or others for not having it won’t bring you any closer to getting what you want.  
23/03/2321m 3s

Ep #465: Relationship Tips

Inside Get Coached, we go deep on relationships. We coach you on how to best navigate your relationships and how to really enjoy them. Since we coach on this topic so often, I thought it would be helpful to give you a refresher on some of the most useful relationship tips we have. In this episode, hear how to communicate your preferences without being controlling, how to give grace without abandoning your boundaries, the key to solving problems in your relationships, and more.  
16/03/2322m 9s

Ep #464: Solve Your Problems

Your amazing brain has the ability to generate ideas, to innovate, and to be creative. It was built for solving problems. And the more problems you solve, the better you get at solving them. So why are you avoiding your problems? Listen in to learn how to solve your problems and how to use them to further your growth as a human.   
09/03/2324m 23s

Ep #463: Awful and Awesome

02/03/2322m 56s

Bonus: The Secret to Getting Clients with Russell Brunson

No matter what type of business you have or what industry you’re in, you need to find people who will pay for your services. One of the best ways to do that is through creating sales funnels. The co-founder and CEO of Click Funnels, Russell Brunson, is here to show you just how simple, straightforward, and effective sales funnels can be. In this bonus episode, Russell and I dive into the tremendous impact sales funnels can have on your business. Russell shares how they work, how to create them, and why this marketing method is so incredible, and I share how using funnels skyrocketed my business. Because if I can do it, you can too.  
27/02/2342m 49s

Ep #462: Giving Two Weeks Notice with Amy Porterfield

Do you have a secret dream of becoming an entrepreneur? What’s stopping you? Whatever the reason, you aren’t living into your potential, and my guest this week is the person to show you how to change that. Amy Porterfield joins me to share about her amazing new book, Two Weeks Notice, and discuss why so many women keep their entrepreneurial dreams to themselves instead of stepping into their full potential.  
23/02/2345m 37s

Ep #461: Business Decisions

When it comes to making decisions in your business, there is a lot to consider. Your customers.  Your team.  Your vision.  What you want. You have to consider your priorities for each of these things, and what you’re willing to sacrifice. Hear my process for making business decisions with examples from my own personal and professional life. I share some things to consider next time you have to make a decision for your business.  
16/02/2323m 20s

Ep #460: Yearly Retreats with Kris Plachy

Retreats are opportunities for you to disconnect from your everyday life, peel back the layers, and reconnect with your own personal wisdom.  In this episode, Master Certified Life Coach Kris Plachy guides you through the amazing transformations that can come from attending a retreat, the different types of retreats available to you, and how to pick the right one.  Discover how to get back in touch with your deepest desires and make that reconnection a regular part of your life.   
09/02/2322m 38s

Ep #459: Time and Trust.

Take a look at your current relationship with time. If you aren’t currently planning, honoring, and committing to your time, you need to listen in this week. I share why time and trust go hand in hand, and how to increase trust by working on your time allocation and management. We all have 24 hours each day, 24 of the most precious, irreplaceable diamonds. So what are you going to do with yours?  
02/02/2321m 30s

Ep #458: Self Discipline with Monica Levi

If you’re like most people, you might think self discipline is the same as willpower. That it is restrictive, non-sponteneous, and boring. You let momentary discomfort guide your decisions and then blame it on a lack of willpower. My guest this week knows this isn’t true. Tune in this week to hear from the master of self discipline herself, Monica Levi, about why you might be lacking self discipline and how to change that. Learn why self discipline is so closely linked to self love, the freedom that having self discipline brings, and how to master this skill yourself.  
26/01/2333m 38s

Ep #457: 5 Questions To Ask Yourself

You can have the exact life you want, but you have to know what that life is first. In this episode, discover five questions to ask yourself to unveil your truest desires for your life. I share my answers to these questions to inspire you to dive deep and build the self-awareness you need to know what you want and then go after it.  
19/01/2323m 23s

Ep #456: Comparing

It’s normal to compare yourself to others.  However, if comparison is currently leaving you feeling like you’re not enough, the solution isn’t to stop comparing. This week, learn why comparing yourself to others doesn’t have to leave you feeling bad, and how to use comparison to bring more love, value, and magnificence into the world.  
12/01/2322m 29s

Ep #455: New Starts

You can step into a new identity any time you want. Not because life will be better over there. But because you know that life is always 50-50, and you’re ready to step outside the safety of staying the same. In this episode, hear what it takes to create a fresh start and some insights to keep in mind as you shift into your new identity. Learn how to let go of the past, recommit to the parts of your life you love, and why failure is part of the process.  
05/01/2324m 43s

Ep #454: 50 Million Dollars

We have hit a really fun milestone at The Life Coach School that I am tremendously proud to share with you all. We have made 50 million dollars!  The journey to get here has been full of discomfort, but it is the honor of my life to build this company and be an example of what is possible. Tune in this week to hear the journey of building a 50 million dollar business, how we overcame the challenges and growing pains, and the steps I took to make this whole dream come true.  
29/12/2237m 29s

Ep #453: Boss Lady Erika Royal

Erika Royal is the ultimate boss lady. As CEO of The Life Coach School, Erika shares what it’s like working with me (especially now that the honeymoon phase is over) and our incredible team. So tune in this week to hear Erika Royal talk about the amazing personal and professional growth she’s seen in the last two years of being The Life Coach School’s CEO and her insights on leading a team in a fast-paced, ever-growing environment.  
22/12/2231m 20s

Ep #452: Why We Eat Too Much

Whatever your reason for overeating is, it’s also preventing you from stepping into the next version of you. To break this habit, you need to understand why you’re overeating and solve from there. In this episode, find out what happens to your mind and body when you overeat and how to finally break free from this habit once and for all.
15/12/2220m 22s

Ep #451: Dread Sprints

If you struggle to follow through on your goals, listen in. You’ve got work to do to achieve your goal. But you are prolonging that work by avoiding and trying to eliminate the dread. Tune in this week to learn what dread sprints are and why they are key to getting your work done and your goals achieved. Sure, dread is uncomfortable. But discomfort is the currency of your dreams. Learning how to befriend dread and do dread sprints will change everything.  
08/12/2220m 8s

Ep #450: Embrace Your Negative Parts

We all have parts of ourselves that we aren’t proud of. Hiding and shaming these parts of yourself won’t make them go away. And wanting them to go away is denying yourself the full human experience. This week, learn why it’s normal to have parts of yourself you don’t like, and why it’s tremendously powerful to embrace those parts. I share what embracing these parts looks like, and how to deal with other people’s negative parts.  
01/12/2219m 12s

Ep #449: What To Do When You Are Nervous

When you’re about to put yourself out there, try something new, or open yourself up to failure and humiliation, you might feel nervous. It’s normal. In this episode, learn how to deal with feeling nervous and how to make your experience of it easier. Discover why this feeling isn’t a problem, but letting it stop you from putting yourself out there is.   
24/11/2221m 46s

Ep #448: How to Enjoy the Hard Parts

When you view challenges as things that are enjoyable, you get to experience the reward of strength they bring. This week, I share some insights on the hard parts of life and the massive difference enjoying them can make. Learn why the more you challenge yourself with hard things, the more you expand your capacity as a human being.  
17/11/2222m 2s

Ep #447: How to Handle Adversity

Maya Angelou said, “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.”  So, how do you handle adversity without feeling defeated? Tune in this week to learn how to not only handle adversity but how to also use adversity to your own benefit. I share three secrets to overcoming adversity and some of the pitfalls to look out for in this process.  
10/11/221h 19m

Ep #446: What I Know About Millionaires

Millionaires aren’t special people who are extra charismatic or attractive. They don’t have the right education or the right age. They are ordinary people like everyone else, only they decided to believe something new. In this episode, I challenge you to start seeing yourself as someone who can make a lot of money and become a millionaire or multi-millionaire. Hear the truth about becoming and staying a millionaire, and why I know you can do it.  
03/11/2218m 18s

Ep #445: How to Use Your Beautiful Mind to Get Rich

Some people might think that getting rich is bad or immoral. I disagree. Being rich means you can help people. A lot.  In this episode, I share why you don’t want to miss out on your opportunity to get rich. There are so many benefits to making lots of money and it doesn’t make you a bad person. Find out why getting rich is frowned upon by some, possible for all, and where to start if you want to make more money.  
27/10/2227m 55s

Ep #444: Recession Thoughts

No matter what is happening in the world, you always get to choose your thoughts about it. This week, I share some of my thoughts about recessions that you are welcome to use for yourself. Learn how to step into leadership, guidance, and direction during hard times instead of fear and panic.  This recession could be an opportunity for you to create value, or for you to stick your head in the sand. It’s up to you.
20/10/2229m 31s

Ep #443: The Arm Coach Kristine Rucker

You might think that having a broader niche will help you your goals, but it’s not true. My guest today is living proof that niching down lets you help more people. In this episode, Kristine and I dive into the importance of niching down and Kristine’s advice for anyone trying to stand out in a big industry. Niching down opens you up to so many more opportunities, so we share how to narrow your niche right now.
13/10/2229m 38s

Ep #442: Power Sentences

You might not realize this, but there is one sentence running your life right now. In this episode, I share how to find the sentence running your life and how to change it to something that gets you the results you want. I reveal a new event coming up that will teach you how to do this more in-depth, and show you how to pick a new sentence with intention.  
06/10/2231m 55s

Ep #441: Dopamine, Desire, and Decisions

Your brain naturally seeks rewards, and that’s a wonderful thing. But it can also be hindering your results when you seek it unintentionally from some places. In this episode, I show you how to intentionally decide what to desire. It is completely within your power to choose to get dopamine from one activity over another, so why not choose the activity that brings you closer to the life you want? This week, I break it down so you can do just that.  
29/09/2233m 0s

Ep #440: They Laughed at Me

17 years ago, the life coaching industry looked a lot different than it does today. Coaches weren’t doing the magic we are now. They weren’t even calling themselves “life coaches.” I got laughed at. This week, I pull back the curtain on what we offer inside our Certification program. Learn why we have a reputation for being the best, the skills we teach you to be an effective coach, and how to get started on your career path as a coach.  
22/09/2233m 59s

Ep #439: Quiet Quitting

Why did you stop going to yoga? When did you stop working out consistently? Why didn’t you launch that program? This week, I invite you to look at where you’ve been quietly quitting on your goals and why. I share the reason this happens and how to stop it. Find out how to prevent yourself from quietly quitting in the future so you can finally do the thing you’ve been wanting to do.  
15/09/2226m 32s

Ep #438: Secrets of My Success

There are several secrets to success that don’t get talked about or shared, and I want to share them with all of you. In this episode, I share my secrets to success so that you can start implementing them and reach the level of success that you dream about. These are secrets that will transform how you look at money, your mind, and what’s possible. I believe that you can be wildly successful. Do you?  
08/09/2226m 3s

Ep #437: Big Goal Too Slow?

Where are you at with your big year-end goal? Are you nowhere near hitting it? What if I told you you could still hit that year-end goal... that you could surpass it?  In this episode, I share what to do when it feels like achieving your big goal is out of reach or happening too slowly. Discover the real reasons for setting that goal in the first place, what to do when you start suffering, and why you need to stop limiting yourself.  
01/09/2222m 28s

Ep #436: Bet On Yourself

When we want to grow our wealth, we are taught to invest in other businesses. To trust them to work hard, make the right decisions, and get us a return on our investment. My question to you is, why aren’t you investing in yourself? You are your most valuable asset.  In this episode, learn what it means to bet on yourself and some of the most effective ways to do this. Find out how to continuously grow your most important asset and what’s getting in the way of you believing in yourself.  
25/08/2231m 7s

Ep #435: The Three Things That Changed My Life

There are three things that will allow you to become the highest version of yourself, and I share what they are with you today. In this episode, discover the three things you need to master to uplevel your life. I share how you can get closer to your potential, increase your contribution and impact, and how you can practice these three things with me in person. You do not want to miss this.  
18/08/2229m 7s

Ep #434: Delay Discounting

Instead of delaying the instant gratification of earning money right now, overdrinking right now, or overeating right now, we discount the benefits of waiting. This is stopping you from achieving your goals and creating the results you truly want deep down. Listen in this week as I share what delay discounting is and how it’s hurting your results. Discover how to train your brain not to delay discount, why there’s no need to rush anything, and the amazing transformations and results future you will enjoy if you master this skill.  
11/08/2227m 43s

Ep #433: The Art of Feeling Bad

Most of us were duped into believing that we’re supposed to be happy most of the time. However, this isn’t true. This week, discover how your life will change when you master the skill of feeling bad. Once you can be present for every emotion, your whole world opens up. I share how to allow negative emotions, how to process them, and the power that comes with embracing them.  
04/08/2221m 2s

Ep #432: Argue Better

In an argument with a partner, friend, co-worker, or anyone else, do you feel yourself wanting to prove a point? To win?  Maybe you completely disengage with the person, ghost them, and hope the disagreement just goes away. In this episode, learn how to argue from a place of love and not resistance. I share how arguments can be opportunities for deeper connection and how to navigate them with intention and care.  
28/07/2225m 52s

Ep #431: Jealousy. Enough Money. Forgiveness.

No matter who you want to become, it will require doing the hard and boring work.  It will require feeling your feelings, sitting in the discomfort, and experiencing the whole human experience.  Today, I answer some of your questions about that experience. Listen in this week as I share my answers to your questions about jealousy, making money, outgrowing friendships, forgiving yourself, and more.  
21/07/2236m 15s

Bonus For Friends and Family

I'm ready to liven up the life coaching industry with you, my friends and family, at Life Coach Live, a first-of-its-kind event in Arizona this November. 3 days. Coaching. Teaching... You do not want to miss this.
15/07/224m 51s

Ep #430: Wealthy Women with Leila Hormozi

My guest today is a very wealthy and crazy successful businesswoman, and she’s one of my best friends. She and I can both tell you that making money doesn’t change you. Being the kind of person who makes a lot of money changes you.  Listen in this week to hear from businesswoman extraordinaire, Leila Hormozi. Leila and I open up about our journeys to becoming wealthy, how wealth has changed our lives, and our advice to women who want to do the same. Leila shares her secret to hiring the right people, her process for managing her mind, and so much more.
14/07/2254m 21s

Ep #429: Strong Minds, Money, and Worry: Your Questions Answered

I have received so many amazing questions from you over the past few weeks, and today I’m answering some of them. In this episode, I answer some of the most common questions I received from all of you. Discover what changes when you achieve your goals or find success, how to handle breakups, how to talk about your job as a life coach, and so much more.  
07/07/2229m 30s

Ep #428: Men and Their Feelings

There is a common misconception that women are more emotional than men. This is a myth. Men have lots of emotions, but their social programming teaches them not to acknowledge or process them. This week, hear how not processing your emotions is hurting you and the results you want to create. My guests share how important it is to acknowledge and process your emotions, why doing so doesn’t make you any less manly, and their advice to all the men listening who are ready to face the challenge and discomfort of feeling your feelings.
30/06/2253m 54s

Ep #427: Attention Audit

Do you feel like you are all over the place? Like you’re not focused because there are just too many things competing for your attention? While this is a normal experience, it doesn’t have to be yours. This week, learn how to conduct an attention audit on your life. Find out where your attention span is being spent, delayed, or dragged. I share how this process went for me and my friends, and why I believe it is key to creating the future you want.
23/06/2219m 31s

Ep #426: Transformation with the Instructors of The Life Coach School

You can learn a lot about thought work from this podcast and from being in Self Coaching Scholars. But to really dive deep into the Model, holding space, and coaching, you need to join our Coach Certification. This week, listen in to hear more about Certification from five of our amazing instructors. We talk about the importance of getting trained on holding space, how diverse our school has become, and how we customize the program to your needs. 
16/06/2233m 11s


Listen in to find out how you can ask me ANY question (even a personal one) that you have. Or, you can simply go to your text message app and send your question to the number 48527 and hit "send," and I will answer it on social media.  My social media links:  Instagram: Facebook: LinkedIn: TikTok: Pinterest:
14/06/221m 36s

Ep #425: Social Media Summer

If you are ready to master social media, skyrocket your visibility online, and boost your engagement, you’re in for a treat my friends. Listen in this week to find out what Social Media Summer is all about, what we’re going to be sharing, and how we plan to grow ourselves, not just our following. Learn what you can expect from us on each social media platform, why we are taking on this challenge, and why you don’t want to miss this.  
09/06/2224m 45s

Ep #424: Life Coach Training Reimagined

If you have dreamed of becoming a life coach, listen in. If you wish you could bring life coaching skills to your current profession, listen in. If you are passionate about growth and want to increase your mastery of the Model, listen in. This week, I share what you can expect from the reimagined Coach Certification program, who it’s for, the results you can create, and why certification can help you make a bigger and better impact on the world.
02/06/2233m 48s

Ep #423: Proactive Relationships

If you’re ready to start cultivating serious love and intimacy in your relationships, listen in. In this episode, I share the difference between being proactive and reactive in relationships, and how to work on becoming the former. Discover the ways you might not be showing up the way you want to, how I choose to show up in relationships, and how you can shift from being reactive to proactive.
26/05/2225m 44s

Ep #422: Anxiety Ahead of Time

Acting or not acting from your anxiety can look like canceling plans, denying yourself opportunities, or buffering in all types of ways. But what would happen if you intentionally chose to experience your anxiety instead of trying to avoid it? This week, I share how working on your self-awareness can improve your experience of anxiety and some ways you can do this. Learn how doing this work improves your work with your clients, and how to stop making decisions from your anxiety.
19/05/2229m 35s

Ep #421: Problem Solving 101

Far too many people meet a problem and resign to living with it instead of solving it. But what I share with you this week can change that. In this episode, I share my 5-step process for solving any problem. This process will get you using your brain, exploring solutions, and flexing your problem solving muscles. Learn why using this process not only helps you solve more problems but also shows you how problems are actually opportunities to become a better thinker.  
12/05/2225m 6s

Ep #420: The Tools I've Created

If you want to learn how to be an entrepreneur, how to stop overeating or overdrinking, or how to simply feel better, listen in.   This week, I share a special announcement with you all. Learn how to take the life-changing courses inside Self Coaching Scholars without committing to the program, and how the tools I’ve created can assist you on your journey to reinvention.  
05/05/2228m 43s

Ep #419: Just Maybe with Erika Royal

It’s so common to get caught up in the how. How you’re going to get your foot in the door, how you’re going to get the right opportunities, and how you will achieve your goals. Tune in this week to hear Erika Royal’s keynote speech on taking action even when you don’t know the how. She shares her journey of becoming a lawyer and then the CEO, and why knowing the exact steps to take isn’t what gets you closer to your dream. 
28/04/2234m 48s

Ep #418: Attitude and Money

I want you to make more money, get more opportunities, and have as much success as I have. And to do that, you need to change your attitude. So in this episode, learn how to find out if you have a bad attitude, how it’s impacting your income, and how to change it. It’s time to tell yourself the truth about how your mindset is affecting your success, and this episode shows you how.
21/04/2220m 15s

Ep #417: Coach vs. Hero

Sometimes we, as coaches, can be put on pedestals for providing the tools that help someone change their life. But there is an important distinction to be made here. In this episode, I share why understanding the difference between coach and hero is so important in this line of work, and why coaches are truly no better than anyone else. I explain why anyone can do this job as well as me, if not better, and why I hope you do.
14/04/2217m 38s

Ep #416: 100 Fails

The people who have contributed the most to our world, who have had the most success, are also the ones who have failed the most. In this episode, I share a clip from the Possibility Formula course I am teaching inside Self Coaching Scholars all about failure. Remember, discomfort is the currency of your dreams. Learn how to start failing so you can create the success you’ve been dreaming about.
07/04/2215m 16s

Ep #415: Reinvention

I am going to be reinventing my life and teaching you how to do the same in an upcoming course. It’s in this program that you will burn down the house, and reinvent yourself from the ground up. This is not about improving yourself, my friends. It’s bigger than that. In this episode, I share what reinvention is, what it is not, and how you can get in on this project alongside me. If you have the urge to make what seems impossible possible, it’s time to move to a bigger arena and get uncomfortable.
31/03/2225m 25s

Ep #414: Thought Audit

When you wake up in the morning, what are your thoughts like?   If you’re indulging in self-pity, blame, or any of those other things, it’s not a good use of your brain.   In this episode, I share a fantastic tool I use to bring awareness to my thoughts so I can love harder. Learn about the immense power of your brain, how to do a thought audit, and how to use your brain to create more love in the world.
24/03/2221m 29s

Ep #413: Success and Friendship with Aprille Franks

Friendship is a valuable resource whether you’re building your success or basking in it.   My friend, Aprille Franks, and I are committed to nourishing our friendship because we see how much joy it brings each of us when we do.   In this episode, Aprille and I discuss what it means to have a successful friendship and why we love our friendship so much. We share the struggles we’ve had in the past with friendships, what to do when conflict arises, and why consistency is a critical ingredient to a successful friendship.  
17/03/2253m 41s

Ep #412: Love Harder

If you knew your loved one only had three months to live, would you love them harder?   In this episode, I share some of the thoughts I’ve had since finding out my dog only has three months left to live. Most of us don’t know when our time is or when our loved ones’ times are, but we can choose to love them harder today.  
10/03/228m 55s

Ep #411: How to Overcome What You've Been Taught

We all experience societal and cultural programming throughout our lives. From children, we’re taught how to belong and who we need to be to fit in.   The panel of coaches I have on the podcast today know about this struggle well.   Listen in today to hear from five Asian life coaches about what it was like to overcome the challenges created by their cultural programming. We dive into the immigrant experience, language barriers, name pronunciation, and how to create a sense of belonging.  
03/03/221h 10m

Ep #410: The Parts of You That You Don't Like

Are there parts of your personality that you just don’t like? Maybe other people have told you they don’t like them either or you’ve been given feedback about them.   You are not alone, friends.   In this episode, I share what I do with the parts of me I don’t like, and how I recommend you approach yours. Find out how to receive feedback without feeling terrible and why you don’t actually have to change these parts of yourself.  
24/02/2224m 7s

Ep #409: Success and Your Feelings with Ryan Moran

How crappy are you willing to feel to achieve your goals?   In this episode, Ryan shares how his ability to feel his emotions has increased over time, and the value he sees in it now. We discuss how feeling your feelings can make you rich, how exactly to feel your feelings, and what can happen when you work this muscle. If you can experience every emotion, you can hit any goal you want, and Ryan and I are proof of that.  
17/02/2236m 29s

Ep #408: How to Make Every Year the Best Year with Ryan Moran

In part one of my conversation with my friend Ryan Moran, we talk about choosing our own Super Bowls and what it takes to really go after them.   If you’re ready to make this year your best year yet, listen in. Ryan and I talk about everything from living an intentional life to setting the bar too low for yourself. You can win the Super Bowl of your life, but not by being mediocre. Find out how Ryan and I make every year the best year, and how you can too.  
10/02/2249m 47s

Ep #407: How to Believe Harder

The difference between wanting something and believing in yourself enough to get it is the action you take.   In this episode, I break down why believing in yourself is the ultimate key to getting what you want. Whether you want to become a certified life coach or make a million dollars in your business, I challenge you to put your actions where your mouth is. Learn how to handle the uncomfortable and scary obstacles in your path and practice your skill of believing harder.  
03/02/2222m 56s

Ep #406: Better Than Happy by Jody Moore

Did you know there’s something even better than happiness?   According to my guest today, there is.   In this episode, Jody Moore and I discuss her new book, the writing process, and how the Model can integrate with faith. Coaching and religion can support each other, and Jody shares how her faith has actually deepened since learning about thought work.  
27/01/2233m 45s

Ep #405: When You Just Can't

Whether you have a cold or you’re feeling mildly depressed, I encourage you to get out of bed and try some of the things I share in this episode.   This week, learn how I handle feeling like “I just can’t today” and some tips for when you’re not feeling mentally or physically at 100. There is a middle ground between staying in bed and overworking, and in this episode, I share how to find it so you can still show up for yourself no matter how bleh you feel.  
20/01/2225m 23s

Ep #404: Thriving After a Breakup with Dorothy AB Johnson

In this episode, Dorothy and I discuss why breakups are so hard and why they can sometimes make us feel out of control. Dorothy shares some amazing advice to anyone currently in this situation as well as her own story of being broken up with and healing. We talk about buffering, getting over your ex, and why breakups are opportunities for growth.   If you’re currently going through a breakup or you have unhealed pain from a previous relationship, this episode is your invitation to start living again.  
13/01/2236m 14s

Ep #403: Are You a Hater?

Chances are, you’ve been a hater at one point or another. Or maybe you’re being a hater right now.   In this episode, I challenge you to ask yourself what hating is bringing to your life. Ask yourself how it’s serving you, and why you believe that if you can’t win, they can’t either. I invite you to consider what you can create from a place of love instead.  
06/01/2224m 19s

Ep #402: Self Coaching Wisdom Revealed

Maybe you’re ready to finally lose the weight. To start your business. To double your business. To create deeper relationships and more self-confidence.   If you know deep down that it’s time to make a change, this episode will show you the path.   Self Coaching Scholars Director, Allison Wright, gives you a tour and a sneak peek of our monthly membership program and some of our most popular courses inside.  
30/12/2132m 16s

Ep #401: Your Self Image and Money with Tonya Leigh

To some people, caring about your self image means you’re superficial. They think that dressing intentionally means you’re shallow.   But is that true?   In this episode, Tonya Leigh and I share our journeys of creating self images that reflect our dreams and money goals. We talk about why self image isn’t about buying fancy or expensive clothes, but about aligning how you see yourself with who you want the world to see.  
23/12/2150m 16s

Ep #400: How To Be Proud of Yourself

Most of us have a seriously hard time being proud of ourselves in our heads. It’s even more challenging to celebrate ourselves in front of others.   So in this episode, I invite you to join me in feeling proud. When we fully embrace what we’ve achieved, we open ourselves up to achieve even more. Tune in for an exercise in feeling proud and to learn why acknowledging yourself and what you’ve done is a beautiful thing.  
16/12/2123m 35s

Ep #399: How to Be Different with Kara Loewentheil

It’s natural for humans to want to conform to society’s norms and expectations. But doing so comes at a cost.   And when you choose not to conform, a whole host of other challenges can come up.   In this episode, Kara and I discuss why humans struggle so much with both conforming and non-conforming, and how you can figure out what you actually want. Learn how to handle disapproval from others, how to claim your own authority, and how to embrace what makes you different.  
09/12/2139m 27s

What’s Possible Special Series Bonus 5

Welcome to the last episode of a very special week on the podcast, the What’s Possible Special Series. This is the first half of a book I wrote a few years ago, and it includes the 10 truths extraordinarily successful women know.   In this episode, let it sink in that no matter how extraordinarily successful you become and no matter how many times you fail, your worth stays the same. If you are ready to do hard things over and over again, you are ready to blow your own mind. I share how to not just hear the 10 things all successful women know, but to really start believing them.   Ready to take this work deeper? I invite you to join me for What’s Possible Coach Week where I will be coaching you live on all of these topics and introducing you to the Possibility Formula which teaches you how to execute these truths in your life.  
03/12/2118m 14s

What’s Possible Special Series Bonus 4

Welcome to a very special week on the podcast, the What’s Possible Special Series. This is the first half of a book I wrote a few years ago, and it includes the 10 truths extraordinarily successful women know.   In this episode, I invite you to stop asking yourself “how” you will reach success and instead, start taking action. Find out how powerful knowing your why for wanting success is, and the reality that your life will not be better or worse once you get it. I share why the path to success is only visible after you’ve created it.   Ready to take this work deeper? I invite you to join me for What’s Possible Coach Week where I will be coaching you live on all of these topics and introducing you to the Possibility Formula which teaches you how to execute these truths in your life.  
02/12/2115m 54s

What’s Possible Special Series Bonus 3

Welcome to a very special week on the podcast, the What’s Possible Special Series. This is the first half of a book I wrote a few years ago, and it includes the 10 truths extraordinarily successful women know.   Today, I reveal one of the most important concepts for you to grasp if you want to be successful. When you can embrace this concept, and the idea that failure is required to succeed, you will see how limitless your potential is. Find out what happens when you learn how to process every emotion from humiliation to defeat on your way to success.   Ready to take this work deeper? I invite you to join me for What’s Possible Coach Week where I will be coaching you live on all of these topics and introducing you to the Possibility Formula which teaches you how to execute these truths in your life.  
01/12/2121m 0s

What’s Possible Special Series Bonus 2

Welcome to a very special week on the podcast, the What’s Possible Special Series. This is the first half of a book I wrote a few years ago, and it includes the 10 truths extraordinarily successful women know.   Today, I share how the key to making more money is creating more value. Women are often chronic underearners, never taught how to have money. So if you struggle to have enough money, listen in. Find out how to create extraordinary value so you can have extraordinary success.   If you’re ready to take this work deeper, I invite you to join me for What’s Possible Coach Week where I will be coaching you live on all of these topics and introducing you to the Possibility Formula.
30/11/2122m 4s

What’s Possible Special Series Bonus 1

Welcome to a very special week on the podcast, the What’s Possible Special Series. This is the first half of a book I wrote a few years ago, and it includes the 10 truths extraordinarily successful women know.   In today’s episode, find out what is truly possible for yourself and your business. You may have been taught to just go to college and pay the bills, but I challenge you to dream bigger. Discover how to create extraordinary success, how to make lots of money, and why you can have it all.   If you’re ready to take this work deeper, I invite you to join me for What’s Possible Coach Week where I will be coaching you live on all of these topics and introducing you to the Possibility Formula.
29/11/2139m 36s

Ep #398: Feeling Good Practice

Most people spend 90% of their time thinking and talking about their past and the present - what isn’t working and what didn’t work.   In this episode, I share why you need to spend more time thinking about your future, your dreams, and your impossible goals so you can generate the feelings that help you create them. I call this a feeling good practice, and today, I walk you through what it looks like and how to implement this practice into your life.  
25/11/2132m 27s

Ep #397: 5-Carat Diamond

For 5 years, we have been helping people lose weight, build their businesses, stop overdrinking, mend relationships, build confidence, and so much more in Self Coaching Scholars.   In celebration of this huge milestone, I have invited five of my 5-Carat Diamonds, ladies that have been in Scholars since the start, on the show to share how being in Scholars has changed their lives. We talk about the tools that helped them the most, how to best utilize Scholars, and their advice for anyone new to the program or considering joining.  
18/11/2148m 32s

Ep #396: Fear of Emotional Pain

This week, I explore the connection between chronic pain and emotional pain, and share why your fear of experiencing emotional pain is the most dangerous fear there is. Find out why understanding your emotional pain gives you authority over it and how to process your emotional pain so you can get to the other side.
11/11/2128m 16s

Ep #395: The 90 Day Relationship

Are you looking for deeper, more connected relationships?   In this week’s episode, I give you all the details on The 90 Day Relationship course. Find out why we created it, who it’s for, and some of the things you might discover about yourself and your relationships through it.  
04/11/2120m 49s

Ep #394: Unproductive Thought Work

There are five main mistakes people make with thought work (even if you’ve been doing it for a while) that make it unproductive and unhelpful.   So in this episode, I share what the five most unproductive ways to use thought work are and how to start using it more effectively. No matter how many intentional Models you create, you will always have a human brain (and that’s a beautiful thing). Learn how to use thought work to bring more awareness to your brain and to lean into your authentically human experience.  
28/10/2130m 5s

Ep #393: Getting Annoyed

Today, I use a recent personal experience of getting annoyed to show you how to manage this emotion effectively and genuinely.   Listen in to learn how to process negative emotions like annoyance and show up in an intentional way. I share why pretending you’re not annoyed doesn’t work, and instead, how to allow your irritation.  
21/10/2120m 52s

Ep #392: Criticism

The biggest fear I hear from people who want to become life coaches is the fear of being criticized.   They don’t want to put themselves out there because then people can judge them. Does this sound familiar?   In this episode, learn my top tips for dealing with criticism and how to use these tips when the criticism is coming from inside the house. Negative feedback doesn’t have to be excruciating, it doesn’t even have to be painful. The tips I share today will show you how to take feedback without beating yourself up for it.  
14/10/2119m 37s

Ep #391: Religion and the Model

Have you ever wondered how the Model works when it comes to religion? Can you be religious and use the Model to create the results you want?   In this episode, discover how six coaches from different religions use the Model in their coaching and how it aligns with their values. They each share how finding thought work changed their lives and how it impacted their faiths, and they share any conflicts that arose when they discovered this work.  
07/10/2156m 30s

Ep #390: How to Increase Your Love Ability

How good are you at loving? What about when it comes to loving yourself or that really difficult person in your life?   In this episode, I show you how to increase your ability to love starting with yourself. Learn how to measure your love ability, how I suggest you practice this skill, and how to apply this practice to your work as a coach.  
30/09/2126m 59s

Ep #389: How to Pay Your Coach Training Tuition Back

Life coach certification is one of the best ways you can utilize your money. The knowledge you learn stays with you forever, and you can easily make back what you pay for tuition.   Don’t believe me?   This week on the podcast, my panel of guests share how they overcame the obstacle of tuition, and how they easily made that money back afterward. We give advice to anyone who feels like the investment is too high or anyone who is scared to bet on themselves.  
23/09/2146m 49s

Ep #388: The Skill Every Woman Needs to Have with Kwavi Agbeyegbe

Kwavi and I discuss the one skill every woman needs to have and how developing this skill will help you live your best life at every age. Find out the reasons why women often feel invisible as they age, how to practice this skill, and how to truly live into the richness and depth of your life.   No matter how old you are, it is never too late to re-decide what you want your life to be. If you want a fantastic life, this episode shows you how to create it.  
16/09/2133m 34s

Ep #387: 100 Million Dollar Offers

In this episode, I tell you about a tool that will change the trajectory of your business forever, my dear friend Alex Hormozi’s new book, $100M Offers: How to Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No.   I share some of the things you will learn from this book, why I think it’s so impactful, and how you can come back to this book year after year when you want to uplevel your offers. It’s that good, my friends.  
09/09/2122m 57s

Ep #386: Should You Become a Life Coach? Brooke Helps You Decide

In this episode, I share a recent webinar I did on Life Coach Certification and what you can expect from our program. I walk you through the curriculum, the tuition, the lifetime benefits, and the answers to all your burning questions.   While I hope this webinar leads you to become a life coach, what I truly want is for you to make a decision either way. You can be happy no matter what, so what are you going to do?  
02/09/211h 8m

Ep #385: 5 Insights for My New Friend

If there are people in your life who don’t know about thought work or the Model yet, this episode is the perfect way to show them what it’s about.   Tune in today to find out the five insights I shared with a friend who had never heard of this work before. Some of these insights might serve as reminders of your total worthiness, or they might teach you something new about how you see the world. Either way, I know that whether you’ve heard of my work before or not, these insights will be useful.  
26/08/2124m 46s

Ep #384: Live Your Best Life

In this episode, I share how I wake up every day and choose to live my best life, and how you can do the same. I’m not saying there won’t be pain and discomfort; in fact, I hope there is. But what you hear today will show you why experiencing pain is worth it when you can also experience immense joy.   I want you to live a life full of both. Are you in?  
19/08/2125m 20s

Ep #383: Always Selling with Stacey Boehman

My guest today is the one and only Stacey Boehman. In this episode, Stacey and I discuss why learning how to sell effectively is important for everyone, not just entrepreneurs. We talk about selling in terms of dating, how to sell yourself on being worthy, and how to get over your fear of rejection.  
12/08/2153m 24s

Ep #382: Resting vs. Laziness

Maybe you have goals, dreams, and work to do, but you don’t do it. This struggle is real, my friends, but I want you to know that being lazy is optional. It has no real use in our lives.   In this episode, I show you how to overcome your laziness once and for all. Learn how to know if you’re being lazy or truly resting, why we let ourselves be lazy, and how to finally start getting the work done without drama.  
05/08/2124m 54s

Ep #381: Knowing What You Want Is Scary

In a perfect world, what do you want?   Like, really want?   In this episode, I show you why it’s normal to be afraid of knowing what you want and how to move through that fear to see what’s possible for you.  
29/07/2122m 27s

Ep #380: Try To Be Awesome

Awesomeness means challenging yourself. It means risking it all to lose, fail, and sometimes win.   In today’s episode, I tell you why we should all be actively working on being awesome. I share how my son was awesome recently, why I see so many people decide not to be awesome, and what you’re missing out on if you go this route.  
22/07/2128m 16s

Ep #379: When Feelings Hurt

Pain is a normal part of every human experience, and yet so many of us do whatever we can to avoid it.   In this episode, I explore what it means to have your feelings hurt and what to do about the pain. If you can handle the pain of being alive, you will always take the risk to be the most alive you can be. I show you how to do this so you can live your largest life possible.  
15/07/2125m 21s

Ep #378: Success vs. Happiness

You might think that once you’re thinner, married, or hit that milestone in your business you will be happy. Or, you might avoid pursuing success because the grind of attaining it doesn’t bring you happiness.   In this episode, I explore what success means and what happiness means and why the pursuit of one does not have to interfere with the other. Learn how to define success for yourself and how to feel happy regardless of your goals and accomplishments.  
08/07/2120m 56s

Ep #377: Being Left

In this episode, I give you the five steps to follow in order to process the pain of being left so you can heal and reimagine your future. I tell you why being left does not mean something is wrong with you, even if you did something wrong. These five steps will show you how to love yourself through this process and cleanly get to the other side.   You got this. You can handle this.  
01/07/2121m 23s

Ep #376: Sometimes I Suck and It’s OK

In this episode, I share how to work through your negative emotions, how to find forgiveness, and how to hold space for the person you hurt. Learn how to use the Model when you’ve done something wrong and why apologizing is the easiest thing in the world to do.
24/06/2123m 55s

Ep #375: Do Hard Things

Doing hard things is a skill you can learn and practice, and when you do, you will be amazed at what you can achieve. Listen in today to find out the secret to doing hard things, all the benefits doing hard things will bring, and how to generate motivation to do the hard thing right now. You are already extraordinary, and getting good at doing hard things lets you experience it. Go do some hard things.
17/06/2119m 39s

Ep #374: Bored Choices

Your life reveals itself to you when you take the time to notice it. But when we jump into busyness and entertainment anytime we’re bored, we don’t give ourselves this chance. In this episode, I share why boredom is such a beautiful opportunity to assess your life and get to know yourself. I want you to use boredom and be open to what it shows you. I tell you how to intentionally practice being bored and how to stop trying to outrun it.
10/06/2119m 28s

Ep #373: How to Get Hired as a Life Coach with Katie Pulsifer

If you want to be a life coach but you’re not passionate about becoming an entrepreneur, we are so excited to share how many amazing opportunities there are waiting for you. In this episode, Katie pulls back the curtain on how coaches get hired at The Life Coach School, what we’re looking for in applicants, and why you don’t need to be an entrepreneur to find high-quality clients. Katie shares some tips on applying for coaching positions and some advice to anyone who is struggling to land their dream job as a coach.
03/06/2131m 45s

Ep #372: Best of the Podcast Vol. 3

In this episode, find out what happens when you’re willing to put it all on the line for a chance to create the life you want. You’re either moving towards more of what you have now or more of what you want. What you hear today is a series of lessons that will help you decide which path to take.
27/05/211h 22m

Ep #371: Best of the Podcast Vol. 2

Tune in today to hear some of the best and most mind-blowing clips from this podcast. Discover how to make friends with discomfort, what your boredom reveals, and why you have to be selfish before you can be selfless. Learn why even in your most challenging times, there is an opportunity to learn and grow. Remember, you can’t change the cards you were dealt, but you can decide how you play the game.
20/05/211h 3m

Ep #370: Coach Week

In this episode, I give you all the details on Coach Week from the topics we’ll cover to how to sign up and why you do not want to miss out on this extraordinary opportunity. I invite you to take your work deeper and I promise, this Coach Week will change your life forever. I cannot wait to coach you.  
13/05/2124m 41s

Ep #369: Awesome Scholars Coaching with Brooke

This episode gives you a sneak peek at what my students in Scholars are getting coached on and how the concepts I teach on the podcast get taken to a whole new level there. Let these nuggets of coaching wisdom sink in, and I’ll be waiting to help you finally change your life inside Self Coaching Scholars.
06/05/2126m 30s

Ep #368: Why Style Matters with Judith Gaton

Judith shares why style matters so much more than you think. She’s showing us where to start with finding our personal style, what to do if standard clothing sizes don’t fit you, and how to start showing up as the badass, confident, amazing person you are.  
29/04/2154m 10s

Ep #367: Entrepreneur Couples

Listen in today to hear this super fun and enlightening discussion with four life coaching couples who took the plunge and haven’t looked back. They share the challenges that came with this shift, how it impacts their families, and their advice for anyone thinking of going into business with a spouse.
22/04/2152m 17s

BONUS: 5 Pounds Stronger

I’m choosing to go all-in on my goal of gaining five pounds of muscle in the next 90 days. And I want you to join me. In today’s bonus episode, I share the new 5 Pounds Stronger program launching today, and what you can expect from this program. Find out how I plan on achieving my goal in 90 days, why I’m doing this, and how following along will help you achieve your goal.  
20/04/2110m 34s

Ep #366: The Last 10 Pounds with Brenda Lomeli

Brenda and I break down why it’s so hard to lose those last 10 pounds when you come from a place of hate, and what happens when you come from a place of love instead. We talk about how Brenda’s program is unique and why she focuses on deconditioning her client’s diet mentality in addition to learning how to listen to their bodies. You are the authority on your body, and Brenda’s work teaches you how to act like it.
15/04/2151m 15s

Ep #365: Model Questions and Tips

Tune in today to gain a deeper understanding of the Model and how to use this amazing tool to create the results you want. Even if you’re well-versed in the Model and use it often, this episode will advance your understanding so you can use it even more effectively.
08/04/2132m 59s

Ep #364: Overcoming Obstacles with Brenda Lomeli, Judith Gaton, Monica Sosa, Esperanza Lebron, and Maggie Reyes

Listen in today for my conversation with six Latinx life coaches on their experiences rising in this industry and why representation matters so much. We explore how each of them found coaching, the unique obstacles they faced as women of color, and why even if you try to not be who you are, it will still seep out.
01/04/211h 17m

Ep #363: Aliveness

Too many of us have decided that our mission in life is to be happy and content. But instead of teaching you to find this mystical land of always happy, I want to teach you to be alive.  So in today's episode, I share a new perspective on why having a contrast of emotion is so important. Learn why the concept of happiness could actually be robbing you of living a life where you expand and fulfill your purpose.
25/03/2121m 21s

Ep #362: Becoming an Amazing Coach

If you’re thinking of becoming a life coach, you need to hear today’s episode. Stephanie Griffin, the Director of the Coach Certification Program at The Life Coach School, and I share the exact process of getting certified, the many job opportunities awaiting you after certification, and why being a life coach is the best job in the world. This episode provides all the information you need to finally make the decision and join this booming industry.
18/03/2141m 56s

Ep #361: 20 Minute Mastery

I interview three of our Self Coaching Scholars coaches on what it’s like to do 20-minute coaching sessions and the different ways they’ve seen Scholars benefit from them. We talk about the power of sharing with a non-judgemental stranger, how we can create negative results without knowing it, and how to make the most of these 20 minutes.
11/03/2135m 23s

Ep #360: Desirability

In today’s episode, I break down what it means to desire something and how to understand what your true desires are deep down. Chances are, they’re similar to what a lot of us want. I also share what happens when you show up as a facade instead of your whole self, and how to start attracting people who desire you for exactly who you are.
04/03/2119m 39s

Ep #359: How to Do Well with Extraordinary Scholars

In this episode, learn how joining Self Coaching Scholars to address one area of your life actually trickles into success in all areas of your life. Hear firsthand the stories of why these Scholars joined, what they expected to happen, and then all the extraordinary results they created with these tools.  
25/02/2149m 43s

Ep #358: Madam C.J. Walker with Brig Johnson, Anita Miller, and Monica Sherese

Three of my colleagues and I explore the life and accomplishments of Madam C.J. Walker - what the climate was like for dark-skinned Black women in the early 1900s, and all the obstacles she had the audacity to face. She didn’t just pave the way for women then, she is still a shining example of getting comfortable with other people’s discomfort, trusting yourself, and what it means to be a wealthy woman in America.  
18/02/2136m 49s

Ep #357: Because I Want To

Have you ever been questioned about the way you live your life? Maybe your decision to switch careers, lose weight, get married or divorced, or even dye your hair has been challenged. In today’s episode, I want to help you give yourself permission to make decisions you like and drop the desire to pretend to be anything but who you are.
11/02/2123m 38s

Ep #356: My Coach, Trudi Lebron

In today’s episode, Trudi shares what it’s really like coaching me and why DEI work is about so much more than having a diverse team of employees. We explore why it’s so uncomfortable for white people to do this work, and how all business owners can create a more equitable and inclusive workplace. This work may be uncomfortable, but I promise that the growth on the other side makes it all worthwhile.  
04/02/2151m 30s

Ep #355: Thoughts on the Woo

In today’s episode, I explain what it means to balance the woo-side with the human side of life coaching and why staying open is key to dancing in the middle. I share some of my experiences with spirituality as well as my love for human practicality. 
28/01/2123m 20s

Ep #354: Romantic Relationships

In today’s episode, I give you all a little update on my love life and how it pertains to some super exciting things that are coming up in Self Coaching Scholars. Until I did this work, I didn’t even realize how important it was to be in touch with my own sensuality and identity. I know many of you are in the same boat, so I’m sharing some of the things I did to deepen my connection with myself and with a special someone in my life.
21/01/2120m 54s

Ep #353: How to Create What You Want with Aprille Franks

In today’s episode, Aprille and I dive into the immense success we’ve both achieved by balancing our masculine and feminine energies, and why all women entrepreneurs should tap into this gift. We talk about what happens when you don’t process your emotions, how to express emotions in the workplace, and why expanding your capacity to receive is crucial if you want to make more money. 
14/01/2136m 53s

Ep #352: On Being a Badass

In today’s episode, I tell you exactly what it takes to be a badass and how to generate this power on a daily basis. Being strong and successful isn’t the same as being arrogant; it’s about being consistent and willing to feel all the feelings. It’s about making decisions regardless of the outcome.
07/01/2128m 4s

Ep #351: When Women Make More Money with Kim Golden

In today’s episode, Dr. Kim and I have a fascinating conversation about the societal constructs that make women breadwinners feel un-feminine and unfulfilled. We discuss being vulnerable while having wealth, how to find a mate when you’re making a lot of money, and how embracing your feminine energy can actually help your business grow. 
31/12/2052m 22s

Ep #350: Extraordinary Success as a Life Coach

In today’s episode, I interview eight extraordinarily successful life coaches on their journeys, their obstacles, and what they want you, an amazing human listening to this episode, to know. We talk about beliefs that hold us back from success, taking risks, and investing in your own growth.  I invite you to use this podcast for yourself and not against yourself; we did it and so can you.
24/12/201h 14m

Ep #349: Dreams Do Come True with CEO Erika Royal

In today’s episode, I am finally introducing you all to the new CEO of The Life Coach School, Erika Royal, and having a conversation with her about what this process was like and how it has changed her. Erika had some major gaps in her belief in herself at the beginning of this process, and I got to watch her extraordinary transformation as that belief grew. 
17/12/2047m 40s

Ep #348: Growth Without Suffering with Tah and Kole Whitty

Listen in today as my friends Kole, Tah, and I discuss the importance of connection and intimacy not just with others, but with yourself as well. We talk about learning and evolving through joy instead of suffering, and Tah and Kole share their approaches to helping their clients heal, release their shame, and come out of suffering.
10/12/201h 6m

Ep #347: I've Never Done That Before

What’s stopping you from creating the results you want? I know many of you are going to say it’s because you’ve never done it before. In today’s episode, I share what’s really holding you back from creating extraordinary results and why so many of you believe this poisonous thought. I want you to start living from your future, from possibility. Because when you do, everything you desire is available to you.
03/12/2015m 48s

Ep #346: Success Exhaustion with Dr. Tangie

In today’s episode, I interview Dr. Tangie on what success exhaustion is and why so many of us burn out on that rush to success. She shares why suffering is part of the process, what happens when you’re fueled by external approval, and why so many people self-sabotage. 
26/11/2039m 17s

Ep #345: Fierce Love

In today’s episode, I share what happened when a special person in my life went to battle for me, and how it changed how I want to love. If you want to learn how to love fiercely and put it all on the line for the ones you love, listen in because this episode is giving you the opportunity to do just that.
19/11/2013m 15s

Ep #344: How You Talk to Yourself

In today’s episode, I get real with you all about how you’re talking to yourself and the seemingly harmless thoughts you’re choosing to think. These thoughts are poison, and they don’t allow you to create from future you. Listen in as I point out the subtle differences in the thoughts that hold you back and ones that propel you forward. Talk to yourself like you’re the most precious, amazing, awesome person in the world. Because you are.
12/11/2021m 48s

Ep #343: Do You Know How to Be Yourself?

In today’s episode, I share what it means to be yourself, know yourself, and truly love yourself. The experience of being you in this life is a gift, so I show you how to accept and be that gift. Because when you live into the purpose of being who you are, you can recognize and delight in your worthiness. 
05/11/2033m 51s

Ep #342: The Professor Panel

In today’s episode, I talk with four university professors who are also life coaches about their careers and how thought work contributes to their work. While each professor specializes in a different field and has their own academic background, each one uses thought work and life coaching to make a stronger impact on their students and clients. 
29/10/2041m 38s

Ep #341: Desires

As humans, we’re designed to want more. More growth, more expansion.  But how do we decide if a desire is worth pursuing?  What happens if you pursue a false desire instead of a true one? These are the types of questions I answer in today’s episode. Listen in to find out about the difference between false and true desires, and between manufacturing and allowing desire. 
22/10/2030m 35s

Ep #340: "I Don’t Care About the Money” (and Other Nonsense)

In today’s show, I share why I love money, care about money, and want to make more money. I know some of you are cringing when you read that, so I invite you to consider what you think liking money means about you. In this episode, I help you improve your relationship to money so you can give with generosity and receive with gratitude.
15/10/2026m 1s

Ep #339: Therapy and Coaching

In today’s show, five life coaches/therapists share how these two disciplines overlap and the ways in which they never should. They are each talking about their experiences working with clients who were better suited to therapy and how they prioritize their clients’ safety. If you’re a coach unsure of your niche or a listener unsure of what kind of support you need, this episode is for you.
08/10/2053m 17s

Ep #338: When You Decide to Leave

Listen in today as I share why we often struggle with knowing when to leave and how to make the decision to change. Sometimes choosing to stay leads to growth and sometimes leaving does. I encourage you to find the path that leads you to becoming the best version of yourself and find your way back to love before making any decisions.
01/10/2035m 44s

Ep #337: Doctor Panel

On the show today I chat with 5 physician life coaches from the School about their experiences being doctors, how they found thought work and the School, and what they coach their clients on. We discuss being women and women of color in the field, what’s missing from the culture of medicine, and how coaching can help you make a bigger impact. 
24/09/201h 5m

Ep #336: Envy

In today’s show, I share how to become aware of your feeling of envy and how to channel it into inspiration to create goodness and abundance in the world. Join me to find out how to spend less time feeling bad about other people’s success, and more time feeling good about yours.
17/09/2022m 13s

Ep #335: Attention with Shaun Roney

In this episode, I talk with Certified ADHD and Life Coach, Shaun Roney, on what it’s like to have ADHD and how she coaches women with ADHD to live their most conscious and empowered lives. We talk about the challenges that come with this diagnosis and how it most commonly shows up in women. Join me to learn about ADHD and why coaching is so powerful in managing its symptoms.
10/09/2040m 33s

BONUS: Double Your Business in 3 Months

Entrepreneurship is directly in line with what our brains are meant to do: innovate, evolve, create, fail, and learn from our failures. In today’s session, I share how to create a business that flourishes and what prevents us from growing. 
06/09/2030m 5s

Ep #334: Being a Coach at the School

In today’s episode, I chat with five amazing life coaches and instructors about their journeys to becoming coaches and then working for the School. If you’re listening to this podcast hoping that one day you can be in their shoes, we’re here to tell you that you can. We are all proof that when you do the work and believe in yourself, anything is possible.
03/09/2053m 10s

Ep #333: Fear

In today’s episode, I share how we can find and acknowledge our fear, process it, and then utilize it in a way that serves ourselves and others. Join me to find out how to use fear to find energy to produce, help, serve, and be useful instead of being upset and paralyzed by it.
27/08/2029m 45s

Ep #332: Men and Life Coaching

In this episode, I share a conversation I had with five male life coaches about their experience with The Life Coach School and getting certified. Join us as we talk about the stigma around life coaching, what it was like to join the women-dominated programs we offer, and why they think any men who are slightly interested should stop asking questions and just join.  
20/08/2052m 48s

Ep #331: Good AND Bad

This week, I share why so many of us struggle in our relationships with ourselves and with others because we believe that things are either good or bad, not good AND bad. Although you may have some horribleness in you, I know that you also have beauty and love and worth. My dream is that you can start to feel that way about yourself too.
13/08/2026m 31s

Ep #330: Leading When You’re Scared with Brig Johnson

Listen in as Brig and I discuss how her leadership skills as an anesthetist in the hospital transfer into her coaching career and how having the discipline for self-care allows her to show up as a strong leader. She pulls back the curtain on some of the risks she’s taken lately and how even though a leader appears brave, they can still be shaking with fear.
06/08/2044m 22s

Ep #329: Change Your Life or Your Feelings?

This week, I share how to decide whether you need to change your life or change your thoughts about your life to get the results you want. I explain the power of taking the time to evaluate your situation, own your power, and make decisions based on reasons you really like.  Make sure you’re using The Model for good, my friends. 
30/07/2027m 25s

Ep #328: Assistance with Emily Claver

Listen in as Emily and I talk about our work together and how Emily ended up being my right-hand woman. We pull back the curtain on what it takes to create a beautiful working relationship with your assistant and transform your life forever. If you haven’t hired an assistant yet or can’t seem to find the right person, this episode is for YOU. While Emily is extraordinary, she’s not a unicorn. Don't miss this episode if you want to find out how you can find YOUR OWN Emily.
23/07/2043m 23s

Ep #327: How to Enjoy Yourself

This week, I share the first part of my lesson on how to enjoy being you from the Self Coaching Scholars in hopes that I can help you let go of the idea of how you think your life is supposed to be, and enjoy it as it is. Challenges and disappointments included.
16/07/2020m 20s

Ep #326: SEX with Dr. Sonia Wright

Listen in today as I chat about sex and pleasure with Dr. Sonia Wright, board-certified radiologist, sexual counselor, and Certified Life Coach. Sonia shares why so many women don’t prioritize self-pleasure and how the libido doesn’t have to die at a certain age. We’re talking about the difference between men and women in the pleasure gap, how to talk to your partner about sex, and why it’s important to own your sexuality.
09/07/2045m 44s

Ep #325: All or Nothing Thinking

In today’s episode, we explore how you can take a look where your all or nothing thinking is holding you back and reassess what you want to believe. We also talk about the importance of reevaluating our old beliefs and values regularly as we learn new things and our awareness expands.
02/07/2028m 17s

Ep #324: Women and Money

In this episode, I’m sharing 3 powerful conversations I had about money as well as the most common beliefs around money I’ve seen in the women I coach. When we don’t have other inspiring examples of successful women, we will continue to believe that money isn’t for us. I believe we need to see more women being successful and making lots of money because it shows others what is possible. We can all become examples of what’s possible.
25/06/2047m 20s

Ep #323: Looking for Thoughts

In this episode, I’m sharing how unconscious thoughts and beliefs negatively affect your life and your business. Racism is woven into our education, and sexism is ingrained in our upbringings. I want to encourage you to discover these thoughts, process them, and then decide if you want to change them. 
18/06/2033m 32s

You Are Worthy

I have been receiving so many emails from many of you who are in pain and want help with your pain. And I want to help with what you’re going through, all the pain and unnecessary suffering you’re going through. Today, I’m reading you some of the pieces that I think can help. I hope they will give you some thoughts to think as we go through this. I want you to know that I am not afraid of anything you bring to me. Anything you want me to help you with, I want to see it and I want to help you in any way I can. I love you.
11/06/208m 42s

Misuse of the Model with Anita Miller (Special Episode)

In this episode, Anita and I dive into what the experience of a Black woman in corporate America is like and how it differs from that of a White woman. We’re sharing how our experiences shape our thoughts, and how our thoughts have the power to change the world. While policies and systems do need to change, we also need to work on our thoughts so that racism doesn’t hold us back.
06/06/2043m 59s

BONUS: Eight Pounds Down

Many of you have been asking me about weight loss during this shelter-in-place period. So what I decided was to help anyone who’s interested in losing weight lose 8 pounds during the month of June. Starting on June 1, I will do live coaching calls where I will cherry-pick the most important weight loss information from Self Coaching Scholars. I will share my personal food journals, mind journals, what I do each day, and answer any questions that you may have about your personal issues with losing weight.
30/05/2012m 25s

Ep #322: Connection Circle

In this episode, I share how my views on connection have changed over the years and why I’m choosing to be intentional about them now. I cover how our identities are influenced by relationships, and why the ability to love is one of the most important skills when it comes to connection.
28/05/2030m 49s

Ep #321: Love vs. People Pleasing

In this episode, I shine the spotlight on the difference between love and people pleasing. I explain why unconditional love often gets misinterpreted and what you need to do to create and foster genuine relationships with the people you care about.
21/05/2045m 39s

Ep #320: What to Do About Your Mother

In this episode, I outline a process that you can use to look at the relationship with your mother, question it, and do a reset to create the exact relationship that you want with her.  Don’t miss this important opportunity to find out how you can feel more connected and ultimately act the way that you want to act toward your mom.
14/05/2028m 41s

Ep #319: How to Disagree with Someone

I believe that disagreeing is an art, and today I share my suggestions for how to use disagreement as a way to connect instead of disconnect and to gain a better understanding of other people and the world in general.
07/05/2026m 53s

The Hiring Project

Have you been furloughed? Need a job to bridge the gap between now and when you can get back to your regular job? I’m proud to announce The Hiring Project. We’ll be hiring 20 people for at least 30 days to help us with three different projects. Listen in and go to and click on “We’re Hiring” for more information.
01/05/207m 34s

Ep #318: Future Self in Uncertainty

Tune in this week as I explain how to imagine your future self regardless of what’s going to happen in the world. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out what you can do to be exactly who you want to be with whatever circumstance is present for you.
30/04/2030m 7s

Ep #317: Mind Visibility

In this episode, we take a look at the danger of labeling our thoughts as "true" and how these thoughts become our reality. I show you how, with today's increased awareness, we have an amazing opportunity to take a deeper look into our existing belief systems and decide, on purpose, what we want to believe.
23/04/2024m 6s

Ep #316: Q2 2020

In today’s episode, I show you why you shouldn’t hold yourself back from creating value in the world and making meaningful changes in your personal life this quarter. Join me as I explain why there’s no better time to set an impossible goal, follow through on it, and change the trajectory of your life.
16/04/2026m 36s

Ep #315: Losing Money

Today, I’m talking about how to handle losing money and how to manage your mindset around it. I’ll share some of the ways I approach losing money and why I choose to focus on things that make my soul happy. When you take away money, you’re left with your valuable and amazing self.
09/04/2030m 0s

Ep #314: What You Can Control

Today, I’m discussing what we can control during this uncertain circumstance. I’m sharing how to do a thought download, how to organize your thoughts like you would a junk drawer, and how to return the sense of power to your life.  
02/04/2023m 52s

Ep #313: Pre-Traumatic Stress

Today, I’m talking all about pre-traumatic stress in hopes that our healthcare heroes can find resilience and strength in spite of their fears. I’m talking about balancing your thoughts, finding peace in your anxiety, and giving you a practical way to calm your brain.
26/03/2020m 49s

Moving Forward 6

In today’s episode, I’m coaching a few of my coaches on things they’re dealing with right now amidst the panic and uncertainty. We talk about balancing our judgmental thoughts with positive ones, dealing with uncommunicative family members, and the first step to believing in your worth. It’s an intense one today, my friends, but so good. 
25/03/2031m 32s

Moving Forward 5

We’re talking about the power of contribution. Not just through monetary donations, but through the power of giving love, appreciation, and gratitude. There are plenty of people on the frontlines that could use some appreciation right now. Sharing your thoughts of love with others not only makes them feel loved, but it also makes you feel empowered, and the ripple effects are monumental.
24/03/2011m 46s

Moving Forward 4

In today’s episode, I’m covering some of the beautiful wisdom my coaches have shared with their clients. We’ll talk about what frontline healthcare workers can and can’t control, how to give love to your future self, and why self-forgiveness is key to moving forward.
23/03/2025m 29s

Moving Forward 3

In this episode, I’m talking about making mistakes and bouncing back. It’s 100% guaranteed that you will fail at some point. Should you let that stop you from speaking? Absolutely not. I  want you to continue using your voice and making mistakes, knowing that criticism is all part of putting yourself out there to help those who will be helped.
22/03/2019m 28s

Moving Forward 2

In this episode, we discuss backlash for selling in “a time like this,” taking social distancing to a whole other level, and anticipating a financial storm that hasn’t even happened yet. We all love watching people struggle in books and movies, but we don’t want to experience it ourselves. But, guess what? This is the human experience! And it’s beautiful!
21/03/2042m 30s

Moving Forward

We’re moving into a new phase of episodes to help you cope and thrive during the ongoing uncertainty. Over the next several days, I’ll be posting episodes in the Moving Forward series about how to do just that. We’re done being panicked and scared. Let’s move forward.
20/03/2022m 4s

Ep #312: Feeling Awful

Today, I want to talk about the importance of allowing ourselves to feel feelings, even the bad ones. I’ll share how I’ve been feeling lately (awful) and why I choose to embrace that feeling with acceptance and compassion.
19/03/2024m 4s

Handling Chaos 6

In this episode, I’m talking about how to see value, produce it, and not just consume it. Our ancestors have prepared us for this challenge, I want you to double down on your efforts.
18/03/2036m 11s

Handling Chaos 5

Join me as I coach on how to be at peace with your decisions, why believing that other people are handling it wrong is not helping you show up the way you probably want to, and why you need to do the work of thinking on purpose so you can differentiate your thoughts from the actual circumstances.
17/03/2031m 0s

Handling Chaos 4

In this episode, I share some suggestions on how you can use this time to set goals, be of service, learn compassion for yourself and others, and to really practice creating more than you're consuming. No one else can tell you what the right thing to do is. It's up to you to decide how you're going to handle this and who you're going to be on the other side. Go into the deepest part of you to find out what is real and true for you. Get a plan. Get a focus. Put some energy into it.
16/03/2022m 35s

Handling Chaos 3

No matter what is happening, you can embrace the world for what it is and utilize what you have to grow. On this special episode, I want to invite you to step back and look at the big picture. Look at the new obstacles you may face and use them to create strategies for growth. Then, I want you to look at what is good and abundant right now. Focus on that and be an example of what is possible.
15/03/2025m 36s

Handling Chaos 2

On today's special episode, I'm sharing why this is the perfect time to hone your own self-coaching practice and how all of the feelings that are coming up around the coronavirus pandemic offer an incredible glimpse into your beautiful humanity. 
14/03/2023m 50s

Handling Chaos

As humans, we tend to stop thinking on purpose when we feel powerless and out of control. But I believe that, although the situation is uncertain, this is an important opportunity to take back the power of our thinking and make our mental health even stronger. Over the next several days, I’m going to be releasing a series of special episodes to help any of you who may be feeling brain chaos right now. I’ve got you. I am here to help.
13/03/2022m 54s

Ep #311: The Grind

Today I want to talk about the grind and why you shouldn’t try to skip over it and why you shouldn’t give up. I’ll tell you a bit about the grind I’ve gone through with the school and why I’m so thankful for all those hours and lessons.
12/03/2025m 35s

Ep #310: My Business Model

I get a lot of questions about The Life Coach School, so I'm bringing them to the podcast to answer them all in one place. This week, I want to give you an inside look at the business model of the Life Coach School, my approach to marketing, and why overdelivering is our jam.
05/03/2053m 23s

Ep #309: Emotional Suffering

In today’s episode, we’re diving deep into emotional suffering and why we create pain around our pain. In our modern lives, we’re called on to evolve in this new way. We don’t need to just survive; we need to thrive. And learning to stop suffering is a huge part of that.
27/02/2029m 46s

Ep #308: Working as a Coach

In this episode, we’re chatting about whether you have to be an entrepreneur to be a coach, what it’s like coaching for us and other schools, and how you can coach while keeping another full-time job. If you’re waiting for a sign or permission to become a coach, then this is it!
20/02/2040m 58s

Ep #307: Making 100k as a Coach

In this episode, you’ll hear from coaches who have been in the business less than a year and others who have been around a bit longer. Each of them had their own mental obstacles to overcome on the way to $100K – but all of them used perseverance and massive action to set & achieve their goals.
13/02/2037m 7s

Ep #306: Monday Hour One

Today I want to share the Monday Hour One process that we use at the Life Coach School and beyond. Monday Hour One is an approach to time management that can transform not only how much you get done, but your commitment to yourself. Joining me today to talk about Monday Hour One are two amazing productivity experts and coaches – Lauren Cash and Tyson Bradley.
06/02/2029m 8s

Ep #305: Stop Tolerating

In this episode we’re diving deep into why we buffer and what we’re tolerating. We’ll talk about why your capacity to respond to life is lower when you’re buffering, and what all those things you’re tolerating have to teach you. And we’ll chat about what happens when you stop buffering, and what you’ll need to do next.
30/01/2028m 24s

Ep #304: Being Selfish

I wanted to address the idea of selfishness in this episode because I think a fundamental misunderstanding holds a lot of people – women especially – back. When we don’t take care of ourselves, we’ll never live up to our potential as the most powerful contributors we can be. It’s time to update our common definition of selfishness – or replace it with the idea of self-care once and for all.
23/01/2024m 48s

Ep #303: Cultivating Power

In today’s episode, I’m talking about how to cultivate your power and why power must be creative rather than destructive. I’ll tell you how you can learn to define power for yourself, why peace and compassion are some of our most powerful traits, and what you can do to practice feeling powerful every day.
16/01/2030m 35s

Ep #302: Midlife Awakening with Suzy Rosenstein

I’ve got Suzy Rosenstein, the Midlife Coach, with me on today’s episode to talk a bit about midlife and the huge opportunities it contains. We’re chatting about why so many of us are shocked by the sense of loss we feel when kids move away, why we have to reassess midlife, and why there is so much room for joy and rediscovery in this stage of life.
09/01/2038m 11s

Ep #301: What I’m Doing in 2020

Things have grown and changed a lot over the past year, and now I’m excited to focus on helping my coaches reach new levels and learning to be a better manager. Listen in for more on what I’ll be working on in both the business and personal realms and what you can expect from me and all of us here at The Life Coach School.
02/01/2030m 4s

Ep #300: Taking Action 2.0

In this episode, I talk a bit about the journey to 300 episodes of the podcast. Then we dive into episode 1, which is all about why you aren’t taking action. We talk about The Model, why you can’t just will yourself into changing your habits, and why it’s so much easier to change once you understand how your thoughts create your actions.
26/12/1934m 17s

Ep #299: Great Teachers

In this episode, I’m focusing on the teacher-student relationship and highlighting what makes great teachers so special. We’ll talk about how to be a great teacher and an attentive student. I’ll also spotlight some of the incredible teachers in my life who I’ve learned so much from over the years.
19/12/1938m 10s

Ep #298: Talent Stack

In this episode, I’m talking about the talent stack that will help create the life you want. I’ll walk through each of the five skills that I’ve found to be essential for our mental health and our ability to turn our ideas into reality. And I’ll also talk about the changes I’ve made to Self Coaching Scholars 2.0, which has been completely revamped for 2020.
12/12/1938m 11s

Ep #297: Adversity Quotient

In this episode, I’ll ask you some tough questions about how you handle adversity and what you can do to become more resilient in the face of life’s challenges. We’ll talk about the key difference between the challenges you choose and those that are forced on you, and why adversity is a key ingredient for any major success.
05/12/1932m 9s

Ep #296: Want Match

What happens when you ask for what you want? Does your partner say, “Sure – I want to do that too!” Or do they say, “Thanks for telling me, I’m happy to do that.”  These are all different scenarios of the Want Match, today’s concept. I’ll tell you what Want Matches are, how they work, and how they can take the pressure off your partner and help you get your needs met by a wide variety of people in your life.
28/11/1929m 25s

Ep #295: Pain Now or Later

In this episode, I’m talking about why we learn to buffer our pain and how, as adults, we need to process our pain. We’ll dig into the affect unprocessed pain has on our lives and how you can start allowing the pain in. And I’ll tell you how your life can expand when you allow yourself to feel pain, and some things that can make it easier to accept.
21/11/1933m 33s

Ep #294: How Are You Feeling?

Today I’m talking about the question “how are you feeling?” and how it can change your relationships. We’ll also talk a bit about what this question might bring up for people, why it might be a little uncomfortable to ask, and why it’s totally worth it anyway. And I want you to play with asking this question of others and of yourself.
14/11/1930m 4s

Ep #293: Entrepreneurial Management with Kris Plachy

I’m so excited for this episode of the podcast. I get to have a conversation with one of my dearest friends, Kris Plachy, about one of our favorite topics: common mistakes entrepreneurs make when they’re building their companies. I’m sharing three of the biggest mistakes I’ve made while building The Life Coach School, and Kris talks about three of the most common missteps her clients make.
07/11/1949m 11s

Ep #292: Working Retreat

In this episode, you’ll hear about my recent working retreat; where we hosted the retreat, why we hired a chef for the whole weekend, and the role downtime played in our writing process. I’ll also talk about why I liked writing in a group over writing on my own, and how you can implement some of what we did this weekend in your own writing practice.
31/10/1937m 37s

Ep #291: How Greed

In this episode, we’re diving deep into the concept of how greed and the importance of taking responsibility for your own process and success. If you determine your own how, you’re building a skill that will serve you in every area of your life. You’re willing to experiment, fail, and try again and again.
24/10/1929m 2s

Ep #290: Why You Drink with Rachel Hart

In today’s episode, Rachel Hart and I are talking all about the urge to drink, how and why we both stopped drinking alcohol, and why the key to changing your relationship with alcohol is learning to manage your mind. We also talk through some of the common obstacles people come up against when trying to take a break, and how to take a break from drinking that actually addressing the root causes of your desire.
17/10/1943m 26s

Ep #289: A Hard Why

I’m sharing the story of the big mistake I made with my $100K mastermind group this year and what it taught me about what it takes to be a successful life coach. We’ll explore the idea of a hard why and why I think it’s essential if you want to keep going when times get tough (which they inevitably will, at some time or another). And I’ll tell you about my hard why and how you can (and need) to create one of your own.
10/10/1925m 29s

Ep #288: Butterflies Walking

I take my dogs out for a walk every morning, and the other day we came across a butterfly walking on the pavement. I couldn’t understand why it was walking when it had these big, gorgeous wings that it could use to fly anywhere. It reminded me of a lot of my students. In this episode, you’ll hear more about the butterfly walking idea and how to figure out if you’re playing small and ignoring your wings.
03/10/1920m 42s

Ep #287: Passing Through Neutral

In this episode, we’ll review the concept of pure circumstance and talk about how it relates to the practice of passing through neutral. I’ll walk you through a real-life application of passing through neutral to illustrate why it is such a valuable tool to add to your mental toolbox.
26/09/1941m 56s

Ep #286: Pure Circumstance

In this episode I’m talking about pure circumstance and how removing language from our experiences might be the key to unlocking a more powerful and peaceful place. Next week I’ll talk about how we can move through pure circumstance, so be sure to listen to this one first.
19/09/1939m 0s

Ep #285: Giving It Up

Ask yourself: What am I done experiencing? What have I had enough of for a lifetime? In this episode, I’m walking you through this thought process and sharing a quick exercise you can do to figure out what you’re done with. Instead of thinking about how much you’re missing out on if you don’t drink, eat sugar, or date anymore, thinking of yourself as completing a natural process feels like freedom, instead of lack.
12/09/1923m 39s

Ep #284: Antifragile

Join me on this episode as I explore the concept of antifragility and talk about why you’re not as fragile as you might think. I’ll give you plenty of examples of this concept in action and talk about why you should consider adding it to your collection of characteristics.
05/09/1927m 58s

Ep #283: Lying About Money

I am dumbfounded about how often people lie about money and how convicted people are about it. On this episode, I share my perspective on not telling the truth about money and why deliberately hiding the truth about it in order to control how others think about us is not useful or healthy.
29/08/1922m 15s

Ep #282: Body Thoughts

On this episode, I want to talk to you about your body and using it to experience the world as well as your experience of your body. If you have body image issues or if you’re someone who’s trying to stop overdrinking, overeating, or any other type of buffering, you will not want to miss this episode!
22/08/1930m 59s

Ep #281: Gifts to My Future Self

This week, we revisit the concept of the future self and dive deeper into how you can use it as a powerful tool to change your life completely. Join me as I share an exercise for building a stronger relationship with your future self and show you the power of offering gifts to that person you will become. After listening to this episode, I want you to ask yourself what gifts do YOU want to offer to your future self?
15/08/1928m 11s

Ep #280: Success Fun with Jody Moore

This week on The Life Coach School Podcast, I am once again joined by the amazing Master Certified Coach Jody Moore to talk about success fun and why the journey can (and must) be the fun part. Join us as we look at the reasons why so many people are miserable when they are working toward their goals and the biggest mistakes they make in that process. Tune in to find out exactly what you need to do to make hard work part of the fun!
08/08/1943m 44s

Ep #279: Failure Tolerance

Join me on this episode as I talk about the idea of failure tolerance. We dive into why you MUST increase your failure tolerance and exactly how to do it. Don’t miss this important and much-needed tough love episode that will hopefully inspire you to stop complaining and making excuses and finally achieve success.
01/08/1926m 38s

Ep #278: Belief Ceilings

Today we’re talking about belief ceilings – sets of beliefs that very much sound like facts (and arguably are) but hold us back from achieving our true potential. Join us as we take a look at the reasons why these belief ceilings are incredibly difficult to recognize and why most people are unwilling to challenge them. I also show you what you can begin doing today to uncover your belief ceilings and start changing to get what you want in life.
25/07/1929m 35s

Ep #277: Weight Loss Struggles with Natalie Brown

Join us on this fun interview as Natalie shares her journey of weight loss and pulls back the curtain on what it’s like to be a weight loss coach. We also explore some of the biggest struggles Natalie’s clients deal with when it comes to losing weight and what you can do if you find yourself in similar situations.
18/07/1943m 7s

Ep #276: Weight Loss: The Right Way vs The Wrong Way

We take a look at the importance that self-love plays in the weight loss process and why recording what you ate and planning what to eat is a part of that equation. I also show you exactly how to talk to yourself when you come face-to-face with a decision to eat or not to eat something in a way that serves you.
11/07/1933m 27s

Ep #275: Result Truth

When you tell yourself that you’re doing everything you’re supposed to and still not seeing the result you want, you’re most likely lying to yourself. The Model never lies. On the other hand, our brains are great at believing things that aren’t true. On this episode, we take a look at what you may be doing wrong with your models and explore what you can do differently to ensure you’re getting the exact result that you want.
04/07/1927m 0s

Ep #274: Returning Models

Join me on this episode of The Life Coach School Podcast, as we talk about the detrimental effects of taking responsibility for the models of others as well as pushing our models onto them. Listen in to discover the power of taking responsibility only for our own actions and returning the models of others, back to where they came from.
27/06/1928m 38s

Ep #273: Outearn Yourself with Bev Aron and Deb Butler

On this second part of our two-part series on the topic of underearning, I have a special treat for all of you. I am talking to two of my students – Bev Aron and Deb Butler – about money, the mentality that keeps us stuck, and mastering the skill of outearning yourself. Bev and Deb started out in their careers as chronic underearners, although most people would never categorize them as such because they had "plenty of money." After becoming Master Life Coaches with The Life Coach School, they weren't able to break the six-figure mark for some time, until recently.
20/06/191h 1m

Ep #272: Underearning

On the first part of this two-part series, I’m talking about underearning. I go exactly into what underearning is about, what causes it, and how to recognize it. We also look at the detrimental effects of underearning and explore what you can start doing today to stop the vicious cycle of not earning as much as you’re truly capable of. Make sure to tune in next week as I talk to two of my students who were chronic underearners who are now earning well into the multiple six figures.
13/06/1933m 5s

Ep #271: Models on Models

One of the things that I notice about my students is that they have a lot of thoughts about their thoughts. They create models about their thoughts – they have models about their models. By doing so, they resist their original model and can’t allow it to be in order to change it. Join me in this episode as I teach you a meta-skill that will help you avoid the issues you may be having with your models that are keeping you from creating anything you want in your life.
06/06/1927m 20s

Ep #270: Lessons from My Teenagers

On this episode, I am talking to my sons, Christian and Connor Castillo about being teenagers in the Castillo household, and growing up in today’s world. In this episode, we pull back the curtain on what kids go through from middle school to high school and explore what parents can do in order to build a better relationship with their children.
30/05/1953m 11s

Ep #269: Self Image

This week, we’re talking about self image – the way you interpret and think about yourself. Not how others think about you. You. Join me to discover how a positive self image can not only enrich your own life but also the lives of those around you and what you can do to start cultivating one today!
23/05/1927m 9s

Ep #268: The Capacity to Have

Reaching a certain level of success (and having those results in your life) is a good problem to have. However, many of us constantly sabotage those hard-earned results, often immediately. Why does this happen? On this episode, I answer this important question and coach on how you can establish your capacity to have the abundance that you created for yourself on any level of this evolution without sabotaging it.
16/05/1928m 2s

Ep #267: The Value of a Coaching Session

Join me as I give you a behind-the-scenes look at what’s it’s like to have a coaching session, how you can benefit, and how oftentimes, one coaching session is all you need to get started.
09/05/1923m 2s

Ep #266: Why Change Is Hard

On this episode, we explore the topic of why the change is difficult and how to make sense of being uncomfortable on purpose. Tune in to find out why the 50/50 (of negative vs positive emotions) of growth is tremendously better than 50/50 of beating yourself up and seeking false pleasures.
02/05/1927m 49s

Ep #265: Entrepreneurial Bookkeeping

I am excited to welcome my friend, our CFO, and bookkeeper Mark Butler to talk about the ins and outs of entrepreneurial bookkeeping. In this wide-ranging conversation, we cover topics from business vs personal debt to the power of marketing. We also give you a behind-the-scenes look at the new Entrepreneurial Bookkeeping program Mark and I have developed and show you how it can help you not only get your books in order but also plan out your future finances.
25/04/1946m 13s

Ep #264: Decision Debt

Combining two ideas – consumer debt and not making decisions – I had an epiphany that when we prolong decisions or procrastinate, we end up with a bunch of unmade decisions hanging over us that are nagging at us in the back of our mind. I call this “decision debt.” Join me this week as we explore the reasons why we leave decisions unmade and how it zaps the energy from our brain and keeps us stuck. What is YOUR decision debt costing you?
18/04/1920m 13s

Ep #263: The Urge Jar

Join me on this episode as I re-visit my three main concepts of weight loss to make sure you’re up to speed on those tools. Then, I share a process that utilizes what we know about the brain, neurotransmitters, and the human body to hack our decision making and reward system. This powerful tool will help you recognize anything that’s not in alignment with what you want for the long term.
11/04/1932m 24s

Ep #262: Believing the Model

On this episode, I talk about my personal evolvement through the process of using the Model in my self-coaching and the results and revelations I've experienced along the way. Then, I break down what exactly it means to really believe in this powerful tool based on the universal truth and show you what you can do in order to stay faithful to your desired Model no matter what to achieve any result you want.
04/04/1930m 41s

Ep #261: Throw Away Your To-Do List

This week, I’m excited to share with you a webinar that I recorded on the topic of throwing away your to-do list in which I show you exactly how you can create more time and get more efficient in every area of your life.
28/03/1958m 23s

Ep #260: Lessons Learned from 17 Million

Today, my husband Chris and I talk about our journey from becoming business partners to scaling our business to its current iteration, as well as the role hiring the right coach has played in this process. We also go into the most valuable investments we’ve made in our business, the balance between generosity and not sending the wrong message, what material possessions mean to us, some of our splurges and more…
21/03/1952m 22s

Ep #259: Abundance Assets

As you may know, assets are resources with value that give you a positive return on investment. This week, I’m talking about the three most important assets (resources) that produce abundance in your life – your brain, your time, and your money. Join me as I show you how to prioritize investing in these assets to help you create financial abundance in your life more quickly and create the exact life that you want.
14/03/1931m 56s

Ep #258: Selling with Stacey Boehman

To talk about selling and why it’s so important, I’m joined on this episode by Stacey Boehman. We discuss why it’s so important for life coaches (and everyone else) to learn how to sell well. We talk about separating the benefits the seller gets from sales from the benefits the client gets from sales, why you should focus on the latter, and why you have to really believe in what you’re selling.
07/03/1952m 32s

Ep #257: What it Takes to Make a Million Dollars

Several of the coaches in my Millionaire Mentoring Group are here to talk about what it takes to make a million dollars (or more) and share their experiences building million-dollar businesses. We discuss why managing your mind is the most essential component of a super-profitable business and why hustle is not part of our process.
28/02/191h 3m

Ep #256: People Pleased

If you’re being people pleased, you might feel resentful of the help. This can lead to a sense of guilt – Why can’t I just let so-and-so help me? They’re just trying to be nice. What’s wrong with me? – and eventually obligation. I’ll just let them help, even though I didn’t want them to. Today, I’m talking all about being people pleased and how important it is to set your boundaries honestly, firmly, and quickly with people who may be doing this to you. 
21/02/1933m 35s

Ep #255: Grief with Krista St. Germain

Join me and Krista as we open up on this difficult but incredibly important topic.  We talk about how we’ve grieved loved ones in our lives and how the process is different in every experience. We talk about the influence of culture on how we grieve and why comparing our grief to others’ is such an unproductive practice. Krista also shares what can be helpful for those processing a loss and how to support somebody who is grieving.
14/02/1952m 33s

Ep #254: Restriction Love

Join me as we look at the reason why restricting from the place of hate and punishing yourself simply doesn’t work long-term and what you can do instead in order to achieve your goals. Don’t miss this opportunity to clear up any confusion that you may have about restricting things in your life and discover how to use restriction in a way that supports you in the ultimate results that you want in your life.
07/02/1921m 30s

Ep #253: Impossible Goal Action

Join me as I review the reasons for setting an impossible goal and show you how to bridge the gap between your impossible goal and your immediate reality. I explain what you can do to make sure that you’re having your next actions be possible and how to think about these concepts in a way that keep you moving forward and the big scary goal doesn’t keep you frozen.
31/01/1926m 59s

Ep #252: Should I Become a Life Coach?

Join me as I share my thoughts on whether someone should (and most importantly should not) consider pursuing a coaching career and talk about the current state of the coaching industry. I also address the concern of being “too late to the game” and show you exactly how rewarding being a life coach can be.
24/01/1939m 1s

Ep #251: Two Types of Discomfort

Discomfort is the currency to your dreams. If you’ve been listening to my podcast, I’m sure you’ve heard me say those words more than once. And what I mean by that is that in order for you to grow into the next version of yourself, you’re going to be uncomfortable. Join me as I show you how you can distinguish between the type of discomfort that serves you and type that doesn’t and explain what you can do in order to get yourself of the right track to your goals.
17/01/1932m 34s

Ep #250: Listener Lessons

A few episodes back, I asked you to call in and share your favorite lessons that you learned from listening to this show. And so many of you called in… I want to thank each and every one of you for your messages! So today, I am SO excited to share a few of these “Listener Lessons” messages with all of you on the podcast.
10/01/1931m 12s

Ep #249: Building a Team

Many of you have been asking me what it’s like to build a business as big as mine, bring on a team of people, and manage them. So on this episode, I’m diving into the ins and outs of creating a thriving team that supports the goals and executes the vision for your business and purpose.
03/01/1928m 45s

Ep #248: Superthinking

Today, we’re going deeper into the topic of thought work and take a look at the key skills you need to learn in order do what I call “superthinking” – the highest level of thinking to achieve anything you want in life. We also revisit the main attributes of good mental hygiene and then dive into the ins and outs of exactly what it means to be in full control of your mind.
27/12/1834m 28s

Ep #247: The Five Emotional Skills

On this episode, we take a look at what it means to be an emotionally healthy human being and go over the five emotional skills you need to get there. Don’t miss this opportunity to find out exactly what you need to do in order to expand your capacity for your emotional and mental health and live a truly fulfilling life.
20/12/1827m 51s

Ep #246: Modern Mental Health

This week we take a look at what modern mental health is all about and how it differs from happiness. We look at the biggest misconceptions and faulty teaching about emotions that we were inundated with over the years and take a look at how to figure out whether you’re emotionally healthy or unhealthy.
13/12/1830m 20s

Ep #245: Body Image with Kara Loewentheil

It's easy to get caught up in what you think you're "supposed" to look like in order to be worthy, to be lovable, but Kara and I are going to break down why feelings of self-loathing don't go away even when you lose a lot of weight without doing the work on your thoughts. 
06/12/1850m 0s

Ep #244: Thinking Big

This week, we take a deeper dive into the topic of thinking big and what it really means to think strategically to produce incredible results in the world. I go over the immense benefits (and what some may consider drawbacks) of this type of thinking and show you how to actually do it in your life and business.
29/11/1821m 22s

Ep #243: Normal Eating?

On today’s episode, I take a look at the topic of normal eating, what people conform to and feel pressured to do, and why we don’t question these things even if they don’t serve us. We also explore the biggest misconceptions about our eating and drinking habits, as well as weight loss, and discuss our relationships with food.
22/11/1829m 47s

Ep #242: Depression

This week, we explore what depression is all about, why so many people get stuck in it, and why it’s so difficult for them to get out of it.  I also explain how you can use The Self Coaching Model to better navigate this difficult time of your life.
15/11/1831m 28s

Ep #241: Emotional Vocabulary

On this episode, I share some new insights I’ve had about emotions. I talk about how having a broad emotional vocabulary can help you live from the future and practice being who you most want to be. And I share several great exercises for expanding your emotional toolbelt so that you can deepen your relationship with yourself, relationships with others, and experience the full range of emotions that life has to offer.
08/11/1841m 8s

Ep #240: Lessons from Success

Today, I want to share my experience of the success that I have achieved through applying The Model in all areas of my life and business. Join me as I talk about my money mindset, dealing with advice from others, the reason why we should always continue growing, and other important lessons I learned from my personal success.
01/11/1835m 6s

Ep #239: Neurotransmitters

Today, we take an in-depth look at the five main neurotransmitters – dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, endorphin, and cortisol – how they evolved over time and how they affect our brain. I explain how this “software” happens to be programmed in a way that often makes us think that there’s something wrong with us. Tune in to find out exactly how neurotransmitters affect you and how you can utilize them for your benefit.
25/10/1849m 13s

Ep #238: Accepting Pain

Some of the most painful experiences that we endure in our life happen when we resist the pain and create a lot of unnecessary suffering in the process. This week, I want to talk to you about thinking about pain in a different way to make it much more manageable. Join me as I show you what you can think to help accept the physical pain you’re experiencing get better at processing it.
18/10/1830m 36s

Ep #237: How to Fire Someone

Chances are, if you’re an entrepreneur, you will have to fire someone. Same goes for managers and executives. And if you’re neither, there’s a chance that you may be fired. I think this process is a great metaphor for life and how we handle relationships and people. From figuring out whether someone needs to be fired to managing your mind through this process, you’ll learn everything you need to know about letting them go for the right reasons in a way that serves you and your business.
11/10/1835m 56s

Ep #236: Compound Effect

On this episode of The Life Coach School Podcast, I’m talking about the power of the compound effect and the incredible results you can expect from consistently adding small wins under your belt. Whether you’re trying to lose weight or build your business, this episode is for you. Don’t miss this inspirational episode about the power of compound effect and how you can create incredible results in your life.
04/10/1834m 44s

Ep #235: Obstacle Thoughts

On this episode, we talk about the thoughts that prevent you from getting from where you are right now to where you want to be, where these thoughts come from, and how to become aware of them. Join me as I show you how to properly set goals and lay out a process for managing your insidious obstacle thoughts so they don’t stop you in your tracks and cause you to produce undesired results in your life.
27/09/1824m 16s

Ep #234: What Do You Want to Believe?

This week, we’re talking about a concept that will help you rapidly get the results that you want in your life. Today, I want you to consider the difference between wanting to believe something and actually believing it. Join me on this episode to find out exactly what you need to do to make yourself strong enough to keep setting bigger goals and keep making your life so much more interesting…
20/09/1830m 5s

Ep #233: Acceptance Is Not Indifference

Of all the things I teach, a concept that I get the most pushback on is “acceptance vs. indifference.” On this week’s thought-provoking episode, I want to explore this concept in depth and talk about accepting “difficult” things and circumstances, like past childhood abuse and rape, as well as the idea that life is 50% positive and 50% negative.
13/09/1834m 11s

Ep #232: The Aligned Model

Over the course of this podcast, I’ve talked about The Self Coaching Model a lot. I’ve talked about applying The Model to any situation in your life to achieve a desired result. However, a lot of people still struggle to fully understand exactly how to bridge the gap between the circumstance and a wanted result. On this episode, we dive in deeper and talk about an advanced concept that I call The Aligned Model – The Model where the circumstance matches your result and how exactly to get there. I talk about the problem with attempting to live in a Model where you’re trying to get a result versus living in a Model that already has that result and how that difference can help you achieve your goal.
06/09/1825m 20s

Ep #231: Who Are You Becoming?

On this episode, I talk about the paradigm shift that needs to happen in order for you to become a person that you haven’t been before, the person that you imagine being. Join me to discover the process you can use to make this happen and get the results you’re looking for.
30/08/1828m 27s

Ep #230: Lessons Learned from Jim Collins

Today, I am excited to share with you teachings of one of my favorite authors, Jim Collins. Jim’s book, Good to Great has had a huge impact on my own life and business, and I want to share some of the lessons from this book on this episode. Join me as we look at topics like becoming great vs good, the power of having the right people in the right places in your life, how to examine and deal with raw facts, and how exactly you can become great.
23/08/1822m 39s

Ep #229: Alternative Futures

When we think about making a decision about something, we are creating alternative futures. On this episode, we take a deep dive into the process of looking at making decisions and explore how you should consider analyzing your alternative futures. I also explain why you should never choose a negative future and how you can choose the future that will best serve you in achieving your goals and dreams.
16/08/1819m 28s

Ep #228: Unconscious Negativity

This week, we take a deep dive into the topic of unconscious negativity that plagues so many of us and explore how labeling others as “negative” actually cultivates this insidious quality in ourselves. We also take a look at the importance of noticing the judgment you impart on others and how that affects your ability to enjoy more positivity-filled thoughts. Join me to find out how to gain an awareness of your unconscious negativity and how to navigate the tricky environment created by having that awareness in a way that actually serves you.
09/08/1822m 34s

Ep #227: Self-Assault

On this episode, I want to bring your awareness, from a different perspective, to how you treat yourself on a regular basis in order to help you uncover what ‘things’ you’re using on yourself to be the villain, or the predator, in your own life. Join me to find out how you can identify the villain within you that treats you terribly; learn to love that part of you and, at the same time, set clear boundaries.
02/08/1819m 28s

Ep #226: Believing Hard

This week, I revisit the concept of believing the thoughts that a future you, who already has what you want, would be thinking in order to reach any goal in life. I explain why it’s more important to commit to believing something than it is to actually achieve it and why so many people have trouble with this distinction. Listen in to discover how you can visit your future and create an unshakable commitment to believing in your dreams and getting to them no matter what.
26/07/1826m 35s

Ep #225: Thoughts to Believe

Many of you ask me about the thoughts that I believe and practice on a regular basis. So today, I share ten new thoughts to believe and give you some background on why I think they are useful.
19/07/1828m 26s

Ep #224: Lies We're Taught

On this episode of The Life Coach School Podcast, we take a look at some of the most common beliefs that cause them pain and examine whether they are really the truth or simply lies that were taught to them by others. I share my thoughts on the lies most of us are taught on the topics of getting your feelings hurt, the results of hard work, earning money, negative emotions, winning, and many others, so you can hopefully begin questioning them in your own life.
12/07/1827m 15s

Ep #223: Self-Sabotage

On this episode of The Life Coach School, we take a look at three different ways you may be sabotaging yourself on a regular basis and how you can figure out exactly why you’re doing it. Listen in to find out how you can kick self-sabotage to the curb and take control of your life and your future.
05/07/1822m 35s

Ep #222: Discomfort on Purpose

Most people do not like to feel discomfort. The reason why we are not as far as we’d like to be with our goals – whether it’s weight-loss, quitting drinking, building a business – is because we have chosen not to be uncomfortable. Changing and doing new things is very uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable to risk rejection and experience failure. However, doing these hard things and experiencing discomfort is THE ONLY road to success. Join me this week as we take a look at the two types of discomfort we can experience and explore the power of experiencing the type of discomfort that comes with growing on purpose.
28/06/1824m 2s

Ep #221: Possibility and Imagination

One of the most important things that I talk about to my students is the idea that anything is possible for their life now. And that the reason why they may not be believing in their future is because they are trying to build their future by drawing on references from their past. In this episode, we revisit the concept of past focus vs future focus and dive deeper into the power of using your imagination to create new possibilities in your life.
21/06/1826m 34s

Ep #220: Lessons from Carol Dweck

This week, we have another “Lessons from” episode. And in this episode, I want to talk to you about the amazing Caron S. Dweck, the author of the popular book Mindset: The New Psychology of Success.
14/06/1822m 38s

Ep #219: Listening Hard

One of the essential skills that we teach to our Life Coach School coaches is how to listen to their clients. Today, I want to teach this useful skill to you, so you can really hear when someone is saying something to you. Join me as I outline the 3 main components of effective communication and walk you step-by-step through the process of figuring out the true meaning of any conversation that you may engage in.
07/06/1814m 19s

Ep #218: Coaching for a Living

This week, I talk about what it’s like to be me: what my life is like, and what it’s like to coach for a living. I also pull back the curtain on the life and business of life coaches and talk about the main skillsets that every coach needs to master in order to have a successful business.
31/05/1824m 53s

Ep #217: Organization with Shira Gill

Today, Sira Gill and I dive deeper into the topic of organization and take a look at why it matters (not just so you can have a clean house but also for so many other reasons) and why you should consider putting your energy into organizing your life and home. Join us as we discuss general idea of the organization and a talk about Shira’s incredible new program, why I think it matters, and why every single one of you should consider joining and going through her process.
24/05/1830m 16s

Ep #216: Vital Changes with Shira Gill

This week, Shira Gill joins us to talk about making vital changes in our lives and how one change can have a huge impact on your entire life. On this interview, we talk about how you can start organizing your cluttered home and touch on the tweaks that you can do in your life to start thinking about yourself as a person who's good at organizing.
17/05/1825m 26s

Ep #214: Drama

This week, I’d like to bring to your attention that you may be a little bit dramatic about your life (and you probably don’t even recognize it in yourself). Listen in as I explain how you can recognize when you’re being overly dramatic and show you how you can de-dramatize any emotionally-charged situation.
03/05/1824m 27s

Ep #213: Goal Shame

On this episode, we take a look at the reasons why we experience goal shame, how it is often triggered, and how it affects our ability to grow. I talk about my personal experience with goal shame around my business and how I was able to work through it and share the lessons I have learned. Join us this week to find out how you can begin to shed goal shame in your life and business, set huge goals, and achieve them with a light heart that adds more value to the world.
26/04/1828m 32s

Ep #212: Simple Solutions

On this episode, I want to share a simple philosophy that will help you tremendously when looking for simple solutions to most complex problems. Tune in as I outline a step-by-step process that you can use to solve any problem quickly and effectively.
19/04/1816m 46s

Ep #211: Villain Compassion

On this episode, I talk about the detrimental effects of justifying your hate for villains (even if it’s in the name of justice) and explain how it interferes with becoming the best version of yourself and causes you to suffer in the process. Listen in to discover how having compassion for all humans can give you strength, make you more capable of enacting change, and save you from a lot of suffering.
12/04/1819m 38s

Ep #209: Minimum Baseline

This week, I want to talk to you about a concept – a powerful coaching tool –  that I came up with to help my clients start thinking about themselves in a different way and start honoring their own plans. I call it the Minimum Baseline. On this episode, I explain why having a minimum baseline is crucial to creating meaningful and consistent change in your life and how you can get started today.
29/03/1817m 21s

Ep #208: Planning a Money Philosophy

I find it fascinating that people make money based on what they believe to be true; and most often, they believe that the amount of money they can make is limited by the amount of time they have to produce. They have the concept that they are getting paid for their time firmly ingrained in their minds. I absolutely believe that is flawed thinking. On this episode, I go into some of my ideas on money and invite you to question your current money philosophy, especially if you don’t have as much money as you would like to have.
22/03/1828m 54s

Ep #207: Being a Good Employee

On this episode, we take a look at the power of being the best employee you can be, no matter where you work, and explore different ways you can add more value to your employer and live a more fulfilled life.
15/03/1832m 3s

Ep #206: Being Decisive

A lot of you spend way too much time indulging in confusion and don’t make decisions which causes you to miss out on reaching the next level and evolving into an even better version of yourself. In this episode of The Life Coach School, we take a look at why you absolutely must make decisions more often. Join me as I share my best tips to help you become more decisive, save time, catapult growth, boost your confidence, and achieve amazing results in any area of your life.
08/03/1818m 14s

Ep #205: Confident Communication

Listen in to find out what you can do to prevent miscommunicating your ideas and check out my best communication tips for different situations. From giving (or taking) directions to someone you work with to saying sorry and speaking with confidence, you’ll learn how to become a more effective communicator, avoid unnecessary drama, and get the results you want more often.
01/03/1821m 6s

Ep #204: Cognitive Dissonance

On this episode, we explore how cognitive dissonance often prevents people from setting big goals and stalls progress. Join me as I explain how you can apply proven self-coaching tools to bridge the gap between your old beliefs and the new ones and achieve anything you desire in life.
22/02/1819m 36s

Ep #203: How to Not Be Shy

This week, I want to talk to you about shyness. If you consider yourself shy, you’re surely familiar with being overwhelmed being around others, feeling uncomfortable, timid, and insecure. For those of you who view shyness as a character trait that cannot be changed, I bring you good news: it can absolutely be changed. And in this episode, I will show you exactly how you can do it.
15/02/1846m 59s

Ep #202: Confirmation Bias

In this episode, we explore how confirmation bias drives us to always prove our beliefs and how that process causes different people to see a different set of realities based on the same set of facts. Tune in to find out what you need to do in order to be able to use confirmation bias in the way that helps you get EXACTLY what it is that you want in your life.
08/02/1826m 16s

Ep #201: Wisdom from Ryan Moran

This week, I actually had a different podcast planned for you all. However, I recently heard Ryan Daniel Moran’s powerful message that I absolutely had to share with all of you. In this message, Ryan reminds us to be grateful for what we have and how we can to be happy now instead of focusing on what we don't currently have.
01/02/186m 43s

Ep #200: Lessons Learned from Amy Porterfield

On this “Lessons Learned from” episode, where I usually talk about one of my teachers or influencers, I want to talk to you about Amy Porterfield and how her work has impacted my own business. Tune in to find out how one marketing email from Amy started me on the journey that led me to building my business and achieving incredible success. This episode is a tribute to all of you out there who are doing your work in the world and starting a ripple effect that is changing people’s lives in ways you can’t even imagine.
25/01/1822m 10s

Ep #199: Other People’s Opinions

  As a society, we are deeply influenced by what others think about us, to a point that it holds us back from creating what we want to create in the world. Join me for this episode as I share my thoughts on caring about other people’s opinions and how you can free yourself from this burden and experience true freedom in your life.
18/01/1821m 51s

Ep #198: What it Takes to Succeed (Success Stories from Scholars)

This week, I’m excited to share an amazing treat with all of you! This episode is a collection of stories from six Self Coaching Scholars program members who have succeeded in different areas of their lives using the tools I teach on the podcast and in the program.
11/01/182h 28m

Ep #197: Urges

I created this week’s episode as a resource that you can come back to in order to understand what’s really going on “under the hood” when you experience an urge. Listen in as I walk you through a process of understanding your urges and give you the best way of dealing with any urge that comes up.
04/01/1816m 51s

Ep #196: My Plan for 2018

In this episode, I want to talk to you about being a future-focused person who has gratitude ahead of time as I share everything that I’m going to accomplish in 2018 and in the near future. December is the perfect time to reflect on what you did last year and to plan where you will be at this time next year. So let’s do this work together and make 2018 the best year possible!
28/12/1719m 57s

Ep #195: Best of the Podcast Vol. 1

In this episode, we put together some of the main concepts that I have taught over the course of this podcast. This episode is jam-packed with golden nuggets that are sure to not only remind you of some of my best self-coaching practices but also inspire you to go after the life that you want.
21/12/171h 26m

Ep #194: The Worst that Can Happen

What is the worst that can happen? Is it failing at your goal? Losing an investment? Failing at your business venture and going back to work for someone else? Most people think those ARE the worst-case scenarios when they go after their dreams. On this episode, I want to share why I don’t think failing or hurting yourself in the process of going after your goal is the worst-case thing that can happen to you, by far.
14/12/1713m 43s

Ep #193: What I Teach and Why

In my work life, I’m a teacher and a coach, and I am very compelled to teach the things that have impacted me the most. And today, I want to talk to you about the main themes and topics that I teach and go into detail about why I teach them. If you can get your head around these concepts and apply them, you’re going to be able to live a much more accelerated and exciting life.
07/12/1726m 18s

Ep #192: A Year in Review

On this episode, I show you how I conduct my year in review on the business side of things (since that’s the area that has experienced the most dramatic growth for me) and share how I use that information to help me start the next year with momentum and planned success. Join me as I guide you through the process of doing your year in review to help you figure out how you can have the best year ever in 2018.
30/11/1741m 3s

Ep #191: ACTIONS in Spite of Negative Emotion

How do you develop a good work ethic? How do you take action and work when you just don’t feel like doing it? Listen in to find out... Learn the correct way to apply The Model to this process of taking action in spite of our negative emotions and how to use your actions to serve you in everything you want. This is an important episode if you want to produce at the highest level.
23/11/1740m 33s

Ep #190: Lessons from Frank Kern

The best way of helping as many people in the world as possible with what you have to share is to learn how to market your business online, and Frank Kern taught me exactly that. Join me in this session of The Life Coach School Podcast, as I share the story of how I got connected with Frank and explain how his teachings help me achieve huge success with my business.
16/11/1734m 15s

Ep #189: The Balance of FEELINGS

In this session, we go through the extensive list of emotions available to us and talk about the idea of the “silver platter” of feelings being optional. We look at three different categories of emotions and discuss how each one plays into our daily life. Join us as we go through the process to help you figure out which emotions you might want to have in your repertoire to be able to enjoy a full human experience.
09/11/1722m 28s

Ep #188: The Contrast of THOUGHTS

In this session, we’re focusing on the contrast of thoughts and why we choose to think negatively or positively about neutral circumstances. Join us as we explore why most of us don’t question our beliefs, and why we don’t take responsibility for choosing what to believe, and simply believe what we’ve been taught. I explain why it’s so important to be more conscious about our thinking and talk about why you should revisit your current thoughts that are causing you pain to decide whether you want to keep on believing them.
02/11/1721m 41s

Ep #187: Neutrality of CIRCUMSTANCES

This week, we’re taking a deep dive into the neutrality of circumstances and why ANYTHING that happens in the world is neither inherently bad nor good. I explain why you must develop the skill of interpreting any situation that comes up and the immense benefits you can expect as a result.
26/10/1726m 23s

Ep #186: How to Make 100k – Interviews with Katrina, Corrine, Stacey, Brenda, and Jody

In this session, I asked 5 of my coaches, Katrina, Corrine, Stacey, Brenda, and Jody, to share their recent success in making $100,000 and beyond with their coaching business. I also asked them to give their best advice to new coaches and entrepreneurs who are working on reaching the 100k mark.
19/10/172h 23m

Ep #185: Saying Goodbye

On this episode of The Life Coach School Podcast, we dive into why goodbyes are difficult for us and why, at the same time, they are so necessary. Join me in this session as I share a simple-but-challenging process for saying goodbye to things in your home, your relationships, your jobs, and thoughts – those things in your life that no longer serve you and are holding you back.
12/10/1719m 35s

Ep #184: Organize Your Mind

What it means to organize your mind, the main areas you need to focus on, and how you can get started with this process. Discover two powerful tools for focusing your mind to help you produce and contribute in a satisfying way and allow you to live a purposeful and conscious life.
05/10/1716m 13s

Ep #183: How to Have a Better Life

On this episode, I briefly go over what’s in How to Have a Better Life and teach you some of the most important concepts from the book. I show you the exact process for having a better life and explain how to overcome anxiety, create confidence, solve all of your problems, and manage your thoughts.
28/09/1728m 32s

TLCS Special Edition - Mental Health

The Life Coach School Podcast Special Edition - Mental Health
24/09/171h 14m

Ep #182: The Truth about Burnout

This week, you will learn about the distinction between overwhelm and burnout and why it’s so important to understand it. Discover what burnout really is and what causes it, as well as how you can avoid it in your daily life and work. Listen in to find out exactly when it is the right time for you to step back from the task at hand and take a needed break.
21/09/1715m 56s

Ep #181: Proactivation

On this episode, we take a deep dive into the power of being proactive and the immense benefits that you can expect from planning ahead and taking charge of your life. We explore how you can take the things that you deem “good” about procrastination and apply them in a way that leaves you more time and mental space than you have ever dreamed of.
14/09/1719m 11s

Ep #180: Lessons from My Business

This week, I outline what I have experienced on my path to success and share tips and strategies that you can use to become a successful entrepreneur.  From lessons learned from my biggest failures, dealing with doubt and wanting to give up, to cultivating a mindset of a CEO of an effective company, I talk about everything you need to know to become successful in your business.
07/09/1745m 12s

Ep #179: Productivity

On this episode of The Life Coach School Podcast, we’re taking a look at what productivity is all about and, most importantly, what it’s not. I explain why “How long will it take?” is not the right question to ask yourself as I also walk you through some of the biggest time wasters that come up when you’re trying to accomplish something. Listen in for some actionable steps that you can start taking today to make your productivity easier and to help you use your time more efficiently.
31/08/1728m 12s

Ep #178: Being Coached

On this episode of The Life Coach School, I want to share my personal coaching experience as a client, as well as some of the biggest takeaways and epiphanies I had with each one of my coaches. Having a coach changed my life because it helped me get the perspective I can't get from being inside my own head and my own life. And on this episode, I explain why coaching needs to be your priority if you’re the type of person who wants to grow.
24/08/1727m 13s

How to Be an Entrepreneur

How to Be an Entrepreneur
21/08/178m 56s

Ep #177: Giving Up or Burning Out

Most people live in the constant state of giving up or they live in a state of busyness and burnout. On this episode, we take a deep dive into those two ways of living our lives and examine their traits and outcomes. We also look at the third option of productivity, creativity, and result-creation – the option that generates a life of contribution and satisfaction.  
17/08/1720m 56s

Ep #176: I’m Not Good Enough

On this short but impactful episode, I share my theory on the human “betterness” scale and explain how ranking people in such a way is hurting you. Listen in to find out why you ARE good and worthy enough and why you need to work toward believing it.
10/08/1712m 53s

Ep #175: Problems Are Forever

On this episode, we explore why your problems will never end, no matter what you achieve in life, and why it’s a good thing. I share what I do with my problems created by my mind in order to be present, how you can turn negative of your life into positives, how to create a clear path to your goals, and much more.
03/08/1722m 18s

Ep #173: Future Focus

This week, we explore the easiest way to create meaningful change in your life – by thinking from the perspective of your future self. No matter how old you are, you can create an incredible life ahead of you by living from your future, imagination, possibility, and inspiration. Tune in to discover how you can learn to be your future self and become your own best coach and mentor.
20/07/1729m 24s

Ep #172: Past Focus Problems

This week, we go deeper into the topic of changing your past and look at how you interpret your past (anything that happened up until this moment) and use it to define yourself. This approach of focusing on your past is highly unproductive as it keeps you stuck in the same place. Listen in as I explain how you can begin defining yourself by your future instead of your past in order to create new results in your life.
13/07/1726m 32s

Ep #171: Therapy vs Coaching

On this week’s episode of The Life Coach School Podcast, we’re taking a look at the key differences between conventional therapy and life coaching and the types of issues that are best suited for each approach. We look at the various types of therapy methods and types of professionals that help people treat mental health conditions, and go into whom life coaching is for and what it can do for your life. If you’re not exactly sure whether you need a therapist, a life coach, or both, this episode is for you. Tune in to discover why you absolutely must invest in your mental health and what each one of the perspectives can offer.
06/07/1741m 50s

TLCS Special Edition: Overwhelm

In today’s society, we have an incredible amount of options for everything – food, drink, entertainment, jobs, business, marketing, shopping… you name it. It’s a beautiful thing. However, a lot of people feel overwhelmed by the number of options available and often get paralyzed, unwilling to make a choice and move forward with their life. They use this idea of overwhelm as an excuse not to do what they are meant to do in the world. Listen in as I explain what you can start doing today in order to remove overwhelm and confusion from your life and achieve peace and freedom to get exactly what you want.
29/06/1731m 56s

Ep #170: Lessons Learned from Wayne Dyer

On episode 170 of The Life Coach School Podcast, I’m excited to talk about and share the work of the great American philosopher, bestselling self-help author, and a motivational speaker, Wayne Dyer. Over the course of his career, Wayne wrote more than 40 books, including 21 New York Times bestsellers, created countless audio and video programs, and appeared on thousands of television and radio shows. Join us as I share some of Wayne’s unforgettable wisdom from his books. I highly recommend that you pick up any of them if you haven’t yet read them. They WILL change your life!
22/06/1716m 32s

Ep #169: My Human Life

Recently I read an amazing book, The Last Word on Power, which completely blew my mind… On this episode, I talk about some of the important points from the book that stood out to me and truly changed my lens on the world and the human experience as a whole.
15/06/1715m 26s

Ep #168: Rejection

This week on The Life Coach School, we dissect the epidemic of being fearful of getting rejected in the world and how this stunts any forward movements in our journeys of self-improvement. Tune in for this exploration of what is possible when we learn to deal with rejection and how you can get started today.
08/06/1726m 25s

Ep #167: Self-Confidence

What is it about self-confidence that makes it an attractive feeling, a way of being, and ultimately, an identity trait? Where does self-confidence come from and how can we show others that we're well-liked? This week, I answer these questions and take a deep dive into the topic of having and developing an unshakable confidence in ourselves. I also explain why most of us lack self-confidence and what we can do in order to increase that seemingly elusive character trait.
01/06/1731m 39s

Ep #166: Difficult Conversations

Join us as I cover how to manage a conversation when you need to talk about topics with a lot of negative emotions involved. This episode is meant to serve you as an outline for how to have difficult conversations with others. The information laid out here is quite unusual and likely not what you expect to hear. However, it is highly effective.
25/05/1715m 40s

Ep #165: How to Be a Good Mate

On this episode of The Life Coach School, I share 20 ideas on how you can be a good mate to your significant other. These tips will not only make your partner feel infinitely loved but also make you feel like you have the most amazing relationship ever.
18/05/1733m 14s

Ep #164: Love 2.0

In this week’s episode, I’m revisiting the topic of love and talking to you about unconditional love and lovability. Join us as I explain why loving others unconditionally makes it easier for us to love ourselves, what it really means to be lovable, and how you can get more love in your life.
11/05/1723m 10s

Ep #163: Boundaries 2.0

On this episode of The Life Coach School, we take a deep dive into setting boundaries, how and when to do it, and why most people don’t follow through on boundary requests. I also explain why you need to stop indulging in people pleasing and share my personal rules for doing things for others.
04/05/1733m 49s

TLCS Special Edition: Living an Extraordinary Life

This week, I’m psyched to bring you this special edition of The Life Coach School podcast! A couple of months ago, I create a 3-part video series to help introduce myself to new people and share everything I know in the most succinct way possible. To this day it has been my most popular and commented on video series. Today, I’m bringing you this video series in audio format! Join me on this special edition episode as I walk you through the process that can help you create an exciting future!
27/04/171h 34m

Ep #162: Time Management - Procrastination

On this episode, I share some actionable tools and strategies that you can start using today to defeat procrastination, save you time and your precious energy worrying, stressing, and mismanaging your time.
20/04/1732m 0s

Ep #161: Money Beliefs

On this episode, I go through some of the biggest misconceptions about money and explain how changing that thinking can help you be successful in your life. We also take a look at how we can create money and how changing our language can help us with this process.
13/04/1747m 16s

Ep #160: Lessons Learned from Steve Chandler

On this “Lessons Learned” episode, we explore the work of one of my teachers, Steve Chandler – a self-help coach and a bestselling author known as an American notoriously unorthodox personal growth guru.
06/04/1730m 35s

Ep #159: Time Management: Making Time

On this episode, we explore a number of tools and techniques that will help you create more time in our daily lives. From the importance of honoring our commitments to ourselves and saying “no” to multitasking, trying, and distractions, we cover everything you need to know to make time for the things that matter most.  
30/03/1754m 27s

Ep #158: Beliefs

Tune in to find out what beliefs really are, how beliefs are formed and why we so desperately hold on to them.
23/03/1735m 5s

Bonus Episode: Impress Yourself

I think many of us spend so much time in hiding, we don't feel like we have much to be impressed about. On this bonus episode, I talk about the reasons why it's so important for those of us on the journey of self-improvement to impress ourselves. I also explore why I created my new program, Self Coaching Scholars, and lay out what I was able to create for all of you because of all the work I've done on myself... and getting out of my own way. 
17/03/1743m 58s

Ep #157: Thought Creation

On this episode, I pull back the curtain on how the thought creation process works and share some game-changing tools that will surely help you change your thoughts conducive to creating an extraordinary life.
16/03/1739m 13s
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