For The Life Of Me

For The Life Of Me

By Julie Piatt

Julie Piatt is the leader of the Water Tiger online community and the founder of SriMu artisan, plant-based not-cheese @SriMu. She is the author of books including The Plant Powered Way, with her husband Rich Roll, and This Cheese is Nuts. Her podcast offers spiritual musings on living a life embodied in our true, unique blueprint.


149 The Knowing w/Serena Dyer Pisoni

On this episode @SriMati reaches across spiritual horizon to share truths with @serenadyerpisoni and to discuss her book The Knowing: 11 Lessons To Understand The Quiet Urges of Your Soul, written in collaboration with her sister Saje.  Serena and SriMati discuss the legacy of Serena's father Wayne Dyer and marvel at our capacity to find peace within, returning us to a place where love, joy and abundance can be free flowing, even in times of adversity. To find Serena's book, head for... To connect directly with Julie go to… This is the place to join our Water Tiger community… For delicious, artisanal not-cheese for all the family, head to @SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so your altar box can last for weeks!) For a super-affordable Plant Powered Meal Planner it's...
14/09/2145m 53s

148 Unlocking Superpowers with Yoga Nidra w/Tracee Stanley

In this episode @SriMati connects with her great friend Tracee Stanley to share wisdom from Tracee's new book Radiant Rest. They discuss the live giving energy of Yoga Nidra and explore spirituality as the ultimate activism.  What does it mean to be awake? Yoga Nidra is known as the Yoga of Sleep. It is a lucid practice that requires no previous experience and demands no asanas. It is simple, deep, and easy to assimilate into a busy life. This beautiful, guided practice informs all aspects of life and helps us to dismantle constructs and decolonize the mind. It is the practice that we all deserve. It is a practice of self-healing.  To connect with Tracee and her work head here... For Tracee's book it's here To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions… This is the place to join our Water Tiger community… For delicious, artisanal not-cheese for all the family, head to @SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so your altar box can last for weeks!) And finally, we give thanks and love to the musician Dani Fanning @dani.fanning Her track Emanate is the music for this episode...
24/04/2153m 23s

147 In Reverence of The Hopi w/Natasha Severino

In this episode @SriMati talks down the line with her soul friend, the makeup artist Natasha Severino @natashaseverino_makeup about Natasha's journey onto a healing, spiritual path through the teachings of The Hopi and her subsequent service and Ally-ship. They are using Julie's platform to raise funds for the Hopi via and @friendsofthehopi  This is a conversation about eternal, reverent respect. It covers the sense of connected beings emitting a shared frequency that nourishes all who engage with it - the one breath that is breathing all of us. They engage with the mother energy and the gift of profound teachings, while acknowledging an individual's right to a unique life blueprint.  Julie's links... To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions, go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… For delicious, artisanal not-cheese for all the family, head to @SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so your altar box can last for weeks!) For a super-affordable Plant Powered Meal Planner it's... Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email
13/03/2152m 52s

146 Agree to Disagree

In this episode @SriMati reflects on time spent as the student of gurus in order to explore how we see ourselves in relation to others. We are all seeking love, connection and meaning and we are all informed by our individual experience. So why are we so quick to cancel a person when their belief systems differ from our own?  How do we manage disagreements with loved ones and spiritual teachers in a space of loving neutrality? How do we stay in a frequency of respect and compassion, able to share space with those who act differently to us?  And how do we respect that every life form is divine and understand that the sun is shining on all creation, without edit.  "Our fractal of the mirror is just one perspective. There are many, many others." Julie's links... To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions, go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… For delicious, artisanal not-cheese for all the family, head to @SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so your altar box can last for weeks!) For a super-affordable Plant Powered Meal Planner it's... Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email If you have a question you'd like Julie to answer you can record it into the Anchor podcasting app using the +message button
20/02/2120m 59s

145 Sacred Wayshowers

In this episode @SriMati offers tips, tools and a guided meditation to help us become radiant and positive lights in these tender, challenging times. How can we show up for the people who matter most to us and how can we summon the courage to face our own mortality, understanding that doing so will vastly expand our experience of this lifetime? In modern western society we deny death and are therefore ill equipped to process it when it comes. But rather than treat this transition as a tragedy Julia offers up another perspective, one in which we can release the suffering, respect the divine birth into other realms and create ceremony and communion to lovingly support that passage. For that super-affordable Plant Powered Meal Planner it's... To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions, go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… For delicious, artisanal not-cheese for all the family, head to @SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so your altar box can last for weeks!) Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email If you have a question you'd like Julie to answer you can record it into the Anchor podcasting app using the +message button
18/12/2034m 0s

144 Infinite Creativity

In another inspirational episode @SriMati responds directly to a question from listener Tracey on creativity. How does the doyenne of plant based not-cheese manage multiple creative outlets, a brand new intentional food business and a large, active family? Recorded during Navratri, in reverence to and devotion of the goddess, Julie explores feminine energy as the eternal creator. This is the frequency that will continue to create for all eternity and the more unified we are with it, the more prolific we will be. If we feel into ourselves as a sphere of radiant energy, always moving and always emanating, we can spontaneously turn our attention towards expression, experiencing joyful vitality instead of restless anxiety and letting go of our preoccupation with linear processes, invented goals and dreaded to-do lists. To hear Julie's most recent conversation with Rich Roll in full, go here... To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions, go here… If you have a question you'd like Julie to answer you can record it into the Anchor podcasting app using the +message button This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… For delicious, artisanal not-cheese for all the family, head to SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so your altar box can last for weeks!) And for that super-affordable Plant Powered Meal Planner it's... Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email
10/12/2019m 11s

143 You Are The One

What is more beautiful than a being that knows itself? In this uplifting and inspiring episode @SriMati investigates her deeply held belief that you are the one you’ve been waiting for. In this epoch dominated by patriarchal, intellectual societies we are forever trying to reach a consensus on what is right and what is wrong. Yet if we examine creation through the lens of Ayurveda we understand that we are each unique. There is not another one of us in the entire multiverse. Therefore how could we possibly know what is right for anyone else? Julie’s life mission is to help us expand into the understanding that if we don’t receive ourselves as divine, then no one else is going to do it for us. No one! So it’s time to get real with who we are, take responsibility for our own divine blueprint and step joyfully into our fullest life experience. EPISODE LINKS.... Christmas is coming! For delicious, artisanal not-cheese for all the family, head to SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so your altar box can last for weeks!) To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions, go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… For that tasty, super-affordable Plant Powered Meal Planner it's... Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email
03/12/2017m 55s

142 Protecting The Tongass w/Tyler Yarrow

In this special holiday episode @SriMati and activist @tyler_yarrow_  give thanks for the Tongass region of Southeast Alaska, one of the last untouched forest wildernesses on the planet. In this heart felt connection Tyler and Julie share their personal experience of the awe-inspiring beauty and near-incomprehensible vastness of this sacred region at a time when its environmental protections are being dismantled by the Trump administration via the disbanding of The Roadless Rule. They discuss the life-giving communion of trees and the fright-giving tendencies of bears as Julie recollects her childhood in Anchorage and Tyler expands into her divine life blueprint of protector and guardian of these robust and vibrant ecosystems. Episode Links… Special musical credit for this episode goes to @TheBergamot for their track 'Make it Last' Find them at Check Tyler’s linkinbio on Instagram @tyler_yarrow_ or her website or her YouTube Learn more about the region via the Southeast Alaska Conservation Council Understand the impact of the Roadless Rule policy here… It’s here for the Damanhur spiritual community in Italy... And to connect directly with Julie for personal sessions, go here… Finally, for delicious, artisanal not-cheese, just in time for the Christmas holidays, you need SriMu… (SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so an altar box can last for weeks!) Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email
27/11/2053m 22s

141 Gratitude Challenge

In this episode @SriMati offers up a challenge to each of us to act and react in gratitude, even in times of uncertainty. How can we learn to detach from our old habits and patterns of thinking and understand that we have the power to reframe our interactions so that we can create abundance, expansion and positivity? When we listen to our body we are in communion, casting spells with our words and becoming conduits of force. EPISODE LINKS.... To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions, go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… For that tasty, super-affordable meal planner it's... And for delicious, artisanal not-cheese, you need SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so an altar box can last for weeks!) Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email
20/11/2033m 7s

140 Adapting to Evolve

In this post-election episode @SriMati reflects on the times in our lives when we get fixated on outcomes and offers a different perspective on how we can adapt to change, creating space for evolution and expansion. During this monumental time of planetary transformation, we are being given the opportunity to return to the true heart resonance of each one of us. Each life form created in perfection, no life form better or worse than any other. This is a process that is way beyond any political party, but if we remain asleep or in a slumber about what is, then we can't affect meaningful change. So how do we exist in a state of being that is radiating love, regardless of anybody's ideas or preferences? EPISODE LINKS.... To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions, go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… For that tasty, super-affordable meal planner it's... And for delicious, artisanal not-cheese, you need SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so an altar box can last for weeks!) Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email
13/11/2029m 35s

139 The Power Of Not Knowing

In this special episode for the opening of election season @SriMati speaks of the beauty and power of not knowing. In these tense, tumultuous times, as the world holds its breath for a result, we have an opportunity to tune into the vibrations of our taught, held and imprinted beliefs and move through them into expansion. Human egos look for absolutes. Having something to cling onto gives us a notion of certainty, but these are false mental constructs that become energy blockages and interior walls onto which we build a false identity. The truth of life is that there is no certainty and there is no consensus. It is when we feel seen and respected and held that we make choices that reflect the divinity of what it means to be a human. When we are in right alignment we will always make the right move. You are not your thoughts and you are not your belief systems.  The truth of who you are is waiting inside your own heart.  PLEASE VOTE.
31/10/2024m 6s

138 Owning Your Power

Do you have the courage to step into all that you are? In these trying and uncertain times @SriMati speaks on the vital truth of what it takes to own your own power.  We have been programmed to believe that systems (financial, political, educational, correctional, medical) have the answers, and that some other being (political or otherwise) is going to arrive with the full awareness of how to solve personal, political and global issues? But these systems are failing and we, as individuals, are free to choose to serve love, not fear.  No one else is coming to save you. It is you and your community that will realize your true life mission. So how can we step into the full force of our potential, even when the world seems to be eating its own tail? EPISODE LINKS.... To connect directly with Julie go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… For that tasty, affordable meal planner it's... And for delicious, artisanal not-cheese, you need SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so an altar box can last for weeks!) Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email
30/10/2025m 22s

137 Cancel Culture

What is going on, from a spiritual perspective, when people throw stones from glass houses? Without personal judgement, Julie muses on what it is that gives us a sense of entitlement or superiority that leads us to act upon our judgements in the on-line realm and on social media? There is an agenda that is seeking to divide us right now and Julie reminds us that we are multidimensional beings. Each of us has been many things in many places! This is why the spiritual truth of treating others as you hope to be treated yourself runs true. The policing of comments and content has a dark energy and the notions of right or wrong, valid or invalid are human constructs with no relationship to divinity and no relevance in a multiverse containing billions of lifeforms. We are all needed, and everyone that you meet is an aspect of 'god' energy. If you edit them, you may be missing something. So, how can we use social media as a tool for good? And how can we learn to listen to and even respect those whose opinions are different to our own? Even if those views feel treacherous, dangerous or downright threatening? The more mature you become the more you understand you know nothing. The most enlightened way to be is nonjudgemental, accepting and loving of each life form. Even if they are very different than you are. For us to get caught into ‘isms, boxes or attitudes of how people should think or feel is not celebrating diversity. It is not an openness. Get the kettle on for sacred tea ceremony with Global Tea Hut To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger spiritual mentorship community… And for delicious, artisanal not-cheese, you need SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so an altar box can last for weeks!) There's also the budget-friendly, life changing The Plant Power meal planner... Need help to make your podcast? Email
23/10/2019m 23s

136 Stewardship of Money - Part 2

In the second of a two part series on money (including a guided meditation around 18mins) Julie moves on from our relationship with money into our stewardship of it. How can we become responsible guardians of this powerful energy and use it in impactful, intentional ways? How can we step into a vibrant, healthy flow, recognizing our heroic probability? In this current opening in the cosmos we are faced with an opportunity to redefine the energy of money, both for ourselves and in the realms of business, government and schools. The tension between ‘resume us’ and ‘real us’ creates illusions of self-worth that can be overcome. We can step away from judgement and gossip and use our Jedi spirit to transform what it means to be in a loving relationship with money, maybe even lots of money! It's time to embark on a spiritual evolution that has the power to transform all life on the planet.   Have the courage to look at what is and understand that you are a divine life form, no better and no worse than anyone else. In the eyes of creation, under the sun, we are all loved unconditionally. There is nothing you can do to make consciousness love you more. It simply is so. To connect directly with Julie for personal sessions go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger spiritual mentorship community… My Octopus Teacher is on Netflix (It's amazing!) And for delicious, artisanal not-cheese, you need SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so an altar box can last for weeks!) There's also the budget-friendly, life changing The Plant Power meal planner... Need help to make your podcast? Email 
16/10/2029m 35s

135 October's Sacred Sun

In this episode Julie speaks of the particular richness of her favorite month of the year and shares thoughts around the theme of devotion. The fall sun may shine bright in the mountains of Malibu, but the winter sun holds the power of rejuvenation all over the world as Julie expands into her choice to celebrate the new year in September and October - a natural calling that rolls into the mysticism of Scorpio. She speaks of the divine goddess Durga (part of the Vedic lineage) and of the joy and reverence of stringing garlands for ourselves. Plus there's a story of the day the tigers came to tea! In visceral contrast to what’s happening in the news right now, Julie muses on how we can receive ourselves in reverence during this juicy, sacred month. How can we truly feel that we are a divine being? And how can we use the mantra This, or Something Better... "If you are open to devotion and always leaving room for something greater, blessings will arrive in the darkness. "We all have the ability to directly connect to source, to the one breath that is breathing all life. Inherent within us is the blueprint for everything we need to actualize our most heroic probability." "Remember to honor yourself, to be grateful to your life and not to miss it because you are too attached to the headlines." Be connected to your true heart resonance." To connect directly with Julie go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… Here’s a good site to learn more of the goddess Durga… And for delicious, artisanal not-cheese, you need SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so an altar box can last for weeks!) Need help to make your podcast a reality? Email
13/10/2021m 7s

134 Spiritualize The Money - Part 1

Money rules the world, but do we know how to handle it? How can we come to an awareness where we can work with money as an energy, examining its frequency within our individual energetic fields and bringing it into our lives in healthy and abundant ways? In the first of two episodes on the subject, Julie takes an honest look at our personal relationship with money and at the shame, trauma and anxiety that so often shapes our interactions with it. We don’t have to be poor of pocket to be pure of soul so it’s time to stop ‘kicking dirt’ around the subject and to stop judging others for making bank, especially if those others are working to reclaim this energy from the darker forces that so often control it. We are universal creators, so if we worry we are praying for more of the same. But if we can learn to be present, to reject analysis of the past and projections of the future, we can sit in a place of abundance and possibility - regardless of the numbers in our bank balance. “When you’re grateful for what is and feeling that acknowledgement you create an energy that brings you more of that match” To connect directly with Julie go here… This is the place to join the Water Tiger community… For that tasty, affordable meal planner it's... And for delicious, artisanal not-cheese, you need SriMu… (by the way, the SriMu wheels are perfect for freezing, so an altar box can last for weeks!) Need help to bring your podcast idea to life? Email 
09/10/2032m 33s

133 Doug Evans; Sprout Man and Spiritual Survivor!

In this episode Julie sits down with her dear friend, the entrepreneur Doug Evans, having just exchanged gifts in an energetic shift designed to bring into communion their respective lands in the Mojave desert and the mountains of Malibu. Doug’s extraordinary story runs through childhood delinquency into teenage enlistment before barreling out onto the streets of New York and, ultimately, into the worlds of design and business. He talks of the preventable illnesses that ravaged his family, of his life-saving move into a wholefood, plant based lifestyle and of finding himself (minus his shorts!) facing up to the tanking of a headline-hogging, money-munching start-up at Burning Man. Doug is a living lesson in survival, determination and heart. He’s that rare breed of entrepreneur who is honest, passionate and enthusiastic; endeavoring to bring business, spirituality and intentional practice together for the betterment of people and the planet. When he isn’t floating in deep reflection in his desert hot springs, Doug is fully dedicated to his Sproutman mission for food equality, with the book and the data to back him up. We love you, Doug! Doug’s book is The Sprout Book Doug’s interview with Marianne Williamson is here... Learn more about the Damanhur Spiritual Community here... Hear Doug on The Rich Roll Podcast here...
05/10/201h 4m

132 The Next Evolution Of SriMu "Do Life - Not Cheese"

In this episode, in her role as the founder of artisan plant-based cheese company @SriMudolife, Julie sits down with Flowmaster Chloe Stein (@chloecleancuisine) to talk about the intersection of business and spirituality and the challenges of running a commercial kitchen during a pandemic. They lay out SriMu’s ongoing mission to bring intentionally made offerings to your table and reveal the delicious new flavors that are already making their way to SriMu subscribers all over the US. SriMu was the culmination of many years of exploration in creating plant-based cheese that began with Julie’s 2016 book This Cheese is Nuts. Her devotional offerings have never asked us to give up cheese. Instead she sought to make cheese better, without the use of animal products and with the health of our planet and our loved ones in mind. The result is ground-breaking, vegan, gluten free, dairy free, paleo and profoundly delicious. So, after a year of creating this plant-based artisanal magic together in a global mission of activation, Julie and Chloe share exactly what it takes to get a sacred SriMu altar box to its destination and acknowledge the harsh truths of profit margins and shipping costs. Plus, Julie shares a thirteen breaths meditation technique and discusses self-care during the ongoing pandemic, offering words of support to both individuals and small businesses. “There is no perfection. There is only where you are, so we must consume foods that elevate the frequency of our body. Because everything that we do matters and at SriMu we Do Life - Not Cheese.” Meet the Flowmasters, Chloe and Bekah... ...and Awakened Creator, Aaron @official_t.k.s Meet the SriMu team here...
02/10/2036m 44s

131 Current Planetary Mood with Vedic Astrologer Charlotte Benson

Real life fairy God Mother, Jyoti Devi Charlotte Benson reads the planetary forecast for current times. Charlotte is the president of the American College of Vedic Astrology and is a consulting jyotishi (Vedic astrologer.) During her 49- year career she has analyzed over 10,000 astrology charts, written, lectured, volunteered and travelled globally in the service of Astrology. Charlotte has earned several academic designations and has been the proud recipient numerous professional awards. Book a session with her!
05/08/2041m 42s

130 Super Heroes of Peace 4 Kids with Zaid Gayle

Zaid Gayle shares his experience of over 22 years nurturing foster youth of south central Los Angeles who are rewriting their stories by transforming their trauma into their superpowers. We discuss moving from the othering of experience into the collective experience of humanity // Accessing the power for paradigm shift // Super-hero work! // Embracing oneness and embodying the truth of who we are // Radical personal shift // Moving out of paralysis into co-creation  "The most radical thing that we can do is to be in the place where we are absolute love - be in the place where we are absolute joy" - Zaid Gayle
03/07/2041m 40s

129 Death as Sacred Passage

The biggest task in a human life is conquering the fear of death. It's hiding behind many of our experiences and decisions. Death has been visiting regularly and many beloved humans are transitioning during this profound and tender time. We may be asking ourselves, "How can we be of the highest service in a time of such loss?"This profound time gives us an opportunity to face death in a new way. This is a moment in the timeline when we are at a turning point in the possibility of the type of world we could create. "Who will we need to become in order to create a world of love?" The greatest thing each one of us can do is spend the time to know ourselves. If we gaze at ourselves deeply and face our fears with all of the courage that we have, this loss and suffering can expand into a clarity, showing us the path to live a meaningful life. The death passage cannot be controlled, reversed or resolved through positive thinking. It has its own way. The only thing to do is expand the perspective and use these experiences to awaken a deeper understanding of what life really is We live many lifetimes in many realms. This realm of earth school is for the purpose of evolution. The greater awareness is to respect the experience that these beings have chosen at the higher level, when, Instead of defining their passing a tragedy we can honor their choice of sacred transition. Trusting their souls that these exits are of the highest divine alignment. We are rendered on our knees in reverence to the great life that is breathing through every one of us. If we can recognize that all acts are divine we can transcend our fear of death.   When we can grasp the reality that human beings are eternal, we are free.
29/05/2025m 39s

128 Advocacy for Many Colors

This week I sit down with Jo Peace @thesparewoman, animal rights activist and my podcast producer to discuss the importance of honoring unique attributes in the other. Some topics we discuss: - Resisting the urge to cancel someone who doesn't have the same mission or perspective as you do - how to be a powerful force for change versus a receptacle for pain and fear - How to transmute the deep frustration felt by empaths and animal lovers in a world that seems to be checked out from the violence inflicted upon these feeling beings. -How love is the most powerful force in the Universe and how you can use neutrality to be more effective in your cause. - People change when they feel accepted and loved. Not shamed and judged.
15/05/2022m 27s

127 Community as Sacred with Esperide Ananas Ametista

This week I sit down with Esperide Ananas Ametista Socio-psychologist, spiritual facilitator, healer, author and 28 year member of Damanhur, a spiritual community in Northern Italy. Damanhur is a place of great personal expansion for me and so many others all over the world. Esperide has multiple masters degrees and a PHD and worked in politics and governance before a spiritual transformation led her to The Federation of Communities of Damanhur where she has now been resident for twenty eight years. She is trained in Transformative Peace Negotiation and Energy Healing. She is also a SoulCollage Certified Facilitator and accredited facilitator of Aberkyn Business Transformation Lotus training. Esperide is a beloved ambassador for Damanhur and its sacred temples and travels the world to share the possibilities of sacred community for all humankind. At a time of expansion for the Damanhurians, we pay attention to the phases and rhythms within us and look towards a new model for civilization born of divine energy and human intention. This community, strong for over forty five years, continues to grow as a sacred place of healing, ritual and ceremony, built around the energetic flow of mystical mountains and the spectacular temples created therein. The Temples of Humankind are vessels of divine energy, human intention and creativity. Built to awaken the divine within us, their existence is proof of that truth. An active, living antenna for the planet, built for humankind.
07/05/2049m 5s

126 Finding Zen in Economic Uncertainty with Justin Caffrey

In these times of altered reality, I sit down with a dear spiritual brother Justin Caffrey to discuss the economic and business implications of life in the time of Corona. We talk about¦. *Finding your own sense of leadership, before you go on to help others. *Connecting to the deep heart sense of who you are. *Doing less to accomplish more.  *The divine healing power of rest. *Protecting your business in times of Corona. *Social Justice as a business consideration. *Creating new ways of being through this time of reflection Justin is a student of Eastern philosophy, a meditation teacher, a martial arts practitioner and a spiritual soul connected to the ancient East.  He is also Certified Investment Fund Director with expert knowledge of the financial markets, complex financial instruments, financial accounting and business analysis. Steeped in both the inner workings of the business sector and Eastern wisdom. Justin is uniquely positioned to discuss business as spiritual practice, a subject that I think is relevant to creating a new world of connected and meaningful living.
26/04/2055m 15s

125 Meditation & Prayer For First Responders

For our first responders that are serving us with selfless care. If you are feeling scared, confused and off balance, please listen to this meditation where we anchor ourselves in the power of breath and join together in offering our gratitude and recognition for all the amazing humans who are serving love during this very intense time. Remember that the greatest force in creation is LOVE. We can amplify this energy within, around and through us and by joining together with intention, we can create a global community serving with love and strengthened by our resilient and radiant human heart. Together we are mighty. Let’s hold the highest vision for our evolution.
23/03/2025m 15s

124 You & Guru

This week I explore the role of Guru, including: -What are the positive and negative aspects of this journey? -The human tendency to want immediate gratification , hack the process, take a pill and let someone else Take care of it for us. -Owning your own authority -And also not throwing the baby out with the bath water. Plus a clip from my HUMMING track from my album ; JAI HOME This sound frequency transmission will surround you with peace and calm.
20/03/2019m 8s

123 Grey Power!

Experiencing aging as a stage of mastery and an activation of the eternal aspects of spiritual essence of what it means to be A human being? As we age, we gain wisdom, leadership, and compassion- all qualities the world needs more of. Unsubscribing from societies ideas about aging and aligning to the artistry inherent in our divine design. Honoring the journey that has led us to our current state of knowledge. The world needs powerful women united in compassion, wisdom, knowledge, courage, leadership in the awareness that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Women have the power to redirect events, and create a better brighter world.
14/03/2013m 52s

122 Stay Healthy

#125 STAY HEALTHY by SriMati
07/03/2019m 47s

121 The Illusion of Security

I present a perspective on the illusion of security and what it really means to be well in a world where so much is out of balanced and suffering.
20/02/2015m 34s

120 An Opening into Nature

There is an opening for us to commune with nature, fully recognizing our connection to Mother Earth and the unseen devic realm. Are we ready to invite this relationship into our lives?
09/07/1932m 6s

119 Manifestation Via Alignment

The new way to realize your life mission is by being in alignment with your truest essence. Alignment is the new manifestation. Easier, more natural and no more heavy lifting. Be you and experience true freedom.
27/06/1932m 39s

118 Whale Calling - An Excerpt from Julie's Memoir

Julie narrates an excerpt from her memoir, For The Life Of Me. "Whale Calling" is a beautiful whole picture narrative about how she navigated financial collapse while Mothering her four children and supporting her husband to find his way by dropping into the divine pulse calling to her.
10/05/1943m 55s

117 Your Perspective Is Celebrated

Your Perspective is Valued, Needed and Celebrated. New Podcast Episode Live! On "For The Life Of Me Podcast" 5 star Podcast, over 1 million downloads !Subscribe @itunes or listen @soundcloud There is only one of you in the entire Omniverse and you were created in the perfection of nature. Who are you dear friend? And what have you come to transform, experience and share? Creation is beckoning. Come out and show us your unique beauty. The moment is NOW. Photo: @janwelters_offical Creative Director: @lucypinter @natashaseverino_makeup #podcast #spirituality #mindfulness #consciousness #retreat #srimati #evolution #meditation
03/05/1927m 14s

116 Monster - An Excerpt from Julie's Memoir

Storytelling is a powerful medium to share life experience. This week I read you one of my stories, one that -had it written for itself an alternate ending, may have given me a very different life experience. The period described is what I consider to be the worst time in my life, the painful effects seemed to be carried out by a perpetrator with no fault of my own. But after some very hard reflection and many many tears, I learned that my freedom was in taking responsibility for my life and also ownership for my part in this experience. I am not calling anyone out, nor seeking revenge. I am shedding the light on my mastery which grew in my self -created field, where I had called all the elements to constitute my perfect soil- some kind, some brutal, some happy, some sad, some expansive and some constricting- all with the purpose of reminding me who I am.
02/04/1944m 13s

115 Water Tiger is Born!

The launch of a new online spiritual mentorship called Water Tiger. Let's all embody our very nature. We are divine organisms of nature and we are here to authentically be ourselves.
20/03/1944m 45s

114 Church Of The Lonely Cobi

A conversation with recording artist, COBI about the spirituality of his music how we may find the God within. Followed by an inspired discussion with faith leaders about how to find peace in the wake of mass shootings.
16/11/182h 3m

113 The Sacred Mission

In episode #116 , I explore some musings around the return of the new feminine energy and what that means for our sexuality and relationships. Also a new perspective on the moon and the role it has played in the feminine history. Plus a bit about the sacred mission and how it shows up for us in our lives.
26/10/1837m 44s

112 I"ll Stand By You

Checking in after a 5 month break from the show! Where have I been, why did I take a break and what’s to come. The ceremony of grey hair and stepping into artistry in my life. Plus a raw cover I recorded of the amazing @chrissiehynde’s “I’ll Stand By You”. Subscribe on @itunes and listen on @soundcloud Here are some behind the scenes photos from my rebranding shoot with world renowned photographer Jan Welters. HIs love and muse, Lucy Pinter styled the shoot with Brian O’Hara creating coding in a mandala of sacred word. Makeup by the brilliant @natashaseverino skincare by @takecare.body and @birigittebeaute Happy to be back! Produced by @harimathis photos by @lucypinter Can’t wait to share Jan’s images with you in the weeks to come! Stay tuned ! Thanks for allowing me to live free. May we feel the grace surrounding us even now. Freedom, Ease and Celebration. You are loved.
02/10/1839m 24s

111 High Vibrational Beauty with Kerrilyn Pamer

I welcome Kerrilyn Pamer founder of CAP Beauty and her new book High Vibrational Beauty. We share experience around aging, and the death of our fathers. Musical offering by her husband, John Pamer.
01/05/181h 3m

110 Ayurveda The Divine Healer with Marta of Surya Spa

Ayurveda and it's powerful support for the divine body to heal itself with Marta Soffer founder of Surya Spa
22/04/181h 22m

109 A New Education

One of my favorite interviews to date! This is a deep conversation with Jess Guidroz from Thrive Academy Podcast. Jess generously allowed me to share this on Divine Throughline. If you are a young parent and have questions about education, and are ready to consider some new perspectives you may find some inspiration in this episode.
12/04/181h 54m

108 Am I Good Enough? Beauty 2.0!

In this conversation we explore beauty 2.0 through the lens of Sadie’s experience over 20 years working with the subtle energetics of the body through various Ayurveda and somatic movement. Also, she shares a bit about her own Warrior’s Facial - a technique she channeled and developed as a home self care practice to light up your face with your divine soul frequency.
05/04/181h 35m

107 I Am Jane Doe; Beloved Retreat Day 3

The group discussion centers the predatory effect pornography is having on our children as evidenced in the documentary, “I am Jane Doe”. @netflix This is not pleasant to hear and it’s even more astounding when you realize this is happening in our own country and communities. It’s easy to believe that this could never happen to me. But if we have the courage to know the truth, we can become empowered.
01/04/1856m 48s

106 The Beloved Retreat Day 2 "I'm Your Man?"

DT #109 The Beloved Retreat Day 2 "I'm Your Man?" by SriMati
24/03/181h 4m

105 Sacred Sex Miami Retreat

New perspectives on the role of sexuality in our lives and how we can write a new way collectively.
09/03/181h 8m

104 Addiction + Dreaming

A live talk recorded at a workshop on addiction and yoga at Love Life Recovery Center in Miami. Plus Asgéir's "Dreaming" performed by the soulful Freddie Emberg or "Oskar" on soundcloud. Check him out!
28/02/1858m 54s

103 Embodiment IS Required

We are being required to embody all of our heart, mind, and spirit. The power of sound.
06/02/1843m 22s

102 Awareness In Loss

How to navigate the loss we feel as parents when our babies grow up and move out. Also a perspective about what might happen when we die from natural disasters, accidents or terrorism.
18/01/1857m 57s

101 Self Love in 2018 !

Exploring self care and what areas in our life we are compromising our selves. Embracing your own life as the most precious relationship you will ever have.
08/01/1836m 15s

100 Ask Sri Anything Live from Malta

Live Q & A from my Beloved retreat in Malta plus an introduction to singer Amber Riya and our upcoming temple music collaboration
21/12/171h 23m

99 Take Care + Sexual Healing 2.0

Healing technique for sexual healing and transformation. What now in the wake of #metoo. Remembering to take care of ourselves during the holiday season. Plus my song, "Held So Sweetly"...
12/12/1751m 48s

98 A Zen Perspective Of Perceived Tragedy From Master WuDe

I welcome my dear friend Tea Master WuDe of @globalteahut back to the show! In episode #101 WuDe offers a Zen perspective in the face of tragedy and how we can change the world by first changing ourselves. Plus a cover of Hedy West’s #500 miles by me and my sons, @tylerpiatt and @trapperpiatt
30/11/171h 39m

97 Rich Roll!

We dive deep into our relationship of 18 years, share our perspectives on the current landscape, plus I probe into the inner psyche of this extreme athlete and how he meets athletic challenge in the moment.
21/11/171h 19m

96 Reclaiming The Power of Woman

In response to the #metoo campaign and as a woman who experienced sexual harassment many times in my own life, I discuss a spiritual perspective on calling out this predatory energy. The necessary awareness of the nature of sexual imbalances on this planet and how we can reclaim our sexual energy to be the powerful creators for divinity in our lives.
30/10/1744m 28s

95 The Tao of Perfection

long time follower of #DivineThroughline -Jill of @jilliciousjourney drops in to ask SriMati things she always wanted to know the answers to. We explore an excerpt from The Second Book of The Tao on perfect.
26/09/1746m 23s

94 Guru Singh Rejoice!

Gurusingh kundalini master shares song and wisdom about what it really means to live a life divine...
07/09/171h 17m

93 Beloved in Malta & AMA

Announcing my first solo retreat in Malta plus a spiritual perspective on consumerism and maintaining mindfulness in the midst of parenting
31/08/1759m 19s

92 Solar Eclipse Perspective and Meditation

A perspective on using this powerful energy of the solar eclipse as a springboard for a new choice of experience
20/08/171h 18m

91 Lynsey Dyer Big Mountain Skier Breathes Deep

An intimate conversation between big mountain skier Lynsey Dyer where we talk about the power of breath...
20/07/1740m 19s

90 Grow!!!

I comment on the discomfort of growth and the necessity for all of us to expand beyond our comfort zones. Plus a meditation/healing technique to drop into the infinite and soak up some nourishment.
03/07/171h 10m

89 The Birth of A Book!

Leia and I collapse on the bed in our hotel room after 8 weeks of promotion and launching my new book This Cheese Is Nuts! We turned on a mic to capture this moment in time....
27/06/1740m 44s

88 Solar Feminine Initiation

A meditation to activate your solar feminine into being- you are directly sourcing, sovereign and free. You are Love.
11/06/1720m 40s

87 Healing Meditation To Awaken Intuition

A healing technique to awaken us to our natural abilities to sense energy from many different modalities. It is our responsibility to discern the quality and source of the information that is being presented to us. We must choose what we want to align with and be the masters of co creating the life of higher ground.
03/06/1732m 40s

86 Intuition As Wisdom

Why developing intuition is vital to knowing ourselves as divine human beings and cultivating empathy and compassion..
24/05/1743m 23s

85 Source Manifestation Healing Technique

Consciousness is our source for manifesting our deepest hearts dreams. Take a moment to drop into the vast expansion of the magnetic attraction of the feminine energy of being.
12/05/1736m 42s

84 Breaking Through

The spirit of marketing. Exertion, relaxation and neutrality. Elimination and digestion as a focus for health. Three simple health tips to heal yourself of toxins. Original music: Prism by Stephen Rodriques
05/05/1754m 4s

83 Sacred River Healing

a meditation for cleansing and releasing what no longer serves you and for allowing life to have it's way with you.
26/04/1722m 32s

82 Teen Angst Open Heart

The power of keeping an open heart even while your teenager is in their angst.
19/04/1742m 38s

81 Self Forgiveness

How do we forgive ourselves when our actions have hurt the one we love the most.
07/04/1744m 18s

80 Beyond Pleasure & Pain

Most of us are chasing pleasure in our lives but what lies beyond the duality of pleasure and pain?
24/03/1738m 41s

79 Multidimensional Harmonics

DT #82 MultidimensionalHarmonics by SriMati
10/03/1736m 36s

78 Ask Me Anything

I answer three listener questions regarding intense negative close relations, pitfalls of Pride, and my appearance in dreams for healing purposes.
03/03/1749m 46s

77 Healing Meditation, Transforming Frustration into Knowing

Healing and meditation to ground our physical and tether our spiritual energies so that we may be walking embodiments of love in action. Transforming frustration, a hard, stuck and dense energy into one of Knowing that all is well allows us to move freely, spontaneously and swiftly to create an experience of love for all life.
24/02/1748m 0s

76 Transforming Frustration into Knowing

How to transform frustration into Knowing. There is a grand play at hand. Evolution is happening perfectly. Time to step into our mastery.
21/02/1754m 40s

75 Ceremony For Radical Forgiveness

In this ceremony, we clear relationship cording that have set up blockages in our path to self realization. By taking responsibility for our own healing and by taking a cosmic view of our life as one that we ourselves planned at a soul level, we can rise out of victimhood and trauma looping.
10/02/1740m 4s

74 Om-Ong Chant

Chanting Om and Ong can connect us to our divinity so we can manifest this spiritual energy into our physical being and life experience
06/02/173m 24s

73 Radical Forgiveness

What to do if your mother didn't do right by you. By taking a cosmic view and understanding that you are the creator of your own experience, we can learn to transform trauma into love.
03/02/1759m 57s

72 Krishna Wake Up

Morning Raga sung to Krishna...Bhairav....
24/01/175m 45s

71 Wake Up! I Cannot Go Without You

How to clear main theme life trauma's that keep repeating. Maybe they are trying to tell us something? They give us clues to what is between us and realization. If we take responsibility, we can release them forever. Plus a love song - A Bhairav sung in old Hindi to Krishna..
19/01/1758m 25s

70 Mother Goddess Devotional Chanting

A raw moment of devotional chanting with my harmonium
05/01/176m 24s

69 Self Love in Authentic Activism in 2017

We meet the new year with renewed commitment to self actualization via a devoted spiritual practice and an understanding that we are One.
05/01/1746m 8s

68 Prayer For Aleppo

A prayer for Aleppo-visualization for sending healing for our fellow humans who are suffering
20/12/1634m 39s

67 Conscious Being and Giving in Community

We can effect powerful change as a community. During this holiday season, I share some ideas to give financially to show love, support and solidarity with our fellow sisters and brothers.
20/12/1641m 18s

66 Paul Cannon I Will Be Here For You

Musician and medecine man, Paul Cannon of the Kumeyaay tribe shares wisdom around the plight of tribal communities, Standing Rock, and making a difference at home living on the reservation. Plus live performance of two of his new songs about this profound moment in time.
02/12/161h 4m

65 United We Standing Rock/ 13 Grandmothers Healing Song for Water

Sing this song to call in our cosmic grandmothers of 13 galaxies in this great time of ceremony. May they bless us and the elemental life force of the planet, water, air, earth, fire, ether and guide us to UNITY. We are all one.
30/11/166m 35s

64 A Call To Devotion

A post election spiritual perspective on what is required to live free and what we can do to serve as warriors of love.
12/11/161h 8m

63 How to Live Authentically

DT #66 How to Live Authentically by SriMati
04/11/161h 18m

62 D Shield Energetic Boundary Technique

Energetic sealing technique to connect you with your soul's purpose.
25/10/1617m 5s

61 Fly Free King Gustav

I say farewell to a truly magical friend, Gustav Schindler plus share some insights on how to test other world energies when you feel them in your field.
25/10/1634m 0s

60 Animals As Messengers

The power of being open to the signs, omens, or namitas communicated by the presence of animals in our life experience.
27/09/1640m 49s

59 The Power & Freedom of Being True

When you are truly living your authentic sacred design, nothing has power over you.
16/09/1644m 16s

58 Meditation for Expansion

Meditation for expanding your energy field to receive your soul embodiment. The Universe is knocking, you got to let her in now. It's time to be all that you are.
09/09/1620m 59s

57 The Universe is Knocking

Now is the time, our greater soul is ready to embody in the physical. Are we ready to receive it?
09/09/1634m 17s

56 Shama Viola on Time Travel and Gathering Tribe

Shama Viola ambassador of the spiritual community of Damanhur near Torino Italy, shares her experience of being a part of something otherworldly for over fifteen years.
01/09/161h 13m

55 Meditation on Love

Meditation on Love, the one energy behind all experiences.
26/08/1624m 28s

54 Only Love

Is it possible to be a ghee consuming vegan? Plus perspectives on ayurveda, spontaneous right action, and being in alignment
25/08/1651m 55s

53 Can We Become? Evolution of Parenting

We explore how our imperfections and humanity can be a link to deeper intimacy with our children
15/08/1650m 1s

52 Tea Master WuDe Makes Space for Peace

Tea Master Wude of Global Tea Hut shares on how tea can create space for peace.
08/08/161h 19m

51 Healing Technique for Abandonment Issues

Meditation and visualization for clearing past trauma of abandonment
29/07/1631m 58s

50 Guess I'm Doing Fine

My son Trapper shares his experience of traveling solo throughout Europe and how it brought up unresolved feelings plus a Beck cover.
29/07/1639m 47s

49 Body As Temple + Moonlight Sparks

On my 54th birthday I explore the power of body rituals to shift negative perspectives, self nurturing,warm oil massage and speaking to your organs and body with gratitude for housing your spirit. Musical performance by Tyler Piatt of Ana Leimma.
22/07/1642m 45s

48 Cosmic Golden Egg Meditation

A healing meditation inside your cosmic golden egg where you can experience reprieve and protection from the outside world and enhance your evolution and more fully embody your unique blueprint
09/07/1619m 45s

47 Conscious Parenting

How do we support our sensitive children who don't fit into standardized education? Conscious parenting means throwing out our tool bag and learning to celebrate our children exactly as they are now, standing right in front of us.
09/07/161h 7m

46 Establishing a foundation for Co-Creation with Nature

Healing technique and meditation for conscious co-creation with nature
02/07/1617m 45s

45 Behaving As If The God In All Life Mattered

Co creating gardens, dreams and your life experience in harmony with nature
02/07/1635m 6s

44 Meditation on Toroid Energetic Field

Healing technique to establish a self sourcing toroid field
23/06/1623m 55s

43 Your Ultimate Green

What does it mean to be your own self sourcing eco system? Brad Swanson performs his original song, This Moments Enough.
23/06/1646m 52s

42 Damanhur and Magic

Spiritual community of Damanhur and Magic in our lives
16/06/1646m 21s

41 Healing Technique For Magic

Meditation and prayer for creating more magic in your life
16/06/1617m 1s

40 Being Self-Full

Realizing your divine origin apart from birth mother and father. The power and healing in being Self-full
13/05/1655m 40s

39 Healing Prayer for Suicide

A divine perspective in the face of suicide plus a healing prayer
06/05/1637m 34s

38 The Greatest Discovery

Musical offering is a cover of Elton John and Bernie Taupin's The Greatest Discovery that we recorded when the boys were 15 & 16. Also, the power of intention, ritual and ceremony in your life.
06/05/1626m 8s

37 Moon River Featuring My Mother Vylna Mathis age 88.

Wisdom from my mother who is 88 years old and has been a mother to 5 children, 10 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. Honoring our elders.
29/04/161h 17m

36 Death as Birth

We are all going to die. I discuss the opportunity we have in viewing death as birth and share my personal experience in helping my father transition.
29/04/1641m 20s

35 Healing Technique to Facilitate Holding More Light

Healing technique for expanding your being to be able to receive more light and higher vibration experiences in your life.
22/04/1620m 7s

34 Miles (Hedy West Cover) - SriMati and Ana Leimma

As featured on the Divine Throughline Podcast #35. Produced and mixed by Tyler Piatt and Hari Mathis. Thanks to Brad Swanson.
21/04/163m 13s

33 500 Miles/Finding Transformation On Your Journey Home

Check out our cover of 500 Miles by Hedy West where we marry three part harmonies with some new sounds. Also, SriMati explores how we can rise out of the trauma of rape to find transcendence.
21/04/1632m 11s

32 Sexual Healing Technique

Relationship closure technique that includes removal of sexual energy attachment. Establishes boundaries for your highest divine sexual experience.
15/04/1624m 15s

31 Sexual Healing

energetic qualities of sexual experience, causes of addiction. the fall out from pornography, and how to experience sex in a high vibe way-as a powerful force of creativity and spirituality
15/04/1637m 26s

30 Heaven and Hell

What are the energetic effects of being in an accident or witnessing one. How to heal.
08/04/1646m 38s

29 How to Survive a Life Dismantle

How experience trauma as your sacred moment
01/04/1643m 44s

28 Rich Roll on Denial vs Surrender

Rich Roll and I share the deeper aspects of our 9 year financial collapse. My song, In the Sun.
01/04/1653m 12s

27 Beloved Brussels

How to live life divine in the face of violence
24/03/1659m 31s

26 Healing Technique Nurturing Your Inner Child

Meditation and prayer to heal your inner child
18/03/1636m 3s

25 Bee Loved

how to navigate relationship when behaviors are not in alignment
18/03/1640m 18s

24 Healing Technique Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra 40 minute guided visualization
11/03/1644m 31s

23 Inside City/Power of Surrender

The immense power in laying it down at the feet of creation
11/03/161h 19m

22 Healing Technique Tree Seal

Tree Sealing visualization for creating your own energetic garden of eden.
05/03/1613m 17s

21 Your Journey is Your Own

Your own unique blueprint
05/03/1630m 20s

20 Healing Technique Transforming Demons

Transforming demons, energetic clearing and healing
27/02/1632m 53s

19 The Evolution of Mishka Shubaly

A conversation between an atheist and a spiritualist
27/02/161h 2m

18 Healing Technique Releasing Judgement

Healing technique to release judgement and step into your divine blueprint
20/02/1631m 31s

17 Sound Healing featuring Suman Laha

Suman Laha performs an afternoon raga that transforms.
12/02/1612m 16s

16 The Guru Within

The guru within, honoring your divine design, performance by Suman Laha
12/02/1646m 21s

15 Whole Body Breathing

Healing technique for whole body breathing awareness. Expands your ability to take in life force.
04/02/1626m 26s

14 Red and Wild

Vedic Astrology, overcoming wounded healer, live performance by Brad Swanson, Red & Wild
04/02/1642m 52s

13 Healing Technique Sun Meditation

Sun Meditation healing technique
29/01/169m 30s

12 Aditya; The Power Of Mantra

The power of mantra, live performance of Aditya with my son and drummer Trapper.
29/01/1645m 25s

11 Waiting Up - Tyler Piatt

Tyler Piatt of Ana Leimma peforms his original track "Waiting Up"
20/01/165m 30s

10 Healing Technique Creating Healthy Boundaries

Healing technique for learning about energetic boundaries, sealing your field and practicing energetic responsibility.
20/01/1616m 11s

9 Tyler Piatt Waiting Up

Artistic conversation between Mother and Son who play music together. Live performance by Tyler Piatt. Music by SriMati- produced and arranged by Tyler Piatt.
20/01/1651m 1s

8 What The Heart Is For

Featuring Brad Swanson performing " What the Heart is For"
13/01/1638m 5s

7 Healing Technique - Chasing Pain

Healing technique of chasing pain around the body until it is completely gone.
13/01/1645m 33s

6 Healing Technique Manifesting With Love

Healing technique for manifesting your dreams in 2016!
06/01/1618m 51s

5 Manifesting With Love

Manifesting with the greatest power that exists; pure love...
06/01/1627m 38s

4 Healing Technique/Humming Meditation

Humming meditation technique
30/12/1518m 5s

3 Finding Your Divinity

Finding your divinity in all aspects of life
30/12/1540m 13s

2 Healing Technique, Cultivating Presence

This guided visualization and meditation is a tool to help cultivate awareness of the present moment.
22/12/1512m 55s

1 I'm Here Now

How to stay present in the face of pain, separation from the guru, learning how to not give your power away, understanding that we all play a role in the movie of life.
20/12/1537m 35s
Heart UK