Betamax Babylon

Betamax Babylon

By 11-29 Media

Betamax Babylon, a new podcast about all the films and TV and that we watched in the 80's....with Bruce Ackland and guests.



The chaps look back at the frankly eye-popping sci horror extravaganza Lifeforce. So bad yet so good.Subscribe to Betamax Babylon's New Home on Patreon:
18/02/2541m 24s

Se7en - Part 1

“What’s in the pod!!!!”In a two-part special the guys mark 30 years of David Fincher’s melancholy masterpiece Se7en.Subscribe to the Pirate Video Crew to hear part 2:
22/01/2536m 50s

A Ghost Story For Christmas

A classic episode from the essential Christmas ghost story series scares the crap out of the chapsSubscribe to Pirate Video Crew so you never miss an episode of Betamax Babylon:
23/12/2435m 6s

A Christmas Story

The chaps discuss how the director of the scariest Christmas movie ever also made a festive family classic beloved by AmericansSubscribe to Pirate Video Crew so you never miss an episode of Betamax Babylon:
11/12/2440m 3s

Halloween H20 - Tease

This year’s Halloween special looks at Halloween H20 and the Halloween franchise while Bruce takes aim at the Terrifier franchise and James tells a spine-tingling true story!Subscribe to the Pirate Video Crew to listen to the full episode:
30/10/2411m 40s

The Amityville Horror - Tease

The chaps enter the granddaddy of haunted houses, get annoyed about the current owner and discuss the 1979 FA Cup Final for some reasonSubscribe to the Pirate Video Crew to listen to the full episode:
23/10/2412m 7s

The Stepfather

Halloween season kicks off with the 1987 psycho parent classicSubscribe to the Pirate Video Crew so you never miss an episode:
09/10/2437m 37s


The guys enter the Dreamscape and chat about dream nonsense and how it was ripped off in InceptionSubscribe to the Pirate Video Crew:
30/09/2438m 27s

Subbuteo - Tease

Sam Delaney returns to chat about Subbuteo and reveal some shocking fights over the beloved football gameSubscribe to the Pirate Video Crew for the Full episode:
16/09/2418m 39s

Blown Away - Tease

Jeff Bridges is back and he’s brought his Dad! The chaps look back at the tense 90s bomb thriller with some amazing Irish accentsSubscribe to the Pirate Video Crew for the Full episode:
29/08/2412m 35s

Robocop 2 - Tease

A Robocop sequel by the guy who directed Empire Strikes Back?! The guys give some overdue love to Robocop 2For the full episode subscribe to the Pirate Video Crew Here:
01/08/2411m 6s

Beverly Hills Cop

Eddie Murphy returns to BB with his iconic cop comedy as the guys also discuss the new Axel F movie!Subscribe to Pirate Video Crew here:
26/07/2440m 26s

Rollerball - Tease

The 70s dystopian classic on rolling skates comes to BB with some dodgy casual clobber from the future
27/06/2414m 17s

Escape to Victory

Sam returns to chat with Bruce about the silliest sports movie ever made, Pele’s dubious goals record, Michael Caine playing football at 50 and more!Subscribe to the Pirate Video Crew Here:
20/06/2445m 15s

Twister - Tease

The chaps discuss the crap weather blockbuster and getting sucked off by a tornadoSubsrcibe to the Pirate Video Crew to hear the full version here:
13/06/2413m 14s

Mad Max - Tease

The original grindhouse classic that started the Mad Max saga comes to BB!!Subscribe to Pirate Video Crew here:
31/05/2414m 23s

Worzel Gummidge - Tease

SUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW FOR THE FULL EPISODE: Delaney returns to BB to chat about one of the creepiest not meant to be creepy kids shows of yesteryear
21/05/2411m 34s

Above the Law

Steven Seagal finally comes to BB as the guys take a deep dive into the man, the myth, the legend and the massive amounts of bullshitting
25/04/241h 2m

Assault on Precint 13 - Tease

One of John Carpenter’s very best comes to BB while Bruce has a delayed rant about Speed 2For the full episode Subscribe to Pirate Video Crew here:
17/04/2419m 22s

Speed - Tease

One of the best action movies of the 90s smashes into Babylon as Keanu Reeves leaves Bill & Ted behindSubscribe to the Pirate Video Crew here:
05/04/2412m 34s

Platoon (The Game) - Tease

The guys discuss probably the most inappropriate pc game of the 80s as Oliver Stone’s harrowing war movie becomes a shoot ‘em upSUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW FOR THE WHOLE EPISODE:
27/03/249m 59s

Southern Comfort

Walter Hill’s crap soldiers vs Cajuns thriller arrives while Bruce gets food poisoning, his 007 news is confirmed and the guys chat James Cameron and AISUBSCRIBE TO PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE:
21/03/241h 11m

Miami Vice - Tease

The most influential tv series of the 80s arrives in Michael Mann’s iconic show - no socks required!SUBSCRIBE TO BETAMAX BABYLON PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE:
13/03/2417m 18s

Body Snatchers - Tease

The pod people invade the podcast as the 1978 version of the classic sci-fi allegory is under discussion along with some McD chat!SUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE:
07/03/2419m 46s

Super Mario Bros - Tease

SUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE: guys look back at the infamous 90s video game adaption that became a cult movie thanks to the creators of Max Headroom
21/02/2421m 33s

Kerplunk - Tease

SUBSCRIBE TO PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE: 80s game Kerplunk comes to BB as the chaps explain how the Rolling Stones probably created it
12/02/249m 42s

Streets of Fire

Cult classic Streets of Fire comes to BB as the chaps discuss if Walter Hill was the toughest director in HollywoodSUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW:
06/02/2446m 28s

Goldeneye - Tease

FOR THE WHOLE EPISODE SUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE: chaps look back at Pierce Brosnan’s successful debut as 007 and wonder what on earth Q was doing with his budget
29/01/2419m 7s

American Gladiators - Tease

SUBSCRIBE TO PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE:! the guys remember the the 90s global sensation of American Gladiators and how it and its British version became a pre and post pub ritual
22/01/2416m 9s

Duel - Tease

SUBSCRIBE TO PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE: Spielberg’s first movie speeds into BB as Bruce battles the 100-day coughSubscribe to the Pirate Video Crew to listen to the full episode
12/01/2418m 33s

Christmas Evil

The nutty festive frightener comes to BB as the chaps read out listeners’ Christmas movie rituals
22/12/2355m 2s

Blackadder's Christmas Carol - Tease

SUBSCRIBE TO PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE: legend of Blackadder comes to BB TV with the character’s one and only Christmas special from 1988
18/12/2313m 42s

Scrooge - Tease

SUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE:’s fave Christmas movie comes to BB and James is introduced to a new festive viewing tradition
15/12/2311m 6s

Muppets Christmas Carol - Tease

SUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE: guys chat COVID, favourite muppets and recast The Deer Hunter as a muppet movie
06/12/2315m 15s

Manic Miner & Jet Set Willy - Tease

The two iconic games that started the 80s home gaming craze come to BB and with it them the incredible story of the teenager behind them!JOIN THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW:
21/11/2315m 51s


The chaps get back to basics with the Harrison Ford classic and consider becoming Amish
09/11/2355m 16s

The Exorcist - Tease

The ultimate horror movie takes pride of place in the BB Halloween Special as Sam Delaney joins the episodeJOIN THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW:
31/10/2331m 44s

IT (1990) - Tease

The iconic 90s tv version of IT comes to BB and the guys debate who was scariest - Pennywise or the crap comedian RitchieJOIN THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW:
23/10/2316m 52s


The guys dissect the bona fide 80s horror classic, celebrate the Coombs/Crampton partnership and discuss reanimating on the NHS

Scream - Tease

Halloween season kicks off with the influential Wes Craven classic Scream and some dubious Ghostface impressionsSUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE:
03/10/2321m 1s

The Warriors - Tease

Walter Hill’s cult New York classic comes to BB and the chaps create their own 70s gangs. Can you dig it?!SUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW:
25/09/239m 31s

Police Academy

SUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW: chaps enter the Police Academy and discuss the history of naughty 80s comedies while Bruce takes on a spot quiz on the franchiseFor the extended version subscribe to Pirate Video Crew
07/09/2341m 40s

True Lies - Teaser

Here is what you're missing... the first few minutes of Bruce and James discussing True Lies, from Betamax Babylon Fast Forward from Pirate Video Crew For the Full episode SUBSCRIBE NOW:
31/08/2314m 56s

Full Metal Jacket

FOR THE EXTENDED VERSION SUBCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW: guys look back at Stanley Kubrick’s anti-war masterpiece and pick their Vietnam nicknames
22/08/2346m 48s

Last Crusade

SUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE: third Indiana Jones movie comes to BB from the golden year of 1989
20/07/2345m 19s


In a special episode the guys introduce our new podcast on those sweet 80s computer games!Subscribe to the Pirate Video Crew here:
29/06/2347m 49s


The classic Tom Hanks mermaid comedy gets the BB treatment and tribute is paid to the great John Candy
21/06/2338m 23s


The boys go hunting for the Aussie cult classic killer boar epic and discuss some dodgier Jaws rip-offsSubscribe to Private Video Crew Here:
25/05/2343m 12s

Lock Up

Stallone returns to BB with his 80s banged up favourite which includes the nicest nasty prison in filmlisten to the extended version of this episode on Pirate Video Crew by subscribing here:
03/04/2338m 54s

Masters Of The Universe

The 80s big screen cartoon adaption comes to BB plus some Doctor Who chat For extra content sign up to the Pirate Video Crew here:
17/03/2343m 58s

Robin of Sherwood

The guys agree that the classic 80s tv Robin Hood still hits the bullseye while Big Tam’s kid gets a bit of stickSUBSCRIBE TO PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE:
02/03/2348m 29s

Short Circuit

Bruce is joined again by superfan Mark Machado to discuss the Short Circuit franchise, bad 80s stereotypes and why it’s been apparently canceled
16/02/231h 8m

Young Guns

The brat pack westerns ride into town as the chaps discuss Lou Diamond Phillips’ crap banter and do their best Jack Palance impressionsSUBSCRIBE TO THE PIRATE VIDEO CREW HERE:
03/02/2339m 48s

Pale Rider

Western season on BB kicks off with the Clint Eastwood 80s classic and for subscirbers of Betamax Babylon Private Video Crew Bruce reveals the name of the new James Bond!SUBSCRIBE HERE:
12/01/2351m 44s

Santa Claus: The Movie

The guys reach the Christmas finale with Santa Claus The Movie, Indiana Jones 5 rumours, fave Christmas toys and some Hobbit love
22/12/221h 2m


The guys slash their way into the ultimate Halloween movie, pay homage to the genius of Donald Pleasance and chat through all the weird sequels
31/10/2249m 33s

Near Dark

The guys sink their fangs into an 80s vampire classic, pay homage to the great Kathryn Bigelow (again) and question if James could be a serial killer
20/10/2245m 51s

Star Trek III: Search For Spock

In a Star Trek special, the guys join the search for Spock, look back at the Wrath of Khan, and debate sexy Klingons and space banter
15/09/221h 6m

Questions and Answers

In a special episode, Bruce answers listeners questions on 70s, 80s and 90s movies with Talk Radio presenter Mark Machado
01/09/2238m 14s

Red Dawn

The chaps look back at Red Dawn to find a far more grim and serious movie than anyone remembers
18/08/2249m 16s

Time Bandits

the chaps take on Terry Gilliam’s dark fairytale, pay homage to David Warner and discuss ending relationships over a movie
04/08/2259m 50s

100th Episode

Bruce, James and Sam come together in our 100th episode awards extravaganza to celebrate the best of 80s moviesSign up on Hubwave for the extended cut of this episode:
07/07/221h 15m


Bruce and James reminisce about early video rental stores and exaggerated box cover art as they look at the cult sci-fi movie from 1982
09/06/2247m 58s


The guys get something in their eye as they revisit John Carpenter’s emotional sci-fi classic and laud the godlike Jeff Bridges
19/05/2244m 10s

Never Say Never Again

Sean ‘Big Tam’ Connery returns to BB in the unofficial 007 movie from 1983. It’s Bond as you’ve never seen him before - playing silly arcade games!
10/05/2251m 46s

Roger Rabbit

The guys look back at the live action/animation Disney crossover and discuss THAT controversy
02/05/2255m 11s


Classic 80s fantasy returns to BB with the surprisingly disturbing Ron Howard favourite as Bruce discussed hanging out with Warwick Davis
25/04/2253m 31s

Mad Max Beyond thunderdome

The chaps look back at Mel’s final Mad Max movie, explain it’s importance to the franchise and discuss the Oscars slapgate
31/03/2248m 34s


The guys worship at the altar of Richard Dreyfuss, hail the greatest comedy pairing of the decade on film and generally gush over the comedy cop classic
24/03/2246m 38s


The Terminator finally arrives as the chaps discuss time travel, the birth of Arnie’s catchphrase, movie censorship and saving dead celebrities
17/03/221h 12m


Condorman superfan James takes centre stage as the cult Disney superhero/spy movie with Frank Spencer gets reassessed
03/03/2243m 50s


John Carpenter’s vehicular horror drives into town as the chaps discuss great 80s bullies and supernatural car seating
24/02/2242m 50s

Risky Business

Tom Cruise returns to Betamax Babylon with the film that put him on the map as the guys discuss pushy movie parents and dancing in your pants
17/02/2239m 53s


The guys chat about the Ghostbusters that almost was, John Belushi as Venkman, that song, the mayor/bishop double act and pay tribute to Harold Ramis
10/02/2249m 25s

The Blues Brothers

Jake and Elwood screech into this week’s episode on a mission from God as the chaps wonder ‘why do people leave bags of dog poo in trees?’
03/02/2245m 29s

The Naked Gun

The guys worship at the altar of Leslie Nielsen as Frank Drebin, The Naked Gun and Police Squad come under review
27/01/2245m 1s

The Last Starfighter

The chaps look back at the sci-fi cult favourite from the bloke who played Michael Myers in Halloween plus a bit of Dune talk
21/01/2254m 26s

Rambo: First Blood Part II

Rambo finally comes to Babylon! The guys look back at THE 80s action movie, discuss being snuck in to watch the movie and playing the classic PC game!


The chaps get Scrooged with the 1988 festive classic, discuss why we never got a Ghostbusters 3 in the 90s and have a bit of Spider-Man chat
23/12/2159m 7s

Lethal Weapon

The chaps discuss why Lethal Weapon is the classic Christmas movie, update on the first Betamax Babylon movie and give their take on Mel Gibson and cancel culture
16/12/2157m 14s

Silent Night Deadly Night Part 2

The guys start to discuss the terrible Silent Night Deadly Night 2 then decide to come up with their own cockney Christmas horror movie instead and begin funding for it
09/12/2148m 52s

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation

Betamax Babylon begins its festive season with the slapstick favourite and queries whether Christmas bonuses actually exist while Bruce goes on another rant
02/12/2156m 49s


JCVD makes his Babylon debut in his 80s martial arts cheese classic as the chaps discuss beating up buildings, ludicrous movie training regimes and doing the splits


The guys look at David Lynch’s cult sci-fi epic, pay tribute to the most repulsive character of the decade and discuss the new version with Timothee Chalamet
11/11/2157m 47s

The Fog

The guys venture into The Fog in a Halloween special, celebrate husky DJs and the irresistible pull of Tom Atkins AND tell their scariest personal stories!!
28/10/211h 5m

Evil Dead 2

Halloween season continues with Sam Raimi’s cult classic as the chaps discuss the remake/sequel debate, praise the anarchic combo of Campbell and Raimi while addressing the influence of the slapstick greats of yesteryear
21/10/2154m 12s

Fright Night

The guys pay tribute to one of the very best vampire movies of the decade, glory in 80s disco scenes and discuss silly Halloween cakes


The guys kick off Halloween season on the pod with Clive Barker’s Hellraiser and discuss Pinhead selling insurance, pervy 80s tradesmen and cenobitic nicknames
07/10/2151m 13s

Licence to Kill

007 is back! James Bond returns to the pod with Licence To Kill as the guys analyse the Dalton era, look ahead to No Time To Die and drop an exclusive on the next Bond!!!
30/09/211h 6m

Tango & Cash

The guys celebrate bad cockney accents and unnecessary villain accessories in the 80s cop comedy classic while Bruce threatens to fight any detractors naked in front of his neighbours
23/09/2157m 23s

Mad Max 2

It’s time to hail one of the most influential action movies ever made and pay homage to crazy stunts, pervy gangs and James’ very own Mad Max road trip
16/09/211h 7m


The chaps take on the 1984 cops and robots thriller and discuss shit robots, famous movie moustaches and the brilliant mind of Michael Crichton
09/09/2159m 31s


The chaps wax lyrical over the genius of Mel Brooks, discuss the pitfalls of movie spoofs and the world of toilet humour
02/09/2158m 41s


The chaps look back at the 80s fantasy cult classic and discuss quicksand only existing in movies, respect for wizards and the perfect Dr Who among the cast
26/08/2158m 23s

The Shining

Kubrick’s masterpiece gets the Babylon treatment as the chaps discuss the different versions, moon landings, Jack being crazy all along and the ‘ScatmanCave’
12/08/211h 6m

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

In a packed episode on the John Hughes classic Bruce rants about bad 80s parenting and why it’s Cameron’s Day Off really while James reproduces a classic skill from the movie.
05/08/211h 3m


We’re heading back to glorious ‘89 again and the summer of The Bat! Including fake muscles on suits, those weird Prince songs and how it affected comic strip movies forever!
22/07/211h 7m

Conan The Barbarian

Arnold returns to Babylon with his sword & sorcery epic! Cue lots of dubious Arnie impressions, exploding witches, Darth Vader with bangs and some of the best quotes of the 80s
15/07/2147m 27s

Howard The Duck

One of the most infamous films of the 80s gets the Babylon treatment including why parents were so outraged, the big studio cover-up and what ducks do when they get too excited
08/07/2148m 10s

Escape From New York

Another John Carpenter/Kurt Russell classic gets the Babylon treatment as the guys examine futuristic films that are no longer in the future, first viewing memories and, of course, Kurt’s outfit.
01/07/2159m 33s


The David Bowie puppet fantasy freak show gets the BB treatment including the world's most obscene tights, Jim Henson's special dating puppet and the best cockney worm in cinema!
24/06/2146m 38s

Raiders Of The Lost Ark

On it’s 40th anniversary, Betamax Babylon pays tribute to the timeless classic Raiders of the Lost Ark
17/06/2157m 44s

Midnight Run

The chaps pay homage to the late great Charles Grodin’s finest hour and one of the great on-screen partnerships of the 80s in this all-time classic
27/05/2147m 44s

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels

Sam and Bruce pay homage to the genius of Ruprecht and one of the most successful comic pairings of the 80s in the Frank Oz classic
20/05/2138m 35s

Long Good Friday

Sam and Bruce discuss one of their favourite movies of all-time, dissect the genius of Bob Hoskins, relive the most iconic scenes and dissect the film’s enduring relevance
13/05/211h 13m


Sam and Bruce take on 1985’s Teen Wolf and discuss teenage bestiality, werewolf sports, dogs van surfing and the best mean girl and nice Dad of the 80s

Top Gun

Sam and Bruce explain the iconic status of the Tom Cruise 80s classic, reveal how it all begun, unveil some prime Tony Scott anecdotes and hail the best hair of the decade
29/04/211h 7m


The chaps disagree over another 80s classic as Bruce explains why Goonies is peak Corey Feldman and school gang pranks are revisited
15/04/2148m 11s

Karate Kid

The chaps disagree over the merits of the 80s underdog classic while indulging in some McDonald’s burger nostalgia and discussing Netflix hit Cobra Kai
08/04/2146m 18s

Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

The chaps revel in the glory of the Wrath of Khan, dissect the genius of Shatner, recall the original series and put to rest the movie’s biggest myth
01/04/2143m 41s


The chaps explain their love for the biggest movie of the 80s while discussing the genius of Spielberg, crap pirate videos and a bit of Tarantino chat
25/03/211h 3m

Coming To America

The chaps dive into Eddie’s comedy classic, discuss its belated sequel, find out why Bruce is so film-obsessed and pay homage to Yaphet Kotto
18/03/2150m 30s

Invasion USA

The chaps take on the pure 80s insanity of Invasion USA and debate Chuck’s toughness, his love of action denim and ruining Christmas with rocket launchers
11/03/2149m 37s

Return of the Jedi

The chaps return to Star Wars to deep dive Jabba’s rig, remember some classic action figures and recall Bruce’s meeting with Toyah Wilcox
04/03/211h 2m

Back To The Future

The chaps look back at the time travel classic and celebrate the genius of Michael J Fox, 80s cinema refreshments and that time Sam was ambushed by Huey Lewis.
25/02/2148m 8s

Breakin' 1 & 2

Sam and Bruce remember their best moves and worst clobber as they return to the breakdance craze of the 80s with a Breakin’ double bill
18/02/2152m 18s

The Golden Child

Sam and Bruce try to make some sense of one of the most demented movies of the decade while discussing smug 80s hats and the dangers of stand-up comedy
11/02/2153m 27s


Sam & Bruce celebrate the genius of Michael Keaton, disagree over calypso music and pick their favourite Tim Burton movies
04/02/2133m 58s

The Burbs

Bruce & Sam ponder the American suburban dream as Tom Hanks makes his debut on Betamax Babylon with Joe Dante’s 1989 cult comedy
28/01/2143m 57s


Its cocktail hour! Bruce explains why Cocktail is one of the great 80s movies while Sam deep dives the toxic masculinity of Coughlin’s Law
21/01/2153m 7s

St Elmo's Fire

Sam and Bruce look back at the archetypal Brat Pack movie, dissect the history of it’s iconic theme song and get seriously creeped out by Emilio Estevez
14/01/2158m 58s

Purple Rain

Sam and Bruce slip on their Cuban heels to enter the world of Prince’s 1984 blockbuster and celebrate some of the best music and worst acting of the decade!
07/01/211h 4m

Ghostbusters 2

In the last episode of the year, Sam and Bruce discuss the 1989 supernatural spectacular and hail some of the most insane sequences of the decade while remembering some classroom banter, Bond movies and a bit of Tenet too!
31/12/2059m 36s

Trading Places

Twas the night before Christmas and Sam and Bruce gather to worship at the altar of the John Landis role reversal classic and one of the truly great festive flicks!
24/12/2051m 37s

Silent Night Deadly Night

Bruce and Sam slash their way through the controversial 80s slasher movie and discuss dressing up as Father Christmas, Santa banter and scary Grandads.
17/12/2043m 7s


Sam and Bruce dive into Joe Dante’s 1984 festive classic and discuss rubbish inventions, going on the piss with the gremlins and some of their favourite 80s Christmas presents!
10/12/2059m 51s

Die Hard

Bruce and Sam pay homage to the seminal action classic Die Hard while discussing classic 80s Christmas nuts and a little a bit of real-life John McClane inspired heroics
03/12/2056m 25s

Planes Trains and Automobiles

Bruce and Sam get serious about their love of the Thanksgiving comedy classic and realise they’re much more John Candy than Steve Martin
26/11/2054m 21s

The Running Man

Arnie returns with his nutty 1987 sci-fi actioner and Bruce and Sam ponder reality TV, Arnie writing his own lines, Killian stealing the show and why sex standing up is another movie lie

Sean 'Big Tam' Connery Tribute

Sam and Bruce pay special tribute to Sean ‘Big Tam’ Connery and discuss his 80s movie highlights, seductive screen presence, best performance of the decade and how he taught men that going bald was fantastic!
05/11/2058m 23s

Michael Jackson's Thriller

Bruce and Sam look back at an iconic moment in 80s music and horror including a full audio commentary on the extended music video and some dubious MJ impressions  See for privacy and opt-out information.
31/10/2044m 3s

An American Werewolf in London

Bruce and Sam travel to deepest darkest Wales to record a Halloween special at the filming locations of the John Landis horror classic!  See for privacy and opt-out information.


They’re here!! This week the guys worship at the altar of Poltergeist mom, expose the worst construction workers in film history and discuss how much to charge for de-ghosting a house  See for privacy and opt-out information.
29/10/201h 5m

The Fly

Bruce and Sam take on Cronenberg’s creepy crawly classic and discuss the sexual prowess of flies, wanting a baboon as a pet, a classic horror movie arsehole and why you don’t put Parmesan in coffee  See for privacy and opt-out information.
21/10/2055m 0s

Halloween II

The chaps meet Michael Myers and discuss whether Dr Loomis is the real loony, how easy it is to walk through a glass door and the moment Sam lived his very own slasher movie at a 1980s McDonalds birthday party.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
14/10/2055m 36s

Friday The 13th

Bruce and Sam visit Camp Crystal Lake to dismember slasher classic Friday 13th and pay homage to Tom Savini, Crazy Ralph and some highly dubious murder set-pieces.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
07/10/2044m 4s

The Thing

Betamax Babylon’s season of 80s horror movies for Halloween gets underway with John Carpenter’s The Thing as Bruce geeks out on the glory of practical monster FX and Sam marvels at elite winter fashions for men.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
30/09/2054m 49s

Superman II

Bruce and Sam take on the Man of Steel and discuss smashing up diners, intergalactic football hooligans and rubbish superhero powers.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
24/09/2057m 3s

Crocodile Dundee

Sam and Bruce head to the Aussie outback to revisit an era when Paul Hogan charmed the pants off the world, Australia became the coolest place on Earth and Sam was scarred for life after heartbreak in Wales.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
17/09/2053m 36s

Big Trouble In Little China

Bruce and Sam look back at Big Trouble in Little China and enjoy a fiery debate over the legacy of the 80s cult classic, Jack Burton's suspicious footwear and Michael Myer's weird singing voice.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
10/09/2043m 51s


This week Bruce and Sam discuss the brilliance of Robocop, the madness of Paul Verhoeven, the psychotic bantz of Clarence Boddicker and the veracity of some 80s playground myths!  See for privacy and opt-out information.
03/09/2052m 9s

Road House

Bruce & Sam enter the Double Deuce bar and deep dive into Patrick Swayze’s punch-up classic Road House filled with rubbish henchmen, big hair and boobs......a lot of boobs  See for privacy and opt-out information.
27/08/2049m 17s


Arnold is back on Betamax Babylon with the beloved Predator as the chaps discuss the Van Damme monster that never was, why the director went to prison, a world record for movie sweat and how the movie bought Sam a new kitchen.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
20/08/2052m 28s

Jaws 4

Bruce and Sam tackle the notorious Jaws The Revenge and enter choppy waters infested with bad accents, psychic fish, embarrassing dancing and Michael Caine slumming it to earn a new house for his mum...  See for privacy and opt-out information.
13/08/2038m 35s

Jaws 3D

Bruce and Sam enter the third dimension with Jaws 3D and witness Manimal fighting Jaws, Marty McFly’s mum becoming shark bait and probably the most irritating dolphins in film history. The third dimension is weird.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
06/08/2047m 25s

The Dead Pool

Sam and Bruce try to make sense of the final Dirty Harry movie including ludicrous accents, the silliest car chase in history, gratuitous kung fu, Clint's male fantasy and cameos from Jim Carrey and Guns N Roses!!  See for privacy and opt-out information.
30/07/2056m 50s

Rocky IV

‪The Italian Stallion is back in the ring as Sam & Bruce discuss Paulie’s weird robot girlfriend, Stallone ending the Cold War, Apollo’s death and a special Rocky memory with Simon Smackhead!  See for privacy and opt-out information.
22/07/2056m 7s

Rocky 3

Rocky fights Hulk Hogan, gets beaten up by MR T, runs on a beach with Action Jackson, learns to groove, then beats up Mr T. Also, Adrian gets her hair done all nice and buys a fur coat. And Mick dies. Rocky 3, we salute you.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
16/07/201h 3m

A Nightmare On Elm Street

The magical frisson of watching scary movies round someone's free house; the girl who kept a coffee machine under the bed; Freddy Kruger's existential anxiety; and the best bloody movie ending in cinema history.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
09/07/2052m 16s

Lethal Weapon 2

Mel Gibson's luxury caravan, Danny Glover's simmering rage, Joss Ackland's Sith Ifrican accent, Patsy Kensitt's boobs and Eric Clapton's magnificent guitar licks. The greatest sequal of the 1980's? Probably. DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY REVOKED!  See for privacy and opt-out information.
02/07/2053m 29s


Bruce and Sam delve into Arnie's 1985 carnival of muscles, guns and mayhem. From the weirdest opening sequence in cinema history, to awesome mall fights, that big bloke in the inexplicable pith helmet, Sully, Bennet and the Shed Of Death. Plus, John Matrix's awful Boy George joke. What a movie.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
25/06/201h 5m


Sylvester Stallone's mid-80's vanity-epic sees him playing a man named after a snake, with a number plate that reads 'Awesome,' who uses scissors to cut up his pizzas and goes around ripping people's t-shirts off. Bridgit Neilsen at her absolute hottest, an unexplained death cult and a dude in a supermarket shooting all the fruit. Plus some related stuff about Skeletor.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
18/06/2058m 13s


Bruce and Sam pick the bones out of this insane tale of immortality, Scottishness, decapitation and magic. Awful accents, barmy sword fights, weird trench coats and strange seduction techniques. A Frenchman playing a Scotsman and a Scotsman playing an Egyptian; all that, plus a cracking 'Big Tam' Connery golfing story. THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE!  See for privacy and opt-out information.
12/06/2058m 53s

Indiana Jones And The Temple Of Doom

Why Willy Scott is Indy's best ever girlfriend; Indy's rude and entitled behaviour at dinner; strangely detailed voodoo dolls; and the Maharaja's stupid voice.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
06/06/2050m 4s

A View To A Kill

A plot stolen from an episode of Minder, an elderly Roger Moore having it off with Grace Jones, a mad iceberg submarine, a daft French detective and Q yet agin absuing his position as a state funded scientist to cop a look at boobs. This is surely the quintessential 80's Bond movie.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
03/06/2049m 23s

The Lost Boys

"My own brother, a goddam shit-sucking vampire!" Bruce and Sam relive Joel Schumacher's camp-horror-comedy classic. The Frog Brothers, Werid Saxophone Guy and possibly the best Grandpa in cinema history.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
28/05/2041m 9s

The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Special Part 2

Vader's middle-managment sycophancy; the awful Spanish plumbers that held up the new Death Star construction; that older kid who had all the rare bounty hunter figures imported from the States; and how George Lucas made it all up as he went along.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
23/05/2027m 16s

The Empire Strikes Back 40th Anniversary Special Part 1

The greatest Star Wars filme of them all is 40! To celebrate, Bruce and Sam are asking: Why did Yoda act such a dick to Luke? Who packed Luke's X Wing lunch? What was going on at Darth Vader's weird dinner party at Lando's house? And why does everyone get their arm chopped off? Join us and together we can rule the galaxy!  See for privacy and opt-out information.
21/05/2031m 32s

Flash Gordon

Flash's terrible slacks, Ming's sexy daughter, Timothy Dalton's Derbyshire accent and Brian Blessed's beautiful thighs. PLUS! The time Sam had to break up a fight between an Elvis impersonator and the Richard O'Brien.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
14/05/2045m 8s

Weird Science

The boys discuss why this underrated teen sex fantasy featuring motorbiking zombies, nuclear missiles, refrigerated grandparents and Steven Segal's wife was probably the greatest movie the great John Hughes ever made.  See for privacy and opt-out information.
07/05/2040m 34s

An Officer And Gentleman

Bruce & Sam reassess 1983's An Officer and Gentleman, celebrate Lou Gossett Jnr, discuss the art of affecting kung-fu poses in everyday life and lament Sam's boxing day confrontation with a drunken uncle  See for privacy and opt-out information.
30/04/2034m 52s


Betamax Babylon, a new podcast about all the films that we watched in the 80's....with Bruce Ackland & Sam Delaney  See for privacy and opt-out information.
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