

By Tech Talent Charter

In:tech is the new diversity and inclusion podcast from the Tech Talent Charter (TTC). Hosted by Rebecca Donnelly, Senior Partner at Tyto and TTC board member, this podcast is for anyone who wants to make their organisation more inclusive, diverse, and equitable but needs some help or advice. With our series of high-profile guests who are leaders in the D&I and tech space, we’ll give you practical insights and concrete takeaways that can help you move the dial. Follow the hashtag #InTechPodcast on social media to learn more about our latest episodes.


Diversity in Tech 2024 with Debbie Forster MBE and Theresa Palmer

In this episode of in:tech, we talk to Theresa Palmer, Head of DE&I at BAE Systems Digital Intelligence. As an accomplished tech leader who contributed to the launch of the Tech Talent Charter's latest Diversity in Tech report, Theresa discusses the challenges and progress in gender diversity, the importance of data-driven DE&I strategies, and the pressing issues of social mobility and neurodiversity in tech. Theresa also provides practical advice on how companies can make their workplaces more inclusive and equitable.Find out more about BAE Systems Digital Intelligence and their DEI work here.
16/05/2425m 50s

Equalising opportunity: alternative routes to tech

In this episode of in:tech we talk to Gori Yahaya, an award-winning entrepreneur, keynote speaker, mentor, and CEO of UpSkill Digital. Gori is the founder of one of the UK’s leading tech skills bootcamps and an expert on what it takes to attract new talent to the tech industry and give them the skills they need to succeed. In addition to sharing lessons from his experience attracting talent to take part in training and upskilling programmes, he also shares what organisations look for when engaging with training providers. If you would like to learn more about Gori, visi For information about UpSkill Digital, please visit To connect with the Tech Talent Charter, visit  and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
29/11/2223m 24s

The importance of data: what gets measured gets done

In this episode of in:tech, we talk to campaigner, business leader, advocate, and mentor Amali de Alwis MBE. Amali is the CEO of Subak and former CEO of Code First Girls. She holds a variety of board positions and is a founding member and long-time supporter of the Tech Talent Charter. Amali shares her experience promoting diversity in tech as an advocate and as an employer. She explains why data and measurement play such a key role in creating meaningful change and how start-ups can think about embedding D&I from the ground up. To connect with the Tech Talent Charter, visit  and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
29/11/2222m 21s

The D&I journey: from early awareness to concrete action

In this episode of in:tech, we talk to  the Inclusion Partner for insurance firm Beazley and #IamRemarkable facilitator, Chelsey Sprong. Chelsey shares her experience moving an organisation from early awareness of D&I issues to concrete action and market leadership.  This includes ideas, advice, and tips you can use to take the first step and bring others along with you from your organisation. If you would like to learn more about how Chelsey and Beazley drive D&I, visit To connect with the Tech Talent Charter, visit  and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
29/11/2222m 29s

Allyship and advocacy: working together to drive change

In this episode of in:tech, we talk to an important ally and advocate in the diversity and inclusion space. Russ Shaw CBE is the founder of Tech London Advocates and Global Tech Advocates, founding partner of London Tech Week, and long-time supporter of the Tech Talent Charter. Russ shares his journey to become a strong ally and advocate and offers practical steps that you can take to contribute to the push for diversity and inclusion. As the founder of a global organisation, he also shares how the UK is doing relative to other countries and who we can learn from. If you would like to learn more about Russ’ work, visit and To connect with the Tech Talent Charter, visit  and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
29/11/2228m 52s

Collective action: how networks can champion diverse talent

In this episode of in:tech, we talk to the founder of one of the largest professional resource and mentoring networks in the UK - Vanessa Vallely OBE. Vanessa is an author, inspirational speaker, podcaster, and founder of We Are the City and We Are Tech Women. Vanessa shares her experience transitioning from a successful career in financial services to supporting women and campaigning for diversity full-time. She also shares key takeaways about coaching, mentoring, and championing gender parity and looks at the value that networks can provide. If you would like to learn more about Vanessa’s work, visit and To connect with the Tech Talent Charter, visit  and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn.
29/11/2223m 14s
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