The Daily Debrief

The Daily Debrief

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The Daily Debrief is a rundown of the most important news of the day in under 20 minutes. You’ve seen the headlines throughout the day. Now it’s time to understand the stories behind them. Our host, Richard Suchet, will offer listeners a deep dive into the most compelling headlines, providing an in-depth view into the stories with a thorough analysis that you just can’t get from a standard news report. Powered by the award-winning news team at LBC.


With One Year To Go Until Brexit, We Hear From Theresa May

With one year to go until Brexit, we hear from the Prime Minster, Theresa May. Plus, we hear why one Dairy is particularly concerned. And the latest on the case of the Salisbury spy.
29/03/1815m 54s

The Worboys Case & Is This A Momentous Moment On Plastics?

We get the latest from the Worboys case and hear from one of his victims. Plus, a closer look at Theresa May's NHS pledge. And is today a momentous moment in the war on plastic waste?
28/03/1814m 48s

The Kerslake Report & What Happens Next In The Search For Madeleine McCann?

Following the release of the Kerslake report, Richard Suchet speaks to a parent of one of the victims. Plus, we ask what we can expect from the ongoing Russia scandal. And we look at what happens next in the search for Madeleine McCann.
27/03/1821m 19s

Does The Labour Party Have A Problem With Anti-Semitism?

Richard Suchet speaks to Richard Ferrer from the Jewish News to discuss the open letter sent to Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour party about it’s apparent problem with anti-semitism. We’ll be giving you all the details on Stormy Daniels’ TV interview; plus, we reveal the results of an exclusive LBC poll on Brexit.
26/03/1824m 17s

The Parsons Green Sentencing & Who Is Trump's New Adviser?

We hear the details behind the sentencing of the Parsons Green bomber. Plus, Richard Suchet gets the lowdown on the latest appointment to the Trump White House. And why obesity could overtake smoking as the main cause of cancer.
23/03/1816m 59s

What Does the Future Hold For Facebook? & The Westminster Attack: 1 Year On

Richard Suchet looks at whether a senior police officer is right to say the public aren't outraged by knife crime, because most victims come from black communities. Plus, a look at the future of Facebook and we reflect on the Westminster terror attack.
22/03/1814m 14s

Why Was Nigel Farage Throwing Dead Fish Into The Thames?

LBC’s Political Editor Theo Usherwood joins Richard Suchet to explain why Nigel Farage was out on the Thames this morning. Richard also speaks to a Former US Intelligence Officer about Donald Trump’s decision to congratulate Vladimir Putin’s election win. Plus, we talk to the Dad behind a moving video that’s just gone viral – and it’s all about celebrating Down Syndrome.
21/03/1824m 32s

Do You Report Suspicious Activity to Police? & Why Is Sarkosy In Custody?

Rachel Venables joins Richard Suchet in the studio to discuss the £21m bill for putting Grenfell survivors in hotels. And we address the new Action Counters Terrorism campaign with an ex-officer. Plus why is a former French president in police custody?
20/03/1821m 50s

What Can We Expect From The Brexit Transition? & Cambridge Analytica Explained

Theo Usherwood explains what we can expect from the Brexit transition period. Plus, Richard Suchet looks at FOBT's and whether they need to be better regulated. And we have everything you need to know about Cambridge Analytica.
19/03/1816m 15s

Was Corbyn's Response to the PM Unpatriotic? & Grenfell Fire Doors

We debate whether Corbyn's response to the PM on Salisbury is unpatriotic or whether he's holding the government to account. Plus Grenfell Tower doors investigated by detectives half as fire retardant as expected. And a clever idea for homelessness.
15/03/1827m 49s

What Was Stephen Hawking Like? & Sajid Javid's Integration Strategy

Richard Suchet speaks to a former student of the world renowned physicist Stephen Hawking who has died at the age of 76. Plus 770,000 people living in England speak very little English or none at all. But what does the government plan to do about it?
14/03/1817m 39s

What Is Novichok and What Can It Do To the Body? & Salty Chinese

Richard Suchet is joined by Adam Sella, Professor of Chemistry at UCL to explain what the Novichok nerve agent is. Plus why did the parole board decide to release black cab rapist John Worboys? And how salty is your Chinese?
13/03/1824m 57s

Should the UK Sanction Russian Officials? & Ken Dodd Tribute

Richard Suchet is joined by top human rights barrister, John Cooper QC to explain what a 'Magnitsky' sanction is. Plus should prospective students choose courses based on graduate earnings? And we pay tribute to Ken Dodd.
12/03/1815m 24s

What Happens When Trump Meets Kim Jong Un? & Russian Coverage of Sergei Skripal

We look at what to expect when President Trump meets with Kim Jong Un. Plus, Richard Suchet examines how Russian media have been covering the Salisbury spy story.  And we speak to the widower, campaigning for a law on dangerous cycling.
09/03/1820m 18s

Russian spy update and the government’s domestic violence bill

As it’s revealed that a nerve agent was used to attack Sergei Skripal, Richard Suchet speaks to a former MI5 officer. Plus we take a look at the government’s new domestic violence bill and what the term ‘economic abuse’ means.
08/03/1819m 6s

The Saudi Crown Prince's visit, Russian Spy update & Dark Justice - part 2.

As Theresa May meets with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, Richard Suchet asks a Middle East expert what’s behind the visit – human rights, or trade and business? Plus, we get all the updates on the alleged poisoning of Russian spy Sergei Skripal. And we bring you the final part of our exclusive report on paedophile hunters, Dark Justice.
07/03/1821m 26s

The Russian Spy in Salisbury & An Insight Into Dark Justice

CONTAINS SENSITIVE AUDIO: Richard Suchet has the latest on the former spy in a critical condition, and speaks to the Litvinjenko detective who may have been poisoned by the Russians. Plus, an exclusive insight into the Paedophile hunters, Dark Justice.
06/03/1819m 28s

Should We Just Accept Doping? & Why is Populism on the Rise?

As Bradley Wiggins is accused of crossing an 'ethical line', Richard Suchet speaks to the Professor who thinks doping should be accepted. Plus, we get an overview of the PM's speech on housing. And we ask why Italy's the latest to embrace populism?
05/03/1818m 45s

Why Are Black Met Police Paid Less? & Does Cryptocurrency Need Regulating?

Richard Suchet is joined by LBC's Tech Correspondent, Will Guyatt to talk cryptocurrency. Plus we speak to Chair of the Metropolitan Black Police Association to discuss the ethnicity pay gap. And how much are councils spending removing chewing gum?
02/03/1817m 53s

Why Are So Many Young People Self-Harming? & New 10p Coins

Richard Suchet is joined by legendary weatherman John Kettley for snow updates. Almost 50% of young women have self-harmed - why is the problem getting worse? And we hear from the man behind the new 10p designs - one depicting a good old fashioned fry up.
01/03/1819m 32s

What Is Behind This Dark Day for British Retail? & Regional Snow Update

After Toys R Us and Maplin both collapse on the same day, Richard Suchet speaks to a retail expert to asses their failures. Plus we get a round up of the regional snow disruption and examine the way the weather impacts the homeless in London.
28/02/1821m 36s

Is Far-Right Extremism as Dangerous as Islamist Extremism? Business Post-Brexit

Four far-right plots were foiled in 2017 according to Mark Rowley - is the threat from the far right comparable to islamist extremism? How far should social media sites intervene in tackling extremism? Plus how are businesses reacting to Corbyn's customs union proposal?
27/02/1824m 5s

How Will the 'Beast from the East' Affect Me? & Overweight Millennials

Simon Conway stands in for Richard Suchet and addresses Jeremy Corbyn's pledge to keep the UK in a customs union under Labour. Plus, we speak to legendary weatherman John Kettley to talk Siberian blasts. And we are warned about obese middle aged Millennials.
27/02/1821m 14s

Thousands of Deaths Could be Caused by NHS Errors & How to Live Without Plastic

Richard Suchet asks why thousands of deaths could be down to medicinal errors in the NHS. Plus, we talk to the woman who's given up plastic.
23/02/1812m 25s

What's The Truth About Anti-Depressants? & A Domestic Abuse Survivor's Story

CONTAINS SENSITIVE AUDIO: As sentencing guidelines get stricter on domestic abuse, we hear a survivor's story. Plus, we take a closer look at anti-depressants with Professor Sir Simon Wessely. And we learn more about the state of the conflict in Syria.
22/02/1815m 43s

Do We Need a Leveson Inquiry Part 2? & The Met Loses Landmark Appeal

Richard Suchet discusses the significance of the Worboys' Victims' Supreme Court ruling with the head of Liberty. Plus, we examine the shocking level of child poverty in single parent homes. And we explore the prospect of a second Leveson Inquiry.
21/02/1817m 2s

Is This The End of Fake News? & Why Isn't 'Upskirting' Banned?

Richard Suchet speaks to one of the women looking to introduce a ban on 'upskirting'. Plus, we ask farmers for their views on the Environment Secretary, Michael Gove. And we speak to the researchers hoping to end "fake news".
20/02/1813m 29s

How Should We Fund Higher Education? & The Scale of Abuse Linked to Witchcraft

As Theresa May delivers a key speech on tuition fees, Richard Suchet asks how should we be funding higher education? Plus, we take a closer look at the sentencing of Barry Bennell. And we look at the scale of abuse linked to witchcraft.
19/02/1817m 19s

Will The Government Give You £10,000? & How To Finally Get On The Housing Ladder

As middle earners are finding it harder than ever to get on the housing ladder, we get advice from housing expert, Henry Pryor. Plus, we speak to an ex-prisoner about the conditions on the inside. And, could the government be about to give you £10,000?
16/02/1817m 14s

Why Won't Americans Give Up Their Guns? & Can Processed Food Cause Cancer?

Contains Audio Which May Be Upsetting: After another school shooting in America, Richard Suchet asks why won't Americans give up their guns? And we discuss the processed foods that could give you cancer.
15/02/1820m 46s

Has Boris United Leavers & Remainers? & Can You Keep EU Citizenship After Brexit

Richard Suchet speaks to Iain Dale and Jonathan Lis to see if Boris Johnson has united leavers and remainers. Plus, we speak to the British expat battling to keep EU citizenship. And we hear from the frontline of Operation Sceptre.
14/02/1817m 51s

Do We Need To Cut Foreign Aid? Can Zuma Last? & Thomas Cook Returns to Tunisia

As the Oxfam scandal continues, Richard Suchet asks whether we need to change our attitude towards foreign aid. Plus, we look at whether Jacob Zuma will be stepping down anytime soon & Thomas Cook's return to offering flights to Tunisia
13/02/1819m 10s

Can Oxfam Survive the Scandal? And the Story of James Bulger, 25 Years On

As Oxfam meets with Government officials, Richard Suchet asks whether the charity can survive this scandal. Plus, a look at the case of Jamie Bulgar, 25 years on.
12/02/1817m 8s

Should British IS fighters face jail? Who benefits from unpaid internships?

As two British Islamic State fighters have been detained by Kurdish forces in Syria, we find out the likelihood of them facing trial in the UK. Plus, the latest on EU Brexit negotiator, Michel Barnier, who said border checks at the Irish border are "unavoidable". As the government cracks down on unpaid internships, we find out if anyone benefits from them. And an investigation's found Oxfam aid workers paid earthquake survivors for sex - we talk to the reporter who uncovered the story.
09/02/1820m 49s

Why Is Your Council Tax Set To Increase? & Grenfell Firefighters Marathon Task

As 95% of councils are expected to raise taxes, Richard Suchet asks how this is being justified. Plus, are Brexit voters experiencing 'buyers remorse'? And we speak to the Grenfell tower firefighters who'll be running the London marathon.
08/02/1814m 32s

The Tesco Pay Row, Cheddar Man & The Future of Space Travel

Richard Suchet speaks to the solicitors bringing 'Britain's largest ever equal pay claim' against Tesco. Plus, we speak to one of the archaeologists that discovered "Cheddar man" had dark skin. And, a look at the future of space travel.
07/02/1815m 55s

What happened to the stock market? Will Suffragettes be pardoned? Failing rail

As the US stock market sinks Richard Suchet speaks to CBI Chief Economist to discuss the impact on UK consumers. After 100 years of women securing the vote, we look at the legal possibility of pardoning the Suffragettes. Plus the fate of the East Coast mainline.
06/02/1818m 48s

What is the Customs Union? Is Bitcoin Over? & The Churchill Cafe Bounces Back

As Downing Street confirms the UK will leave the customs union after Brexit, we find out what that actually means. Plus, a look at whether Bitcoin can last and Richard Suchet speaks to the owner of the Blighty cafe to talk about last weeks protest.
05/02/1818m 32s

Finsbury Park attacker jailed and NHS forced to pay £1500 for £2 moisturiser

Richard Suchet gets the latest from Woolwich Crown Court as Finsbury Park attacker, Darren Osborne, is jailed for life. Plus, as the NHS is being overcharged for customised ointments, we find out whether this can be justified. And we find out which city is the least affordable place to the live in the UK. Spoiler: it's not London.
02/02/1813m 6s

Trade deals may take years, calls for an end to hospital parking charges

Liam Fox is in China talking trade talks post Breixt, while Corbyn is championing the end to hospital parking charges and find out why one shop is putting showers outside their door to stop homelessness
01/02/1815m 35s

May in China, Trump's 1st Address and Whale Speak

Theresa May talks trade with China, Trumps holds his first State of the Union Address and Whales sound like humans!
31/01/1817m 53s

The Brexit Impact Assessment & How Do We Stop More Rape Trials Collapsing?

Richard Suchet speaks to Buzzfeed's Political Editor to find out more about the Brexit impact leak. Plus, as the police apologise to Liam Allen, we ask how more rape trial collapses can be avoided. And, a look at the 'Night Watcher' burglar.
30/01/1815m 38s

How Do You Oust A Prime Minister? Can May Last? & Is Time Up For Woody Allen?

As Theresa May could face a vote of no confidence, Richard Suchet looks at how you oust a Prime Minister. Plus, we speak to the bookies, William Hill, to see the odds of May lasting until 2022. And, we ask whether Woody Allen will ever work again.
29/01/1815m 45s

Is The Presidents Club Dinner Turning Into A Witch Hunt? & The Latest On Trump

Richard Suchet takes a closer look at Donald Trump's almost, kind of, nearly apology for retweeting Britain First as well as his speech in Davos. Plus, we debate whether the Presidents Club dinner is in danger of becoming a witch hunt.
26/01/1814m 35s

What Can Be Done To Stop Sexual Harassment? & Could We Soon Be Cloning Humans?

Richard Suchet looks at what can be done to stop sexual harassment. Plus, as Trump and May are reunited, we look at the state of the 'special' relationship. And more on the news that monkeys have been cloned for the first time.
25/01/1815m 54s

A Closer Look at the Presidents Club & Cape Town Is Nearly Out Of Water

We get more on the Presidents Club fiasco. Plus, as Cape Town is set to run out of water, Richard Suchet hears how the people are coping. And the story of the Calais jungle migrant who has to stay in the UK, even though he doesn't want to.
24/01/1813m 21s

Would More Money Solve The NHS Crisis? And What Damage Can Cyber Attacks Do?

As the Head of the National Cyber Security Centre says it's only a matter of time before the UK's hit by a massive cyber attack, Richard Suchet looks at the damage it could do. Plus, we debate whether more funding really would solve the NHS crisis.
23/01/1815m 28s

Does UKIP Have a Future? Britain's 'Unprepared' Army & The Launch of Amazon Go

As Henry Bolton faces growing pressure to stand down as UKIP leader, Richard Suchet asks if the party has a future. Plus a more on whether the UK is unprepared for a battle with Russia. And a look at the launch of the checkoutless supermarket.
22/01/1816m 34s

Boris' Bridge, Warboy's Release & A Year Of Trump

Richard Suchet takes a look back at some of Boris Johnson's bright ideas. And as the government announce they won't challenge the release of Jon Warboys, we speak to a lawyer for some of the victim's. Plus, a look at the first year of Trump's presidency.
19/01/1813m 57s

Why Are We Giving £44 Million To France? What Are PFIs & Stalking

As Theresa May meets with French President Macron, Richard Suchet gets all the details from our France correspondent. Plus, everything you need to know about PFIs. And Shelagh Fogarty shares her personal experience of stalking.
18/01/1817m 1s

Loneliness in the UK, the Return of the Bayeux Tapestry & the Fake News Awards

As the UK gets its first ever minister for loneliness, Richard Suchet speaks to the Co-Chair of the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness. Plus a look at the possible return to the UK of the Bayeux tapestry. And, we preview Donald Trump's Fake News Awards.
17/01/1813m 18s

What's The Real Cost of Carillion Going Under & The Parents Charged With Torture

Richard Suchet looks at the impact Carillion going under will have on small businesses. Plus, a look at the parents in California charged with torture. And a tribute to Dolores O'Riordan.
16/01/1812m 17s

Do Americans Think Trump is Racist? The Curse of UKIP Leadership & Carillion

As Carillion goes into liquidation, Richard Suchet looks at the reasons why. Plus, could UKIP be about to get another new leader?  And, as Trump says he is the 'least racist person', we ask US voters if they agree.
15/01/1814m 56s

What's The Real Reason Trump's Not Coming to The UK?, Carilion in Crisis & ABC

As Trump cancels his visit to the UK, Richard Suchet speaks to our US correspondent to find out why. Plus a look at the crisis facing Carillion and a round up of Nick Ferrari's cyberbullying campaign.
12/01/1817m 10s

Has May Done Enough To Tackle Plastics?, A&E Conditions & Sadiq's Brexit Study

As doctors write to the Prime Minister warning about A&E conditions, we go to the NHS' frontline. Plus, Richard Suchet speaks to the WWF to see if May's plans go far enough in the battle against plastic. And we look at Sadiq Khan's Brexit Impact study.
11/01/1812m 5s

The Army's New Recruitment Campaign, Women Speak Out Against #MeToo and PMQs

Richard Suchet looks at whether the army's new recruitment campaign is a mistake or a step forward. Plus, we hear from one of the women who signed an open letter against the #MeToo campaign. And who came out on top in the first PMQs of the  year?
10/01/1815m 37s

Was Toby Young Right To Resign, Theresa May's Reshuffle Disaster & The Baftas

As Toby Young resigns, Richard Suchet discusses whether you should be judged by what you've written in the past with Giles Coren and Jane Merrick. Plus, a look back at Theresa May's calamitous reshuffle and a look ahead to the Baftas.
09/01/1818m 52s

May's Reshuffle, Gender Pay Equality & Nick Ferrari's ABC

As Theresa May reshuffles her cabinet, Richard Suchet looks at who's in and who's out. Plus, as a BBC journalist quits over pay inequality, we look at what laws are in place to stop the gender pay gap. And a look at LBC's new campaign; Nick Ferrari's ABC.
08/01/1813m 45s

The Release of Jon Warboys, Fire & Fury in the US & the 'Latte Levy'

As a parole board allows the release of Jon Warboys, Richard Suchet gets all the details. Plus, as the new book Fire & Fury slams Trump's presidency, we look at the impact political books can have. And a closer look at the 'Latte Levy'.
05/01/1816m 14s

Blair on Brexit, Children 'Ill Equipped' for Social Media & Fat Cat Thursday

As Tony Blair takes aim at the Labour party's stance on Brexit, Richard Suchet looks at whether Brexit can be reversed. Plus we talk to the NSPCC about why children struggle with social media. And it's Fat Cat Thursday, we see how it can be justified.
04/01/1815m 53s

Another NHS Winter Crisis, The Fallout of Storm Eleanor & Will Trump Go Nuclear?

As thousands of operations are delayed, Richard Suchet looks at why the NHS seems to always face a winter crisis. Plus, our reporters across the UK look at the aftermath of storm Eleanor. And, could Trump be about to press the "big red button"?
03/01/1815m 15s

Rail Fares & Nationalisation, Knife Crime, Plus The Latest From Iran

Richard Suchet looks at whether renationalisation could be the solution to the increase in rail fares. Plus a closer look at why London's still struggling with knife crime. And the latest on the protests in Iran.
02/01/1815m 56s

Blue Passports, Plastic Waste and a Beginner's Guide to Catalonian Independence

As Britain is set to return to blue passports, Richard Suchet speaks to the man arguably responsible, Nigel Farage. Plus, we speak to Mary Creagh on plans to tackle plastic waste. And we have everything you need to know about Catalonian independence.
22/12/1717m 19s

Damian Green Stands Down And Good News For Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe

As Damian Green 'resigns', Richard Suchet looks at what this means for the government and for politician's relationship with the police. And some good news for the British woman locked in an Iranian jail.
21/12/1715m 53s

Mistrust in the Police, Preventing Acid Attacks & the Latest Uber Ruling

As a second rape trial collapses in a week, Richard Suchet looks at mistrust in the police. Plus, we speak to a former gang member on how to prevent acid attacks. And a look at the ECJ's ruling on Uber.
20/12/1714m 59s

What chance does Corbyn have of being PM in 2018?

Police search homes over a potential Christmas terror plot.
19/12/1710m 4s

May sets out trade plans for Brexit

Following the Grenfell fire a review finds safety regulations for tall buildings were "not fit for purpose"
18/12/1718m 31s

Police Withholding Evidence, Phase 2 of Brexit & Harrod's Accidental Discount

Richard Suchet speaks to the defence counsel of the man who faced ten years in prison because the police failed to hand over vital evidence. Plus, a look at what phase 2 of Brexit has in store. And we get more on Harrod's accidental 99.5% discount.
15/12/1711m 39s

The Grenfell Tower Special: Six Months On

Six months on from the Grenfell fire tragedy, Richard Suchet brings you an LBC Daily Debrief special. The survivors tell their story, in their own words.
14/12/1721m 39s

Brexit Setback, A Blow For Trump & the Girl Born With her Heart Outside her Body

As Theresa May faces a possible defeat in the Commons over the EU withdrawal bill, Richard Suchet gets the latest. Plus, how will the result in Alabama affect Trump? And we hear from the mother of the girl born with her heart outside her body.
13/12/1712m 49s

Organ Donations, What is Inflation and is Facebook Destroying Society?

As a consultation on whether organ donation should be 'opt out' begins, Richard Suchet speaks to a kidney transplant recipient. Plus, we explain what the rise in inflation actually means. And psychologist Emma Kenny on the effects of social media.
12/12/1714m 54s

The Latest From the Grenfell Inquiry, What Does Canada Plus Mean & Snowmageddon

As the public inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire gets underway, Richard Suchet gets the latest. David Davis wants a Canada Plus Plus Plus deal for the UK, we find out what that means. And an update on the havoc caused by the snow from John Kettley.
11/12/1713m 49s

The Brexit Special

As Brexit negotiations get the all clear to move on to phase two, Richard Suchet looks at how a deal was reached and what it means for the border in Ireland. Plus, Iain Dale looks at what this means for Theresa May's future.
08/12/1716m 43s

Record Terror Arrests, What Next For Jerusalem & The Croydon Tram Crash

As the UK reaches a record number of terror arrests, Richard Suchet finds out why we're seeing these kinds of numbers. Plus we find out what to expect next in Jerusalem. And, we speak to survivors of the Croydon tram crash.
07/12/1713m 22s

Terror In The UK, Security For Political Figures and Trump on Jerusalem

As an alleged terror attack that targeted the Prime Minister is foiled, Richard Suchet speaks to a former head of Counter Terrorism. And a look at the implications of Trump recognising Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
06/12/1713m 1s

What Next For Brexit? The Increase In Rail Fares And MI5 Terror Prevention

As negotiations stall again, Richard Suchet looks at what's next for Brexit. Plus, why your rail fare will increase in the new year. And more on the News that MI5 prevented nine terror attacks in the last year.
05/12/1713m 3s

The Latest on Brexit, LBC's Exclusive With Cressida Dick and the Rise in Poverty

Richard Suchet get's the latest developments on the Brexit negotiations. Plus, more on LBC's exclusive interview with Met Police Commissioner, Cressida Dick and her comments on the inquiry into Damian Green. And a look at the rise in UK Poverty.
04/12/1711m 15s

Ireland's Border Issue, RBS and the Catholic Church on Homelessness

As the issues continue around Ireland's border, we visit a farm that could be split in two. Plus, a look at the depersonalisation of banking and whether it matters. And, we have exclusive access to the Vatican's homelessness symposium.
01/12/1711m 9s

Could You Be Owed Hundreds of Pounds? And a Look at the 'Special Relationship'

You could be owed hundreds of pounds in compensation if legal action against Google goes ahead. Richard Suchet speaks to the man behind the case. Plus a look at the strain being put on the 'special relationship' and what it's like to serve time in a Dubai jail.
30/11/1712m 40s

Trump's Twitter, the Latest on the Brexit Bill and More on North Korea

Richard Suchet looks at the President retweeting a far-right British group, Theo Usherwood has the latest on the Brexit bill and our US correspondent has more on the threat from North Korea
29/11/1711m 14s

Safe Spaces For Drugs, Uber, Jeremy Corbyn & The Royal Engagement

As drug related deaths reach a record high, Richard Suchet looks at whether 'safe spaces' are the solution. Plus more on Uber, Jeremy Corbyn and the royal engagement.
28/11/1711m 3s

The Royal Engagement Special

Richard Suchet brings you everything you need to know about the royal engagement, with a closer look at Meghan Markle and what we can expect from the big day.
27/11/1711m 9s

The Latest on Brexit, a New Era in Zimbabwe and Are Black Friday Deals Worth It?

On the final Daily Debrief of the week, Richard Suchet looks at the latest on Brexit, how Zimbabwe will fare under President Mnangagwa and whether Black Friday deals are all they seem.
24/11/1710m 48s

Can Prison Rehabilitation Work and Will Zaghari-Ratcliffe be Home for Christmas?

As Jon Venables is back in prison, Richard Suchet talks to a convicted murderer about prison and the rehabilitation process. Plus, a look at whether Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe will be home in time for Christmas.
23/11/179m 21s

The Budget Special

Richard Suchet brings you all the fallout from the Chancellor’s Autumn statement with analysis from money saving expert Martin Lewis.
22/11/1713m 41s

Theresa May's Brexit Bill and a Look Ahead to the Budget

On the very first Daily Debrief, Richard Suchet takes a closer look at Theresa May's £40 billion Brexit bill and how else the money could be spent. Plus, a preview of tomorrow's budget, and what we can expect from Chancellor, Philip Hammond.
21/11/1711m 9s

Trailer: The Daily Debrief

Trailer: The Daily Debrief
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