Her Brotherhood w/ Battalion Chief Abby Bolt

Her Brotherhood w/ Battalion Chief Abby Bolt

By Andie & Ben

Abby Bolt is back to let us know what's going on with all these wildfires as well as tell us about her new podcast that celebrates the women on the line who are gonna save our asses when the shit hits the fan aka women of Fire, Military and Police will share their stories to inspire all! Check it out! Go follow them NOW! HerBrotherhood.com    We're bringin' back the "segmented show" with a lighting wall decoration to cheer up our Bunker https://nanoleaf.me/en/   And we answer a mailbag, "what would you do in an apocalypse where if you sleep you'll die?"    Follow us on Facebook and twitter @travisandandie work with us travisandandie@gmail.com
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