Ep. 145: Clothes Make The Kids (If They Could Only Dress Themselves)

Ep. 145: Clothes Make The Kids (If They Could Only Dress Themselves)

By MaximumFun.org

Biz and Theresa try to decide how important OUR style is when it comes to what our kids wear. And does what they wear reflect on the job we're doing as their parents? “I swear my two-year-old really does love vintage! HE picked this out!” When "should" our kids be dressing themselves and what "should" we be doing to help? (If your kid isn't already dressing herself, eh, she probably will once she's in college.) Plus, Biz bears witness, Theresa can't see, and we talk to veterinarian Dr. Katie Gies about how to pick a family dog and how to prepare your pets for a new baby. 

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