138 - May 2018 – LIVE #ActOnThisTV Open Mic Q&A!

138 - May 2018 – LIVE #ActOnThisTV Open Mic Q&A!

By Ross Grant


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Welcome to May 2018's #ActOnThisTV open mic Q&A!

As the summer hots up here in the UK, so does the discussion on this month's Q&A!

Listen to this broadcast to discover why so many actors lose out at castings (before they've even read for the role), why you're MAJORLY missing out, if you're not a PREMIUM member of Act On This, why it's never been a better time to get into voiceover (if you're female and in your 20's), why 'done' is better than perfect + A WHOLE LOT MORE!

If you are an actor who has a higher vision for yourself and your career, come join the Act On This and Bulletproof Actor communities!

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