061 - June 2017 – LIVE #ActOnThisTV Open Mic Q&A!

061 - June 2017 – LIVE #ActOnThisTV Open Mic Q&A!

By Ross Grant

Join me LIVE next time - www.periscope.tv/ActOnThisTV

Welcome BACK to a BRAND NEW, monthly Act On This feature!

I'm very pleased to say that more and more people have been tuning into my LIVE Periscope broadcasts recently - and we now have 400-500 actors watching every Monday and Wednesday night at 9PM (UK time).

I want to make sure I'm giving MAXIMUM value to this audience, so I've decided to open the floor up for an #ActOnThisTV open mic Q&A free for all on the FIRST Monday of each month.

This is YOUR chance to ask me ANYTHING on acting, voiceover, social media marketing, mindset... whatever you like.

Listen to this scope to discover why you should and shouldn't go to casting director workshops, the ONE thing you NEED to be focusing on in your acting career RIGHT NOW, the things I would do if I was starting my acting career again from scratch, how to approach agents for a general audition - and MUCH MUCH MORE!

If you are an actor who has a higher vision for yourself and your career, come join the Act On This and Bulletproof Actor communities!

Act On This - The TV Actors' Network -

Main site: https://www.actonthis.tv

FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/ActOnThisTV/

FB Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/ActOnThisTV

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/actonthistv/

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/ActOnThisTV

Bulletproof Actor -

Main Site: https://www.bulletproofactor.com

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BulletproofAct/

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