Episode 202: Julia Kristeva on Disgust, Fear and the Self (Part Two)

Episode 202: Julia Kristeva on Disgust, Fear and the Self (Part Two)

By Mark Linsenmayer, Wes Alwan, Seth Paskin, Dylan Casey

Continuing on Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection, ch. 1 and 2. We try to get clearer on Kristeva's talk of "object," the relationship between language and abjection, how Kristeva is advancing on Freud, how to be a mom that allows a kid to separate in a healthy way, and how abjection plays into religion and writing.

Listen to part one first, or get the unbroken, ad-free Citizen Edition, and don't miss Mark's Close Reading, available to Citizens and $1+ Patreon members.

End song: "Eyes of Fire" by Jill Freeman, as discussed on Nakedly Examined Music #28.

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