92 // Making Time for Self Care

92 // Making Time for Self Care

By Rachael Kable

Welcome to episode 92 of The Mindful Kind podcast and episode 3 of the life balance mini-series!

You might like to check out my blog post about life balance protectors and disruptors (you'll also discover three simple tips for finding time for self-care): http://www.rachaelkable.com/blog/life-balance-disruptors-and-protectors

In this episode, you'll learn about three major challenges when trying to find time for self-care, including stressful thoughts, not having enough money, or having people in your life who don't understand why your self-care time is so important. 

You'll also find out why being mindful during self-care can help you make the most of your time. 

If you would like to support The Mindful Kind podcast, please head over to www.rachaelkable.com and follow the link to donate- I truly appreciate the support and there are many cool things you can get in return:) 

I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind!

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