87 // Dealing With Challenging People

87 // Dealing With Challenging People

By Rachael Kable

Hello and welcome to episode 87 of The Mindful Kind podcast!

In this episode, I'm answering the most common question my listeners ask me, which is how to deal with challenging people. 

So, here are my top 5 tips:

1 // Acknowledge how you feel and show yourself some self-compassion. 

2 // Remember that your perspective/experience isn't the same as anyone's else's.

3 // Communicate! You might like to revisit episodes 24 and 60 for tips on mindful listening and communication. 

4 // Build you own confidence and sense of self-worth. To read an article I wrote on this topic, head to: www.rachaelkable.com/blog/mindful-and-powerful-confidence-tips

5 // Have a safe way to debrief (and don't send texts or emails about other people!). 

I hope you enjoy the episode and have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind:)

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