CACP - #158 - Sex Toys and Cookies

CACP - #158 - Sex Toys and Cookies

By Cocktails and Cream Puffs

Just seven more days of Christmas shopping left.  Avoid the hassle of the crowds and let Amazon do the work via the Cocktails and Cream Puffs link of course. 

This week we addressed the horrible tragedy that occurred this past Friday in Connecticut.  Let's hope in the New Year we can make our world a safer place.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and the community.

The second half of the show includes shop lifting, sex toys, birthday cake, cruising, and Christmas cookies.  Something for everyone!

If the Mayan Calendar is wrong and the end of the world does not occur on Friday, we will be having our LIVE Christmas Spectacular at 9pm EST on  If there are right, oh well.

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