CACP - #91 - Liza's Back!

CACP - #91 - Liza's Back!

By Cocktails and Cream Puffs

Liza's Back! - October kicks off National Gay Pride Month and what a better way than to scream from the mountain tops “Liza’s back and she’s better than ever”.  This week Joey is over joyed having the outstanding good fortune to see the ever fabulous Liza (that’s with a Z) Minnelli.  Also this installment we review the top ten TV theme songs as voted on by Rolling Stone Magazine and also add about a dozen more that they clearly omitted.  Matt shares a touching story of devotion having recently seen another gay icon in concert, K.D. Lang.  We also explore the top ten grossing celebrities of the year, discuss Alexis Stewart’s new tell all book ala Mommie Dearest and breaking news, the founder of Apple, Steve Jobs has succumbed to cancer.

This episode is sponsored by Amazon.  For all your shopping needs go to our link at including this episodes closing song “My Own Best Friend” performed by Liza Minnelli from her album Liza’s at the Palace.

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