190 // Relaxation and Mindfulness

190 // Relaxation and Mindfulness

By Rachael Kable

Hello and welcome to episode 190 of The Mindful Kind podcast and the first episode of the relaxation mini-series!

I'm so excited to let you know about the brand new free relaxation challenge I've created which you can sign up for here: https://www.rachaelkable.com/podcast/190

You'll receive a beautiful PDF workbook, email support from me for the duration of the challenge and a deep breathing video class at the end of the challenge!

In this episode, I've shared three soothing and relaxing activities, including:

Lying on your bed with your legs up the wall and listening to meditation music Taking a bath with soothing aromas Doing something creative and fun

I've also talked about why mindfulness is so important during relaxation practices and you can also learn more about that in my book, The Mindful Kind: https://www.rachaelkable.com/themindfulkindbook

Thank you so much for listening and I hope you have a wonderful week, Mindful Kind. 

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