A new tone from some in GOP on climate change -- but mostly behind closed doors

A new tone from some in GOP on climate change -- but mostly behind closed doors


We're bringing you an episode of POLITICO's Global Translations, a show about big global problems that will take a certain amount of creativity to solve.  Driven by a public clamoring for action and pressure from corporate CEOs, lawmakers are noting an evolution in attitudes toward climate action among some of their Republican colleagues – a subtle but significant shift in tone that could pave the way for modest legislation this year. Guests include:Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR)Rep. Francis Rooney (R-FL)Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE)Catherine McKenna, Canada’s first foreign minister for climate and the environmentDan Byers, U.S. Chamber of CommerceIf you like the episode, check out the show wherever you listen.
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