OA313: Devin Nunes Is A Crazy Cow Farmer

OA313: Devin Nunes Is A Crazy Cow Farmer

By Opening Arguments Media LLC

Today's episode takes a deep dive into the latest bizarre lawsuit filed by perhaps America's most-despised Trump sycophant, California Rep. Devin Nunes. Learn all about Nunes's thrice-disciplined lawyer and the theory so crazy it must be heard (and read) to be believed.

We begin, however, with an incredibly insightful listener question regarding the bill of attainder doctrine and whether it would apply to the hypothetical Poke Ted Cruz Act of 2021 discussed during our latest live show.

Then, it's time to break down Devin Nunes's lawsuit piece by piece, in which you'll learn all about civil RICO lawsuits ... and why they don't remotely apply to the paranoid conspiracy theory connecting Robert Mueller to Fusion GPS to the Daily Caller to... the Center for Accountability? It's a wild ride, so strap in!

After that, it's time for another listener question regarding the guys' views on policy debates vs. "scorched earth" during the Democratic primary.

And then, it's time to see if Thomas can turn around his recent losing streak with a #T3BE question involving an offer to sell a pickup truck, acceptance via mail, and revocation by phone. Who wins? Listen and find out!


None! If you’d like to have either of us as a guest on your show, drop us an email at openarguments@gmail.com.

Show Notes & Links

In the opening segment, we discussed the bill of attainder doctrine explained in U.S. v. Lovett, 328 U.S. 303 (1946). Oh man, you have to read the Devin Nunes lawsuit for yourself. Check out the new Larry Klayman's AVVO page detailing his prior suspensions. Civil RICO can be found at 18 U.S.C. § 1961 et seq. In the last segment, we mention this atrocious hit piece in the Jacobin.

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