No Place For Love

No Place For Love

By Slate Podcasts

Prudence is joined this week by Grace Lavery, an Associate Professor in the Department of English at UC Berkeley.  Prudie and Lavery tackle letters about how to decide if you should you let your best friend raise your troubled daughter, what to do when neither you nor your girlfriend have living situations where you both can hang out in, how to know if you are gender nonbinary, should you apologize to your fellow commuters after accidentally playing a particularly provocative part of the Dear Prudence podcast on your phone’s speaker, what to do when your nephew’s act of stealing an item of your clothing is driving a wedge through your whole family.  Slate Plus members get an additional mini-episode of Dear Prudence every Friday. Sign up now to listen.  Email:  Production by Phil Surkis Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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