Why Do I Sing And What Does It Mean For You

Why Do I Sing And What Does It Mean For You

By Gavan Wall

What have you got inside that you need to let out so it can find its place and its purpose? 

Gavan is explaining why he enjoys singing and the importance of embracing your uniqueness as part of your very special superpowers. 

You are only ever going to be average if you do the same as others so listening to how Gavan celebrates his uniqueness could help you to see the vital importance of being and doing you, not someone else or what you think that society thinks you should do. 

This is an inspiring and entertaining episode that puts a spotlight on what is really important in life, listen in and be inspired. 



You might not realise but everything you say or do leaves an indication of who you are 

Cynical people – are often those who think I’m pretending to be this bad at singing,  they are looking for an agenda in everything they see. 

They take nothing at face value, everything and everyone is up to something 

Those who take it for what it seems to be – the chief walrus singing and just larking about. 

I see this group as the contented people – in reality, this is the optimum state of mind 

There is a group who are smart -they don’t care what others think. When you release yourself from caring you can try new things you wouldn’t otherwise try and these are the things that make you unique. 

They are your own superpowers but you hide them away because you are afraid of what others might think. 

Embrace your uniqueness. 

Let’s unite in our uniqueness because that’s our superpower, we are different you are only ever going to get average if you do what every other f#cker is doing. 

The reason behind my singing on the podcasts is I don’t give a f#ck what people think, and it stands me in very good stead with everything I do. 

I want people to like my material, to like me because I have a message of hope and opportunity and I want to share it with as many people as possible  

When it comes to my singing I would like others to like it, but if they don’t, they don’t and that’s ok. 

You do you, don’t do someone else, or don’t do who you think that society thinks you should do. 



‘It’s a miserable existence to be carrying that amount of suspicion about the rest of your fellow humans’ 

‘What have you got inside that you need to let out so it can find its place and its purpose?’ 

‘You have to find that thing and place for yourself’ 

‘It was the genesis of my awareness, some people not being able to see the beauty in my singing’ 



Speed Mentor Podcast 

Gavan Wall website   

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Credit to Cat Stevens -"Morning Has Broken"



Welcome to the Speed Mentor Podcast.  

Do you want success and abundance in your life?!  

Do you want to hear how to achieve it?  

Then you’ve come to the right place where the world’s only Speed Mentor, Gavan Wall will mainline you with micro bite-sized chunks of inspiration fused with knowledge, built into a daily routine to help you deliver success.  

After walking away, a decade ago from his gilded life as a leading Barrister and property investor, Gavan Wall started his entrepreneurial career in inauspicious circumstances as he lost everything in the property crash.   

But he refused to give up, re-building a financial fortress from scratch, until now he leads multiple successful multi-million £ companies across FMCG, Franchise, Tech, Property and Mentoring.  

He’s the Speed Mentor and serial entrepreneur, who shares with you all the breadcrumbs of success and just as importantly the failures. If you listen you can avoid the potholes and learn to conquer your fear and live a life of success and abundance just like him.  

But be warned, his message can be stark and will not be for those seeking shortcuts. If you’re wanting to be told that the law of attraction will deliver success wrapped in a bow to your front door, then this Podcast isn’t for you, as that’s never going to happen! It’s time to own your own sh#t, never blame others and take the massive action to create the attraction.  

The opportunities and whitespace are everywhere. Gavan will help you get outside your comfort zone, connect with others, shed the scarcity mindset, set gorilla goals and achieve so much more.   

If you want to make your ideas soar…then talk to the Wall!  



Gavan’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gavan-wall-b828a56b/   

Gavan’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gavanwall   

Gavan’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/gavanwall   

Speed Mentor Podcast Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpeedMentor   

Subscribe to Gavan Wall’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZyfsl7Au5_tM7gKA_vuitw   

Gavan Wall Official Website: www.gavanwall.com   

Email him at success@gavanwall.com 

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