379: The Everything’s OK Alarm

379: The Everything’s OK Alarm

By Marco Arment, Casey Liss, John Siracusa

THE ATP STORE IS BACK!! Make your purchases until June 7th.

Pre-show: ATP has a new website. (Neutral too!) John talks about Flatland on Sophomore Lit Follow-up: MiniDV import details HandBrakeCLI exiftool Causes for soliciting promo codes Lime-a-Rita Destiny & Cursors iOS 13.4 adds Shared iPad for Business (via Sir Cathy) Are Casey’s Raspberry Pis hardened? John’s smoke detector story from Hypercritical Joe Rogan takes his show to Spotify NetNewsWire #askatp What clipboard managers do we use? (via Play My Jam) Alfred Pastebot LaunchBar Is iOS 13 ready yet? (via Luke Arthur) Would dropping Boot Camp bring backlash? (via someone) Post-show: Life at home status updates

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