EP 17: Gemma Cairney, Broadcaster/Author

EP 17: Gemma Cairney, Broadcaster/Author

By Blacticulate

Gemma Cairney, multi-award-winning broadcaster (BBC 1xtra), Author of the book ‘Open: A toolkit for how magic and messed up life can be, and founder of a production company called Boom Shakalaka.

In today's episode we discussed growing up with a dual heritage; developing your identity in the public eye; the benefits of her debut book 'Open'; and some of the stories that made her the amazing woman she - stories like ’The Faraway Tree book series, The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, Interviewing Grace Jones, to name but a few.

Follow Gemma Cairney on,

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/gemmacairney Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gemagain/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/gemcairn

Music By,

ES_Globetrotter - Adriel Fair

And for more information on Blacticulate productions please visit https://blacticulate.com/

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