Room 101 For All The Lockdown Sayings You Can't Stand

Room 101 For All The Lockdown Sayings You Can't Stand

By Gavan Wall

In this entertaining episode Gavan gets to grip with the lockdown sayings we’ve all become so familiar with but what purpose are they serving and should we really be marching them off to room 101?

Herd immunity, stay alert and flattening the curve along with #WFH and Covidiot have all become a part of our vernacular but what do they really mean and will we still be using them in the future? Listen in and decide if you agree with Gavan.



Herd immunity -  It works when there is a vaccine or appropriate safety measures in place, but unfortunately, none of the other constituents of a controlled herd immunity were deployed! Quentin quarantino – amateur short videos, mostly on tik tok, that people are now saying are amusing, they are not and if you are an adult you should get off tik tok now! Covidiot – someone ignoring government advice. There is a certain percentage of the population who will always be idiots with or without Covid19! Stay Alert – Unbelievably people were paid money to come up with this slogan! #WFH – pandemic and technology means large numbers of us are now working from home is this a change we can grow and sustain? Flattening the curve – Now there are now 60 million experts on flattening the curve, have we seen the death of experts?   Self-isolation, social distancing – will these words fade from our vocabulary in time? The elephant in the zoom – the moment you spot something in someone’s zoom that shouldn’t be there, how will this go as we continue our skills with virtual interaction?



‘We didn’t go for herd immunity we did the equivalent of penning gazelles in the Serengeti and then tossed in the hungry lions’

‘The elephant in the zoom is a thing of beauty’

‘This is a change that can potentially bring great opportunities for everyone’



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Do you want success and abundance in your life?! 

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Then you’ve come to the right place where the world’s only Speed Mentor, Gavan Wall will mainline you with micro bite-sized chunks of inspiration fused with knowledge, built into a daily routine to help you deliver success. 

After walking away, a decade ago from his gilded life as a leading Barrister and property investor, Gavan Wall started his entrepreneurial career in inauspicious circumstances as he lost everything in the property crash. 

But he refused to give up, re-building a financial fortress from scratch, until now he leads multiple successful multi-million £ companies across FMCG, Franchise, Tech, Property and Mentoring. 

He’s the Speed Mentor and serial entrepreneur, who shares with you all the breadcrumbs of success and just as importantly the failures. If you listen you can avoid the potholes and learn to conquer your fear and live a life of success and abundance just like him. 

But be warned, his message can be stark and will not be for those seeking shortcuts. If you’re wanting to be told that the law of attraction will deliver success wrapped in a bow to your front door, then this Podcast isn’t for you, as that’s never going to happen! It’s time to own your own sh#t, never blame others and take the massive action to create the attraction. 

The opportunities and whitespace are everywhere. Gavan will help you get outside your comfort zone, connect with others, shed the scarcity mindset, set gorilla goals and achieve so much more.  

If you want to make your ideas soar…then talk to the Wall! 



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