110: Golden opportunities

110: Golden opportunities

By Planet Porky

It's nearly the weekend and that means it's time for another Planet Porky with Mike Parry and Lesley-Ann Jones. Today the pair discuss: Debbie Harry, litterbugs, learning lessons from lockdown, living in New Zealand, the winter of discontent, doing your own makeup, what your weapon of choice would be in a crisis, Tony Blair and his aides, Prince, Dan Brown's da Vinci deception, self-made millionaires and their personality traits and Porky's new painting. You might even find out why doves fly. It's another cracking episode!  

Don't forget to subscribe so you never miss an episode, with new ones dropping every Tuesday and Friday.

You can follow the show on Twitter: @PlanetPorky while Porky is: @MikeParry8 and Lesley-Ann can be found: @LAJwriter. 

Meanwhile, if you'd like to send a question or comment you can email: planetporkypod@gmail.com. We'd love to hear from you. 
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