£04.00 - Tax-Free Investing?!?  That's what I'm talkin' bout!!

£04.00 - Tax-Free Investing?!? That's what I'm talkin' bout!!

By Naked Money

Another episode and we're another step closer to making ONE MILLION POUNDS. Tabletop figurines, free returns, respiratory relief, and yo-yo markets all stand before us.

What's even better is we're going to learn how to do it tax-free! "Is that even legal?", I hear you ask. The Naked Trader has made some very hefty brides to government tax regulators to look the other way... Or there's a type of account that lets you do it - I can't remember which. Have a listen to find out!

Get in touch with us on the socials @nakedmoneypodcast or nakedmoneypodcast@gmail.com and find out more about what The Naked Trader is up to at nakedtrader.co.uk
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