233: The Disappearance of Rebecca Modrall

233: The Disappearance of Rebecca Modrall

By Be Here For A While

Rachael is joined by Reyna and Marie of the "Those Murder Girls Podcast" to discuss a case that hits close to home.

On February 5, 2019, 33-year-old Rebecca Modrall drove to one of the houses her boyfriend, Joe Coker, owned in La Quinta, California. Joe had called her and asked her to come over so he could cook her dinner. Rebecca was seen on camera entering the gated community where Joe lived and her truck was later seen exiting with two people driving it, none of which were Rebecca. That was the last sighting of Rebecca Modrall. Rebecca had plans to meet up with a friend after visiting Joe, but she never made it. Her friend sent her numerous text messages and called her phone, but the messages went unread and the calls unreturned. Rebecca’s family believes they know what happened to her but they wonder if money and political influence have gotten in the way of solving her case. 

If you have any information about the disappearance of Rebecca Modrall, you are asked to call the Riverside County Sheriff’s Office at 951-955-2450.

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