25. Earth Is Still Hiring with Peta Kelly

25. Earth Is Still Hiring with Peta Kelly

By Melissa Wells

Peta Kelly is a speaker, author and entrepreneur who has inspired a generation to live, lead, earn and give more consciously.

After a career fuelled by living on purpose, she came down from ‘new age amnesia’ – with some realisations. Living consciously can become an excuse to judge others. A lot of game-changers are actually miserable. Are we all just taking ourselves a little too seriously? How can we grow and care… and still enjoy life too?

As well as being a successful entrepreneur, author, and mother who is changing the world for millennials, Peta intends to help other millennials to feel more aligned with themselves, what they want, and where they’re going in life and in business.

In this episode, we spoke on connecting with, embodying and channeling our truth in all aspects of our lives. Peta’s effortlessly authentic energy is infectious, and you will be hanging on every word, as was I…

Time Stamps

2:40 What is earth hiring us to do in 2020

9:40 The struggles with growing and learning in the digital space

16:30 Channeling our truth

22:10 Inside Peta’s new book

29:00 Can we all be connected to our truth if we believe in different things?

36:10 Imagining a world without governance or the media

47:00 Mel’s 3 questions

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Mentioned in this episode:

Earth Is Hiring

Peta's website

Heart UK