Ingeborg Van Lotringen: Beauty Industry Secrets

Ingeborg Van Lotringen: Beauty Industry Secrets

By Global Media & Entertainment

In this episode I get to know the award-winning beauty, health and lifestyle journalist Ingeborg Van Lotringen. Ingeborg, who was Cosmpolitan UK's Beauty Director for 14 years, is loved for her no BS journalism. She's an inquisitive writer who isn't afraid to ask difficult questions and tell things as they are. No-where is this more obvious than in her brilliant book ‘Great skin – Secrets The Beauty Industry Doesn’t Tell You’ which was recommended to me by Sherna Malone. The minute I read it, I knew I had to interview Ingeborg. She was a woman after my own heart.
In this episode we talk about the good and bad things about the beauty industry, brands and products that Ingeborg loves, why PHAs are great for our skin and why brands need to be more transparent about products. We also discuss natural and synthetic beauty and why both can go hand in hand.
I loved chatting to Ingeborg...she's a well informed journalist with unquestionable integrity and she's not afraid to ask hard questions to fight the consumer's cause.
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