The Metcalf Sniper Attack

The Metcalf Sniper Attack

By Unresolved Productions

"... the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the (power) grid that has ever occurred."

In the early morning hours of April 16th, 2013, a group or individual would attack an electrical substation just outside of San Jose, California. Armed with at least two rifles, this mysterious entity would open fire on the station's transformers, destroying more than a dozen and causing more than $15 million in damages.

Years later, federal officials still have no idea who perpetrated this bizarre attack on America's power grid - or why.

Episode hosted, produced, and research/writing by Micheal Whelan

Original music created by Micheal Whelan through Amper Music

Theme music created and composed by Ailsa Traves

Producers: Roberta Janson, Ben Krokum, Gabriella Bromley, Steven Wilson, Quil Carter, Travis Scsepko, Laura Hannan, Bryan Hall, Damion Moore, Scott Meesey, Amy Hampton, Scott Patzold, Marie Vanglund, Astrid Kneier, Aimee McGregor, Jo Wong, Sara Moscaritolo, Sydney Scotton, Thomas Ahearn, Marion Welsh, Patrick Laakso, Meadow Landry, Tatum Bautista, Sally Ranford, Kevin McCracken, Ruth Durbin, Michele Watson, Jared Midwood, Teunia Elzinga, Ryan Green, Jacinda C., Stephanie Joyner, and Cherish Brady

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