620: Champagne Or Beer, Free Agent Status, Running A Brothel

620: Champagne Or Beer, Free Agent Status, Running A Brothel

By Everyday Driver

When you have taste in cars and are unwilling to compromise, yet your budget demands that you must, what’s next? Michael W. in Phoenix is in this very situation, so the guys debate choices. Then, Nathan R. in IL awaits his free agent status once he turns in his lease. Social media questions ask if a Slingshot is ever an acceptable rental, how do you convince your neighbors you aren’t a drug dealer, and how do car design teams measure success? Seasons 1-8 are available on Amazon Prime and Vimeo worldwide, and Season 9 commences on the Motor Trend cable channel beginning July 3, 2021! Please rate and review us on iTunes, and the TV show on IMDB and Amazon. Write to us with your Car Debates, Car Conclusions, and Topic Tuesdays at everydaydrivertv@gmail.com or everydaydriver.com. Share the podcast with your car enthusiast friends! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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