232 - Take it to the Bridge: A Conversation on the Be the Bridge Facebook Ministry Group

232 - Take it to the Bridge: A Conversation on the Be the Bridge Facebook Ministry Group

By Be the Bridge

The Be the Bridge Facebook Ministry group was formed in 2020 and is a place for those in leadership in the church to lean into the conversation of racial righteousness. It provides a courageous space for learning, growing, and helping the Church lead in a proactive way. In this episode, founder of Be the Bridge, Latasha Morrison, is joined with the leader of the ministry group, Mariah Humphries, as well as two of the members of it, Brian Kilde and Annie Banceu, to share their experience in the group. This podcast episode reveals their journey of what pushed them into bridge building work and why they continue in it when pushback comes. It will encourage you to know you’re not alone in this important work.

Host & Executive Producer - Latasha Morrison
Senior Producer - Lauren C. Brown
Producer, Editor & Music By - Travon Potts
Transcriber - Sarah Connatser


“Ultimately, one of the reasons for starting Be the Bridge was because I really wanted to see the Church, the body of Christ, be more of a credible witness in this conversation.” -Tasha

“Sometimes people don't know, because they don't have the information. But when they're provided the information, they do better.” -Tasha

“I've got a heart for the American church. And for me to have a desire for the American church to change, I need to be able to also have a heart for those who are leading the American church.” -Mariah

“This work starts with humility.” -Tasha

“At Be the Bridge, we're not trying to convince people of stuff. We want you to come already convinced and ready to do the work and ready to replicate and reproduce the work.” -Tasha

“It is a place to make mistakes, it is a place for us to be educated and trained and discipled and relearn.” -Brian

“Racism is a place of spiritual formation just as much as every other area of life, and is a sin that needs to be called out, confessed in humility, and repented from, and repaired.” -Brian

“People of color, leaders of color, pastors of color, help me see fuller God's glory in imago dei.” -Annie

“It's my heart and my passion for the Church to take on a rightful place in this conversation and not be reactive but be proactive, because this is such gospel work.” -Mariah



Podcast link: https://podlink.to/BeTheBridgeSocial handles/links: Instagram: @LatashaMorrisonTwitter: @LatashaMorrisonFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/LatashaMMorrison/Official Hashtag: #bethebridge

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