Building Resilient Smart Communities, with Renato De Castro

Building Resilient Smart Communities, with Renato De Castro

By Zoe Eather

Hi #smartcommunity friends! In this episode of the Smart Community Podcast I have a great chat with Renato De Castro a Smart City Expert and author of the book City SmartUp: a new era of smarter cities. He is currently located in the Middle East region, working as a Smart City Senior Advisor at RMA, advising local government entities and developers in Smart City planning. Renato tells us about his background in and passion for Smart Cities, the changes Renato has noticed in this space since 2009, we discuss the natural process of Smart Cities before Renato tells us what a Smart Community is to him. Renato then tells us about the task force he helped start with his children's school and other parents which set up their region for digital schooling when the Covid-19 pandemic hit Italy, and the personal benefit he got from this experience as well as the benefit to his region and community. We then discuss the importance of resilience in communities especially since the Covid-19 pandemic and Renato tells us all about his dissertation and guide to building Smart Cities through 'SmartUp' and the 4 p's; people, public, private and partnerships. We finish our chat discussing the emerging trends of localisation in our communities, more investments and efforts into tech and more focus on human-centric communities. As always, we hope you enjoyed this episode as much as we enjoyed making it! Find the full show notes at: Connect with Renato via LinkedIn Connect with me via email: Connect with My Smart Community via LinkedIn or Twitter and watch on YouTube The Smart Community Podcast is produced by Perk Digital
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