Episode 99: Skyfall

Episode 99: Skyfall

By Michael Tucker

The BTS team discusses Skyfall's incredible cinematography, the film's overall place in the James Bond franchise, and the characters' relationships, including the poignant send-off of M.


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Beyond the Screenplay: https://twitter.com/BTScreenplay

Michael Tucker: https://twitter.com/michaeltuckerla

Tricia Aurand: https://twitter.com/TriciaJeanA

Brian Bitner: https://twitter.com/BrianBitner

Alex Calleros: https://twitter.com/Alex_Calleros

Produced by Vince Major: https://twitter.com/VinceMajor

Edited by Eric Schneider: https://twitter.com/ImEricSchneider

Website: http://lessonsfromthescreenplay.com

For Inquiries and Booking: Vince@Plusfortyseven.com

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