318: Premium Filler

318: Premium Filler

By Extra Hot Great: This Week In TV

We're off this week but we've glued together three listener-suggested topics from our Patreon supporter bonus podcast Extra Extra Hot Great.

EEHG 055: Series Starter Kits

Nicole tasked us: Each of you pick a show and then give your 5 most essential or favorite episodes from that show and discuss why they are in your top five.

EEHG 059: The Can'tnon

Seth White figured since this feed is a little looser than EHG Prime, that we should talk about our favourite episodes of a show that, for some reason, would never make it into The Canon and why they have that connection.

EEHG 064: Three With Mustard

With theaters temporarily shuttered, diction and pronunciation in television is more important than ever. Make a short list of the greatest word pronunciations  in TV history, and which characters felt the need to add that extra "bit of mustard" to their speech.


Lead Topic: 📺 Series Starter Kits

Lead Topic: 😪 The Can'tnon

Lead Topic: 🌭 Three With Mustard


🗒 Full episode notes can be found on the episode 318 page on ExtraHotGreat.com

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