Thomas & LA Ramon..ARTOCRACY: Mining Humanity Using Surveillance

Thomas & LA Ramon..ARTOCRACY: Mining Humanity Using Surveillance

By BeverlyD

Re Broadcast 3/21/2019 Join LA Ramon & Thomas Smith (Tutmose) NY ARTOCRACY: "Mining Humanity using Surveillance". This evening we will discuss how and why we, humanity, are currently being Data Mined using Surveillance. We will discuss how Industrial Capitalism is being replaced by a new paradigm of Capitalism called Surveillance Capitalism. We will explain role the Deep Web and Dark Web plays in Mining our data and storing our Mined Data. We will also discuss a Mining apparatus yet to be released to the public called Google Stadia. Please call in and feel free to ask questions, make statements and offer solutions. We are entering this new Age of Surveillance Captialism together and have the ability to have very important conversations to prepare for it before it is too late. Note: in a Capitalist System it is called Surveillance Capitalism and in a Socialist System it is called Social Credit.
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