OA756: Twitter's Lawyers Dunk on Musk in Trump LOLsuit

OA756: Twitter's Lawyers Dunk on Musk in Trump LOLsuit

By Opening Arguments Media LLC

Liz and Andrew break down the latest filing by Twitter proving that the Twitter Files don't say anything like what Elon Musk said they did. So, to summarize: Twitter still isn't in cahoots with the Deep State to censor conservatives.

Then, it's time for some great news out of Florida as a federal judge blocks Florida's obscene law prohibiting the prescription of puberty blockers for three trans kids.

In the Patreon bonus, Liz and Andrew further debunk that Twitter is being paid $$$BILLIONS$$$ to... censor conservatives.

Trump Motion for Indicative Ruling https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cand.387133/gov.uscourts.cand.387133.191.0.pdf 

Trump Motion for Relief From Judgment

Twitter reply to Indicative Motion

O’Handley v. Weber

FL PI Injunction

Twitter Admits in Court Filing: Elon Musk Is Simply Wrong About Government Interference At Twitter

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