The Thing on the Fourble Board - With Guest Gabriel Urbina

The Thing on the Fourble Board - With Guest Gabriel Urbina

By Elena Fernández Collins | Hug House Productions

This week, Gabriel Urbina, writer and director of WOLF 359, joins me for a segment we're calling "Going Deep"; together, the two of us investigate one of Gabriel's favorite classic audio dramas, 1948's "The Thing on the Fourble Board" from QUIET, PLEASE. We play the feature, and then Gabriel and I take it apart, piece by piece, trying to unlock precisely what it is that makes "The Thing on the Fourble Board" so damn spooky.

Music credits:
"Danger DigiDoo" is licensed from DJ Stranger Danger.
"Devil's Candy Shop" by Nigel Simmons is licensed under a Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Generic License.
"Poppyseed" by Podington Bear is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International License.
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