Attwood Unleashed 118: Jimmy Savile, Tupac, Skinwalker Ranch, Aliens & MH370

Attwood Unleashed 118: Jimmy Savile, Tupac, Skinwalker Ranch, Aliens & MH370

By Shaun Attwood Podcast

Attwood Unleashed is a weekly thought-provoking multi-hour broadcast with an eclectic range of guests hosted by Shaun Attwood and Stephen Knight and produced by Ash Meikle.
Was Jimmy Savile A Narcissistic Psychopath? Richard Grannon
Utah’s Skinwalker Ranch & The Shape of Shadows: Tony Merkel
Flight MH370 & Aliens: Ashton Forbes
Unidentified Alien Podcast Host:
Tupac Shakur: Duane Davis charged with 1996 Murder: John Potash
Survivors of Childhood SA: Lawyer Dino Nocivelli
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