Thomas "TUTMOSE" Smith CURRENT EVENTS, Geopolotics, World War 3 and Technology

Thomas "TUTMOSE" Smith CURRENT EVENTS, Geopolotics, World War 3 and Technology

By BeverlyD

Biden was FORCED to tell Israel to Pause the Bombing of innocent people or else. By who?  We will explain what is going on in the Middle East and the Geopolitical ramifications if the US continues to allow mass murders.  Are we heading to WW3? Underground Tunnel war technology unleashed by Israel. Hamas has a network of tunnels under the feet of both the Gaza and Israeli citizens. Israel dropping Sponge Bombs in the tunnels. What are Sponge Bombs?   Elon Musk is back at it, dropping bombs on the elites who are trying to destroy his companies with ESG Ratings. He keeps the Globalist on defense. We will discuss.  Much more to discuss this week.  Round○Table aka Mound 🏔 Table format, everyone's opinion is important. Please press #1
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