855: The Movie Dumping Ground, Welcome To BrisVegas, A Jaguar Comeback?

855: The Movie Dumping Ground, Welcome To BrisVegas, A Jaguar Comeback?

By Everyday Driver

Movies released at different times of the year tell you everything you need to know—or not? The guys debate GT cars for Matt A. in Australia, who is transitioning upward and is ready for something cool. Evan H. works for a Detroit OEM and loves cars, but feels like he’s losing inspiration. Social media questions ask if manufacturers will apply lessons learned from the badge engineering phase of the ‘80s, why are American car companies so bad at building small cars, and what would the guys do to bring Jaaaag back? Please rate + review us on iTunes, and subscribe to our two YouTube channels. Write us with your Car Debates, Car Conclusions, and Topic Tuesdays at everydaydrivertv@gmail.com or everydaydriver.com. Don’t forget to share the podcast with your car enthusiast friends! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices
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