Breaking Barriers and Empowering Women with Nafisa Bakkar

Breaking Barriers and Empowering Women with Nafisa Bakkar

By Alice Liveing

In this special episode for International Women's Day, Alice interviews Nafisa Bakkar, an influential figure and entrepreneur working to create significant change for women in business. As co-founder and CEO of Amalia, a leading platform for Muslim women in the UK, Nafisa shares her experience from her journey to success, highlights on the importance of diversity, her inspirations, struggles, and her unique take on balancing work and personal life. You can purchase Nafisa's book here. You can pre-order Alice's new book Give Me Strength: How I Turned My Back on Restriction, Nurtured the Body I Love, and How You Can Too here. We would love hear from YOU! Email us at Listen by clicking ‘Play’ on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever it is you’re listening now. Make sure to Subscribe or Follow, Rate and Review to help others find the podcast. Give Me Strength is an Insanity Studios Production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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