Beautiful.AI Interview, Brookestone Closing Shop, High Speed Internet Problems

Beautiful.AI Interview, Brookestone Closing Shop, High Speed Internet Problems

By Computer America

First Segment: Beautiful.AI. Mitch Grasso, CEO/Founder. We've all been there: Your presentation is at 9am tomorrow morning, but instead of rehearsing you’re up at midnight drawing circles and lining up arrows. This can’t be the best way to build a presentation, but until now it’s all we’ve had. The Beautiful.AI team has spent decades working on other people’s presentations—writing them, designing them, and building software to make them. During that time, we’ve watched way too many people bang their heads against the wall trying to turn ideas into visual presentations. And so we decided to do something about it.   Second Segment: Computer and Technology News. Today's Topics Include: Sneaker Company Wants To Stop Scammers GameFly Shutting Down Brookestone Shutting Down High Speed Internet Bad For Us Scary Amazon Alexa Skill For full show notes, check out!
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