Popzara Magazine, Talking Amazon Facial Recognition, Samsung Displays, More!

Popzara Magazine, Talking Amazon Facial Recognition, Samsung Displays, More!

By Computer America

Both Segments: Popzara Magazine. Nathan Evans, Managing Editor. Throughout Popzara you’ll experience views on gaming, movies, technology, cultural icons and movements, even politics. Reviews and previews, in-depth analyses, opinion pieces, conversations, news bits, and so much more. We value originality and our diverse staff are committed to bringing this cornucopia of editorial goodness in fair-minded and positive ways, with minimal snark. A little bit of everything for the discriminating reader and curious listener.   Today's Topics Include: Amazon’s Rekognition messes up, matches 28 lawmakers to mugshots https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2018/07/amazons-rekognition-messes-up-matches-28-lawmakers-to-mugshots/ Microsoft’s Xbox Adaptive Controller has packaging that gamers with disabilities can open without their teeth https://www.theverge.com/2018/7/25/17611488/microsoft-xbox-adaptive-controller-unboxing-packaging Samsung Display’s ‘Unbreakable Panel’ Certified by Underwriters Laboratories https://news.samsung.com/us/samsung-displays-unbreakable-panel-certified-underwriters-laboratories/   And more! For full show notes, check out ComputerAmerica.com!
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