Hyperkin Interview, Facebook Hiring Spree, Briton And The Bots

Hyperkin Interview, Facebook Hiring Spree, Briton And The Bots

By Computer America

First Segment: Hyperkin. Chris Gallizzi, Product Manager. Our mission is to provide the video game industry and consumers with a product line that offers new and exciting ideas, sturdy and dependable product construction, attractive packaging and price points that are reasonable to the end-user and profitable for each partner within the supply channel. The peripheral niche of the video game industry is filled with notable competitors and we are determined to rise above the crowd by offering outstanding service and exceptional products.   Second Segment: Computer and Technology News. Today's Topics include: Facebook Hires 1000 People To Police Ads Decentralized Internet Idea Brit's Are Concerned With Connected Homes Equifax Collected Salaries of 7,100 Companies And more! For full show notes, check out ComputerAmerica.com!
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